< prev
C/C++ Source or Header
193 lines
#include "mactypes.h"
extern word magic[];
extern FILE *verbose;
extern char *dir, *ext;
ulong pit_datalen, pit_rsrclen;
word hqx_crc, write_pit_fork();
char pitfname[BINNAMELEN]; /* name of file being unpacked */
FILE *pitfile; /* output file */
branch branchlist[255], *branchptr, *read_tree();
leaf leaflist[256], *leafptr;
word Huff_nibble, Huff_bit_count;
byte (*read_char)(), get_crc_byte(), getHuffbyte();
word un_pit()
{ char PitId[4];
int i;
word pit_crc;
hqx_crc = 0;
/* Read and unpack until the PackIt End message is read */
for (;;) {
read_char = get_crc_byte;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) PitId[i] = (char) get_crc_byte();
if (!strncmp(PitId, "PEnd", 4)) break;
if (strncmp(PitId, "PMag", 4) && strncmp(PitId, "PMa4", 4))
error("Unrecognized Packit format message %s", PitId);
if (PitId[3] == '4') { /* if this file is compressed */
branchptr = branchlist; /* read the Huffman decoding */
leafptr = leaflist; /* tree that is on the input */
Huff_bit_count = 0; /* and use Huffman decoding */
read_tree(); /* subsequently */
read_char = getHuffbyte;
read_pit_hdr(); /* also calculates datalen, rsrclen,
pitfile, pitfname */
pit_crc = write_pit_fork(pit_datalen, 0);
pit_crc = write_pit_fork(pit_rsrclen, pit_crc);
check_pit_crc(pit_crc, " File data/rsrc CRC mismatch in %s", pitfname);
hqx_crc = (hqx_crc << 8) ^ magic[hqx_crc >> 8];
hqx_crc = (hqx_crc << 8) ^ magic[hqx_crc >> 8];
return hqx_crc;
check_pit_crc(calc_crc, msg, name)
word calc_crc;
char msg[], name[];
{ word read_crc;
read_crc = (*read_char)() << 8;
read_crc |= (*read_char)();
if (read_crc != calc_crc) error(msg, name);
/* This routine reads the header of a packed file and appropriately twiddles it,
determines if it has CRC problems, creates the .bin file, and puts the info
into the .bin file.
Output is pit_datalen, pit_rsrclen, pitfname, pitfile */
{ register int n;
register byte *pit_byte;
register ulong pit_crc;
pit_header pit;
info_header info;
short crc;
extern short calc_mb_crc();
/* read the pit header and compute the CRC */
pit_crc = 0;
pit_byte = (byte *) &pit;
for (n = 0; n < sizeof(pit_header); n++) {
*pit_byte = (*read_char)();
pit_crc = ((pit_crc & 0xff) << 8)
^ magic[*pit_byte++ ^ (pit_crc >> 8)];
/* stuff the pit header data into the info header */
bzero(&info, sizeof(info_header));
info.nlen = pit.nlen;
strncpy(info.name, pit.name, pit.nlen); /* name */
bcopy(pit.type, info.type, 9); /* type, author, flag */
bcopy(pit.dlen, info.dlen, 16); /* (d,r)len, (c,m)tim */
info.flags &= 0x7e; /* reset lock bit, init bit */
if (pit.protect & 0x40) info.protect = 1; /* copy protect bit */
info.uploadvers = '\201';
info.readvers = '\201';
/* calculate MacBinary CRC */
crc = calc_mb_crc(&info, 124, 0);
info.crc[0] = (char) (crc >> 8);
info.crc[1] = (char) crc;
/* Create the .bin file and write the info to it */
pit.name[pit.nlen] = '\0';
sprintf(pitfname, "%s/%s%s", dir, pit.name, ext);
" %-14s%-30s type = \"%4.4s\", author = \"%4.4s\"\n",
(read_char == get_crc_byte) ? "Unpacking" : "Decompressing",
pit.name, pit.type, pit.auth);
if ((pitfile = fopen(pitfname, "w")) == NULL)
error(" Cannot open %s", pitfname);
check_pit_crc(pit_crc, " File header CRC mismatch in %s", pitfname);
fwrite(&info, sizeof(info_header), 1, pitfile);
/* Get a couple of items we'll need later */
bcopy(pit.dlen, &pit_datalen, 4);
pit_datalen = mac2long(pit_datalen);
bcopy(pit.rlen, &pit_rsrclen, 4);
pit_rsrclen = mac2long(pit_rsrclen);
/* This routine copies bytes from the decoded input stream to the output
and calculates the CRC. It also pads to a multiple of 128 bytes on the
output, which is part of the .bin format */
word write_pit_fork(nbytes, calc_crc)
register ulong nbytes;
register ulong calc_crc;
{ register ulong b;
int extra_bytes;
extra_bytes = 127 - (nbytes+127)%128; /* pad fork to mult of 128 bytes */
while (nbytes--) {
b = (*read_char)();
calc_crc = ((calc_crc & 0xff) << 8) ^ magic[b ^ (calc_crc >> 8)];
putc(b, pitfile);
while (extra_bytes--) putc(0, pitfile);
return (word) calc_crc;
/* This routine recursively reads the compression decoding data.
It appears to be Huffman compression. Every leaf is represented
by a 1 bit, then the byte it represents. A branch is represented
by a 0 bit, then its zero and one sons */
branch *read_tree()
{ register branch *branchp;
register leaf *leafp;
register ulong b;
if (!Huff_bit_count--) {
Huff_nibble = get_crc_byte();
Huff_bit_count = 7;
if ((Huff_nibble<<=1) & 0x0100) {
leafp = leafptr++;
leafp->flag = 1;
b = get_crc_byte();
leafp->data = Huff_nibble | (b >> Huff_bit_count);
Huff_nibble = b << (8 - Huff_bit_count);
return (branch *) leafp;
else {
branchp = branchptr++;
branchp->flag = 0;
branchp->zero = read_tree();
branchp->one = read_tree();
return branchp;
/* This routine returns the next 8 bits. It finds the byte in the
Huffman decoding tree based on the bits from the input stream. */
byte getHuffbyte()
{ register branch *branchp;
branchp = branchlist;
while (!branchp->flag) {
if (!Huff_bit_count--) {
Huff_nibble = get_crc_byte();
Huff_bit_count = 7;
branchp = ((Huff_nibble<<=1) & 0x0100) ? branchp->one : branchp->zero;
return ((leaf *) branchp)->data;
/* This routine returns the next byte on the .hqx input stream, hiding
most file system details at a lower level. .hqx CRC is maintained
here */
byte get_crc_byte()
{ register ulong c;
extern byte *buf_ptr, *buf_end;
if (buf_ptr == buf_end) fill_hqxbuf();
c = *buf_ptr++;
hqx_crc = ((hqx_crc << 8) | c) ^ magic[hqx_crc >> 8];
return (byte) c;