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0 A 4Jade Statue Artifact 2: turns tocreature 3/6.
0 A 2Battering Ram AT Artifact Creature Banding when attacking destroys blocking walls 1/1.
0 A 1Brass Man AN Artifact Creature 1 to untap 1/3.
0 A 4Clay Statue AT Artifact Creature 2: Regener-ate 3/1.
0 A 5Clockwork Avian AT Artifact Creature Flying -1/0 per use rewindable 4/4.
0 A 6Clockwork Beast Artifact Creature -1/0 per use rewindable 7/4.
0 A 9Colossus ofSardia AT Artifact Creature Trample 9 to untap 9/9.
0 A 4Dancing Scimitar AN Artifact Creature Flying 1/5.
0 A 3Dragon Engine AT Artifact Creature 2: +1/+0 1/3.
0 A 4Grapeshot Catapult AT Artifact Creature tap to do 1to target flying creature 2/3.
0 A 4Juggernaut Artifact Creature not blockedby walls must attackif possible 5/3.
0 A 4Living Wall Artifact Creature 1: Regener-ate 0/6.
0 A 7Mishra's War Machine AT Artifact Creature Banding discard 1 card each upkeep 5/5.
0 A 6Obsianus Golem Artifact Creature 4/6.
0 A 3Onulet AT Artifact Creature controller gets 2 lifewhen it dies 2/2.
0 A 0Ornithopter AT Artifact Creature Flying 0/2.
0 A 4Primal Clay AT Artifact Creature form chosenwhen cast: 1/6 Wall 3/3 2/2 Flying */*.
0 A 6Shape- shifter AT Artifact Creature */(7-*) may adjust power/toughduring yourupkeep */*.
0 A 4Su-Chi AT Artifact Creature controller gets 4 manawhen it dies 4/4.
0 A 6Tetravus AT Artifact Creature Flying 3 +1/+1 counters which may become 1/1 creatures 1/1.
0 A 6Triskelion AT Artifact Creature 3 +1/+1 counters which may do 1 to anytarget 1/1.
0 A 6Urza's Avenger AT Artifact Creature -1/-1 to gain Flying Banding 1st Strike and/or Trample 4/4.
0 A 3Wall of Spears AT Artifact Creature 1st Strike counts as wall 2/3.
0 A 3Yotian Soldier AT Artifact Creature does not tap when attacking 1/4.
0 A 2Ankh of Mishra Cont Artifact 2 damage for playinga land .
0 A 6Armageddon Clock AT Cont Artifact players take 1 hit per counter gains 1 counter each turn .
0 A 1Black Vise Cont Artifact 1 hit per card > 4 inhand each upkeep .
0 A 2City in a Bottle AN Cont Artifact all ArabianNights cards are discarded .
0 A 2Copper Tablet Cont Artifact hit each player in upkeep .
0 A 4Cursed RackAT Cont Artifact opponent discards to4 each discard phase .
0 A 4Dingus Egg Cont Artifact 2 hits for each lost land .
0 A 4Gauntlet ofMight Cont Artifact +1/+1 red creatures Mtn = RR .
0 A 2Howling Mine Cont Artifact draw extra card each turn .
0 A 1Ivory TowerAT Cont Artifact gain 1 life per card > 4 inhand each upkeep .
0 A 4Kormus Bell Cont Artifact swamps become 1/1 creatures .
0 A 1Library of Leng Cont Artifact no limit onhand .
0 A 1Meekstone Cont Artifact creatures>2stay tapped .
0 A 4Mightstone AT Cont Artifact attacking creatures gain +1/+0 .
0 A 3Sunglasses of Urza Cont Artifact may use plains as mountains .
0 A 1The Rack AT Cont Artifact hit per card < 3 inhand each upkeep .
0 A 4Weakstone AT Cont Artifact attacking creatures get -1/-0 .
0 A 2Winter Orb Cont Artifact all can untap only 1 land .
0 A 10Aladdin's Lamp AN Mono Artifact X: draw X cards; keep one discard rest to bottom of Library .
0 A 8Aladdin's Ring AN Mono Artifact 8: do 4 damage to any target .
0 A 2Amulet of Kroog AT Mono Artifact 2: prevents1 damage toany target .
0 A 2Ashnod's Battle Gear AT Mono Artifact 2: tap gives creature +2/+2 whiletapped .
0 A 1Ashnod's TransmograntAT Mono Artifact discard to turn creature into artifact creature & give +1/+1 .
0 A 3Basalt Monolith Mono Artifact get 3 colorless mana 3 to untap .
0 A 0Black Lotus Mono Artifact 3 of 1 color mana discard .
0 A 4Bottle of Suleiman AN Mono Artifact 50% chance to be 5/5 creature .
0 A 6Bronze Tablet AT Mono Artifact trade for opponent's card in play .
