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(provide "graphics2")
(require "graphics")
;;;; Scatmat Object Prototype
(send scatmat-proto :title "Scatterplot Matrix")
(send scatmat-proto :menu-title "Scatmat")
(send scatmat-proto :fixed-aspect t)
(send scatmat-proto :menu-template (send graph-proto :menu-template))
;;;; Spinner Object Prototype
(send spin-proto :title "Spinning Plot")
(send spin-proto :menu-title "Spinner")
(send spin-proto :fixed-aspect t)
(send spin-proto :menu-template (append (send graph-proto :menu-template)
'(dash faster slower cuing axes)))
(send spin-proto :variable-labels '("X" "Y" "Z"))
(send spin-proto :black-on-white nil)
(send spin-proto :depth-cuing t)
(send spin-proto :showing-axes t)
(send spin-proto :scale-type 'variable)
(defmeth spin-proto :isnew (&rest args)
(apply #'call-next-method args)
(send self :add-overlay (send spin-control-overlay-proto :new)))
(defmeth spin-proto :adjust-to-data (&key (draw t))
(call-next-method :draw nil)
(when (null (send self :scale-type))
(let* ((vars (send self :num-variables))
(ranges (send self :range (iseq 0 (- vars 1))))
(radius (* (sqrt vars)
(max (- (min ranges)) (max ranges)))))
(send self :center (iseq vars) 0 :draw nil)
(send self :range (iseq vars) (- radius) radius :draw nil)))
(when draw
(send self :resize)
(send self :redraw)))
(defmeth spin-proto :rotation-type (&optional (new nil set))
(if set (setf (slot-value 'rotation-type) new))
(slot-value 'rotation-type))
(defmeth spin-proto :make-menu-item (item)
(if (symbolp item)
(case item
(faster (send spin-speed-item-proto :new self 1.5))
(slower (send spin-speed-item-proto :new self (/ 2 3)))
(cuing (send graph-item-proto :new "Depth Cuing" self
:depth-cuing :depth-cuing :toggle t :redraw t))
(axes (send graph-item-proto :new "Show Axes" self
:showing-axes :showing-axes :toggle t :redraw t))
(t (call-next-method item)))
(defmeth spin-proto :add-surface (x y z &key (draw t) (type 'solid) (spline 3))
"Args: (x y z &key (draw t) (type 'solid) (spline 3))
Adds a grid surface using sequences X, Y with values in the matrix Z.
Z should be (length X) by (length Y)."
(let ((z (row-list z)))
(mapcar #'(lambda (u z)
(let* ((yz (if spline
(spline y z :xvals (* spline (length y)))
(list y z)))
(y (first yz))
(z (second yz)))
(send self
(list (repeat u (length y)) y z)
:draw nil :type type)))
x z))
(let ((z (column-list z)))
(mapcar #'(lambda (u z)
(let* ((xz (if spline
(spline x z :xvals (* spline (length x)))
(list x z)))
(x (first xz))
(z (second xz)))
(send self
(list x (repeat u (length x)) z)
:draw nil :type type)))
y z))
(if draw (send self :redraw))
(defmeth spin-proto :add-function (f xmin xmax ymin ymax &rest args &key (num-points 6))
"Args: (f xmin xmax ymin ymax &rest args &key (num-points 6))
Adds surface of function F over a NUM-POINTS by NUM-POINTS grid on the
rectangle [xmin, xmax] x [ymin, ymax]. Passes other keywords to
:add-surface method."
(let* ((x (rseq xmin xmax num-points))
(y (rseq ymin ymax num-points))
(z (outer-product x y f)))
(apply #'send self :add-surface x y z args)))
(defmeth spin-proto :abcplane (a b c)
"Message args: (a b c)
Adds the graph of the plane A + B x + Cy to the plot."
