<text><span class="style12">hats (Almost) All Folks!</span><span class="style1">The following is a random list questions you might ask… If you have any comments please email me as np@doc.ic.ac.uk.</span><span class="style9">• Will there be further releases of Regions?    </span><span class="style1">I plan to look at Regions again in a few months. An area I particularly wish to investigate is whether Region edit mode could be integrated better within HyperCard – for example marching ant selection as for buttons and fields. Encourage me with postcards if you want to see another version.</span><span class="style9">• Will there be further releases of Regions?    </span><span class="style1">I plan to look at Regions again in a few months. An area I particularly wish to investigate is whether Region edit mode could be integrated better within HyperCard – for example marching ant selection as for buttons and fields. Encourage me with postcards if you want to see another version.</span><span class="style9">• Why not drag or grow on click?    </span><span class="style1">When clicking on buttons/fields you can drag or grow according to where you click. I tried this with regions, but delimiting the two areas (drag & click) was not easy/obvious so I switched to the two modes now present.</span><span class="style9">• What does install_BMTR do?</span><span class="style1">    If you ask this it means you've been poking around – good for you! It is used to add a trap which is required by the Picture Window WDEF but is currently only present in 32bit QuickDraw systems. For further details see the stack </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Picture WDEF ‚</a></span><span class="style1">.</span><span class="style9">• Can I use the WDEF & MDEF in my code?</span><span class="style1">    You can use the WDEF and/or MDEF in your own code on the same basis as Region – © Nigel Perry, no commercial/profit-making/ ShareWare use without permission, otherwise free. See the </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Picture WDEF ‚</a></span><span class="style1"> & </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Picture MDEF ‚</a></span><span class="style1"> stacks for more details.</span><span class="style9">• I wish Region did…</span><span class="style1">    Havn't covered your question? Email me.</span><span class="style9">• Why did I get a SysError with Owl?</span><span class="style1">    When trying to draw the Owl picture on my 1Mb Plus a fatal SysError occurs when the memory is exhausted somewhere inside QuickDraw. There seems to be no easy way to predict when this might happen and hence avoid it. Sorry.</span><span class="style9">• How did you get those “sticky” buttons?</span><span class="style1">    See the stack </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Sticky Buttons ‚</a></span><span class="style1"> and all will be revealed.</span><span class="style9">• Whats your real job?</span><span class="style1">    I am a full time researcher in Computer Science, currently working on the design of concurrent functional object/process-oriented languages. If anybody outside the UK/USA would like to offer me a lecturing or full time research post please get in touch!</span></text>
<script>on __Picture_WDEF__gotoStack "Picture WDEF"end __Picture_WDEF__on __Picture_MDEF__gotoStack "Picture MDEF"end __Picture_MDEF__on __Sticky_Buttons__gotoStack "Sticky Buttons"end __Sticky_Buttons__on gotoStack xset lockRecent to truevisual effect dissolvego to cd "Gray"go to cd "Gray" of stack "Start Here"visual effect dissolveset lockRecent to falsego to stack xend gotoStack</script>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style12">sing Regions In Your Own Stacks</span><span class="style1">To use Regions in a stack the stack ΓÇ£Region XCMDΓÇ¥ must be </span><span class="style10">in use</span><span class="style1"> by HyperCard and the </span><span class="style15">setupRegions</span><span class="style1"> message must have been set. The following handler is the one used in this stack to add Regions:</span><span class="style15"> on startUsingRegions start using stack "Region XCMD" setupRegions end startUsingRegions</span><span class="style1">If you wish to stop using Regions in a stack then you must first send the </span><span class="style15">cleanupRegions</span><span class="style1"> message and then remove the ΓÇ£Region XCMDΓÇ¥ from the stacks in use. The following is the handler used in this stack:</span><span class="style15"> on stopUsingRegions if "Region XCMD" is in the stacksInUse then cleanupRegions stop using stack "Region XCMD" end if end stopUsingRegions</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style12">he Region Command</span><span class="style1">The Region command is used in scripts to create regions and to change the global state/properties of regions.</span><span class="style15">Region </span><span class="style16">name</span><span class="style15">, </span><span class="style16">loc</span><span class="style15">|</span><span class="style16">rect</span><span class="style15">, </span><span class="style16">picture1</span><span class="style15">,                  Lasso[ed]|Mask[ed]|</span><span class="style16">picture2</span><span class="style1">    Create a new region, described earlier.