Text File
1,036 lines
Revised LISTSERV System Reference Library, Release 1.5m
(c) Eric Thomas 1986,1987 Ecole Centrale de Paris
| Revised LISTSERV: LISTSERV-Punch Implementation Guide |
| |
| Document number: R01-007-0 (October 4th, 1987) |
| |
| Author: Eric Thomas <ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET> |
| |
| Document fileid: "LISTLPUN MEMO" (from "Info LPunch") |
This manual is a Reference Guide for application programmers who have
to implement the LISTSERV-Punch file transfer format on their oper-
ating system. It provides a complete technical description of the
LISTSERV-Punch format, along with a brief summary of some relevant
information about the CMS file system. In addition, sample conversion
programs in PASCAL and C are provided to assist the application
programmer in implementing a satisfactory LISTSERV-Punch conversion
program on his system.
NOTE: The LISTSERV-Punch file transfer format was introduced with
release 1.4 of Revised LISTSERV. Although the LISTSERV-Punch format
might be expanded in the future to provide additional functions, full
upwards compatibility is warrantied provided that the user-written
conversion program strictly conforms to the standard defined in this
document. Deviations from the norm (e.g. not ignoring the remainder
of the ID control card) might lead to problems with future releases of
The following typographical conventions have been made in this docu-
ment to improve its readability:
| o Recent changes in the publication are indicated by a vertical bar
| in the left margin.
! o Intermediate changes between two releases of the document ("Pre-
! releases") are flagged with an exclamation point in the left
! margin. Features described in this fashion should be considered
! as not documented and not officially supported until the exclama-
! tion point is removed.
> o Temporary restrictions or circumventions are marked with a
> "greater than" sign in the left margin. This sign may also be used
> to signal obsolete features for which support will be dropped in
> the next release.
* Introduction *
The term "LISTSERV-Punch" refers to a "file transmission format" which
is used by LISTSERV when sending files larger than 80 characters per
record to computing systems which do not have the ability to process
Netdata, CARD DUMP or DISK DUMP format. It was designed to accomodate
file transmission through mail-only gateways. Its primary features
o Ability to transfer files of any record length up to 65535 charac-
ters per record. This limit is arbitrary and corresponds to the
longest string a high-level language compiler can usually handle.
o Ability to transfer files without automatically padding or strip-
ping records of trailing blanks. That is, leading or trailing
blanks are not removed by the file transfer process itself.
o Simplicity of the decoding program. Sample conversion programs in
PASCAL and C are provided at the end of this document. The PASCAL
program was written and tested in about 45 minutes, and any PASCAL
programmer should be able to adapt it very quickly to work on his
own system.
The C program should work unmodified under any standard UNIX
system, but might need to be improved to allow the specification
of input and output parameters and/or system-dependent switches
for the various filing system calls.
o Acceptable network efficiency: very little extra lines are gener-
ated, and trailing blanks are stripped before transmission.
o Possibility for a human reader to get a general idea of the
contents of the file without having to resort to a conversion
* Format of the INPUT file *
A LISTSERV-Punch formatted file (also called "card deck", with the
term "card" being used to refer to a 80-characters file record) has
the following outer aspect:
| junk line |
| . |
| . |
| junk line |
| |
| ID/ control card |
| |
| data line #1 |
| . |
| . |
| data line #n |
| |
| END/ control card |
| |
| junk line |
| . |
| . |
| junk line |
| |
| Figure 1. Input card deck format |
Junk lines
Anything before the "ID/" card (e.g. mail header, comments) is
ignored. Similarly, anything after the "END/" card (e.g. mailer
keywords, "Acknowledge-To:" field) is discarded. Encountering the end
of the file without any ID or END card is an error. However, encount-
ering an END card before any ID card is not an error since anything
before the first ID card must be ignored without even being parsed.
