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Mah Jongg Tile Set Description
Tile Set Name : ANATOMY.TIL
Subject : Bony Anatomy
Created by : Rob Graham, BS R.T.(R) ARRT
ANATOMY.TIL is a collection of tiles depicting various bones and articulations
in the human body. All are drawn as if seen from the anterior, unless otherwise
specified, but individual portions may not be exactly proportional to each other.
Tiles marked as being lateral views represent the part as seen from the side.
The tiles are as follows:
1) Thumb, demonstrating two phalanges
2) Finger, demonstrating three phalanges
3) Wrist, demonstrating the eight carpal bones resting on the radius and ulna
4) Radius
5) Ulna
6) Lateral elbow, demonstrating the articulation between the humerus
(vertical bone),radius (top horizontal bone), and the ulna
(bottom horizontal bone)
7) Humerus
8) Scapula
9) Clavicle
10) Sternum
11) Ribs, lower ribs with articulation with thoracic spine
12) Odontoid process: The odontoid process extends from the second cervical
vertebra and extends through the first cervical vertabra to allow
movement of the head.
13) Cervical vertebra: The cervical vertebrae comprise the upper seven
vertebrae of the spinal column.
14) Thoracic vertebra: The thoracic vertebrae comprise the middle twelve
vertebrae of the spinal column
15) Lumbar vertebra: The lumbar vertebrae comprise the lower five vertebrae
of the spinal column
16) Sacrum: The sacrum articulates with the lumbar spine and normally has
5 fused segments.
17) Coccyx: The coccyx, or tailbone, articulates with the sacrum and normally
has 3-5 fused segments.
18) Pelvis
19) Femur
20) Knee: Anterior view showing the patella superimposed over the distal
femur and above the proximal tibia
21) Knee, lateral view demonstrating the patella anterior to the distal
femur and proximal tibia
22) Patella, anterior view of the patella or kneecap
23) Patella, in sunrise position showing the patella "rising" over the tibia
24) Tibia
25) Fibula
26) Tibia/Fibula together
27) Ankle, demonstrating the fibula(on the left) and the tibia(on the right)
as they articulate with the talus bone(bottom)
28) Os calcis, lateral view of the os calcis, also called the heel
or calcaneus
29) Big toe, demonstrating two phalanges
30) Toe, demonstrating three phalanges
31) Nasal bones: lateral view of the nose, the black represents the bone, the
mottled region represents the nasal cartilage, and the cyan at the end
of the bone is the soft tissue of the nose
32) Mandible: lateral view of the mandible, or jaw bone
33) Mandible: anterior view of the mandible
34) Sella turcica: seen on a lateral view of the skull, within the sella
turcica rests the pituitary gland
35-38) Human Anatomy
39-42) Skull Spine Extremities, which are the three regions represented on
these tiles