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---===| SF2IBM Hyper Fighting Edition! |===---
---===| History and Log of changes |===---
---===| by Brian Chan |===---
This file records the changes made since version 1.0. Besure to check
out the log of changes at the second half of this text file for the log of
changes made in SFLIU V2.00!
SFLIU V1.0 over the origional SF2
In General:
-Faster gameplay!
-Hyper Fighting moves added! ( Blanka's vertical roll, etc.)
-Computer can perform combos and does "pattern" moves like the arcade
(e.g. Ken does 3 DP's in a row, jumps back and forth, Fierce/DP combo)
Pattern moves inflict massive damage, making the computer a real threat!
-Intense .VOC's! Recorded from Capcom SF2 soundtrack! Country Names! Sound
effects for punches/kicks!
-True interruptible moves! Try your favorite combos! (Fierce/Fierce/DP!)
(Fierce/Fierce/Blade kick!) All combos in the arcade are possible here!
-Attacks only hit once (no more quadruple jumping shorts, double fierces)
-Damage index lowered (no more redizzies like Fierce/Double DP until death!)
-Shortened block recovery time (this makes it possible to block high attack
followed by low attack)
-Dizzy period varies with character (e.g. Zangief shorter, Chun Li longer)
-Increased delay time after "charge" type attacks, as no charging is needed
-Characters jump higher/longer/further when jumping backwards
-Fixed everybody's winning/losing pose
-Many other fixes regarding things like knockdowns, hit ranges of moves,
adjustment of movements during attacks, interruptability of moves, jumping
and walking speed, special move speed and power or all characters, slide
back time after getting hit, etc.
-In general, a much more fun SF2IBM! Human vs. Human is much more playable,
and even Human vs. Computer is fun! (The computer beats me if I'm not
-Cyclone Kick knocks down, with invincibility during start
-Cyclone Kick over Dhalsim's Yoga Fire
-"Deep" DP does more damage (as in the 1000 point DP for the arcade)
-Faster Fireball
-Faster Fireball Recovery
-Small and Medium Dragon Punch knocks you down
-Faster Cyclone Kick
-Cyclone Kick over Dhalsim's Yoga Fire
-Expanded Dragon Punch Range
-Faster Dragon Punch
-"Deep" DP does more damage (as with Ryu)
-Small and Medium Dragon Punch knocks you down, Large one hits twice
-Sonic Boom comes out first, making combos possible, then a delay is added
-Added Blade Kick recovery time
-Added Hopping Knee
-Roundhouse Blade Kick hits twice
-Easier to do air slam
-Back Breaker is harder to do, but does more damage
-Adjusted blade kick hit time/vulnerability time
-Shortened Backhand (as in arcade)
-Removed standing (far) jab (as in arcade)
-Added Fireball
-SBK hits on way up, and way down (can be a combo)
-SBK invincible on way up
-Small Lightning Kick hits less often, vice versa for large Lightning Kick
(on the old one the Large L. Kick simply lasts longer)
-Added Bui Joong Tek (slam with Roundhouse) (sorry! Don't know english name,
or even if there is one! Any ideas?)
-Added Flip Kick (slam with forward)
-Easier to do air slam
-Increased jump straight + roundhouse range
-Added Sumo Butt Crush
-Added halt time after Sumo Torpedo and Sumo Butt Crush
-Small H.H. Slap hits less often, vice versa for H.H. Slap
(on the old one the Large Hand Slap simply lasts longer)
-Added double knee (slam with forward)
-Fixed standing forward (before, it was some sort of half kick)
-Added Vertical roll
-Added halt time after horizontal and vertical roll
-Horizontal Roll now knocks down (beats having it hit you 4 times + dizzy, eh?)
-Large Electricity Lasts shorter than the small one
-Removed double roll-standing (close) fierce. (as in arcade)
-Spinning Lariat walks forward, knocks down, not invincible, more damage
-Added Super Spinning Lariat, walks forward slowly, knocks down, invincible,
less damage
-Added SPD
-Added Teleport
-Yoga flames do not last as long, stronger button results in more damage
but has more recovery time
-Screen does not jump up and down when Dhalsim floats (winning pose)
-Getting up is now interruptable (eg. you can now "break out" into DP while
getting up. This should stop people standing by you waiting for you to get
up so they can slam you. Just do a DP motion as you get up)
-EXE changed so the score bar doesn't overflow when the score turns negative
(Thanks to Stan Warman for this one!)