0 A 1Candelabra of Tawnos AT Mono Artifact X: untap X lands .
0 A 3Celestial Prism Mono Artifact 2: get 1 mana any color .
0 A 2Chaos Orb Mono Artifact throw destroys cards touched .
0 A 4Conservator Mono Artifact 3: prevent loss of 2 life .
0 A 4Cyclopean Tomb Mono Artifact converts land to swamp .
0 A 3Disrupting Sceptre Mono Artifact 3: opponentdiscards 1 card .
0 A 3Ebony HorseAN Mono Artifact 2: remove one of yourattackers from combat .
0 A 1Feldon's Cane AT Mono Artifact 0: shuffle graveyard into library .
0 A 4Flying Carpet AN Mono Artifact makes creature Flying for 1 turn .
0 A 1Glasses of Urza Mono Artifact may look atopponent's hand .
0 A 4Golgothian Sylex AT Mono Artifact 1: all Antiquitiesare discarded .
0 A 1Helm of Chatzuk Mono Artifact 1: make creature banding .
0 A 4Icy Manipulator Mono Artifact 1: tap a card .
0 A 3Jalum Tome AT Mono Artifact 2: draw anddiscard a card .
0 A 6Jandor's Ring AN Mono Artifact 2: replace the card you just drew .
0 A 2Jandor's Saddlebags AN Mono Artifact 3: untap a creature .
0 A 4Jayemdae Tome Mono Artifact 4: draw 1 extra card .
0 A 1Jeweled Bird AN Mono Artifact swap for ante .
0 A 1Mana Vault Mono Artifact add 3 colorless mana .
0 A 2Millstone AT Mono Artifact 2:put top 2cards from opponent's library into graveyard .
0 A 0Mox Emerald Mono Artifact add 1 greenmana to pool .
0 A 0Mox Jet Mono Artifact add 1 blackmana to pool .
0 A 0Mox Pearl Mono Artifact add 1 whitemana to pool .
0 A 0Mox Ruby Mono Artifact add 1 red mana to pool .
0 A 0Mox Sapphire Mono Artifact add 1 blue mana to pool .
0 A 4NevinyrralsDisk Mono Artifact destroy allcreatures enchantmentand artifacts .
0 A 1Obelisk of Undoing AT Mono Artifact 6: return any permanents to hand .
0 A 5Ring of Ma ruf AN Mono Artifact get card from outside thegame .
0 A 4Rod of Ruin Mono Artifact 3: do 1 damage to any target .
0 A 4Sandals of Abdallah AN Mono Artifact gives 1 creature islandwalk for 1 turn .
0 A 1Sol Ring Mono Artifact add 2 colorless mana to pool .
0 A 4Staff of Zegon AT Mono Artifact 3: creatureloses -2/-0until end of turn .
0 A 4Tawnos' Coffin AT Mono Artifact target creature out of play .
0 A 4Tawnos' Wand AT Mono Artifact 2: makes creature w/ power <2unblockable .
0 A 2Tawnos' Weaponry AT Mono Artifact 2: tap target creature gets +1/+1 while tapped .
0 A 5The Hive Mono Artifact 5: make a 1/1 Flying wasp .
0 A 2Time Vault Mono Artifact get turn; lose turn to untap .
0 A 2Ashnod's Altar AT Poly Artifact sacrifice creature to gain 2 mana .
0 A 3Coral Helm AT Poly Artifact 3: +2/+2 toany creature; discard random card .
0 A 1Crystal Rod Poly Artifact 1: blue spells give1 life .
0 A 3Forcefield Poly Artifact 1: only 1 dmg from unblocked creatures .
0 A 2IllusionaryMask Poly Artifact bring creatures in face-down .
0 A 1Iron Star Poly Artifact 1: red spells give1 life .
0 A 1Ivory Cup Poly Artifact 1: white spells give1 life .
0 A 4Jade Monolith Poly Artifact 1: move damage fromcreatures to self .
0 A 6Pyramids AN Poly Artifact protects lands .
0 A 6Rakalite AT Poly Artifact 2: prevents1 damage toany target & returns to hand .
0 A 4Rocket Launcher AT Poly Artifact 2: do 1 damage to any target;destroyed at end of turn .
0 A 1Soul Net Poly Artifact 1:destroyedcreature ->1 life .
0 A 1Tablet of Epityr AT Poly Artifact 1: gain 1 life when an artifactof yours goes to graveyard .
0 A 1Throne of Bone Poly Artifact 1: black spells give1 life .
0 A 1Urza's Chalice AT Poly Artifact 1:artifactscast give 1 life .
0 A 3Urza's Miter AT Poly Artifact 3:draw cardwhen an artifactof yours goes to graveyard .
0 A 1Wooden Sphere Poly Artifact 1: green spells give1 life .
0 .
0 LAND .
0 C Badlands Land tap for 1 black or red mana .
0 C Bayou Land tap for 1 black or green mana .
0 C Bazaar of Baghdad AN Land tap to take2 cards anddiscard 3 .
0 C City of Brass AN Land tap for 1 mana of anycolor; take1 damage .
0 C Desert AN Land tap for 1 colorless mana or 1 damage to attacking creature .
0 C Diamond Valley AN Land tap to sac-rifice creature; toughness =life .
0 C Elephant Graveyard AN Land tap for 1 colorless mana or R 1 elephant/mammoth .
0 C Forest (dark) Land tap for 1 green mana .
0 C Forest (with path) Land tap for 1 green mana .
0 C Forest (with rocks) Land tap for 1 green mana .
0 C Island (blue sky) Land tap for 1 blue mana .
0 C Island (pink sky) Land tap for 1 blue mana .
0 C Island (red sky) Land tap for 1 blue mana .
0 C Island of Wak-Wak AN Land tap to reduce flyer's power to 0 .
0 C Library of Alexandria AN Land tap for 1 colorless mana or draw card .
0 C Mishra Factory (Autumn)AT Land | .
0 C Mishra Factory (Spring)AT Land | tap for1 colorlessmana or add+1/+1 to factory .
0 C Mishra Factory (Summer)AT Land | worker or make factory worker (2/2) .
0 C Mishra Factory (Winter)AT Land | .
0 C Mishra Workshop AT Land tap for 3 colorless mana for artifacts .
0 C Mountain (blue sky) Land tap for 1 red mana .
0 C Mountain (gray sky) Land tap for 1 red mana .
0 C Mountain (green sky) Land tap for 1 red mana .
0 C Mountain AN Land tap for 1 red mana .
0 C Oasis AN Land tap to prevent 1 damage to any creature .
0 C Plains (darkening sky) Land tap for 1 white mana .
0 C Plains (with trees) Land tap for 1 white mana .
0 C Plains (without trees) Land tap for 1 white mana .
0 C Plateau Land tap for 1 red or white mana .
0 C Savannah Land tap for 1 green or white mana .
0 C Scrubland Land tap for 1 black or white mana .
0 C StripMine (no sky/bldg)AT Land tap for 1 colorless mana or discard to destroy 1 land .
0 C StripMine (!sky/!bldg) AT Land tap for 1 colorless mana or discard to destroy 1 land .
0 C StripMine (sky/cave) AT Land tap for 1 colorless mana or discard to destroy 1 land .
0 C StripMine (sky/no cave)AT Land tap for 1 colorless mana or discard to destroy 1 land .
0 C Swamp (beige) Land tap for 1 black mana .
0 C Swamp (bleak) Land tap for 1 black mana .
0 C Swamp (gray) Land tap for 1 black mana .
0 C Taiga Land tap for 1 green or red mana .
0 C Tropical Island Land tap for 1 blue or green mana .
0 C Tundra Land tap for 1 blue or white mana .
0 C UndergroundSea Land tap for 1 black or blue mana .
0 C Urza's Mine(Face) AT Land | .
0 C Urza's Mine(Pulley) AT Land | .
0 C Urza's Mine(Sphere) AT Land | .
0 C Urza's Mine(Tower) AT Land | .
0 C Urza's PPlant (Columns)AT Land | .
0 C Urza's PPlant (Insect) AT Land | tap for1 colorlessmana; with Mine Power Plant .
0 C Urza's PPlant (Sphere) AT Land | and Tower in play tap for 2 colorless mana .
0 C Urza's PPlant (Vat) AT Land | .
0 C Urza's Tower (Autumn) AT Land | .
0 C Urza's Tower (Spring) AT Land | .
0 C Urza's Tower (Summer) AT Land | .
0 C Urza's Tower (Winter) AT Land | .
0 C Volcanic Island Land tap for 1 blue or redmana .
0 .