Control lines
The ID card contains information about the file being sent, while the
END card is merely an end-of-stream indicator. The format of these
two cards is:
| ID/filename filetype recfm lrecl reserved |
| | | | | | | |
| V V V V V V |
| Column numbers: 1 4 13 22 24 29 |
| |
| END/reserved |
| | | |
| V V |
| Column numbers: 1 5 |
| |
| Blanks shown between keywords are real. See later on for more |
| information on the meaning of "filename", "recfm", etc. |
| |
| Figure 2. Control cards format |
NOTE: The end of the ID card (from column 30 onwards, inclusive) and
the end of the END card (from column 5 onwards, inclusive) are
reserved fields which should be ignored by the conversion program.
Failure to observe this rule might result in severe compatibility
problems with future releases of LISTSERV.
Data lines
Folding algorithm
Each record of the source file is broken into one or more physical
"cards" before being transmitted. The first card of each such group
will indicate the number of cards in the group, counting itself as one
card (i.e. this is not the number of continuation cards but the total
number of cards), and possibly the length of the source record line
(only if "recfm" is 'V' - see below). The remainder of the first
card, as well as the second and following cards in the group, are pure
data bytes. The resulting concatenated record will have to be padded
with blanks as determined by the record length indication, if needed.
Description of the format of a data line
Fixed-length records
| recfm = F |
| ncards/data |
| | | |
| V V |
| Column numbers: 1 2+Length(ncards) |
| |
| Figure 3. Data line format, fixed-length records |
Variable-length records
| recfm = V |
| lrecl/ncards/data |
| | | | |
| V | V |
| Column numbers: 1 | 3+Length(lrecl)+Length(ncards) |
| V |
| 2+Length(lrecl) |
| |
| Figure 4. Data line format, variable-length records |
NCARDS is the total number of cards in the group (ncards >= 1).
LRECL is the logical record length of the source file record asso-
ciated with the group; it does not appear in recfm F files
for which the record length is defined in the ID card.
* Summary of CMS file characteristics *
Since LISTSERV operates in an IBM VM/SP CMS environment and the file
will have to be received on a different operating system, a very short
description of the CMS file system has been included here.
CMS file names
Under CMS, each file is identified by a "filename" and a "filetype",
both of them being strings of 1 to 8 characters taken out of the
following set:
A-Z a-z 0-9 #$@-+:_
However, LISTSERV will never send a file containing a lowercase char-
acter in its filename or filetype, because a lot of systems have to
convert them to uppercase or will convert network interactive messages
to uppercase, thus making it impossible for users to enter mixed case
file names in the commands they send to LISTSERV.
CMS file structure
CMS files consist in a series of "records", as opposed to UNIX or
MS-DOS files which consist in a series of bytes. When calling the
filing system to perform a write operation, you must provide a full
record. It is not possible to write "byte by byte" since this has no
meaning (you could of course write a series of one-byte records but
this would not create the file you expected). Each CMS file has
therefore, among other attributes:
o A "number of records" field.
o A "logical record length" (which is called lrecl). This is the
size of the longest record in the file, and consequently the
minimum size of the storage buffer required to read the file
record by record.
o A "record format" (which is called recfm). This "record format"
is a single character, F for FIXED or V for VARIABLE. A recfm of
"F" indicates that all the records in the file have exactly the
same lrecl, while "V" indicates the opposite. The filing system
uses more efficient algorithms when handling recfm F files, but
they require more disk space of course.
Implementation considerations
Before you start writing the conversion program, you must answer the
following set of questions:
1. Which name will I use on my system for the newly converted file?
The sample C program reads from standard input and writes the
converted file to standard output, leaving the user responsible
for providing adequate redirection on the command line.
The sample PASCAL program, which is written for MS-DOS, uses the
filename field as file name and the three first characters of the
filetype as file extension, i.e. filename+'.'+Left(filetype,3).
You may use a similar algorithm or select a constant output file
name such as "LISTSERV.PUN".
2. How should recfm F files be written on my system?
The sample program treats a recfm F file as a recfm V file which
just happens to have records of identical length. A CR+LF
sequence is therefore output at the end of each record, regarless
of the recfm. Alternatively, the program could have been designed
to write recfm F files "as is", i.e. without any CR+LF sequence at
the end of the record. It all depends on the capabilities of your
system and (above all) of your system's editor.
* Preliminary notes *
This sample PASCAL program was written for Turbo-PASCAL (a trademark
of Borland International). It is provided only as an example - no
warranty of any kind is made that the program will function properly
on your operating system. Detailed comments have been provided for
all the "system dependent" procedures. The program was designed for
transportability, not efficiency - there are a lot of places where
some optimization would greatly improve execution speed, but that was
not the objective of the program. All the functions and procedures
which are not part of the standard library have been Capitalized,
while standard functions have been entered in lower case. These func-
tions might exist on some of the compilers, possibly under a different
name. The compiler is assumed to be able to handle the "string" type;
if it doesn't, you will have to write a few "string-handling" func-
tions which emulate strings from an array of char.
Finally, since not all terminals accept the special characters used by
PASCAL, the following conversion has been made:
opening bracket --> (.
closing bracket --> .)
opening curly brace --> (*
closing curly brace --> *)
NOTE: in Turbo-PASCAL, string concatenation is done using the "+"
*----------------------------- Cut here --------------------------------*
* LISTSERV-Punch PASCAL conversion program, version number 03
* Written by Eric Thomas <ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET>
* This public domain program has been tested on an IBM PC-compatible
* system on several small files that had to be keyed-in manually on
* the PC since no PC-to-mainframe connection was available.
* The working version of the program had to be printed and re-keyed
* in manually into the document you are reading. There can therefore
* be several keying errors -- proofreading programs is very tiring
* and consequently very difficult.
* Synopsis:
* The input file from LISTSERV is assumed to be CARDS.DAT
* Output is directed to file "filename.filetype", with filetype
* being truncated to 3 characters of course.
* Problems:
* Send problem or bug reports to <ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET>.
* Metaphysical complaints about the Rules of Structured Programming
* and their relationship to this blasphemous program should better
* stay in their author's own warm, safe and cosy mailbox.
program LPUNCH(input,cardfile,output,outfile);
(* Note: Turbo-PASCAL requires square brackets for the "string" type,
while other compilers require parenthesis. Since some terminals
cannot display square brackets, parenthesis will be used. *)
type cards=string(80);
string5=string(5); (* This is because Turbo is not a very power- *)
string8=string(8); (* ful compiler *)
anystring=string(255); (* Substitute the maximum length of a
"string" var on your compiler *)
var cardfile:text; (* Input file -- compiler dependent declaration *)
outfile:file of char; (* compiler dependent declaration *)
function Substr(s:anystring;start,size:integer):anystring;
(* This function must return the substring of "s" starting at character
number "start" and of length "size". The resulting string must NOT be
padded with blanks if start+size-1 > length of the string. *)
Substr:=Copy(s,start,size) (* Turbo has it under another name *)
function Length(s:anystring):integer;
(* This return the length of the string, with 0 for a null string *)
Length:=ord(s(.0.)) (* Same as the built-in Turbo function *)
procedure Opencards;
(* This procedure must open the input file, wherever it may be or your
system, and display an error message and exit it there is an error *)
if ioresult <> 0 then
writeln('Error opening input file');
halt (* HALT is a GOTO just before the END. statement *)
procedure Closecards;
(* This procedure must close the input file. You may wish to have it
delete the input file too *)
if ioresult = 0 then; (* just reset turbo's hang... *)
function Getcard:cards;
var result:cards;
(* This function must read one 80-chars line (one "card") from input
and return it as result. A premature EOF is an error and must cause
termination of the program. The result must be EXACTLY 80 characters
in length *)
if ioresult <> 0 then
writeln('Premature EOF on input');
while Length(result) <> 80 do result:=result+' ';
function Dec2bin(s:string5):integer;
var n,error:integer;