(let ((xlimits (send self :range 0))
(ylimits (send self :range 1)))
(send self :add-function #'(lambda (x y) (+ a (* b x) (* c y)))
(- (mean xlimits) (/ (abs (apply #'- xlimits)) (* 2 (sqrt 3))))
(+ (mean xlimits) (/ (abs (apply #'- xlimits)) (* 2 (sqrt 3))))
(- (mean ylimits) (/ (abs (apply #'- ylimits)) (* 2 (sqrt 3))))
(+ (mean ylimits) (/ (abs (apply #'- ylimits)) (* 2 (sqrt 3))))
:spline nil)))
;; Spinner control overlay
(defproto spin-control-overlay-proto
'(top lefts gap side ascent box-top text-base)
(defmeth spin-control-overlay-proto :isnew ()
(setf (slot-value 'gap) 5)
(setf (slot-value 'side) 10)
(setf (slot-value 'ascent) (send graph-proto :text-ascent))
(let ((w1 (send graph-proto :text-width "Pitch"))
(w2 (send graph-proto :text-width "Roll"))
(w3 (send graph-proto :text-width "Yaw"))
(gap (slot-value 'gap))
(side (slot-value 'side)))
(setf (slot-value 'lefts)
(list (* 2 gap)
(+ (* 3 gap) side)
(+ (* 6 gap) (* 2 side) w1)
(+ (* 7 gap) (* 3 side) w1)
(+ (* 11 gap) (* 4 side) w1 w2)
(+ (* 12 gap) (* 5 side) w1 w2)))))
(defmeth spin-control-overlay-proto :resize ()
(let* ((graph (send self :graph))
(height (send graph :canvas-height))
(bottom-margin (fourth (send graph :margin)))
(top (+ (- height bottom-margin) 1))
(gap (slot-value 'gap))
(side (slot-value 'side))
(ascent (send graph :text-ascent))
(text-base (+ top gap (max side ascent)))
(box-top (- text-base side)))
(setf (slot-value 'top) top)
(setf (slot-value 'text-base) text-base)
(setf (slot-value 'box-top) box-top)))
(defmeth spin-control-overlay-proto :redraw ()
(let ((graph (slot-value 'graph))
(top (slot-value 'top))
(lefts (slot-value 'lefts))
(gap (slot-value 'gap))
(side (slot-value 'side))
(text-base (slot-value 'text-base))
(box-top (slot-value 'box-top)))
(send graph :draw-line 0 top (send graph :canvas-width) top)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (send graph :frame-rect x box-top side side))
(mapcar #'(lambda (s x y) (send graph :draw-string s x y))
'("Pitch" "Roll" "Yaw")
(+ (select lefts '(1 3 5)) gap side)
(repeat text-base 3))))
(defmeth spin-control-overlay-proto :do-click (x y m1 m2)
(let ((graph (slot-value 'graph))
(top (slot-value 'top))
(lefts (slot-value 'lefts))
(gap (slot-value 'gap))
(side (slot-value 'side))
(text-base (slot-value 'text-base))
(box-top (slot-value 'box-top)))
(when (< top y)
(send graph :idle-on nil)
(if (< box-top y text-base)
(let ((i (car (which (< lefts x (+ lefts side)))))
(angle (abs (send graph :angle))))
(when i
(send graph :rotation-type
(select '(pitching rolling yawing)
(floor (/ i 2))))
(send graph :angle (if (oddp i) angle (- angle)))
(send graph :while-button-down
#'(lambda (x y) (send graph :rotate))
(send graph :idle-on m1))))
;; Spinner Menu Items
;; SPIN-SPEED-ITEM-PROTO. multiply speed by fixed number to speed up or slow down.
(defproto spin-speed-item-proto '(graph mult) () menu-item-proto)
(defmeth spin-speed-item-proto :isnew (v m)
(setf (slot-value 'graph) v)
(setf (slot-value 'mult) m)
(call-next-method (if (> 1 m) "Slower" "Faster"))
(send self :key (if (> 1 m) #\S #\F)))
(defmeth spin-speed-item-proto :do-action ()
(send (slot-value 'graph) :angle (* (slot-value 'mult) (send (slot-value 'graph) :angle))))
;;;; Spinner Functions
(defun spin-function (f xmin xmax ymin ymax &rest args)
"Args: (f xmin xmax ymin ymax &key (num-points 6) (spline 3))
Rotatable plot of function F of two real variables over the range
between [xmin, xmax] x [ymin, ymax]. The function is evaluated at
NUM-POINTS points. If SPLINE is not NIL a spline is fit at
(let ((plot (apply #'send spin-proto :new 3 :show nil args)))
(apply #'send plot :add-function f xmin xmax ymin ymax :draw nil args)
(send plot :adjust-to-data :draw nil)
(send plot :new-menu)
(send plot :showing-axes nil)
(send plot :rotate-2 0 1 (/ pi 3) :draw nil)
(send plot :rotate-2 1 2 (- (/ pi 3)) :draw nil)
(send plot :show-window)
;;;; Name List Object Prototype
(send name-list-proto :title "Name List")
(send name-list-proto :menu-title "List")
(send name-list-proto :menu-template '(link mouse dash erase-selection
focus-on-selection show-all
#+color color
selection dash options
#-macintosh save-image))
;;;; Histogram Object Prototype
(send histogram-proto :title "Histogram")
(send histogram-proto :menu-title "Histogram")
(send histogram-proto :fixed-aspect nil)
(send histogram-proto :size 250 125)
(send histogram-proto :menu-template '(link mouse resize-brush dash
focus-on-selection show-all
#+color color
selection dash
#-small-machine slicer
#-small-machine options
#-macintosh save-image
dash change-bins))
(defmeth histogram-proto :make-menu-item (item)
(if (symbolp item)
(case item
(change-bins (send change-hist-bins-item-proto :new self))
(t (call-next-method item)))
(defmeth histogram-proto :drag-point (x y &key (draw t))
(let ((p (call-next-method x y :draw nil)))
(if p (send self :resize))
(if (and p draw) (send self :redraw))
;; Histogram Menu Items
;; CHANGE-HIST-BINS-ITEM-PROTO. Opens new integer dialog.
