ResMaster will open resource files and allow the user to move, remove, rename, renumber, display as a hex dump and change the attributes of the resources in the file. Resmaster will also copy and paste resources to and from the clipboard, create new resource files, display some types of resources (ICON, WIND, MENU, DLOG, ALRT, ICN#, PICT, TEXT, WDEF, 'STR ', STR#, CURS) play beep type 'SND ' resources and remember and repeat the last resource move the user performed.
To move a resource, click the "Open╔" button and select the file containing the resource, ResMaster will display a list of all resource types contained in the file. Select a resource type by double-clicking on it, ResMaster will then display a list of all of the resources of that type. Select the resource to be moved by clicking on it. Select the destination file by clicking on the "Destination╔" button. The current destination file is always displayed at the bottom of the window. Move the resource by clicking on the "Move Res" button.
To repeat the last move, click on the "Last Move╔" button. A dialog will display the details of the last move, click on the "Move" button to perform the move.
ResMaster is shareware so please feel free to pass it along to your friends or upload it to bulletin boards as long as it is unmodified and this document accompanies the software. If you use Image Window, please register as a user with Crossroads Software. Your registration will help the author to add additional features in the near future as well as provide much needed encouragement.
Any good enhancements will be considered for ResMaster, if you have an enhancement or change you'd like to see, just send me a message via Compuserve or the ExecPC bulletin board.
Now for all that legal crud╔
ResMaster is distributed as is with no warranty express or implied with respect the software its' quality, performance, reliability or fitness for any purpose. In no case will the author or Crossroads Software be held liable for direct or incidental damages resulting from defect in the software, including but not limited to any interruption of service, loss of business, anticipated profit or other consequential damages.