0 B 2BArtifact Posession AT Enchant Artifact 2 damage totarget's owner when tapped/ activated .
0 B BBWarp Artifact Enchant Artifact owner takes1 hit/turn .
0 B BBFear Enchant Creature creature only blocked by artifact or black creatures .
0 B BParalyze Enchant Creature target is tapped; need 4 manato untap target until removed .
0 B BUnholy Strength Enchant Creature target gets+2/+1 .
0 B BWeakness Enchant Creature target loses -2/-1 .
0 B 1BAnimate Dead Enchant Creature get creature from graveyard .
0 B 2BBCursed Land Enchant Land owner of target -1 life/turn .
0 B BEvil Presence Enchant Land make any 1 land a swamp .
0 B 1BBad Moon Enchantment black creatures get +1/+1 .
0 B BBDeathgrip Enchantment BB: countera green spell .
0 B BBGate to Phyrexia AT Enchantment sacrifice creature todestroy artifact .
0 B 2BGloom Enchantment white spells cost+3 .
0 B 3BHaunting Wind AT Enchantment lose 1 lifewhen artifacts tapped/ activated .
0 B BBBBLich Enchantment use cards instead of life .
0 B 1BBOubliette AN Enchantment takes creature out of play .
0 B 2BBPestilence Enchantment B: do 1 damage to all players&creatures .
0 B XBHowl from Beyond Instant creature gains +X/+0 .
0 B 1BSimulacrum Instant redirect damage fromself to creature .
0 B 1BTerror Instant bury non-black nonartifacttarget creature .
0 B BBWord of Command Instant force opponent to play a card .
0 B BDark Ritual Interrupt add 3 blackmana to pool .
0 B BDeathlace Interrupt turn any card black .
0 B BSacrifice Interrupt destroy creature toget mana equal to toughness .
0 B BContract from Below Sorcery get new hand; add 1to ante .
0 B BBBDarkpact Sorcery blind swap of an ante card .
0 B 1BBDemonic Attorney Sorcery opponent must ante or resign .
0 B 1BDemonic Tutor Sorcery pull card from library .
0 B 1BXDrain Life Sorcery target takes X damage, you gain X must be B .
0 B XBMind Twist Sorcery discard X cards .
0 B BRaise Dead Sorcery get creature from grave-yard .
0 B BBSinkhole Sorcery destroy oneland .
0 B BBBlack Knight Summon Knight P: white S 2/2.
0 B 3BBog Wraith Summon Wraith Swampwalk 3/3.
0 B BBCuombajj Witches AN Summon Witches tap to damage target and take 1 1/3.
0 B 3BBBDemonic Hordes Summon Demons has upkeep cost of BBB 5/5.
0 B 1BDrudge Skeletons Summon Skeletons B: Regener-ate 1/1.
0 B 1BBEl-Hajjaj AN Summon El-Hajjaj gain life for damage he does 1/1.
0 B 1BErg RaidersAN Summon Raiders lose 2 lifeif they don't attack 2/3.
0 B 2BFrozen Shade Summon Shade B: +1/+1 0/1.
0 B 3BGuardian Beast AN Summon Guardian protects artifacts 2/4.
0 B BBHasran Ogress AN Summon Ogre upkeep of 2 or take damage 3/2.
0 B 1BBHypnotic Specter Summon Specter Flying -1 card if it hits 2/2.
0 B 1BBJunun Efreet AN Summon Efreet Flying upkeep 3/3.
0 B 2BBJuzam DjinnAN Summon Djinn owner takes1 damage each round 5/5.
0 B 2BKhabal Ghoul AN Summon Ghoul +1/+1 for each dying creature 1/1.
0 B 4BBBLord of thePit Summon Demon Flying Trample you must sacrifice 1creature/ turn or take 7 hits 7/7.
0 B BBNether Shadow Summon Shadow might Regenerate 1/1.
0 B 2BNettling Imp Summon Imp make creature attack 1/1.
0 B 5BNightmare Summon Nightmare Flying * = # of your swamps */*.
0 B 2BPhrexian Gremlins AT Summon Gremlins tap to tap an artifact 1/1.
0 B 2BPlague Rats Summon Rats * = # of rats */*.
0 B 1BPriest of Yawgmoth AT Summon Cleric tap to sacrifice artifact for B equal to cast cost 1/2.
0 B 1BBRoyal Assassin Summon Assassin tap to killtapped creature 1/1.
0 B 2BScathe Zombies Summon Zombies 2/2.
0 B 3BScavenging Ghoul Summon Ghoul gain 1 Regenerate counter when any creature dies 2/2.
0 B 3BBSengir Vampire Summon Vampire Flying +1/+1 per kill 4/4.
0 B 1BBSorceress Queen AN Summon Sorceress tap to makecreature 0/2 1/1.
0 B BStoneThrownDevils AN Summon Devils 1st Strike 1/1.
0 B 2BWall of Bone Summon Wall B: Regener-ate 1/4.
0 B BWill-O-The-Wisp Summon Wisp Flying B: Regener-ate 0/1.
0 B 1BBXenic Poltergeist AT Summon Poltrgist turn artifact to creatureartifact 1/1.
0 B 4BBYawgmoth Demon AT Summon Demon Flying 1st Strike sacrifice 1artifact/ turn or tapand do 2 to you 6/6.
0 B 1BBZombie Master Summon Lord zombies getSwampwalk &B: Regener-ate 2/3.
0 .
