Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this manual and the software it describes provided the copyright notice, this permission notice, and the sections entitled ΓÇ£DistributionΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£No WarrantyΓÇ¥ are included exactly as in the original. This copyright notice also applies to the other manuals in this set: ΓÇ£ArrayList ManualΓÇ¥, ΓÇ£BinaryTree ManualΓÇ¥, and ΓÇ£Research ManualΓÇ¥. If any changes are made to this manual you must record them in the section containing the revision history.
This copyright notice and the sections entitled ΓÇ£DistributionΓÇ¥, and ΓÇ£No WarrantyΓÇ¥ were adapted from the notices for GNU Emacs, which is published by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. I have no connection whatsoever with the Free Software Foundation; they have had nothing to do with these programs. I have simply adapted their notices. I believe that the FSF will not be upset by my borrowing of their legal notices, since they support free software.
The programs were developed using THINK C from Symantec. The object code provided with these programs makes use of libraries distributed as source code with THINK C. Therefore, portions of the object code are Copyright © 1990 Symantec Corporation. Symantec's copyright covers only parts of the object code; it does not apply to any other parts of these programs or their accompanying manuals.