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Hints For the Chasekk Campaign Tour Of Duty
For Tour Of Duty 2, missions 1-12
Author's note: All missions in this Tour Of Duty have been tested and
beaten THREE (3) times EACH. I make certain my missions are beatable
because I know what its like to download a TOD with un-beatable missions.
Operation 1: B-wing Delivery
This mission is fairly simple. When the Star Destroyer Chimaera Launches
TIE Interceptor group ZETA, stop what you're doing and order your wingmen
to assist you in destroying T/I ZETA. There will be 9 waves of ZETA T/Is
following this wave, as long as you continually attack this group when it
arrives you should be able to beat this mission. The only tough part is
staying alive long enough. If you know how to do the "Wotan Weave," then
you should be okay.
(Don't worry about the TIE Bombers that attack the HESSAKK II Frigate.)
(Don't worry if you Don't know what the Wotan Weave is, you can still
beat this operation without it.)
Operation 2: ID Supply Containers
This mission is also quite simple. First set your laser recharge rates
at maximum, then convert ALL laser energy to shields. After doing so
target the first Container and ID it. After you have identified the four
closest Containers convert the remaining laser energy to shields, then
turn off lasers completely by redirecting them to engines. Identify all
other Containers in the order they are in on your CMD. The trick once
again is to evade enemy TIEs by going as fast as you can. The Wotan
Weave is also useful here as well.
Operation 3: Recover Shield Generators
Here's where things start getting tough. This is a hard one to give away
hints for, so I'll give you a map: (TOP VIEW FROM BRIEFING MAP)
(Note: On the briefing map there are only 3 FRT icons. The 3rd FRT icon
from the left represents 2 FRTs.":Sneaky aint it!:")
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(1) (2) (3)
First target FRT (2), which carries 9 waves of 6 TIE Fighter Squadrons.
Fire off 6 Torps at it, then use the remaining 6 Torps on CRV (3).
As soon as the Assault Gunboats arrive send your wingmen after them.
Since there will be 5 waves of 3 Gunboats you may want to destroy
2 and Disable 1 to prevent the following wave.
(Note: By destroying FRT (2) you are automatically wiping out the other
9 TIE waves in one fell swoop. By disabeling 1 Gunboat and destroying the
other two you are preventing the other Gunboat waves from arriving. Finally,
by destroying CRV (3) you are making it easy to fly from directly behind the
Freighters to make your attack.)
The situation should look now like this: (TOP VIEW FROM BRIEFING MAP)
(Note: On the briefing map there are only 3 FRT icons. The 3rd FRT icon
from the left represents 2 FRTs.":Sneaky aint it!:")
(1) (3) (4)
(1) (2)
You must do the following very quickly or else the FRTs will jump to
hyperspace before you can disable them.
Next go after the TIE Fighters and destroy them ALL. You may also need
to help your wingmen with the Gunboats. Eventually it should be to where
just you, any of your Wingmen who survived, 3 Freighters, and two
Corvettes are left. (Remember to disable 1 Gunboat, but don't destroy it.)
Next DISABLE BOTH FRTs (3) and (4). The TASHI FRTs are the ones carrying
the Shield Generators. To better understand these quick maps you may want
to use your InFlight Camera or the Briefing room map.
It's not over yet so don't get cocky. Stay close to the CAPTURE shuttles
as soon as they arrive. Assault Gunboat RHO will arrive and try to
destroy the CAPTURE shuttles. There will be 9 waves of 1 RHO Gunboat,
after that you're in the green.
(Note: You can also Disable Gunboat RHO and keep the others from arriving,
I just sorta put RHO in here as something to shoot at while you wait for
the Freighters to be captured.)
Operation 4: Guard Cargo Transfer
As soon as Assault Gunboat group TIK arrives go after them and order
your wingmen to assist. There will be 5 waves of 2 TIK Gunboats, so
stay close to where they hyperspace in at. Once the TIK Gunboats
have been taken care of, help out the Frigate Basi II by going after
Gunboat group ETA.
There will be five waves of each Gunboat group in this mission.
(Concentrate mainly on TIK. Once ALL TIK Gunboats have been destroyed
then go after ETA.)
(Note: Rogue Squadron arrives 9 minutes into the mission and in pretty
bad shape. You'll find out why in the next mission.)
These are the ones you have to worry about.
TIK will attack the TASHI FRTS. (2 Guns with 5 waves.)
ETA will attack the Frigate Basi II. (6 Guns with 5 waves.)
RHO will come after you as its primary target. (2 Guns with 5 waves.)
