The ArrayList, BinaryTree, and Research external functions are free. For details see the sections titled ΓÇ£CopyrightΓÇ¥, ΓÇ£DistributionΓÇ¥, and ΓÇ£No WarrantyΓÇ¥.
Portions of the object code are Copyright © 1990 Symantec Corporation.
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This is a demonstration stack for three XFCNs: ArrayList, BinaryTree, and Research. These programs are free and source code in C and complete manuals for each of these XFCNs are included. For distribution terms see the appropriate sections.
Use the "Index" button at the bottom of the cards to go to the index. This is the easiest way to navigate through this stack.
The remainder of this field gives brief descriptions of each of the programs.
ΓÇó ArrayList implements a general purpose list data structure. Lists are stored as arrays, and basic list operations are provided on the arrays. Operations implemented include insert, delete, find, and sort, stack operations, and set operations. ArrayList was written to provide a fairly fast way of maintaining ordered lists in HyperTalk scripts.
ΓÇó BinaryTree implements a binary tree data structure. Each node in the tree is refered to by a key, and may also contain an extra datum field, which can store any additional data. Operations on the tree include insertion, deletion, tree traversal (in-order, preorder, postorder, levelorder), as well as range searching.
ΓÇó Research is a Regular Expression Searcher. The set of regular expressions implemented is based on the UNIX egrep program. Output format is flexible, and may be in a modified chunk form which facilitates further processing. Numerous options control the search and the output format. A very fast string searching algorithm is used for patterns which are not regular expressions.
ΓÇó ErrorString is used to convert an error code returned by one of the above XFCNs into a short descriptive string.
ΓÇó ErrorName is related to ErrorString, and is used to get the name of an error. Error names are easier to use than error numbers.
1. You should know how to use HyperTalk (HyperCard's scripting language) before using this stack. Some knowledge of elementary programming (arrays and trees especially) will be useful.
2. For precise details on how to use the programs you must read the accompanying manuals.
-- part contents for card part 9
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This stack won't make much sense unless you read the manuals.