Just type mtginv at the DOS prompt and away it goes, just follow your mouse.
To print your inventory type print <filename> the extension is assumed, and a file will be created which you can later send to the printer.
ie: print arabian
this will make a file called arabian.txt, you can then send it to the printer using copy arabian.txt prn
To count your inventory type: count <filename> this will count the cards in one collection
2.0 Advanced features:
You can customize your own .dat files to fit your needs, the program will automagically load all .dat files in the current directory.
NOTE: You can have a max of 30 .DAT files may be loaded at one time.
Here is the input format of the .DAT files (everything is based on the first character)
# skip a space
- new color starts after this
= Title, make it yellow on red background
else it is a card
You may have no empty lines.
The order of the colors is black, blue, green, red, white, artifacts, lands
The position is attached to how many in the file so if you start moving things
around your inventory will get screwed up.
Look at the existing .DAT files for examples.
3.0 Legal Stuff:
There is a 100% money back guarantee for this program, nothing else. I have done my best to make sure it works as it is supposed to, if there are bugs, send me mail and I will try to fix them, that is the only guarantee you have.
This program is shareware, if you don't like it erase it, if you use it you are asked to send $1 one dollar, that's right, ONE DOLLAR as a sign of your good will. (Feel free to send more)
4.0 Compatibility with old version:
Lots of stuff has been changed, so the older versions will not be compatible, to write a translation program would take a while, if enough people need it I will write one, but only if there is a need.
Future versions will be compatible with version 3.0, sorry to all those people with mountains of cards.
5.0 For those curious ones:
The program was written in Borland C++ 3.1, with the aid of the TNUTL 3.0 library. The source code is available for the low-low price of $9.99 US. It includes the unregistered version of TNUTL3.0
6.0 Contacting the author:
Send comment, suggestions, criticisms, and registration to: