if menu is "New Stack..."or menu is "save a Copy..." or menu is "quit hypercard" or menu is "Protect Stack..."or menu is "delete Stack..." or menu is "Background" or menu is "new card" or menu is "delete card" or Menu is "Cut Card" or menu is "Back" or menu is "Help" or Menu is "Recent" or menu is "First" or menu is "Last" or menu is "prev" or menu is "next" or menu is "find..."
if menu is "quit hypercard" and the short name of this card is "Suchkarte"
click at the loc of card btn beenden
end if
if menu is "New Stack..."or menu is "save a Copy..." or menu is "delete Stack..."
play boing
end if
if menu is "Protect Stack..." or menu is "Background"
answer "ooops!" with "'sorry"
end if
if menu is "delete card" or Menu is "Cut Card"
play boing
end if
if menu is "new card"
play boing
end if
if menu is "Back" or Menu is "Recent"
play boing
end if
if menu is "Help"
pop card
click at the loc of bkgnd btn Hilfe
end if
if menu is "First"
go first card of this background
end if
if menu is "Last"
go last card of this background
end if
if menu is "next"
end if
if menu is "prev"
end if
if menu is "find..."
click at the loc of card btn Suchen
end if
pass domenu
end if
end domenu
-- part 4 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8006
-- rect: left=17 top=252 right=272 bottom=172
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: JIS
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
set hilite of button Bedeutungen to false
set hilite of button Lesungen to false
set hilite of button "K&K" to false
set hilite of btn " Notiz zu Lesungen" to false
set hilite of btn " Notiz zu Bedeut." to false
set hilite of btn "Notiz zu Komposita" to false
set hilite of me to true
global Suchbegriff
put "JIS" into Suchbegriff
click at the loc of btn Suchen
end mouseUp
-- part 5 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 8006
-- rect: left=17 top=212 right=231 bottom=172
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: K&K
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
set hilite of button Bedeutungen to false
set hilite of button Lesungen to false
set hilite of button JIS to false
set hilite of btn " Notiz zu Lesungen" to false
set hilite of btn " Notiz zu Bedeut." to false
set hilite of btn "Notiz zu Komposita" to false
set hilite of me to true
global Suchbegriff
put "KK" into Suchbegriff
click at the loc of btn Suchen
end mouseUp
-- part 8 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: 2003
-- rect: left=7 top=40 right=208 bottom=178
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 8538 / 8538
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: Suchen
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
set the hilite of me to true
set the hilite of me to false
global Suchbegriff
global findwort
if the hilite of btn "Lesungen" is true then put "readings" into Suchbegriff
if the hilite of btn "Bedeutungen" is true then put "meanings" into Suchbegriff
if the hilite of btn " Notiz zu Lesungen" is true then put "note / readings" into Suchbegriff
if the hilite of btn " Notiz zu Bedeut." is true then put "note / meanings" into Suchbegriff
if the hilite of btn "K&K" is true then put "KK" into Suchbegriff
if the hilite of btn "JIS" is true then put "JIS" into Suchbegriff
put Suchbegriff into Fragebegriff
if Fragebegriff="KK"
put"K&K"into Fragebegriff
end if
Ask "Word to search for in '" & Fragebegriff&"'" with findwort
if it is not empty
global Findwort
put it into findwort
set cursor to watch
lock screen
pop card
put the id of this card into Istcard
push card
set the cursor to Lupe
if Suchbegriff is "readings" then put "Lesungen" into Suche
if Suchbegriff is "meanings" then put "Bedeutungen" into Suche
if Suchbegriff is "note / readings" then put "Notiz zu Lesungen" into Suche
if Suchbegriff is "note / meanings" then put "Notiz zu Bedeut." into Suche
find word findwort in bkgnd field Suche
if the result = "not found"
play boing
go card Suchkarte
unlock screen
if the id of this card is Istcard
pop card
pop card
go back
end if
global Suchbegriff
if (Suchbegriff <> "JIS") and (Suchbegriff <> "KK") then
if Suchbegriff is "readings"
if the hilite of bkgnd btn "Lesungen" is false then click at the loc of bkgnd btn "Lesungen"
end if
if Suchbegriff is "meanings"
if the hilite of bkgnd btn "Bedeutungen" is false then click at the loc of bkgnd btn "Bedeutungen"
end if
if Suchbegriff is "note / readings"
if the hilite of bkgnd btn "Notiz zu Lesungen" is false then click at the loc of bkgnd btn "Notiz zu Lesungen"
end if
if Suchbegriff is "note / meanings"
if the hilite of bkgnd btn "Notiz zu Bedeut." is false then click at the loc of bkgnd btn "Notiz zu Bedeut."
end if
if (Suchbegriff = "JIS") and (the visible of bkgnd btn "JIS" is false)
click at the loc of bkgnd btn "JIS"
end if
if (Suchbegriff = "KK") and (the visible of bkgnd btn "K&K" is false)