Games Tips & Tricks
Text File
565 lines
This game is divided into a series of separate episodes. Each episode typically
consists of a real time space combat section and a semi-real time adventure
section. The adventure sections offer different endings depending on how many
puzzles are found and solved by the player. Commendation points up to a maximum
of 4 are awarded to the player at the end of each episode.
While this walkthru describes all the actions necessary to score 100% and 4
commendation points in each and every episode, it does not contain everything
that a player can do. It is left up to the player to experiment other options
and endings.
As a rule, the player should TALK to everyone, including the landing party when
he arrives at a new location. LOOK at everything to find out what's available
for further manipulation. USE Spock's tricorder on as many items as possible
since very often, this would yield additional information and hints.
I can only provide some strategies for the space combat. Use a joystick or a
mouse. It will be extremely difficult to win with the last few battles with the
keyboard. As a rule of thumb, steer towards the enemy and fire the phasor as
often as possible. _Leading_ the enemy with your shots is a must. Save the
photon torpedo for closeup encounter only.
If a ship is dogging your backside and you have trouble bringing him into your
sights, try turning 180 degrees away from him. For example, if he is at 12
o'clock on your scope, try turning towards the bottom of the screen. Another
method that will often work is to slow your ship down, wait till he overtakes
you and then speed up at the right moment so you will be on his tail. Only
problem when you try this is that you will probably get hit by a few rounds.
Aside from the speed keys (1 to 0), don't forget the ` key which is reverse.
Hitting this key when you ship is about to overtake the enemy will allow you
the opportunity for several more rounds of firing at close range. Following
these tactics and assuming that you score 100% in each episode, space combat
is really not that difficult except during the very last battle. Some special
strategies are included in the last episode that hopefully will make that a
little easier to win.
You are involved in a mock battle with the USS Republic. Use this opportunity
to learn how to lead your shots and to get used to the various maneuvers. Since
it's a mock battle, no real damage is incurred in either ship. If either ship
gets hit too many times, the computer will declare the other the winner. You
should play this sequence over again until you are comfortable with the mouse
and other controls. It is not difficult at all to be victorious over the
Once the battle is over, you will receive the mission orders from Star Fleet
Command. TALK to Chekhov to plot a course for Pollux. Check to make sure that
the shields are down and the weapons are offline. TALK to Zulu to orbit the
TALK to Spock to get some useful information about Pollux V. USE Spock's
computer to check out: POLLUX, ACOLYTES, PRELATE, ANGIVEN. TALK to Uhura to
receive the message from the High Prelate Robert Angiven. Organize a landing
party. (Click on Kirk then click on the Landing Party icon.)
The landing party is now on the planet surface. LOOK at the sign. LOOK at
the High Prelate. TALK to the High Prelate. Choose the following dialog pieces:
1, 1 and 1. Enter the door on the right.
TALK to Brother Stephan (the man in black). USE the medical tricorder on the
bandaged man. Brother Stephen will tell you about the Laraxian Berry that can
be synthesized into Hypo-Dytoxin which is the medicine needed to cure the
bandaged man.
Exit the building and then walk up the road to the outside of the cave. Here
you will be ambushed by three entities that look like the Klingons. As soon as
you seen them pop up from behind the bushes, USE the Phasor set for stun and
fire at the Klingons in succession. There should be plenty of time to knock off
all three without suffering any casualty in return.
As they fall, you will be told that one of the Klingons' hand has been broken
off. USE Spock's tricorder on the hand and on the Klingons. GET the hand. Uhura
will hail you on the communicator. Just read the dialog and continue. Walk to
the cave entrance. USE McCoy's tricorder on the red berries. GET berries.
Return to the road outside the building. This time enter the door on the left.
USE the berries on Brother Stephen. He will tell you to use the synthesizer,
which is the machine on the right. Use Spock's tricorder on the synthesizer.
Then USE the berries on the synthesizer to make Hypo-Dytoxin which will appear
in your inventory. Go outside and then enter the right door. USE the
Hypo-Dytoxin on Brother Chub (the bandaged man). TALK to Brother Chub, Brother
Roberts and Brother Grisnash to find out more about the demons.