</span><span class="style15">Region hide[All]Region show[All]</span><span class="style1">    Hide/show all regions. This is more selective than </span><span class="style15">hide/show palettes</span><span class="style1"> which hides all windows in the floating layer.</span><span class="style15">Region edit[All]</span><span class="style1">    Enter region edit mode.</span><span class="style15">Region new</span><span class="style1">    Create a new region via a dialog and then enter edit mode.</span><span class="style15">Region paste[PICT], stack name</span><span class="style1">    Paste the PICT on the clipboard into the named stack. A dialog be used to obtain the name for the picture.</span><span class="style15">Region memLowRegion memAvail</span><span class="style1">    These two commands inform Region that you are short on memory (</span><span class="style15">memLow</span><span class="style1">) or have plenty of available memory (</span><span class="style15">memAvail</span><span class="style1">).If you are short on memory Region will attempt to purge memory at appropriate intervals to improve your performance (or ability to run at all). Region will also use a simple dialog when editing handler scripts instead of the standard Script Editor – which takes up 80k! Setting </span><span class="style15">memLow</span><span class="style1"> will slow you down, only use it when you are really tight on memory (like lots of regions and only 1Mb…).</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style12">dding Pictures to a Stack</span><span class="style1">When there is a picture (PICT) on the clipboard the </span><span class="style21">Edit</span><span class="style1"> menu contains a </span><span class="style21">Paste Picture</span><span class="style1"> item. When using regions holding down the option key while selecting </span><span class="style21">Paste Picture</span><span class="style1"> will cause a dialog to be presented requesting a name for the picture which will then be pasted into the current stack.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style12">egion Messages</span><span class="style1">Like other HyperCard objects, regions may be sent messages using the HyperTalk </span><span class="style15">send</span><span class="style1"> command to invoke their imbedded handlers:</span><span class="style15">    send </span><span class="style16">message</span><span class="style15"> to window </span><span class="style16">region name</span><span class="style10"></span><span class="style1">The message may be any one of; </span><span class="style15">mouseWithin</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style15">mouseDown</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style15">mouseStillDown</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style15">mouseUp</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style15">idle</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style15">toggleHilite</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style15">toggleVisible</span><span class="style1"> or </span><span class="style15">makeScript</span><span class="style1">. The first five invoke the specified handler, the two toggle messages invert the state of the specified property. The </span><span class="style15">makeScript</span><span class="style1"> message writes a script to the clipboard which reconstructs the region, the region name is used for the handler name.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style12">egion Properties</span><span class="style1">Like other HyperCard objects, regions have a number of properties which can be altered with the HyperTalk </span><span class="style15">set</span><span class="style1"> command and read with the </span><span class="style15">get</span><span class="style1"> command. Regions can also have event handlers, however unlike other HyperCard objects you cannot edit these with the script editor but instead you must use the </span><span class="style15">set</span><span class="style1"> & </span><span class="style15">get</span><span class="style1"> as for properties, or the </span><span class="style21">Regions</span><span class="style1"> menu. The following is a list of region properties:</span><span class="style15">locrectvisibleautoHilitehilite</span><span class="style1">    These properties are the same as the standard HyperCard button & field properties. The coordinates for the </span><span class="style15">loc</span><span class="style1"> & </span><span class="style15">rect</span><span class="style1"> properties are relative to the current card. The visible property can also be changed by the HyperTalk commands; </span><span class="style15">show/hide window</span><span class="style1"> and </span><span class="style15">show/hide palettes</span><span class="style1">.</span><span class="style15">mouseWithinmouseDownmouseStillDownmouseUpidle</span><span class="style1">    These properties may be set to any HyperCard command(s). The commands may optionally be enclosed by the standard HyperTalk </span><span class="style15">on <message></span><span class="style1"> & </span><span class="style15">end <message></span><span class="style1"> statements. The HyperCard commands are executed when the appropriate event occurs, just like standard HyperTalk handlers. The </span><span class="style15">idle</span><span class="style1"> handler will not be called unless the </span><span class="style15">idleTime</span><span class="style1"> property has been set (see below). The mouse-related handlers are not executed when in region edit mode. When the commands are executed the standard HyperTalk property </span><span class="style15">the target</span><span class="style1"> is set to the current card and the global variable </span><span class="style15">targetRegion</span><span class="style1"> is set to the name of the region.</span><span class="style15">idleTime</span><span class="style1">    This property is the desired number of ticks (1/60 sec) between invocations of the regions </span><span class="style15">idle</span><span class="style1"> handler. A value of 0 prevents the </span><span class="style15">idle</span><span class="style1"> handler being called and is the default value.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style12">he Regions Menu</span><span class="style1">The menu is available whenever you are in edit mode and determines what effect a mouse click over a region has. The current region edit mode along with the current major mode entries in the menu are hilited. The menu is a palette and may be “torn off” and placed anywhere on the screen (option+Tab will toggle its visibility just as it does for the Tools palette). Region edit mode was entered automatically when this card was opened and will be left when you go to the next card. The menu entries are:</span><span class="style40">A</span><span class="style1">    Click-dragging on a region will drag it around, just like a window. </span><span class="style21">⌘</span><span class="style1">-click-dragging will drag without bringing it to the front. When edit mode is entered Drag is selected.</span><span class="style40">B</span><span class="style1">    Click-dragging on a region will resize it, as regions are windows you may only grow/shrink to the right/bottom.</span><span class="style40">C</span><span class="style1">    Clicking on a region will bring it to the front of all the regions & HyperCard palettes.</span><span class="style40">D</span><span class="style1">    Clicking on a region will send it behind all other regions and HyperCard palettes, but keep it in front of the card window.</span><span class="style40">E</span><span class="style1">    Clicking on a region will resize it to its normal size, i.e. the bounding rectangle of the picture it is displaying.</span><span class="style40">F</span><span class="style1">    Create a new region. Same as choosing the </span><span class="style21">New Region…</span><span class="style1"> item in the </span><span class="style21">Objects</span><span class="style1"> menu. This selection is “non-stick” and after the new region is created the previous selection will be restored.</span><span class="style40">G</span><span class="style1">    Clicking on a region will delete it.</span><span class="style40">H</span><span class="style1">    Write a script which will reconstruct the clicked-on region. A dialog is presented where you enter the name of the handler to be written and whether to add it to the current card, background or stack script or to copy it to the clipboard.</span><span class="style40">J</span><span class="style1">  </span><span class="style10">(mouseWithin)</span><span class="style40">K</span><span class="style10">  (mouseDown)</span><span class="style40">L</span><span class="style41"> </span><span class="style10">  (mouseStillDown)</span><span class="style40">M</span><span class="style41"> </span><span class="style10">  (mouseUp)</span><span class="style40">N</span><span class="style10">  </span><span class="style41"> </span><span class="style10">(idle)</span><span class="style1">    Clicking on a region will enable you to edit its handler scripts. See</span><span class="style23"><a href="#" class="group"> </a></span><span class="style22"><a href="#" class="group">Properties</a></span><span class="style1">.</span><span class="style40">O</span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style40">P</span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style40">Q</span><span class="style1">    Switch to another tool. Region edit mode will be left and the tear-off palette hidden unless the option key is down.</span><span class="style21">© 1990 Nigel Perry</span><span class="style1">    Displays a dialog stating the copyright and conditions of use. This selection is “non-stick”.</span></text>
