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File List
164 lines
hypercard/hc1.2.x :
alienist.sit (Finnish Science Fiction) SF club 42 fanzine
almanac182.sit Almanac stack for Astronomy v1.8
anycalendar.sit Any year calendar (nice)
bookbinder.sit The Bookbinder stack
calendar.sit Name says it all
carolstack.sit Carol Stack Christmas Songs (new release)
cassettelabels10.sit Cassette Labels v1.0
catstuff20.sit CatStuff v2.0 catalog files on your floppies
chemelem.sit Chemical elements Stack
commandhist.sit Stack for command history
debatecoach.sit Debate Coach v1.0; reference stack
devstack12r.sit Developer Stack
devstackfix.sit Don't know for which version
draggrayrect.bin Drags a gray rect in Hypercard
dragrect.bin XFCN drags a gray rect in Hypercard
dxmap11.cpt DX Map v1.1 (radio amateur)
elements.sit The Elements v1.1
expert22.sit HyperExpert v2.2 AI shell
freetext101.sit Free Text; information retrieval system v1.1 (good)
golfanalyst.sit Analyze golf players
haikumaster.sit Not exactly traditional Japanese haiku but...
hypercardintro11.sit Introduction to HyperCard
hyperftp13.sit HyperFTP v1.3 ftp client (req's MacTCP)
hyperlabels12.sit Makes labels to diskettes
hypertext.sit HyperTEXT'87 Trip Report stack
hyperzap.sit Unprotect protected stacks
inputmethodsstack.sit Answer Input Methods v1.1
mackun.sit MacKun v1.0; Kanji (req's Kanji system?)
macsunrise.sit Mac Sunrise; script Kanji learning system (good)
onlinerefprotomaker.sit Stack to read C interface files .h functions
piemenus.sit Piemenus (popup)
popstuff.sit POPmail (requires MacTCP)
popupmenu.sit Popupmenus for Hypercard stacks
printthescripts.sit Print the Scripts from your stack
rtfmaker.sit Rich Text Format Maker in Hypercard (Word 3.0x)
qmloganalyzer.sit QuickMail Log Analyzer
quickcompacter20.sit Stack compacter v2.0
recoverstack.sit Recover broken Hypercard stacks
reference.sit Reference stack
reftracker.sit Reference tracker v1.6
reg.sit Software registration stack
resourcelibrary.sit Resource Library stack (good)
shadowchar.sit Shadowrun (game) Character File
smartslides.sit Smart Slides v1.1 make presentations & lectures
solsneighbors.sit Solar system Stack
spiro.sit Geometric form producer
stabilizer.sit The Stabilizer v1.1; financial cash flow mngmt
stackdumper20.sit Extract text/scripts of any stack
stakdoc.sit Stack Documentation Utility
stickerstack.sit Improved Hypercard label output (Finnish)
storybook.sit Storybook; create "adventure" stories
studymath.sit Study Math v1.0
sys7fontfixstack.sit How to use ResEdit to fix bitmap fonts for Sys7
temperature.sit Temperature Conversion stack
trainset12.sit Construct an N-scale train layout
tshirts.sit Paul's Virtual T-Shirt Shop
versioncontrol.script Version Control script for HyperCard v2.0
virusencyclopedia.sit Virus Encyclopedia
volume.sit Volume control stack
yarrow.sit Game Stack
hypercard/hc2.x :
addrephone.sit AddrePhone Stack v1.0 (enhanced Apple HC version)
almanac192.sit Almanac Stack for Astronomy v1.92
animator.sit Animator stack
beer.sea The Beer Stack; all about beer
beyondhypercard.sit Forbidden Secrets from Beyond Hypercard (great)
bruitsam101.sit Guidelines for Designing User Interface software
carolstack202.sit Carol Stack Christmas Songs (newest release)
case.sit CASE products 90 INDEX v1.1 (good)
cassettelabels11.sit CassetteLabels v1.1 (good)
cassettelabelsupd.sit CassetteLabels Updater; use old stacks
developer.sit Developer Stack v1.3r (good)
expert25.sit HyperExpert v2.5; Build Expert Systems
helptemplate10.sit Help Template v1.0
hpopup.sit XCMD; Hierarchical popup menus v2.5
hyper20macintalk.sit HyperCard v2.0 Macintalk
hyperbibliography.sit Bibliographic database manager
hyperdecisiontree201.sit HyperDecisionTree v2.0.1
hyperfinger10.cpt Hypercard 2 Finger client v1.0
hypergobbledygook.cpt HyperGobbledygook v1.0a jargon generator
hyperinstaller.cpt Installer; install anything but System
hyperirc052.sit HC IRC Client v0.52 (req's MacTCP) (experimental)
iconfont.sea IconFont
internet-tour.sit InterNet Tour by NSF Network Service Center (good)
mb21.sea MicroBArtender v2.1; drink recipes
mvcsimulation.sit MVC Simulation v3 (Model View Controller)
netsnooperstack.sit Net Snooper Stack v2.0d6 (good)
newsspeak15.sit TCP NewsTalk v1.5 (req's MacTCP&MacinTalk) (experim.)