Return to the laboratory. USE the Klingon's hand on Brother Stephan. He tells
you that the circuits in the hand has been damaged and that you should use his
work bench to try to fix it. USE the Klingon's hand on the work bench which is
in the middle bottom part of the screen.
LOOK at the display case at the right bottom part of the screen. USE the
display case. Stephan will ask you if you are interested. Be sure to choose
dialog #2! This will get Stephan to describe all 5 items in the display case.
Cycle through all 5 choices. GET the display case. This will bring up a
close up view of the case. GET the skull and the piece of metal.
LOOK at the computer at the left bottom part of the screen. USE Spock's
tricorder on the computer and then USE the computer. (It is important that
you LOOK at the computer. For some reason, it is the LOOK action that scores
the points here although the tricorder reveals far more information.)
Return to the cave entrance. Enter the cave. USE the phasor set to maximum and
fire at the boulders blocking the door. Be sure to fire at the big boulder on
the left first. After all the blockage has been cleared, help the injured man
by USEing McCoy's tricorder and then the medical kit on him. TALK to him
(Brother Kandrey).
USE Spock's tricorder at the panel on the right side of the door. USE the
Klingon's hand in the panel. This opens the door. Enter. Here you will see
a drawing of three circular objects, below which is a panel with 3 sliding
switches. USE Spock's tricorder on the drawing.
USE the panel with the 3 sliding switches. This will bring up a close up of
the panel. Line up all three switches in the middle of their slots. This opens
up a secret door and a hybernation chamber appears. An alien emerges from the
TALKing to the alien brings up an overall explanation that answers all the
remaining questions concerning this episode. Choose dialogs 2 and 2 for Kirk.
Dr. McCoy will remind you about the skull. USE the skull on the alien. Choose
dialog 1. Then USE the metal piece on the alien. That's it. Read the dialog and
then watch the landing party being beamed back aboard the Enterprise.
After receiving mission instructions from Star Fleet, TALK to Checkhov to
plot a course for Beta Myamid. As soon as you arrive, you will be greeted by an
Elasi pirate ship. Raise your shield and arm your weapon! The Elasi ship is
very fast. You will have to _lead_ him with your shots. The good news is that
he only has photon torpedoes which are effective only in close range. His
shields are not very strong and a few good shots from the Enterprise will be
enough to make him turn tail and run.
TALK to Zulu to orbit the planet. You will discover the USS Masada once you
have achieved standard orbit. TALK to Spock to learn about using a command
prefix code to secretly lower the shield of USS Masada to allow a landing party
to beam aboard.
TALK to Uhura to hail the USS Masada. You will be talking to Elasi Cereth, the
pirate who hijacked the Federation ship. Select dialogs 1, 1 and 1. TALK to
Spock and ask the computer about: Masada, Keeler, Elasi, Menalvagor, Andorian,
Cereth, Ajelasi. The computer supplies the prefix code when you ask about
TALK to Uhura again and this time ask her to send the prefix code. Type in the
16 digit code and include the two hyphens. The shield of the Masada is now
lowered. TALK to Zulu to lower the Enterprise's shield. It's time to send in
the landing party.
The landing party arrives in the transporter room on board the USS Masada.
First thing you will notice is that most of the equipment has been destroyed as
a result of a recent battle and The transporter officer is lying on the floor.
USE McCoy's tricorder on the transporter officer then USE the medical kit on
the officer.
The transporter officer will show you his tool panel on the wall. LOOKing
inside the panel reveals a Runcinate Transmogrifier, a tool used to fix
transporters. GET the transmogrifier. USE Spock's tricorder on the transporter
console then USE Spock himself on the transporter console to attempt to repair
it. Finally USE the transmogrifier on the console. Here you learn that a comb
bit is needed to work with the tool. Exit through the door on the right.
You are now in a corridor. Directly ahead of you is a door that leads to the
bridge. About halfway down the right wall is another door that's barely showing.
