* This is the definition for the DIALOG, About_Dialog
,256 ;;Resource ID
About_Dialog ;;Dialog title
27 33 324 477 ;;Top Left Bottom Right
Invisible NoGoAway ;;Invisible GoAway
1 ;;ProcID, dialog def ID
256 ;;Refcon, reference value
256 ;;ID of item list
* This is the item list.
,256 ;;Resource ID
4 ;;Number of controls in list
Button Enabled ;;Push button
265 365 285 425 ;;Top Left Bottom Right
OK ;;message
staticText Disabled ;;Static text
10 15 45 385 ;;Top Left Bottom Right
MACIFY¬ 1.0\0DBy Donald Burr -- ⌐1991;;message
staticText Disabled ;;Static text
65 10 115 400 ;;Top Left Bottom Right
A program to convert between UNIX newlines and Macintosh end-of-line characters (Control-M, Hex $0D). Works on text files only!!;;message
staticText Disabled ;;Static text
120 10 215 400 ;;Top Left Bottom Right
Please send all comments, questions, bug reports, etc. to one of the following:\0DINTERNET: dburr@ocf.berkeley.edu, 72540.3071@compuserve.COM\0DCOMPU$ERVE: 72540,3071\0DAMERICA ONLINE: DonaldBurr\0D;;message
Type STR#
Title_msg ,259 ;;Resource ID for Static text
1 ;;Number of strings
By Donald Burr -- ⌐1991;;The string
description_str ,260 ;;Resource ID for Static text
1 ;;Number of strings
A program to convert between UNIX newlines and Macintosh end-of-line characters (Control-M, Hex $0D). Works on text files only!!;;The string
send_request ,261 ;;Resource ID for Static text
1 ;;Number of strings
Please send all comments, questions, bug reports, etc. to one of the following:
This software donated to the Public Domain. Permission is hereby granted to freely copy and distribute, so long as no fee is charged for such distribution.;;The string
legalese2 ,263 ;;Resource ID for Static text
1 ;;Number of strings
Permission is also granted to freely modify and distribute this code, so long as: (a) It is made clear in the program and documentation that this is NOT an original distribution, and (b) My name and copyright is NOT be removed.;;The string