Operation 5: Investigate Hyperspace Route
This is really a quite simple mission. First go after the TIEs and
Assault Gunboats, don't worry about the Corvettes until the end. B-wing
Squadron Gold usually rips the Corvettes to shreds by the time you take
care of the TIEs and Gunboats.
Operation 6: Rescue the Basi II
As soon as the mission starts set laser and shield recharge rates to
maximum. Redirect some laser energy to shields to be ready for the
first attack run on the Haddekk I. Don't worry about the Frigate that
hyperspaces out at the begining of the mission, that's the Haddekk II.
Switch to dual fire Torps and come to a full stop, then order you eight
wingmen to attack the Haddekk I (The Frigate closest to you...the one
you are flying towards at the begining.) When they have launched their
massive salvo of Torps at the Haddekk I the first wave of enemy TIEs
should be arriving. Send you wingmen after the closest TIE immediatley
so they don't get taken from behind while attacking the Frigate.
Once you've sent them on their way quickly fire off all of your
Torps at the Haddekk I (You should already have a steady lock on it.)
switch to lasers and accellerate to attack speed (Full throttle and
Shields at NORMAL recharge rates.) and help your wingmen pick off a few
TIEs. Don't destroy them all or their replacement waves will arrive.
Destroy at least 3 or 4 from each group, once the TIE Squadrons have
been "Neutralized," have your wingmen comence their attack on the
Haddekk I, meanwhile you stick around and play around with the TIEs
until you see SHLDS DOWN on the Haddekk I.
Don't worry about the TIEs attacking the Basi II or the RESCUE 4,
B-wings are considdered a threat to any Nebulon B Frigate...especially
when there's 9 of them!!!
When the shields are down on the Haddekk I switch to Ion cannons and
DISABLE it. This will make it easier for you and your wingmen to
finish it off. Wait until the Haddekk I is destroyed before taking
out the rest of the TIEs.
When the 5 Corvettes arrive take them out from top to bottom. Tell
your wingmen to attack one while you stay behind (Full stop) at a
safe distance. When you see a salvo of missiles being launched
quickly order you wingmen to attack the CRV beside the "Current Victim."
Don't let your wingmen waste all their Torps on just 1 CRV.
Once the first 5 have been destroyed another wave of 5 CRVs will arrive.
This will be the last wave so don't worry. Follow the same attack plan
as before, escept this time you're going to have to help out because
your wingmen will be without Torps.
Finally...don't leave until Rogue Squadron arrives and the Basi II
has been repaired. Good Luck!
Operation 7: Destroy TIE Base
This is kind of a tough mission. Set laser recharge rates to MAXIMUM
and send your wingman after the closest TIE. You may need to re-direct
some energy from lasers to shields, it gets a little vicious from here.
While your wingman is doing the dirty work, target the Freighers that
have SHLDS DN and take them out with lasers. Once this is done take the
time to help your wingman in clipping a few TIEs. The TIE groups have
been programmed to "Select Random Enemy Targets." So they won't act the
same every time you play the mission. If you're going after a Freighter
and you start to get pounded...PULL UP AND KICK SOME TIE FIGHTER TAIL
PIPE!!! Don't even think for a split second that you'll survive an
attack from behind while attacking a Freighter. There have been times,
without warning, when all of a sudden my A-wing just blew up...I found
out that at least ten or twelve enemy Blasts hit me from behind all at
You will have to systematically take out the rest of the Freighters
using missiles and lasers. (Try and destroy as many Freighters as you
can with Lasers, save the heavy fire power for when Lasers are a little
low on power.) Keep moving around, try not to stay too close to the
Freighters while attacking them.
Operation 8: Escort Chasekk Transports
This mission is a little half and half...half easy and half impossible.
Concentrate mostly on TIE Interceptor groups GAMMA and ZETA. There will
be 9 waves of 2 fighters in each of these groups. You can not let ANY
of the Transports in this mission be destroyed! There are 2 Transports
in each group, and each group has 2 follow up waves. Once ALL Transports
have entered the Basill's hangar bay you must see to it that the Basill
hyperspaces out to safety. Good Luck!
Operation 9: Escort the Basill
As soon as the TIE Fighters arrive order your wingman to attack the
closest, take out the second closest yourself. Destroy all but one
TIE Fighter, don't enguage TIE Interceptor group ZETA until only one
TIE Fighter remains. When only one TIE Fighter is left, order your
wingman to attack the closest TIE Interceptor, meanwhile you take out
the second closest yourself. Ignore the remaining TIE Fighter, this
means that you will have to put up with it trying to ice you...you'll
just have to maneuver some. Concentrate on ZETA until all are destroyed,
then fly towards the two Frigates and switch to single fire TORPs. Be
ready to take out the three TIE Bombers that will arrive. (The Bombers
arrive six seconds after T/I Group ZETA has been eliminated.) Continue
this pattern for the following waves of T/Is and T/Bs. When T/I Group
THETA arrives that means that the attack has been greatly weakened and
is practically over.