(* This function converts a string of numeric characters into its
binary representation ("integer"). An error should cause termination*)
if error = 0 then Dec2bin:=n
else begin
writeln('Invalid decimal argument');
procedure Openout(fn,ft:string8);
(* This procedure must open the output file under whatever file-id you
may choose *)
if ioresult <> 0 then
writeln('Error opening output file');
procedure Closeout;
(* This procedure must close the output file. Errors should be detected
since they can mean a disk-full condition while writing the last
buffer, or suchlike *)
if ioresult <> 0 then
writeln('Error occured while closing output file');
function Gobbleword(var card:cards):string5;
var s:string5;
(* This function should be left "as is" *)
until card(.1.) = '/';
card:=Substr(card,2,80); (* Delete the "/" sign too *)
procedure Outchar(c:char);
(* This outputs a character to "outfile". On byte-based file systems such
as UNIX or MS-DOS, the character is just sent to standard output. On
record-based systems it must be appended to a buffer (string(65535) or
array of char) before the actual write is performed (see below) *)
if ioresult <> 0 then
writeln('Error writing to output file');
procedure Endofrecord;
(* This procedure is called when the end of a record is reached. On
record-based file systems, the buffer must be written; on byte-based
systems a CR+LF (or similar) must be output for recfm V files, and
possibly for recfm F files (your option) *)
Outchar(chr(13)); (* CR *)
Outchar(chr(10)) (* LF *)
procedure Writeout(s:cards;var l:integer);
var i:integer;
(* This one must be left "as is" *)
if Length(s) > l then s:=Substr(s,1,l);
for i:=1 to Length(s) do Outchar(Substr(s,i,1));
(* Main program -- nothing needs to be changed *)
until Substr(card,1,3) = 'ID/';
if Substr(card,1,4) <> 'END/' then
if recfm = 'V' then xlrecl:=Dec2bin(Gobbleword(card))
else xlrecl:=lrecl;
if ncards <> 0 then card:=Getcard
until ncards = 0;
for i:=1 to xlrecl do Outchar(' ');
until Substr(card,1,4) = 'END/';
writeln('File "',filename,' ',filetype,
'" has been successfully converted.')
*----------------------------- Cut here --------------------------------*
* Preliminary notes *
This sample C program is provided only as an example - no warranty of
any kind is made that the program will function properly on your oper-
ating system. Detailed comments have been provided for all the
"system dependent" procedures. All the functions and procedures which
are not part of the standard library have been Capitalized, while
standard functions have been entered in lower case.
The program should operate properly as is on any standard UNIX system,
although some system-dependent additions might be necessary in some
cases (e.g. special options on the output file fopen call, or addition
of command-line switches).
Finally, since not all terminals accept the special characters used by
C, the following conversion has been made:
opening bracket --> (:
closing bracket --> :)
opening curly brace --> (*
closing curly brace --> *)
backslash --> <bs>
You should be able to reverse this conversion easily with your
favourite text editor before compiling the program.
*----------------------------- Cut here --------------------------------*
* LISTSERV-Punch C conversion program, version number 02
* Written by Eric Thomas <ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET>
* This public domain program has been tested on a VM system with the
* huge BITEARN NODES file as input (over 23,000 LISTSERV-Punch format
* records), as well as several other smaller files. No problem has
* been encountered in the testing phase.
* The working version of the program has been electronically copied
* into the document you are reading, untouched. There can therefore
* be no keying error, or then it was in the original program too and
* was not detected during the testing period.
* Synopsis:
* The input file from LISTSERV is assumed to be the standard input.
* Output is directed to the standard output, but the program is
* structured in such a way that this can be easily changed.
* Problems:
* Send problem or bug reports to <ERIC@FRECP11.BITNET>.
* Philosophical lectures about the grandiose organization of C and
* how it has been violated in this program should be directly
* forwarded to /dev/null for a prompt answer.
#include <stdio.h>
char card(:81:), /* Input record image */
number(:6:), /* Scratch string to hold a number */
int i,ncards,lrecl,xlrecl;
FILE *outfile;
/* This function does not have to be tailored */
char *outstring,*instring;
int start,length;
register int rd=0,wr=0;
register char c;
while(rd < start) (*
if (instring(:rd++:)=='<bs>0') (*
while(length-- > 0) (*
if ((c=instring(:rd++:)) != '<bs>0')
else break;
/* This function must read one 80-chars line (one "card") from input
and return it as result. A premature EOF is an error and must cause
termination of the program. The result must be EXACTLY 80 characters
in length */
char *string;
register int i=0,c;
while(i < 80) (*
if (((c=getchar()) != EOF) && (c != '<bs>n'))
if (c == EOF) (*
fprintf(stderr,"Premature EOF on input.<bs>n");
exit(100); *)
if (i==80) (*
if (getchar() != '<bs>n') (*
fprintf(stderr,"Input file contains records larger than 80.<bs>n");
while (i < 80) (*
string(:i++:)=' ';
/* This function does not have to be tailored */
char *string;
int *result;
if (sscanf(string,"%d",result) != 0) return;
fprintf(stderr,"Invalid decimal argument -- '%s'.<bs>n",string);
/* This procedure must open the output file under whatever file-id you
may choose */
char *fn,*ft;
/* Our implementation uses standard output as file pointer */
/* The following instruction must be uncommented for use under
most VM C's if the output file is to have a lrecl > 80 */
/* outfile=fopen("LPUNCH OUTPUT A (recfm v lrecl 65535","w"); */
/* This procedure must close the output file. Errors should be detected
since they can mean a disk-full condition while writing the last
buffer, or suchlike */
(* /* The chosen implementation does nothing and relies on the operating
system to close the standard output file. This is not good
programming practice but at least it's transportable. */
/* This function should be left "as is" */
char *inpstring,*outstring;
register int rd=0,wr=0;
while (inpstring(:rd:) != '/') (*
for(wr=0;inpstring(:++rd:) != '<bs>0';) (*
/* This function does not have to be tailored */
char *string;
int *lenptr;
int i=0;
while((string(:i:) != '<bs>0') && ( *lenptr > 0)) (*
--( *lenptr);
/* Main program -- nothing needs to be changed */
main() (*
do (* /* Read up to and including 'ID/' card */
*) while ((card(:0:)!='I') || (card(:1:)!='D') || (card(:2:)!='/'));
for (;;) (*
if ((card(:0:)=='E') && (card(:1:)=='N') &&
(card(:2:)=='D') && (card(:3:)=='/'))
if (recfm=='V') (*
Dec2bin(&xlrecl,number); *)
do (*
if (--ncards != 0)
*) while(ncards!=0);
for(i=1;i <= xlrecl;i++) (*
putc(' ',outfile);
*----------------------------- Cut here --------------------------------*
* Appendix A. The LISTSERV Library *
o User's guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (U01-001)
o List Manager's guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (M01-002)
o Installation guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (S01-003)
o Application Programmer's guide . . . . . . . . . . . (A01-004)
o Maintenance guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (S01-005)
o File Server Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (U01-006)
--> o Listserv-Punch Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . (R01-007)
o File Maintainer's guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (M01-008)
o BITNET-Oriented Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . (P01-009)
o Public Utilities Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . (A01-010)
o Licensed Utilities Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . (S01-011)
o Database Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (U01-012)
LISTSERV Document Numbers
U 01 - 006 - 0
_ __ ___ _
| | | |
Document Class -----------+ | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Product Number --------------+ | |
| |
| |
| |
Publication Number -------------------+ |
Revision Number ------------------------+
Document Class
The Document Class indicates for which category of persons the publi-
cation was written. The current classes are:
A Documents intended for Application Programmers. These publica-
tions are usually very technical.
M Documents intended for Software Managers, i.e. operators, "list
owners", "file maintainers", et al.
P General Presentation documents intended for persons who do not
have any particular knowledge in the product. These are gener-
ally non-technical documents.
R Reference documents defining protocols used by the product.
These documents are very technical and are intended for people
who have to write interfaces for the product or attempt to port
it to an operating system or environment for which it was not
originally written.
S Documents intended for Systems Programmers, i.e. the persons
responsible for the installation and operation of the product.
U Documents intended for General Users.
Product Number
The Product Number is a unique number associated with the product to
which the publication relates. Number 01 refers to LISTSERV, number
02 corresponds to the NETINFO sub-product, etc.
Publication Number
This is a unique number associated with the publication. Publication
Numbers are assigned sequentially, disregarding the Document Class.
There is a different set of Publication Numbers for each product.
Revision Number
This number is incremented at every release change in the publication.
Fractional numbers indicate intermediate changes between two releases.