This door leads to the brig. (LOOKing at this door will give you that
information.) LOOK at the pile of junk at the lower right corner. GET the pile
of junk which includes several empty phasors, a phasor welder and bits of metal.
The phasor welder is drained. You need to recharge it using a full phasor. USE
your phasor that's set to maximum. Then select INVENTORY, and select the welder.
(This is equivalent to USEing the phasor on the phasor welder.) The phasor
welder is now charged. Next, USE the phasor welder on the bits of metal. Voila,
you have just made a comb bit for the transmogrifier. USE the bit on the
Return to the transporter room. USE the transmogrifier on the transporter
console. Spock tells you that he now needs some long wire. Return to the
corridor, and enter the door to the brig. Once inside the brig you will
encounter two pirates guarding the ship's crew. USE the phasor set for stun on
the two guards. There is plenty of time to shoot both guards before they can
get off a single shot.
USE Spock's tricorder on the switch to the right of the triangular jail
entrance. Next, USE the tricorder on the object just inside the triangle. Now
you know that the switch has been booby trapped. USE Spock on the wires just
below the switch. Spock will easily defuse the bomb. Next, GET the wire. USE
the switch to turn off the blue force field protecting the jail. Finally, GET
the bomb. The prisoners are freed. One of them tells you about the secret method
to turn off the force field protecting the bridge door.
Return to the corridor. USE the phasor welder on the wall next to the lower
left corner of the door. You may have to move around a little bit to find the
right spot. When you USE the welder on the right spot, you will turn off the
force field protecting the bridge door. Do NOT enter the bridge through that
door. You will not score 100% if you do.
Return to the transporter room. USE the spool of wire you get from the brig on
the transporter console. The transporter is now fixed. Read the rather long
winded and not entirely coherent dialog that appears. USE the transporter
_platform_ to activate the transporter. This beams the landing party directly
onto the bridge of the Masada.
Once the landing party appears on the bridge, USE the phasor but do not shoot
anyone. TALK to the Elasi Cereth who is sitting on the captain's chair. Choose
dialog #1. Another mission finished with 4 commendation points!
Once mission instructions are received from Star Fleet command, TALK to Chekhov
to plot a course to ARK 7. You will be greeted by a Romulan warship, complete
with a cloaking device, as soon as you arrive. So raise your shields and arm
your weapons. It's space combat time once again.
The Romulan ship is much slower in comparison to the Elasi pirate ship. Hitting
it with phasors and photon torpedoes is not difficult. But it can take a lot of
punishments and the cloaking device makes it very difficult to follow for any
long periods of time. Some players have reported that the ship can be seen even
when cloaked if they turn the monitor brightness all the way up and use the
full screen mode.
I found that the reverse key ` comes in very handy here. Whenever I met the
ship head on, I would lower my speed and fire continuously. Then just when the
Romulan ship was about to go past me, I would hit reverse which gave me several
extra seconds to put more phasors and torpedoes into it.
After the Romulan ship is defeated, TALK to Uhura to receive a message from
ARK 7. You will be talking to the Romulan Centurion Preax. TALK to Spock to
find out more about ARK 7 and Carol Marcus. Ask the computer about: ARK 7,
Romulan and Marcus.
TALK to Sulu to lower the shields and then put the landing party to work. Note
that time is somewhat important in this episode. Once aboard ARK 7, Spock will
be infected by a virus. He will die, thus ending the game, if he is not cured in
time. But this walkthru provides ample time to successfully finish this episode.
You are transported directly to the bridge of the ARK 7. There is a computer
console in the middle of the bridge. USE Spock on the console and then USE
McCoy on the console. USE McCoy on the console a _second_ time to access the
medical database. Learn about the Oroborous virus, the TLTDH gas, Nitrous Oxide,
Ammonia and Di-Hydrogen Oxide.
Exit the red door on the right. This is a laboratory with two important pieces
of equipment. The machine on the near side (bottom of screen) is a compound
distillator. The machine near the rear of the room, the one with a small grey
chamber, is for rapid reproduction of virus cultures in presence of suspected
anti-agents. USE Spock's tricorder on both machines for more information.