0 BLUE .
0 U UUPower Artifact AT Enchant Artifact artifact activation costs 2 less minimum of1 .
0 U 2UUSteal Artifact Enchant Artifact control other's artifact .
0 U 2UUControl Magic Enchant Creature control target creature .
0 U 1UCreature Bond Enchant Creature damage owner by toughness if creaturedies .
0 U 1UFishliver Oil AN Enchant Creature target gains Islandwalk .
0 U UFlight Enchant Creature make a creature fly .
0 U UUInvisibilty Enchant Creature target can be blocked only by walls .
0 U UUnstable Mutation AN Enchant Creature creature gains +3/+3 loses -1/-1 each turn .
0 U 2UFeedback Enchant Enchant damage spell ownerby 1 in upkeep .
0 U 1UPower Leak Enchant Enchant increase upkeep costby two take 1 hit per mana not spent .
0 U UUPhantasmal Terrain Enchant Land change 1 terrain .
0 U 1UPsychic Venom Enchant Land tapping land does 2 damage .
0 U 3UAnimate Artifact Enchant Artifact make artifact into creature .
0 U 1UCopy Artifact Enchantment act as copyof target .
0 U 2UEnergy Flux AT Enchantment artifacts gain +2 upkeep cost .
0 U UULifetap Enchantment get 1 life per forest tapped .
0 U 1UStasis Enchantment no untap phase U to upkeep .
0 U UAncestral Recall Instant you or opponent draw 3 cards .
0 U 1UHurkyl's Recall AT Instant target takes all owned artifacts into hand .
0 U UJump Instant target can fly for theturn .
0 U 2UMana Short Instant opponent taps all land and loses all mana .
0 U 2UPsionic Blast Instant do 4 damage& take 2 .
0 U UTwiddle Instant tap or untap any card .
0 U USiren's Call Instant force all other's creatures to attack .
0 U UUnsummon Instant return creature tohand .
0 U UBlue Elem- ental Blast Interrupt counter redspell or destroy redcard .
0 U UUCounter- spell Interrupt counter target spell .
0 U UMagical Hack Interrupt change landin text of card .
0 U XUPower Sink Interrupt mana duel to counter spell .
0 U USleight of Mind Interrupt change color in card text .
0 U XUSpell Blast Interrupt target spell is countered X=casting cost .
0 U UThoughtlace Interrupt turns card blue .
0 U XUUBraingeyser Sorcery make a player drawX cards .
0 U UDrafna's Restoration AT Sorcery place artifacts in grave- yard on top of library .
0 U UUDrain Power Sorcery get mana from all opponent's lands .
0 U UReconst- ruction AT Sorcery bring artifact from graveyard to hand .
0 U 1UTime Walk Sorcery extra turn .
0 U 2UTimetwister Sorcery new hand ofcards .
0 U UUTransmute Artifact AT Sorcery sacrifice artifact toput any artifact in library into play .
0 U XUUUVolcanic Eruption Sorcery destroy X Mountains damage all X points .
0 U 3UUAir Elemental Summon Elemental Flying 4/4.
0 U 3UClone Summon Clone copy a creature .
0 U UUDandan AN Summon Dandan needs islands 4/1.
0 U UFlying Men AN Summon FlyingMen Flying 1/1.
0 U 1UGiant Tortoise AN Summon Tortoise +0/+3 whileuntapped 1/1.
0 U 4UUUIsland FishJasconius AN Summon Fish needs islands cost to untap 6/8.
0 U UULord of Atlantis Summon Lord merfolk get+1/+1 & islandwalk 1/1.
0 U 4UUMahamoti Djinn Summon Djinn Flying 5/6.
0 U UMerchant Ship AN Summon Ship may gain life 0/2.
0 U UMerfolk of Pearl Trident Summon Merfolk 1/1.
0 U 1UUOld Man of the Sea AN Summon Marid tap to gain conrolof creature .
0 U 3UPhantasmal Forces Summon Phantasm Flying upkeep of 1blue 4/1.
0 U 3UPhantom Monster Summon Phantasm Flying 3/3.
0 U 4UPirate Ship Summon Ship tap for 1 hit to any target 4/3.
0 U 2UProdigal Sorcerer Summon Wizard tap for 1 hit to any target 1/1.
0 U 1USage of Lat-Nam AT Summon Sage sacrifice artifact for draw 1/2.
0 U 5USea Serpent Summon Serpent needs islands 5/5.
0 U 2UUSerendib Djinn AN Summon Djinn Flying destroy 1 land duringupkeep 5/6.
0 U 2USerendib Efreet AN Summon Efreet Flying does 1 damage to controller during upkeep 3/4.
0 U 1USindbad AN Summon Sindbad tap to drawland card 1/1.
0 U 3UUVesuvan Doppelganger Summon Doppel acts as anycreature inplay .
0 U 1UUWall of Air Summon Wall Flying 1/5.
0 U 1UUWall of Water Summon Wall U: +1/+0 0/5.
0 U 3UUWater Elemental Summon Elemental 5/4.
0 .
