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Assembly Source File
227 lines
title Toad825X
Comment ~
Author: David Kirschbaum 31 Aug 88
From "DMA Control on the PC"
by Larry Fogg, Micro Cornucopia #37, Sep-Oct 87
The article suggests a way to tweak the 8253 timer to slow down the RAM
refresh rate. Author suggests you can slow the normal DREQ0 interrupt
from its normal 15-microsecond interval to up to a full second before RAM
will start failing.
Extract from the article's text:
"It was right at one refresh every second that my RAM faded away.
A count of 900H loaded into the 8253's Timer 1 gives the one second
"The BIOS loads the count with 12H and the point of diminishing returns
comes around 30H or 40H. After 40H refresh happens so infrequently as to
have no effect on system performance. Benchmarks show no difference between
40H and 900H.
"A value of 40H gives a 2.6% speed increase on my Holliston 186 board
and a 5.8% increase on a standard 4.77 MHz 8088. I haven't had any problems
using this speedup. But don't blame me if your machine dissolves into a
puddle of blue slime. After all, we've gone beyond the limits of computer
Toad Hall Notes:
The author provided some assembler code to be used via DEBUG.
I rewrote it into a proper MASM-compatible .ASM format so you can compile
to REFRESH.COM (or whatever you wanna name it). Run it on startup.
Returns the LSB as the DOS ERRORLEVEL (for what that's worth).
ERRORLEVEL of 1 means illegal entry, help, whatever.
Sure, I could write this to take the LSB from the DOS command line,
but that would only be for experimental use. Better for you to determine
the "magic number" that's best for your system and just leave it hard-
coded. That way no user will accidentally enter some weird number!
|v1.1 Command line entry is now allowed. Use the original TOAD8253.ASM
|if you want to stick with the smaller program, hard-coded speed, etc.
I used the public domain MIPS.COM v1.10 CPU speed utility as a benchmark.
I also ran Norton's SYSINFO.COM (SI) utility just for comparisons.
The SI values vary irregularly on sequential runs (e.g., the 40H lsb
value produced SI ratings of 7.0 to 7.1).
Following are MIPS and SI results after running TOAD8253 with various
LSB values (and in the most extreme, a new MSB value).
Counter 1 values
12H 40H 80H 0A0H 0100H
General Instructions 0.48 0.50 0.51 0.51 0.51
Integer Instructions 0.87 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.91
Memory to Memory 0.69 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.76
Register to Register 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.15 1.15
Register to Memory 0.89 0.94 0.96 0.96 0.96
Performance Rating 0.81 0.85 0.85 0.86 0.86
Norton's SI rating 7.0 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1
So, no significant changes after bumping the lsb to 0A0H or beyond.
(No, I did NOT push the timer to RAM memory failure!)
v1.1 SPEED.COM statistics:
"TOAD8253 18" (PC-DOS default):
Checking memory block write ticks: 126 compared to IBM/PC 400%
Checking register to memory ticks: 160 compared to IBM/PC 306%
Checking memory to register ticks: 196 compared to IBM/PC 250%
Checking register to register ticks: 190 compared to IBM/PC 290%
Checking divide by register ticks: 78 compared to IBM/PC 656%
Checking divide by memory ticks: 116 compared to IBM/PC 520%
Checking multiply by register ticks: 90 compared to IBM/PC 534%
Checking multiply by memory ticks: 114 compared to IBM/PC 488%
Checking stack operations ticks: 163 compared to IBM/PC 273%
Checking far jumps, far calls ticks: 207 compared to IBM/PC 250%
Total time is: 1440 clock ticks, (80 seconds) compared to IBM/PC 357%
"TOAD8253 160" (Optimum for my system):
Checking memory block write ticks: 118 compared to IBM/PC 427%
Checking register to memory ticks: 147 compared to IBM/PC 334%
Checking memory to register ticks: 177 compared to IBM/PC 276%
Checking register to register ticks: 177 compared to IBM/PC 311%
Checking divide by register ticks: 77 compared to IBM/PC 664%
Checking divide by memory ticks: 112 compared to IBM/PC 539%
Checking multiply by register ticks: 87 compared to IBM/PC 552%
Checking multiply by memory ticks: 104 compared to IBM/PC 535%
Checking stack operations ticks: 148 compared to IBM/PC 300%
Checking far jumps, far calls ticks: 194 compared to IBM/PC 267%
Total time is: 1341 clock ticks, (74 seconds) compared to IBM/PC 384%
Now, if you want to slow your system DOWN (not the original intention,
but some users need to slow down fast clones for games, etc.), here are
some slowdown stats:
Counter 1 values
10H 0AH 07H 05H 03H 02H 01H
General Instructions 0.47 0.44 0.39 0.38 0.26 0.23 LOCKUP!
