The following cards should not be deleted: Title, Contents, Contents (cont), Notes, Index, Index (cont), Help. To provide specialized help for your reader, either place this information in a Preface section or add an extra specialized help card, as discussed below. When your stack is done, you may optionally delete the Contents (cont), Index (cont) and/or Notes cards.
For most cases, use HyperCard's "New Card" menu option to add a new page following the present page. To add a new Notes page, you should instead press the "Add Notes Pg." button. To add a new Contents page or Index page, you must press the "Add Contents Pg." or "Add Index Pg." button on the Contents (cont) or Index (cont) card. To add additional cards with your own background (or with the blank background shared by the title and help cards), add them before or after the existing Help card. If you add a card after the Title card instead, you will change the page numbering. That is, the page numbering is the same as the card numbering, which presently begins with the Title card, followed by all cards with the "page" background, and ends with the Help card.
Before deleting a page, check whether it is referenced in the Table of Contents, the