<script>on openCardRegion editset the loc of window "Region Palette" to "360,70"show window "Region Palette"pass openCardend openCardon closeCardRegion normalpass closeCardend closeCardon Propertiesglobal fromCardput the name of this card into fromCardvisual effect zoom opengo cd "Properties"show bg btn "Return"end Properties</script>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style12">he Region Edit Mode</span><span class="style1">Region edit mode is a </span><span class="style10">sub-mode</span><span class="style1"> which may be entered when you are in browse, button edit or field edit modes; and is an </span><span class="style10">extension</span><span class="style1"> to those modes. When in region edit mode a new menu </span><span class="style21">Regions</span><span class="style1"> is added to the menu bar and you may move, resize, change the front-to-back layering etc. of your regions. When in edit mode the cursor will change to the standard arrow or a special cursor when over a region.</span><span class="style9">Entering Edit Mode</span><span class="style1">Edit mode is automatically entered whenever you use the </span><span class="style21">New Region…</span><span class="style1"> menu item to create a new region. It may also be entered by selecting </span><span class="style21">Region…</span><span class="style1"> from the </span><span class="style21">Edit</span><span class="style1"> menu or by holding down the option key while selecting one of the browse, button or field tools from the </span><span class="style21">Tools</span><span class="style1"> menu.</span><span class="style9">Leaving Edit Mode</span><span class="style1">Edit mode may be left by choosing any tool from the </span><span class="style21">Tools</span><span class="style1"> menu; by selecting the browse, button or fields tools from the </span><span class="style21">Regions</span><span class="style1"> menu; or by typing </span><span class="style21">⌘</span><span class="style1">+Tab to return to browse mode.</span></text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style12">reating Regions</span><span class="style1">There are two ways to create a region: using HyperTalk, either in a script or the message box; and using the Objects menu.</span><span class="style9">Creating Using HyperTalk</span><span class="style1">To create region use the command:</span><span class="style15">Region </span><span class="style16">name</span><span class="style15">, </span><span class="style16">loc</span><span class="style15">, </span><span class="style16">picture1</span><span class="style15">,                      [</span><span class="style16">Lasso</span><span class="style15">|</span><span class="style16">Masked</span><span class="style15">|</span><span class="style16">picture2</span><span class="style15">]</span><span class="style1">This will create a new region using </span><span class="style15">picture1</span><span class="style17">,</span><span class="style1"> </span><span class="style15">Lasso</span><span class="style1">ed, </span><span class="style15">Masked</span><span class="style1"> or picture masked with </span><span class="style15">picture2</span><span class="style1">. If </span><span class="style15">loc</span><span class="style1"> is a point then the top-left corner of the region will be placed there, these coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the </span><span class="style10">current card</span><span class="style1">. If </span><span class="style15">loc</span><span class="style1"> is a rectangle then the region is sized to fit. For example </span><span class="style18"><a href="#" class="group">Region Insect, "300,-20", Butterfly, Lasso</a></span><span class="style1"> will place a region just to the right and slightly above this card window (click to try it). The </span><span class="style15">name</span><span class="style1"> is used for the title of the regions window and may be used in HyperTalk window related commands, for example </span><span class="style18"><a href="#" class="group">set the loc of window Insect to "300,150"</a></span><span class="style1"> (click only if you created an Insect, otherwise you'll get a HyperTalk error).</span><span class="style9">Creating Using The Menus</span><span class="style1">Whenever you are regions there is a new entry </span><span class="style21">New Region…</span><span class="style1"> in the </span><span class="style21">Objects</span><span class="style1"> menu. (If the entry is not there you can add it with the HyperTalk command </span><span class="style18"><a href="#" class="group">setupRegions</a></span><span class="style1">, this may happen if your </span><span class="style15">userLevel</span><span class="style1"> was too low when Regions was initialised.) Selecting this menu item will present you with a dialog in which you may specify the region name and select the picture(s) from PopUp menus of those. On pressing </span><span class="style21">Ok</span><span class="style1"> the new region will be created and positioned at (0,0) and you will be left in </span><span class="style10">drag mode</span><span class="style1">, you may drag the region to where you wish and then type </span><span class="style21">⌘</span><span class="style1">+Tab, or select the hand tool from the </span><span class="style21">Tools</span><span class="style1"> menu, to return to browse mode. The HyperTalk commands </span><span class="style18"><a href="#" class="group">doMenu "New Region…"</a></span><span class="style1"> and </span><span class="style18"><a href="#" class="group">Region New</a></span><span class="style1"> are equivalent to selecting from the menu.</span></text>