(defproto change-hist-bins-item-proto '(graph) () menu-item-proto)
(defmeth change-hist-bins-item-proto :isnew (h)
(setf (slot-value 'graph) h)
(call-next-method "Change Bins"))
(defmeth change-hist-bins-item-proto :do-action ()
(let ((bins (get-new-integer "Number of bins"
(send (slot-value 'graph) :num-bins))))
(when bins
(send (slot-value 'graph) :num-bins bins)
(send (slot-value 'graph) :redraw))))
;;;; Scatterplot Object Prototype
(send scatterplot-proto :title "Plot")
(send scatterplot-proto :menu-title "Plot")
(send scatterplot-proto :fixed-aspect nil)
(send scatterplot-proto :menu-template (send graph-proto :menu-template))
(defmeth graph-proto :add-function (f xmin xmax &rest args &key (num-points 50))
"Message args: (f xmin xmax &key (num-points 50)
Adds plot of function F of one real variable over the range between xmin
and xmax to the plot. The function is evaluated at NUM-POINTS points."
(unless (= 2 (send self :num-variables)) (error "only works for 2D plots"))
(let* ((x (rseq xmin xmax num-points))
(y (mapcar f x)))
(apply #'send self :add-lines (list x y) args)))
(defmeth graph-proto :abline (a b)
"Message args: (a b)
Adds the graph of the line A + B x to the plot."
(let ((limits (send self :range 0)))
(send self :add-function #'(lambda (x) (+ a (* b x)))
(car limits)
(cadr limits))))
(defmeth graph-proto :plotline (a b c d draw)
(send self :add-lines (list a c) (list b d) :draw draw))
;;;; Basic 2D Plotting Functions
(defun plot-function (f xmin xmax &key (num-points 50) (type 'solid) labels)
"Args: (f xmin xmax &optional (num-points 50) labels)
Plots function F of one real variable over the range between xmin and xmax.
The function is evaluated at NUM-POINTS points. LABELS is a list of axis
(let* ((x (rseq xmin xmax num-points))
(y (mapcar f x)))
(plot-lines x y :type type :variable-labels labels)))
;;;; Boxplot Functions
(defmeth scatterplot-proto :add-boxplot (y &key (x 1.0) (width 1.0) (draw t))
(unless (= 2 (send self :num-variables)) (error "only works for 2D plots"))
(let* ((half-box (* 0.4 width))
(half-foot (* 0.1 width))
(fiv (fivnum y))
(low (select fiv 0))
(q1 (select fiv 1))
(med (select fiv 2))
(q3 (select fiv 3))
(high (select fiv 4)))
(send self :plotline (- x half-foot) low (+ x half-foot) low nil)
(send self :plotline (- x half-foot) high (+ x half-foot) high nil)
(send self :plotline x low x q1 nil)
(send self :plotline x q3 x high nil)
(send self :plotline (- x half-box) q1 (+ x half-box) q1 nil)
(send self :plotline (- x half-box) med (+ x half-box) med nil)
(send self :plotline (- x half-box) q3 (+ x half-box) q3 nil)
(send self :plotline (- x half-box) q1 (- x half-box) q3 nil)
(send self :plotline (+ x half-box) q1 (+ x half-box) q3 nil)))
(defun boxplot (data &key (title "Box Plot"))
"Args: (data &key (title \"Box Plot\"))
DATA is a sequence, a list of sequences or a matrix. Makes a boxplot of the
sequence or a parallel box plot of the sequences in the list or the columns
of the matrix."