0 G GLiving Artifact Enchant Artifact store & restore 1 life pt perturn .
0 G 1GAspect of Wolf Enchant Creature power/toughincreases by forests x 1.5 .
0 G GInstill Energy Enchant Creature target getsextra untapper turn .
0 G 1GGLure Enchant Creature all defenders must block target .
0 G 1GRe- generation Enchant Creature G: target creature regenerates .
0 G 2GWanderlust Enchant Creature do 1 damageper turn totarget's owner .
0 G GWeb Enchant Creature +0/+2 creature can block flyers .
0 G 1GGKudzu Enchant Land kill land if tapped owner of land then chooses next target .
0 G 3GLiving Lands Enchant Land forests become 1/1 creatures .
0 G GWild Growth Enchant Land add green mana to a land .
0 G 2GGCyclone AN Enchantment pay upkeep or take allof damage .
0 G GDrop of Honey AN Enchantment destroy weakest creature in play .
0 G GFastbond Enchantment play extra land taking1 hit each .
0 G GGLifeforce Enchantment GG: countera black spell .
0 G GGPowerleech AT Enchantment gain 1 lifewhen opponent's artifact is tapped/ activated .
0 G 3GTitania's Song AT Enchantment all artifacts lose powersand become artifact creatures .
0 G GBerserk Instant power x 2 & trample then die .
0 G GCamouflage Instant hide & arrange attackers .
0 G GCrumble AT Instant remove target artifact owner gets life = casting cost .
0 G GFog Instant no damage dealt .
0 G GGiant Growth Instant gains +3/+3 .
0 G GNatural Selection Instant re-order top 3 cardsin deck .
0 G GSandstorm AN Instant all attacking creatures take 1 hit .
0 G GLifelace Interrupt turn a cardto green .
0 G GGChannel Sorcery life for colorless mana .
0 G 4GGDesert Twister AN Sorcery destroy anycard in play .
0 G XGHurricane Sorcery players & flyers get X hits .
0 G 2GIce Storm Sorcery destroy 1 land .
0 G GMetamor- phosis AN Sorcery sacrifice creature for mana tosummon .
0 G 1GRegrowth Sorcery get card from graveyard .
0 G XGStream of Life Sorcery gain X life .
0 G 2GTranquility Sorcery discard allenchant- ments .
0 G 3GTsunami Sorcery destroy allislands .
0 G 1GArgothian Pixies AT Summon Faeries damage fromartifact reduced to 0 2/1.
0 G 3GGArgothian Treefolk AT Summon Treefolk not affected byartifacts 3/5.
0 G GBirds of Paradise Summon Birds Flying tap for 1 mana of anycolor 0/1.
0 G 1GCitanul Druid AT Summon Druid gets +1/+1 counter when opponent casts artifact 1/1.
0 G 3GGCockatrice Summon Cokatrice Flying destroy non-wall enemies 2/4.
0 G 4GGCraw Wurm Summon Wurm 6/4.
0 G 1GElvish Archers Summon Elves 1st Strike 2/1.
0 G 3GErhnam Djinn AN Summon Djinn one of opponent's non-wall creatures gains Forestwalk 4/5.
0 G 2GGGGForce of Nature Summon Force Trample 8/8.
0 G 3GFungusaur Summon Fungusaur gains +1/+1if damaged but not killed 2/2.
0 G 1GGGaea's Avenger AT Summon Avenger * = # of opponent's artifacts */*.
0 G 3GGGGaea's Liege Summon Liege * = # of forests */*.
0 G GGhazban Ogre AN Summon Ogre player w/ highest life controls 2/2.
0 G 3GGiant Spider Summon Spider blocks flyers 2/4.
0 G 1GGrizzly Bears Summon Bears 2/2.
0 G 2GGIfh-Biff Efreet AN Summon Efreet Flying anyone paysG to do 1 to all players & flyers 3/3.
0 G 4GIronroot Treefolk Summon Treefolk 3/5.
0 G 2GLey Druid Summon Cleric untap land 1/1.
0 G GLlanowar Elves Summon Elves tap for green mana 1/1.
0 G GNafs Asp AN Summon Asp target taps1 mana or loses life 1/1.
0 G GScryb Sprites Summon Faeries Flying 1/1.
0 G GShanodin Dryads Summon Nymphs Forestwalk 1/1.
0 G 3GSinging Tree AN Summon Tree tap to reduce attacking creature's Power to 0 0/2.
0 G 3GGThicket Basilisk Summon Basilisk destroy non-wall enemies 2/4.
0 G GTimber Wolves Summon Wolves Banding 1/1.
0 G 1GGVerduran Enchantress Summon Enchtress draw card when any enchantmentcast .
0 G 2GWall of Brambles Summon Wall G: Regener-ate 2/3.
0 G 2GWall of Ice Summon Wall 0/7.
0 G GWall of Wood Summon Wall 0/3.
0 G 3GWar Mammoth Summon Mammoth Trample 3/3.
0 G 1GWyluli WolfAN Summon Wolf tap to givecreature +1/+1 1/1.
0 .