Integer Instructions 0.87 0.84 0.83 0.77 0.63 0.57
Memory to Memory 0.68 0.63 0.59 0.54 0.33 0.35
Register to Register 1.11 1.09 1.01 1.01 0.81 0.81
Register to Memory 0.87 0.81 0.75 0.66 0.47 0.50
Performance Rating 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.67 0.50 0.49
Norton's SI rating: 6.6 6.6 6.3 6.2 4.4 4.6
My system is an older GulfStream 8MHz 80286 (XT-compatible, Phoenix ROM)
running PC-DOS 3.1. Your mileage may vary.
Released to public domain. PLEASE do not distribute this program without
its assembler source code and/or documentation!
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
v1.1, 1 Sep 88
- Added command line speed entry (2..2048 decimal), help.
- more statistics from the PD utility SPEED.COM
- Renamed TOAD825X.ASM to differ from hardcoded TOAD8253.ASM
Comment ends
ASSUME CS:CodeSeg, DS:CodeSeg, ES:CodeSeg
VALUE EQU 00A0H ;TH optimum value, LSB=0AH, MSB=0
DEADRAM EQU 800H ;Assume max RAM refresh delay
org 100H
Toad8253 proc near
jmp Start ;skip the data
usemsg db 'TOAD825X - David Kirschbaum, Toad Hall, 1 Sep 88',CR,LF
db "Adjust a PC's 8253 timer to change RAM refresh rate.",CR,LF
db 'Usage TOAD825X %',CR,LF
db ' where % is a timer value value 2 (slowest) .. 2048.',CR,LF
db 'PC-DOS normal delay value is 18,',CR,LF
db 'optimum value for most systems is 64, 128, or 160.',CR,LF
db 'A delay value over 2048 may lock up your system!',CR,LF,'$'
badmsg db 'TOAD825X - Illegal timer value!',CR,LF
db 'Range of 2 (slowest) .. 2048 (maximum) only!',CR,LF
db '(TOAD825X ? for help)',CR,LF,'$'
setmsg db 'TOAD825X - 8253 timer reset.',CR,LF,'$'
Start: call Get_Rate ;get cmd line rate
jc No_Action ;CF means bad rate
mov al,74H ;configure 8253 (see Micro C #35, p.30)
out 43H,al
mov al,bl ;counter 1 lsb from Get_Rate
out 41H,al ;change counter 1 lsb to alter
; refresh rate
mov al,bh ;counter 1 msb from Get_Rate
out 41H,al
mov dx,offset setmsg ;'8253 timer reset'
mov ah,9 ;DOS display string
int 21H
mov al,bl ;return lsb as ERRORLEVEL
mov ah,4CH ;DOS terminate process
int 21H
Toad8253 endp
Get_Rate proc near
mov si,81H ;DOS PSP cmd line buffer
xor ax,ax ;clear msb
xor bx,bx ;accumulate cmd line value in BX
mov cx,10 ;*10 constant multiplier
xor dx,dx ;clear to flag overflow
lodsb ;snarf cmd line char
cmp al,'?' ;user wants help?
je Usage ;yep, skip the rest
cmp al,0DH ;CR means done
je Cmd_Done
cmp al,' ' ;gobble spaces
je Cmd_Loop
cmp al,'0' ;only 0..9 chars accepted
jb Cmd_Loop
cmp al,'9'
ja Cmd_Loop
;We have a legal digit
sub al,'0' ;deasciify the digit
; or bx,bx ;first time thru?
; je Ones ;Yep, no testing or MUL
xchg ax,bx ;swap, AX=prev value
cmp ax,DEADRAM ;max allowable timer value
ja Bad_Val ;illegal
mul cx ;old timer value * 10
or dx,dx ;any product > an integer is illegal
jnz Bad_Val ;illegal
xchg ax,bx ;bx=new timer value, AL=this digit,AH=0
add bx,ax ;add in new 1's
jnc Cmd_Loop ;CF means > an integer, illegal
mov dx,offset badmsg ;'Bad timer value'
jmp short Bad_Ret ;display msg, exit
;total cmd line value has been accumulating in BX
or bx,bx ;no cmd line value at all?
jz Usage ;right, tell user how
cmp bx,2 ;minimum timer value allowed
jb Bad_Val ;bad, return CF set
cmp bx,DEADRAM ;maximum timer value allowed
ja Bad_Val ;bad, return CF set
clc ;CF clear means Ok
mov dx,offset usemsg ;'TOAD825X changes...'
mov ah,9 ;DOS display str
int 21H
mov bl,1 ;ERRORLEVEL 1
stc ;CF means no action
Get_Rate endp
CodeSeg ends
end Toad8253