USE the freezer unit to open it. This contains dishes of the Oroborous virus.
GET virus. Enter the door on the far side near the middle of the screen, just
behind the step ladder. You will find a wrench just lying on the floor. GET
wrench. USE the red curtain on the right to open it. You find a tank of N2
(nitrogen) behind the curtain. Clear across the room on the lower left corner
is a panel. USE this panel to open it. GET wire insulation in this panel. Leave
the room by walking south.
USE the wire insulation on the compound distillator. This produces
Polyberylcarbonate. GET Polyberylcarbonate. Enter the red door on the left wall
behind the freezer unit. USE the cabinet on the left side of the room to open
it. GET the anti-grav unit that's inside. The machine in this room is a
synthesizer. USE Spock's tricorder on the machine to get more information.
USE the wrench on the gas valves just above the gas tanks to open the gas
flow. USE the console on the left. Since the only ingredients are hydrogen and
oxygen, a litre of pure water is synthesized. GET water. USE Polyberylcarbonate
in the small chamber. USE the console on the left. If you have read about the
TLTDH gas in the medical database, you should realized that you have just made
it. GET TLTDH gas. Return to the main laboratory.
Enter the door in the middle of the screen. USE the wrench on the top of the
N2 gas tank. USE the anti-grav unit on the N2 gas tank. Return to the main
laboratory and then return to the synthesizer room.
The idea here is to use the synthesizer to study the effects of various
combinations of gases on the growth of the virus. To save time, USE the wrench
on the gas valve just above the gas tanks to turn off the gas flow. USE the
anti-grav on the O2 (oxygen) tank to remove it. USE the N2 (nitrogen) tank on
the empty space just below the gas valve to replace the oxygen tank. USE the
wrench on the gas valve to turn on the gas flow again. USE the Oroborous virus
in the chamber. USE the console on the left. According to McCoy, we have just
found that the virus cannot thrive in ammonia.
USE the console a second time. Since the only ingredients this time are the
nitrogen and hydrogen gases, ammonia is synthesized. GET ammonia. Return to the
main laboratory. GET another Oroborous virus culture from the freezer unit. USE
the virus culture in the chamber of the replicator. USE the ammonia in the
anti-agent nozzle. USE McCoy on the console above the grey chamber. This
turns the virus culture into an Oroborous virus cure sample. GET the cure
Go back to the room where the synthesizer is. USE the cure sample in the
chamber. USE the console on the left. A vaccine is synthesized in the form of
a hypo syringe. GET the syringe. USE the syringe on Spock. Spock is cured!
Return to the main laboratory and then enter the door in the middle of the
screen. USE the wrench on the ventilation cover to remove it. USE the TLTDH
gas in the ventilation shaft. The gas will knock out the Romulans on the deck
below. Return to the main laboratory.
USE the ladder to go down to the deck below. You will find several unconscious
Romulans here. USE McCoy's tricorder on them. USE the hypo syringe on the
Romulans. Finally, USE water on the Romulans. USE the ladder to return to the
main laboratory.
Go into the synthesizer room. USE the wrench to turn off the gas flow. USE
the anti-grav unit on the N2 (Nitrogen) tank. USE the O2 (Oxygen) tank on the
empty space just below the gas valve to replace the N2 tank. USE wrench on the
gas valve to turn on the gas flow. USE the console on the left to synthesize
another litre of pure water. GET water. Return to the main laboratory.
USE the ladder to return to the deck below. Enter the door in the middle of
the screen. USE the hypo syringe on the Romulan Preax. USE water on Preax.
USE Spock's tricorder on the apparatus in the center of the screen. USE Doctor
Marcus to untie the doctor and her assistant. TALK to Doctor Marcus. TALK to
Preax. Choose dialog #1.
Another perfect 100% mission!!
After listening to Star Fleet briefing, TALK to Chekhov to plot a course for
the Harlequin star system. Once there, you will have to fight off two elasi
pirate ships. Their firepower is weak and the enterprise can take quite a bit
of pounding. The best strategy that worked for me was to go after one of them
while ignoring the other. It is possible to kill both ships though the second
ship will tend to try to run away after taking on some damage.