penguinregistration.sit Penguin Registration Numbers; prg support aid
popupmenu20b4.sit PopUpMenu v2.0b4
propfactory.sea Develop curriculum plans (course proposals)
ranger.sit The Lone Ranger v2.0b17 change type&creator of files
recipe.sit Recipes stack (rec.food&yours)
regionpackage.sit Region Package v1.0 (windows as buttons)
resourcesearcher.sit Resource Searcher ("grep" XCMDs & XFCNs)
sciencepapers.sit Science Papers Reference stack
simplehelp.sit Simple Help Card
snowballrefnotes17maker.bin Snowball Reference Notes Background v1.7
softwarelibrarian.sea Software Librarian Stack (info-mac)
stackdumper3.sit Stack Dumper v3.0
stacktabulator.sit Stack Tabulator; inspect stacks easily
sundial.sit Introduction to Sundialling
tcprogguide.sit Think C v4.0 programming guide stack
thenewhypercard.sit Some features of the new Hyper v2.0
tonguebingo.sea TongueBingo v0.98 bingo on foreign vocabularies
unitconversion.sit Unit Conversions Stack
utilitycomparisons.sit Utility Comparisons Stack (SUM II,MacTools,Norton)
hypercard/xcmd :
alertdialogs.sit Toolbox routines for doing alert dialogs
askcolor.cpp AskColor v1.0b2; utility to choose a color
barbutton.sit Bar Button; easy way to ask for numeric values
cirdancards.sit Cirdan XCmd Collection
compression.sit Compression for HyperCard
copyxcmd.zoo CopyFile XCMD
createstack.sit US CreateStack v1.1; a new stack from within a script
dialog20.sit Dialog stack v2.0 (about 10 xcmd/xcfn)
disppict.sit Display color pictures on a MacII
dxcmds343.sit Dartmouth XCMD's v3.4.3 (14 Apr 1990) (good)
ejector.sit Ejection of floppy disks
fasttab101.sit FastTab v1.01 (tabulate faster; HC 2.0)
fractal.pit Julia set fractals
fullsfpack12.sit Full SF Pack v1.2 (was:FullFile) Standard file dialogs
getfile.sit Get Res String for the filetype
globalmaster10.sit Purge all global variables v1.0
hcballoon12.bin HC Balloon Help XCMD v1.2
hierpopup.sit Hierarchical popup menus v2.7.1
hpgl2pict.sit HPGL to PICTure Translator
hypercard_rtf.sit Translates between HC 2.0 flds and RTF for styled text
hyperglue.pit Sample glue routines to call back to HC
localexcmds.bin GetLocale,SetLocale,SetTimeDate
mountunmountxcmd106.bin Mount & unmount appleshare volumes
newfolder.sit New Folder XCMD (w source)
newold.sit FileName and NewFileName (xcfn)
pickupbkgnd.sit Paste card info into another background
pictoidutils.sit Pictoid Utilities; idleCursor, available & fontInfo
practicalxfcns09r2.sit Practical XFCNs v0.9 release 2 (w C)
prflds231.sit A general purpose printing xcmd v2.3.1 (HC2.0)
printreport.sit Print Report v1.0 (columns only, but fonts...)
rinaldoids.sit Listoid v1.4, Tabloid v1.0 & Textoid v1.8 (US)
scraputils.sit HCSaveScrap/RestoreScrap (PAS) XCMD
scrollcontrol.sit A new type of button: a scroll bar
sdialog14.sit ShowDialog; enhance dialog boxes v1.4
searchreplace20.sit Search and replace strings (XCMD) v2.0
setsffolder_xcmd.sit Sets a folder to the specified path (ResEdit doc)
shutdown_stack.bin Shutdown/Restart XCMD stack
sndplay.sit SoundPlay XCMD
sortdev.sit Sort & Find
sorter201.sit v2.0.1 asc or desc sorter
standardfile.sit StandardFile v2.0 (get,put,dir)
support-externals-125.sea Support Tools Externals v1.2.5 (good)
ubique.sit UbiQUE (xfcn) v1.0; various file functions (good)
xcmd-menus.sit Menus for Hypercard
xcmdmiscellany.sit Popupfield & setcursor
xfcnmiscellany.sit StdFile, file utils, MultiFinder utils