<text><span class="style12">ow a Region is Constructed</span><span class="style1">A region is constructed from one or two named pictures (“PICT” resources), these pictures must be in: the current stack, a stack being “used”, the Home stack, HyperCard or the current System. There are three variations of regions; </span><span class="style10">lassoed</span><span class="style1">, </span><span class="style10">masked</span><span class="style1"> and </span><span class="style10">picture masked</span><span class="style1">. All regions display a picture in a “window”, the difference between the variations is in how the region area is determined.</span><span class="style9">Lassoed Region</span><span class="style1">For a lassoed region the area is formed by lassoing the picture to be displayed within the region, as with with the HyperCard lasso tool. A lassoed region will not contain any holes, but may consist of multiple non-contiguous areas. For an example press: </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Lasso ‚</a></span><span class="style1">.</span><span class="style9">Masked Region</span><span class="style1">The area of a masked region is formed from the black pixels of the picture it is to display. It may contain holes and non-contiguous areas but will not contain any white pixels – as those in the picture will fall outside the region area. For an example press: </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Masked ‚</a></span><span class="style1">.</span><span class="style9">Picture Masked Region</span><span class="style1">A picture masked region is constructed from two pictures. The first is displayed within the region and the black pixels of the second are used to define the region area. This comb-ination allows you to construct a region which is selectively transparent and/or contains areas which are white.For an example press: </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Picture Masked ‚</a></span><span class="style1">.</span><span class="style9">Variation Demonstration</span><span class="style1">If you press the button: </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Variation Demo ‚</a></span><span class="style1">, you will get three draggable regions, one of each variation (ignore the new menu that appears for the moment). Note that the cursor changes to an arrow when over a draggable region, instead of the usual HyperCard hand. Move them around by clicking and dragging in the usual way. If you </span><span class="style21">⌘</span><span class="style1">-click-drag the regions will keep their front-to-back ordering, otherwise a dragged region will automatically come to the front – just as with normal windows. When you are done press: </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· End Drag Mode ‚</a></span><span class="style1">.</span></text>
<text><span class="style2">pdate History</span><span class="style3"></span><span class="style9">Oct</span><span class="style37"><a href="#" class="group"> 90: v1.0b1</a></span><span class="style36"><a href="#" class="group">    Fi</a></span><span class="style3">rst ß release</span><span class="style9">Nov 90: v1.0b2</span><span class="style3">•   Renamed to Regions, less of a mouth/menu bar full than PictureObjects.•   Changed menu from text to "tear-off" palette.•   Added idle script & idleTime properties.•   Added region dump – builds a script to reconstruct region.•   Added ability to "send" to regions.•   Documented memLow/memAvail global properties.•   Fixed sticky buttons script.</span><span class="style9">Dec90: v1.0b3</span><span class="style3">•   I've now got 2.5Mb of memory in my Plus! Stacks tidied up, minimal graphics added.•   Added new stacks to package, Picture WDEF, Sticky Buttons, Start Here. Picture MDEF and     editScript XFCN stacks exist but are not written yet.•   Changed sticky buttons to use new Sticky Buttons font. Set script editor to use Sticky Monaco.•   Added cursors for the edit modes.•   Added toggleHilite, toggleVisible and makeScript to messages which can be sent to a region. The     makeScript message does not use a dialog and writes the handler to the clipboard using the region name     for the handler name.•   Made Region more robust on memory exhaustion. A non-visible region may be produced if memory runs     out. (Actually a window with empty content and structure regions.) However, Region may still cause     HyperCard to quit if memory runs out, there seems no easy way around this as the memory is sometimes     exhausted </span><span class="style25">within</span><span class="style3"> Quick-Draw during window operations.•   Fixed region dump – now will correctly dump a region with return/quote characters in the handler     scripts.•   Added information on using Regions in your own stacks, thought this might be useful!</span><span class="style9">Dec90: v1.0</span><span class="style3">•   Out in time for Christmas. Nadolig LLawen + Blwyddyn Newydd Da to all of you!•   Added those missing stacks.•   Tracked down and killed the “ghost” font. You didn't see it? Well I assure it was there…•   Fixed the problem with option-tab closing the Regions stack.•   Added a new copyright sequence to Start Here, called ~ 1 in 3 times. Made all stacks go to Start Here     if opened from (Multi)Finder.</span></text>