After the ships are defeated, Spock will tell you that the ion trail of the
scout ship the pirates attacked led to the Harrapan system (the star chart
in the manual lists it as Harrapa). TALK to Chekhov to plot a course to it. Once
there, you will have the unpleasant surprise to discover that Harry Mudd, a long
time trouble maker is back and up to no good once again. He is on board an
alien direlict. TALK to spock. Check out the computer for information on Mudd.
TALK to Sulu to lower the shields. It's time to beam aboard the alien ship with
a landing party. You appear in the cargo hold of the alien ship. Mudd is here.
After chatting with him, LOOK at the open box of yellow spheres, the open box
of white objects on the left side, and the pile on the floor to the left of
Mudd. USE Spock's tricorder on the same three items. Then GET the computer
memory transfer media, the degrimer, and the lens. USE the lens on the degrimer.
USE the degrimer on anything. BOOM!
Go south to the engine bay. LOOK at the portable life support system. That's
all there is to do here at the moment. Return to the cargo hold, then exit
through the door in the back. This is the weapon bay. USE the tricorder on the
console. LOOK at the three rows of colored buttons: red, yellow and blue. USE
Spock on the blue button. A weapon cartridge is loaded into the system. That's
all you need to do here at the moment. Go through the green door on the right
side at the back of the screen.
This is the sick bay. There isn't anything to do here at the moment. Go through
the door in the back to the bridge. LOOK at the engineering tool lying there
on the triangular console on the right. USE Spock's tricorder on it. It's a
multi-bit, compact doover with its own dracktar traction unit and clamp kit! GET
the doover tool. USE Spock on the left chair. Spock discovers that the aliens
had a special obsession with the number 3. Leave the room by walking to the
bottom of the screen on the left side.
This takes you to the library. USE Spock's tricorder on the yellow sphere on
the floor. Then USE Spock on the yellow sphere. USE Spock's tricorder on the
sphere a _second_ time. The library is now activated. USE the yellow sphere in
the _inventory_ on the yellow sphere on the ground to record the alien data.
Exit through the door to the right. This takes you to the weapon bay.
Take the right door to go to the sick bay again. Mudd is in there this time.
And he drops a green bottle, the fume of which makes him delirious. USE Spock
on Mudd to overpower him and put him on the bed. USE McCoy on Mudd to learn
that the machine has to be refilled with chemicals to activate the cure. USE
McCoy's tricorder on the multi-colored capsules. GET a capsule. This results
in a green capsule appearing in your inventory. USE the green capsule on the
console where the triangular buttons are. USE McCoy on Mudd. He's cured.
Enter the triangular door to go to the bridge again. USE Spock on the left
chair. This time he has several options. Cycle through sensors, navigation
and engineering to see what they do. USE right chair. Cycle through
communication and view screen. Exit the bottom left side of the screen to the
library. Mudd is here. Select dialog #1. Exit through the right door to the
weapon bay, then south to the cargo hold and south again to the engine bay.
Mudd appears from the hatch and ask for the doover tool. Select dialog 2. The
portable life support system will now malfunction. USE the doover tool on the
life support system to fix it. Go north to the cargo hold then north again to
the weapon bay. USE Spock on the red button. Select dialog #2. Take the door
on the left that is half hidden by the weapon cartridges. You are back in the
library. If you USE Spock's tricorder on the yellow sphere you will find that
Mudd has accidentally erased all the data it contains.
Exit through the door in the back to the bridge. USE the right chair. Select
the communication option to talk to Scottie. Choose dialog #3. Mudd will now
appear on the bridge. Select Dialog #1 to finish the mission at 100%!
After getting the necessary instructions from Star Fleet, TALK to Chekhov to
set course for the Digifal system. Once there, you will be challenged by Taraz,
the Klingon commander of the warship Nizra. Choose dialog 2 and 1. (This avoids
combat. If you choose to fight the Klingon, you will be ambushed by at least 4
Klingon warships. I myself was never able to survive such odds.)