(let ((p (send scatterplot-proto :new 2 :title title :show nil)))
(setq data
(cond ((matrixp data) (column-list data))
((or (not (listp data)) (numberp (car data))) (list data))
(t data)))
(let ((range (get-nice-range (min data) (max data) 4)))
(send p :range 1 (nth 0 range) (nth 1 range))
(send p :y-axis t nil (nth 2 range)))
(send p :range 0 0 (1+ (length data)))
(dotimes (i (length data))
(send p :add-boxplot (nth i data) :x (1+ i)))
(send p :show-window)
(defun boxplot-x (x data &key (title "Box Plot"))
"Args: (x data &key (title \"Box Plot\"))
DATA is a list of sequences or a matrix. X is a sequence with as many
elements as DATA has elements or columns. Makes a parallel box plot
of the sequences in the list or the columns of the matrix vs X."
(let ((p (send scatterplot-proto :new 2 :title title :show nil)))
(setq data
(cond ((matrixp data) (column-list data))
((or (not (listp data)) (numberp (car data))) (list data))
(t data)))
(let ((range (get-nice-range (min data) (max data) 4)))
(send p :range 1 (nth 0 range) (nth 1 range))
(send p :y-axis t nil (nth 2 range)))
(setq x (coerce x 'list))
(if (/= (length x) (length data)) (error "argument lengths do not match"))
(let* ((width (min (difference x)))
(range (get-nice-range (- (min x) width) (+ (max x) width) 4)))
(send p :range 0 (nth 0 range) (nth 1 range))
(send p :x-axis t nil (nth 2 range))
(dotimes (i (length data))
(send p :add-boxplot (nth i data) :width width :x (nth i x))))
(send p :show-window)
;;;; Quantile and Probability Plot Functions
(defun quantile-plot (x &key (quantile-function #'normal-quant)
(title "Quantile Plot") point-labels)
"Args: (data &key (quantile-function #'normal-quant) (title \"Quantile Plot\") point-labels)"
(plot-points (funcall quantile-function
(/ (1+ (rank x)) (1+ (length x))))
:title title
'("Theoretical Quantiles" "Observed Quantiles")
:point-labels point-labels))
(defun probability-plot (x &key (distribution-function #'normal-cdf)
(title "Probability Plot") point-labels)
"Args: (data &key (distribution-function #'normal-cdf) (title \"Probability Plot\") point-labels)"
(let ((p (plot-points (/ (1+ (rank x)) (1+ (length x)))
(funcall distribution-function x)
:title title
:variable-labels '("Theoretical CDF" "Observed CDF")
:point-labels point-labels)))
(send p :x-axis t t 5)
(send p :y-axis t t 5)
;;;; Contour Plotting Methods and Functions
(defmeth scatterplot-proto :add-surface-contour (x y z v &key (draw t))
(let ((c (surface-contour x y z v)))
(dolist (x (split-list c 2))
(send self :add-lines (transpose x) :draw nil)))
(if draw (send self :redraw-content)))
(defmeth scatterplot-proto :add-surface-contours
(x y z &optional v &key (draw t))
(let ((v (if v
(if (numberp v) (list v v) (coerce v 'list))
(let ((min (min z))
(max (max z)))
(+ min (* (- max min) '(.2 .4 .6 .8)))))))
(dolist (v v) (send self :add-surface-contour x y z v :draw nil))
(if draw (send self :redraw-content))))
(defmeth scatterplot-proto :add-function-contours
(f xmin xmax ymin ymax &optional v &key (num-points 6) (draw t))
(let* ((x (coerce (rseq xmin xmax num-points) 'vector))
(y (coerce (rseq ymin ymax num-points) 'vector))
(z (outer-product x y f)))
(send self :add-surface-contours x y z v :draw draw)))
(defun contour-function (f xmin xmax ymin ymax &rest args
&key levels (num-points 6))
"Args: (f xmin xmax ymin ymax &key levels (num-points 6))
Contour plot of function F of two real variables over the range
between [xmin, xmax] x [ymin, ymax]. The function is evaluated at
NUM-POINTS points."
(let ((plot (apply #'send scatterplot-proto :new 2 :show nil args)))
(send plot :add-function-contours f xmin xmax ymin ymax
levels :num-points num-points :draw nil)
(send plot :adjust-to-data :draw nil)
(send plot :new-menu)
(send plot :show-window)
#-small-machine (require "graphics3")