0 RED .
0 R RBurrowing Enchant Creature creature gets Mountain- walk .
0 R RFire- breathing Enchant Creature R: +1/0 .
0 R REarthbind Enchant Creature Ground and hit for 2 a flier .
0 R 1RRMagnetic Mountain AN Enchantment need 4 manato untap all blue creatures .
0 R 2RMana Flare Enchantment double all mana production .
0 R 3RManabarbs Enchantment take 1 damage per land tapped .
0 R 3ROrcish Oriflamme Enchantment creatures get +1/0 inattack .
0 R RRPower Surge Enchantment do 1 damagefor untapped lands .
0 R RRRaging River Enchantment split defenders in half .
0 R RRSmoke Enchantment untap 1 critter only on turn .
0 R RFalse Orders Instant control onedefender .
0 R RLightning Bolt Instant do 3 damageto 1 target .
0 R 1RShatter Instant destroy 1 artifact .
0 R RTunnel Instant destroy onewall .
0 R RArtifact Blast AT Interrupt counter 1 artifact asit is cast .
0 R RChaoslace Interrupt change a card to red .
0 R RRFork Interrupt double spell effect .
0 R RRed Elemen-tal Blast Interrupt counter oneblue spell/destroy oneblue card .
0 R XRDetonate AT Sorcery destroy artifact w/o regenera- tion .
0 R XRDisinte- grate Sorcery do X damage target can not regenerate .
0 R XREarthquake Sorcery do X damageto players & non-flyers .
0 R XRFireball Sorcery do X damagesplit amongtargets add 1 for each extra target .
0 R 3RFlashfires Sorcery destroy allplains .
0 R 2RRShatter- storm AT Sorcery all artifacts destroyed w/o regenera- tion .
0 R 2RStone Rain Sorcery destroy oneland .
0 R 2RWheel of Fortune Sorcery both players discard & draw new hand .
0 R 2RRAladdin AN Summon Aladdin 1RR+tap to control opponent's artifact 1/1.
0 R RAli Baba AN Summon Ali Baba R: tap a wall 1/1.
0 R 2RRAli from Cairo AN Summon Ali owner cannot be destroyed while in play 0/1.
0 R 1RAtog AT Summon Atog sacrifice artifact tomake +2/+2 for this turn 1/2.
0 R 2RBird MaidenAN Summon Maiden Flying 1/2.
0 R 2RDesert Nomads AN Summon Nomads Mountain- walk immune to Deserts 2/2.
0 R 2RRDragon Whelp Summon Dragon Flying R: +1/+0 2/3.
0 R 2RDwarven Demo Team Summon Dwarves tap to destroy wall 1/1.
0 R 2RDwarven Warriors Summon Dwarves tap to makecreature <2unblockable 1/1.
0 R 1RDwarven Weaponsmith AT Summon Dwarves sacrifice artifact togive creature +1/+1 1/1.
0 R 3RREarth Elemental Summon Elemental 4/5.
0 R 3RRFire Elemental Summon Elemental 5/4.
0 R RGoblin Artisans AT Summon Goblins tap to loseartifact ordraw card 1/1.
0 R RGoblin Bal-loon Brigade Summon Goblins R: Flying 1/1.
0 R 1RRGoblin King Summon King goblins get+1/+1 & Mountain- walk 1/1.
0 R 2RGranite Gargoyle Summon Gargoyle Flying R: +0/+1 2/2.
0 R 2RGray Ogre Summon Ogre 2/2.
0 R 3RHill Giant Summon Giant 3/3.
0 R 1RRHurloon Minotaur Summon Minotaur 2/3.
0 R RHurr JackalAN Summon Jackal tap to prevent a creature from regenerat- ing 1/1.
0 R 1RIronclaw Orcs Summon Orcs limited block 2/2.
0 R 2RRKeldon Warlord Summon Lord * = # of your creatures */*.
0 R RKird Ape AN Summon Ape gains +1/+2if forests in play 1/1.
0 R RRRMijae DjinnAN Summon Djinn might not attack 6/3.
0 R RMons's Gob-lin Raiders Summon Goblins 1/1.
0 R 1RROrcish Artillery Summon Orcs tap to do 2damage and take 3 1/3.
0 R 2ROrcish Mechanics AT Summon Orcs sacrifice 1artifact todo 2 damageto any target 1/1.
0 R 3RRoc of KherRidges Summon Roc Flying 3/3.
0 R XRRRock Hydra Summon Hydra can heal/ grow with 3red mana X/X.
0 R 3RRukh Egg AN Summon Egg becomes 4/4 Flying if destroyed 0/3.
0 R 2RSedge Troll Summon Troll +1/+1 and Regenerate with swamps 2/2.
0 R 4RRShivan Dragon Summon Dragon Flying R: +1/+0 5/5.
0 R 2RRStone Giant Summon Giant make a creature a flyer untilit dies at end of turn 3/4.
0 R 4RTwo-Headed Giant Summon Giant Trample blocks 2 creatures 4/4.
0 R 2RUthden Troll Summon Troll R: Regen- erate 2/2.
0 R 1RRWall of Fire Summon Wall R: +1/+0 0/5.
0 R 1RRWall of Stone Summon Wall 0/8.
0 R RRRYdwen Efreet AN Summon Efreet sometimes doesn't block 3/6.
0 .