TALK to Zulu to orbit the planet. TALK to Spock. Ask the computer about
Hrakkour, Kenka and Digifal. Make sure the shields are lowered and organize a
landing party.
Once beamed down onto the planet surface, LOOK at the man in white and then
TALK to him. Choose dialog #1,1 and 1. You learn that the entity calls himself
Quetzecoatl! He becomes irritated by your historic accounts of the disciples of
Quetzecoatl and throws you into a pit.
USE Spock's tricorder on the snake. GET rock from the rock pile just behind
the snake. USE rock on the looping vines twice. You now have two vines hanging
down into the pit. USE rock on the hole just to the right of the rock pile to
block the escape route of the snake. GET snake. USE vine to climb out of the
pit. Walk to the left edge of the screen.
Go left again onto the next screen. LOOK at the priest then USE the snake on
the priest. Next, USE the snake on Kirk. This impresses the priest. He offers
you a knife. GET knife. Then go left past the priest and into the next screen.
Go north (top of the screen) to the next screen. LOOK at the plant just below
the feet of the security officer. USE knife on plant. You now have some green
leaves in your inventory. LOOK at the creature in the water. USE leaves on the
creature. Walk along the fallen tree to cross the river. Go left to the next
LOOK at the red crystal in the middle of the screen. USE Spock's tricorder on
the red crystal. USE the knife on the crystal. Go left to the next screen. Here
you will meet Quetzecoatl a second time. He will talk to you some more. Choose
dialog sequence 2, 2 and 3. The game automatically beams the landing party and
quetzecoatl back to the Enterprise.
Once back on the ship, you will be hailed by Kenka, the Klingon captain. Select
dialog 1 and 1. The game takes over and moves the Enterprise to Hrakkour and
the landing party and quetzecoatl automatically beams down to the Klingon's
court. Walk to the red tile. Select dialog 1 and 1. You will be teleported yet
again to face the test of courage the Klingons set up.
USE Spock's tricorder on the electrical entity and the floor. This should
provide you with the clues you need to get past the entity. USE the phasor with
the maximum setting on the floor at the lower right corner. GET a wooden pole.
USE the wooden pole on the molten rock. USE the metal coated pole on the entity.
USE Spock's tricorder on the keypad next to the door. USE the communicator to
talk to Uhura. This allows the ship's computer to be used to decode the
necessary code to open the door. Uhura tells you about a secondary code they
have discovered embedded in the Klingon program. Choose dialog 2 and then 1.
USE Spock on the keypad. (Note: if you choose to ignore the secondary code,
the door will open to a completely different area that leads to a no win
situation and a less than perfect score.)
GET the three green gems. USE all three green gems in the three holes in the
left console. This triggers the Light of Knowledge and Bialbi, the high mentalic
of Hrakkour will answer. Walk into the yellow light on the right side of the
screen. The Klingon Vlict will be teleported to this location. Read the dialogs
that follow and choose #3 when the time comes. Quetzecoatl is saved and another
perfect mission accomplished!
(Note: as a point of interest, if you put the three blue gems into the holes,
you trigger the Light of Transport. You are immediately transported to the
Klingon court again. This is another no win situation in which a perfect score
is impossible. If you put the three red gems into the three holes, you trigger
the Light of War which immediately destroys every vessel orbiting the planet, a
most undesirable event.)
After receiving mission briefing from Star Fleet, TALK to Chekhov to set a
course for Alpha Proxima. Then TALK to Sulu to orbit the planet. TALK to Spock
and check the computer for _important_ information about the following: Proxima,
Proxtrey, Lucrs, Sofs and Scythe. Learn that the Lucrs use base 3 mathematics
and that the number 99 has special significance to them. Notice also the
Scythe is the 17th letter of the Lucr alphabet.
Organize a landing party and beam down to the planet surface. USE Spock's
tricorder on the ground to learn about the Tri-phosphorate silver rich rocks.
GET a rock from the ground. USE Spock's tricorder on the big rocks at the lower
right corner of the screen.