Usually by the time the second ZETA group arrives the Basill will have
already jumped to hyperspace, it just depends on how fast you are at
eliminating your targets.
By eliminating all but one TIE Fighter you prevent the follow up waves
from arriving. By flying towards the two Imperial Frigates when they
arrive you draw their fire away from the Basill and onto yourself. It
is pretty easy to out maneuver the blaster fire from these two Frigates.
Good Luck!
Operation 10: Abandon the Basill
You kind of get a break in this operation, there are about five or six
different ways I could have made it tougher...(Believe me...you're lucky
I left it like this.) As soon as the mission starts set TORPs to Dual
fire then switch back to lasers. Set laser recharge rates to MAXIMUM
then convert ALL laser energy to shields. Continue to convert energy
from lasers to shields until shields are FULLY charged. Once shields
are fully charged set laser recharge rates to NORMAL. Next, quickly
find the Transports on your CMD and assign them to memory...(You don't
have to...it just makes it quicker to find out where they are durring
the attack.)
About now, if not already, Assault Gunboat group RHO should just be
arriving. As soon as Gunboat group RHO arrives target the closest and
assign it to your wingmen...then go after the second closest yourself.
Fire off two TORPs at the RHO Gunboat that isn't under attack:
(Note: set laser recharge rates to MAXIMUM and convert some energy from
shields to lasers once Gunboat group RHO is only 2 km away.)
Your wingman are taking out RHO 1, you have targeted RHO 2. Before you
get into a serious dog-fight with RHO 2 fire off 2 TORPs at RHO 3...this
will keep his mind off of shooting up the Transports.
Don't concentrate on the "Stray" RHO Gunboat until your target is space
dust. When your target is gone then go after the RHO Gunboat you fired
the 2 TORPs at...finish him off them worry about those TIK Gunboats.
You're more than likely going to loose a few wingmen...that's the way it
is...then again you already know this...destroy Two TIK Gunboats while
your wingmen tackle their RHO target.
Continue this proceedure with the following Gunboat waves, this time
try not to use your TORPs as much...you only have six...and you need to
use them in DUAL mode in order for them to be effective. This is really
an easy mission.
When the Transports are about 8 km away then you don't really have to
worry about them as much...so long as you can keep those Gunboat waves
under control. Don't get cocky...and don't loose your guard. The
Gunboats WILL still go after the Transports...it really depends on just
how interested they are in shooting at you.
Here is how the Gunboats arrive:
1) There are 3 TIK Gunboats, they have 3 follow-up waves and attack you.
2) There are 3 RHO Gunboats, with no replacement waves.
3) There are 3 MU Gunboats, with no replacement waves.
4) There are 3 NU Gunboats, with no replacement waves.
(Usually by now the mission is over.)
5) There are 3 BETA Gunboats, with no replacement waves.
6) There are 3 HAL Gunboats, with no replacement waves.
7) There are 3 more HALs, with 9 follow-up waves.
Operation 11: Fleet Assembly
This is really just what I call a "Fun Mission." It fits the story plot
and leads you into the next mission...which will be the tough one. There
really is'nt a threat to the DEFIANCE, the Corvettes, or any of the
Frigates. Really all you have to do is wait for the DEFIANCE and all the
other ships to hyperspace out. 1 Y-wing will arrive eight minutes into
the mission to back you up, it has no replacement waves.
If there is any threat at all in this mission it will be the Advanced
TIEs, Assault Gunboats, and the TIE Bombers...you really don't have to
worry about them though. So, just target something and shoot while you're
waiting for the Capitol ships to hyperspace out. Have Fun!
Operation 12: Battle of Tellisai
As soon as the first two Corvettes arrive assign one to your wingmen, and
take the other out with your six TORPs. When they have both been destroyed
go after the other two Corvettes. Assign one to your wingmen and help them
destroy it, then target the last one and do the same. Ignore the Imperial
Frigate, B-wing Squadron Rogue will slaughter it for you. Next take out
the shield generator towers on the Havoc II, order your wingmen to take out
a few TIE Bombers while you do so. When the Havoc II's shields are down
order your wingmen to assist you in destroying it. The mission is over when
the Defiance and all three Frigates have hyperspaced to safety. Good Luck!
Xwing game Concept and Design Copyrighted (C) 1993 LucasArts Games Company.