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File List
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c : C programming language material
anumr4.zip Turbo C numerical analysis library
bplus11a.arc A b-tree indexing file module for C
c-profil.sha C profiler source
c-winsrc.zoo Free windowing system in C
cbase.zoo The C Database file mgmt library
clp_v10.zip A 'C' command line processor
cprof.zip C profiler (with Turbo C support)
ctask22.lzh A multitasking kernel for C v2.2
devdrv.zip Microsoft C device driver shell (w source)
devlist.zip Block device list/device list (disks) (w C)
dpmifi.zip Unofficial patch of DPMILOAD.EXE (Borland C++ v3.0)
emil.zip Extended memory interface library for C
emsif230.zip v2.3; Version-independent C interface to LIM EMS
emslb221.zip EMSLIB v2.21; interface to LIM EMS v3.0 or higher
expr11.zip An expression library v1.1 for Turbo C
flilib.zoo Turbo C & MS C library for .fli animation
giflib11.zip GIF library v1.1 (impressive) (w TC)
indexe.zip C pgm beautifier
milli.zoo Millisecond resolution timer (w C)
mou105.zip Turbo C, MSC and Turbo Pascal 6.0 source mouse routines
mouclib5.zip Mouselib for TC2.0, TC++, BC++
pcc12c.arc Personal C Compiler PCC v2.1c (fully functional)
pcsound.zip Soundplay functions (.OBJ)
prf.zip Profiler: find where your program is spending time (MSC)
rgbedit.lzh RGBEDIT v1.0 create custom palette defs for C
romize.zoo Writing ROMable code in Turbo C
serus221.zip Serious v2.21; serial comm device driver (w C)
setlink.arc Make up for make's lack of output redirection (TC)
shroud.zip Ansi-conforming C language source code shrouder
spawno40.zip Disk/XMS Swapping replacement for spawn() v4.0 (w C)
tc-tsr10.zip TSR-related programs written in Turbo C
tc2pat2.zip Borland's Turbo C v2.0 patches
tcppt1.zzip Turbo C++ Patch
tcres201.zip Memory resident library v2.01
tctimer.zoo Timing of events for Turbo C
tptc17sc.lzh Turbo Pascal to C translator (source)
tptc17tc.lzh TP to C transl. (test cases)
tptcexe.lzh TP to C transl. (exe + doc)
tptcinfo.lzh TP to C transl. (info)
tptcsup.lzh TP to C transl. (support files)
tst10.zip TSR demo; spawn&graphics save functions (C)
viewcmos.zoo C code for reading contents of Cmos setup registers
xmsif140.zip XMSIF C interface to XMS functions v1.4
xmslb17.zip Allow Turbo C programs to access XMS functions v1.7
ztimer10.zip The Zen Timer library