<name>Update History</name>
<script>on openCardset the scroll of fld "Description" to 0pass openCardend openCard</script>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style2">egions v1.0         </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Update History ‚</a></span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style3">© Nigel Perry, 1990. Free for personal use. No commercial, profit-making or ShareWare use without permission.</span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style3">This is a ßeta release. Please report bugs, comments, suggestions to me via email np@doc.ic.ac.uk or smail: Mr N Perry, Dept of Computing, Imperial College, 180 Queens Gate, London SW7 2BZ. Thank you.</span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style12">Introduction</span><span class="style11"></span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style10">Region</span><span class="style1"> is a HyperCard 2.0 external command which implements </span><span class="style10">region objects</span><span class="style1">, normally abbreviated to just </span><span class="style10">regions</span><span class="style1">. A region is an arbitrary area, or collection of non-contiguous areas, which may contain holes; in which a picture is displayed. Before you can use regions the stack “Region XCMD” must be “in use” by HyperCard. This was done automatically when you opened this stack.</span><span class="style12">Some Examples</span><span class="style1">The wandering </span><span class="style9">Regions!</span><span class="style1"> to the right is a single region, with non-contiguous areas and holes. For a demonstration of a more “conventional” picture press: </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Camel ‚</a></span><span class="style1">, and a picture of a camel should appear. If you press the button more than once you can get a whole herd of camels (with the odd stranger…). If you now press: </span><span class="style33"><a href="#" class="group">· Close Camel ‚</a></span><span class="style1"> , then the first camel drawn will be removed, you can keep pressing until the whole herd has gone.</span></text>
<script>on __Update_History__visual effect zoom openpush cdgo cd "Update History"end __Update_History__on __Camel__global camelVertif Camel is not in the windows thenput 0 into camelVertelseadd (10 + random(20)) to camelVertif camelVert > 250 then exit __Camel__end ifput 290+random(50) & "," & camelVert into ptif random(7) = 5 thenput "Bactrian Camel" into ctypeelseput Dromedary into ctypeend ifRegion Camel,pt,ctype,Lassoend __Camel__on __Close_Camel__if "Camel" is in the windows then close window Camelend __Close_Camel__on openCardset cursor to watchstartBannerpass openCardend openCardon closeCardstopBannerpass closeCardend closeCard</script>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >
<text><span class="style29">egions</span><span class="style1">Stack & Code Resources © 1990, Nigel Perry</span><span class="style3">Free for personal use and in stacks & applications which are free, provided this copyright notice is clearly displayed. May not be used for commercial or profit-making purposes or in ShareWare without permission. Code resources written in THINK C © Symantec.</span><span class="style1">Thanks to ßeta Testers: Ruben Leon, Mark Sanderson,Olle Furburg and Duncan Langford.</span></text>
<text><span class="style31">arning</span><span class="style1">: Using Regions, especially complicated ones, can use a lot of memory and cause QuickDraw to run out of memory, which in turn will abort HyperCard. This type of memory exhaustion cannot currently be predicted or recovered from. The problem is particularly acute on 1Mb systems and in colour modes. Used with reason there should be no problems, just don't ask for tens of flashing butterflies or too many owls!</span></text>
<script>on openCardglobal introWindowsput the windows into introWindowsbuildBF1buildBF2end openCardon closeCardglobal introWindowscleanupWindows introWindowsend closeCardon buildBF1Region BF1,"-19,-18,154,111","Butterfly","Lasso"set the idle of window BF1 to "send toggleHilite to window targetRegion"set the idleTime of window BF1 to 300end buildBF1on buildBF2Region BF2,"367,73,540,202","Butterfly","Lasso"set the idle of window BF2 to "send toggleHilite to window targetRegion"set the idleTime of window BF2 to 500end buildBF2on buildBF3Region BF3,"-33,95,140,224","Butterfly","Lasso"set the idle of window BF3 to "send toggleHilite to window targetRegion"set the idleTime of window BF3 to 700end buildBF3on arrowKey whichif which is "Right" thensend mouseUp to btn "Next"elseif which is not "Left" thenpass arrowKeyend ifend ifend arrowKey</script>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE card PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD card V 2.0//EN" "" >