0 W WArtifact Ward AT Enchant Creature P:artifacts .
0 W WBlack Ward Enchant Creature P: black .
0 W WWBlessing Enchant Creature target getsW: +1/+1 .
0 W WBlue Ward Enchant Creature P: blue .
0 W WGreen Ward Enchant Creature P: green .
0 W WHoly Armor Enchant Creature gain +0/+2 W: +0/+1 .
0 W WHoly Strength Enchant Creature creature gets +1/+2 .
0 W WLance Enchant Creature creature gains firststrike .
0 W WRed Ward Enchant Creature P: red .
0 W WWhite Ward Enchant Creature P: white .
0 W WConsecrate Land Enchant Land prevent enchantmentand destructionof one land .
0 W WWWFarmstead Enchant Land WW: get life from land .
0 W WAnimate Wall Enchant Wall allows a wall to attack .
0 W 3WCastle Enchantment untapped creatures +0/+2 .
0 W 1WCoP: Artifacts AT Enchantment 1: stop damage fromartifact source .
0 W 1WCoP: Black Enchantment 1: stop damage fromblack source .
0 W 1WCoP: Blue Enchantment 1: stop damage fromblue source .
0 W 1WCoP: Green Enchantment 1: stop damage fromgreen source .
0 W 1WCoP: Red Enchantment 1: stop damage fromred source .
0 W 1WCoP: White Enchantment 1: stop damage fromwhite source .
0 W 2WWConversion Enchantment all Mountains become Plains upkeep WW .
0 W WWCrusade Enchantment all white creatures gain +1/+1 .
0 W 2WDamping Field AT Enchantment all can untap only 1 artifact per turn .
0 W 1WIsland Sanctuary Enchantment protected if don't draw card .
0 W WWWJihad AN Enchantment white creatures gain +2/+1 while a color is inplay U .
0 W 2WWKarma Enchantment players lose 1 lifeper swamp each upkeep .
0 W 1WWArmy of Allah AN Instant All attacking creatures gain +2/+0 .
0 W WBlaze of Glory Instant one creature blocks all .
0 W WDeath Ward Instant regenerate target creature .
0 W 1WDisenchant Instant cancel enchantmentor artifact .
0 W WWEye for an Eye AN Instant caster of target spell takesdamage .
0 W XWGuardian Angel Instant prevent X damage .
0 W WHealing Salve Instant gain 3 lifeor stop 3 damage .
0 W 2WPiety AN Instant defending creatures gain +0/+3 .
0 W 1WWReverse Damage Instant damage becomes life points .
0 W WWReverse Polarity AT Instant damage fromartifacts become lifepoints .
0 W WRighteous- ness Instant make defender +7/+7 this turn .
0 W WSwords to Plowshares Instant remove creature owner gets life = toughness .
0 W WPurelace Interrupt turns card white .
0 W 3WArmageddon Sorcery destroys all lands in play .
0 W 1WBalance Sorcery evens out cards on each side .
0 W 2WWResurrec- tion Sorcery play creature from graveyard .
0 W WWShahrazad AN Sorcery Play mini game of Magic .
0 W 2WWWrath of God Sorcery all creatures killed withno regenera- tion .
0 W WAbu Ja Far AN Summon Leper kills opponents if he dies 0/1.
0 W 1WWArgivian ArchaeologistAT Summon Arch WW: recoverartifact from graveyard 1/1.
0 W 1WWArgivian Blacksmith AT Summon Smith tap to prevent 2 damage to artifact creature 2/2.
0 W WBenalish Hero Summon Hero Banding 1/1.
0 W WCamel AN Summon Camel Banding Banded creatures immune to Deserts 0/1.
0 W 1WKing Suleiman AN Summon King tap do destroy an Efreet or Djinn 1/1.
0 W 3WWMartyrs of Korlis AT Summon Bodyguard damage fromunstopped artifacts hit them 1/6.
0 W 1WMesa Pegasus Summon Pegasus Flying Banding 1/1.
0 W 2WWMoorish Cavalry AN Summon Cavalry Trample 3/3.
0 W 2WWNorthern Paladin Summon Paladin WW: destroyblack card 3/3.
0 W 2WPearled Unicorn Summon Unicorn 2/2.
0 W 3WWWPersonal Incarnation Summon Avatar you can take damagefor it 6/6.
0 W 1WRepentant Blacksmith AN Summon Smith P: Red 1/2.
0 W 1WSamite Healer Summon Cleric tap to stop1 hit 1/1.
0 W WSavannah Lions Summon Lions 2/1.
0 W 3WWSerra Angel Summon Angel Flying don't tap in attack 4/4.
0 W 3WWVeteran Bodyguard Summon Bodyguard damage fromunblocked hits him 2/5.
0 W 3WWall of Swords Summon Wall Flying 3/5.
0 W 3WWar Elephant AN Summon Elephant Trample Banding 2/2.
0 W WWWhite Knight Summon Knight 1st Strike P: black 2/2.