Walk to the door to get a close-up shot of it. USE Spock's tricorder on the
door, on the display and on the keypad on the right side of the door. USE
Spock on the keypad. Type in 10200 for the code (the number 99 in base 3
representation). The door opens. Enter through the door.
USE Spock's tricorder on the multi-buttoned panel on the left. USE Spock on
the panel. USE Spock's tricorder on the door. USE Spock on the keypad to the
right of the door. Type in 122 for the code (the number 17 in base 3
representation). The door opens. Enter through the door.
USE Spock's tricorder on the panel on the door in the middle of the screen.
Walk to the right of the screen to get to the laser room. USE Spock's tricorder
on the laser, and then on the console near the center of the screen. USE the
box lying in the middle of the floor to open it. GET the wire with connectors
in the box.
USE Spock on the laser console. Choose the 100 setting. The laser strikes the
rock formation and burns a keycard template on the formation. USE the stone in
your inventory on the template. USE Spock on the laser console one more time.
Select the 001 setting this time. The laser turns your rock into a keycard.
GET keycard. Exit the room to the left.
USE the keycard on the door panel to open it. Enter through the door. This is
the computer room. USE Spock's tricorder on the door in the back, the central
computer, the missiles, the computer on the left and the computer on the right.
USE Spock on the left computer and then the right computer. After reading that
rather explicit hint, USE the wire on either the left or right computer. Both
Kirk and Spock will work on the computers to connect them with the wire. USE
Spock on the _right_ computer _first_ and then USE Spock on the left computer.
This ends the mission with a perfect 100%. (Note: If you USE Spock on the
left computer first after connecting the wire, the mission will end and you
will not achieve 100%.)
Instead of receiving the mission profile from Star Fleet Command, in this
episode you get the needed information from the Captain's Log. You receive
a message that the USS Republic was under attack. By the time you reach it,
the ship is close to total destruction. Your crew will inform you of the status
on board the Republic. Select dialog #1 to tell Uhura to take the Enterprise
immediately to Star Base 24 should another ship appear.
Once you arrive on the bridge of the USS Republic, USE Spock's tricorder on
the computer at the science officer's station. USE Spock's tricorder on the
captain's chair to retrieve the last entry in the captain's log. USE McCoy's
tricorder on the body to the right. Exit this screen by walking to the bottom
of the screen just to the left of the captain's chair.
You arrive at sick bay. LOOK at the female crew member. She turns out to be
Brittany Marata, an old classmate. USE McCoy's tricorder on Marata. TALK to
Marata. Keep a saved game right here. USE the communicator. Choose dialog #1
to beam back to the Enterprise.
After going through all the cut scenes and arriving at Vardaine, choose dialog
#2 to go to warp factor 8 to chase the other star ship. When hailed by Bredell,
choose dialog #1 and 1 again. As soon as the talking is done, raise the shields
and arm the weapons and keep a different saved game here.
This is the _final_ battle. You have a few seconds to fight a clone of the
Enterprise before it calls for reinforcements: 2 Elasi ships, one of which can
fire 3 photon torpedoes simultaneously. Once you destroy all 3 ships, the game
ends after giving you a final mission review as well as an overall performance
This final battle is very tough. One strategy I have found that worked very
well for me was to try to destroy the clone ship _before_ the reinforcements
arrive. I restored from the first saved game until the starting positions of
the ships brought the enemy directly in front of me. I stopped the Enterprise
completely (push 1) and fired repeatedly into the clone ship, turning to keep
it in my sight for as long as possible. Remaining motionless (sometimes
reversing also helped), it was possible to pour enough shots into the enemy
to cripple its engines and eventually destroy it just before the Elasi pirates
With the clone ship out of the way, the remaining two Elasi ships were no
match for the Enterprise. Soon McCoy, Spock and I were discussing our favorite
vacation spots in anticipation of a long shore leave. Good luck!
STAR TREK 25TH ANNIVERSARY is published and distributed by Interplay
This walkthru is copyright (c) 1992 by Hercules. All rights reserved. Not
to be distributed without permission.