-Honda's hair in losing pose fixed (Thanks to Duc Tran for this one!)
-HYPCHAR.SF2 now has correct (metric!!!) stats
-New music from SF2IBM 1.96!
-Getting hit by electricity/fire, falling dizzy subroutines adjusted to
match more closely with the arcade
-Can now air slam with neutral direction. Air slam with up removed. This
change was implemented since unlike the arcade, one usually does not hold
onto a direction when jumping.
-Blanka's jumping fierce, Dhalsim and Zangief jumping attacks no longer hit
below the ground
-Some computer combos upgraded in strength
-Dragon Punch now hits Dhalsim's slide
-Ken now has "instant" DP (Do a crouching fierce/DP and you'll see what I
-Added standing (close) forward attack
-End of crouching fierce was accidentally made interruptable. Fixed.
-Standing (far) fierce was accidentally made interruptable. Fixed.
-Ken's DP descending speed rewritten
-Vertical range of CK increased
-Now able to block standing (close) roundhouse
-Start of Sumo Head Butt now invincible, Jab Head Butt is now able to go
go through projectiles
-Sumo Butt Crush completely rewritten. Also, the delay after the Butt
Crush was shortened, and a high punch can now hit the recovery.
-Now flips at the end of the bite
-Electricity range decreased (Before, it was a little too hard to hit Blanka
out of electricity)
-Crouching strong changed to crouching-fierce-type graphic
-Decreased delay times after both rolls
-End of standing (close) fierce accidentally made interruptable. Fixed.
-Removed sound effects when slamming opponent
-Now crouched opponents cannot be hit with jumping punches
-Blade kick range adjusted (it was too easy to hit someone behind you)
-Blade kick descending graphic changed
-Jump straight + forward changed to a step kick attack
-Jump straight + roundhouse range increased
-Step kick range decreased
-Ascending SBK range decreased (it was too easy to hit twice before)
-Standing (close) strong now misses crouched opponent
-Standing (close) roundhouse now hits a crouched opponent
-Jumping straight height decreased
-Rewrote flip kick attack
-SPD changed to Up + Fierce (a lot of people were complaining that the SPD
was too hard to do. We discovered that the difficulty was not due to the
diagonal direction required, but rather due to a bug in the extended-throw
range flag the SPD was given. Fixing the bug required the keystrokes change
to just Up + Fierce. In any case, it should be a lot easier to do a SPD now)
-Walking/jumping speed adjusted to HF speeds
-Crouching fierce can no longer go under a Sonic Boom
-"Dead spot" for Yoga Fire decreased
-Teleport speed increase (it was too easy to hit Dhalsim after reappearing)
SFLIU V2.0alpha
-Updated for 1.96 compatibility
-Character's movements, attacks, special moves, reeling back frames, hit
damages, hit ranges, winning poses, losing poses all edited
-Attacks modified to hit only once
-Attacks modified to be blockable (Many attacks in the original SF2IBM 1.96
were unblockable)
-Combos are still possible for the 10 SF2 characters, but on a 486, they are
hard to execute, if not impossible, due to the game not slowing down when
one gets hit. Hopefully they will be easier to execute in the final release.
-Computer combos are unchanged for the original 8 characters, the new
characters do not have computer combos yet.
-Key sequences for special attacks/slams changed to mirror FF more closely
-Dash backwards now invincible
-Losing (lying on floor) pose now does not move
-Exploding Power Wave now does not disappear when it hits
-Burning Knuckle now knocks down
-Power Wave does not knock down anymore
-All punches and kicks are interruptable, but not comboable
-See "In General"
-Key sequences for special attacks/slams changed to mirror FF more closely
-Dash backwards now invincible
-Losing (lying on floor) pose now does not move
-All punches and kicks are interruptable, but not comboable
-Hishoken now does not travel all the way across the screen
-See "In General"
-Close up standing kicks hit twice
-See "In General"
-Now falls completely down when hit out of Torpedo by special move
-See "In General"
--==| Log Of Changes Made In SFLIU V2.00 |==--
To thank: Chan Chee Meng (*)
Stan Warman (**)
List of changes since SFLIU2.0α : (hope we got them all!)
1. SF2196 has a bug where it is possible to slam a opponent that has fallen,
reeling back, getting up, or in block stun. Now is it not able to slam
an opponent that is lying down or getting up. This change does have its
side effects, such as Chun Li losing her Flipping Neck Kick when the
opponent is lying on the ground. But we felt that this change in gameplay
took more priority than the drawbacks. However, it is not possible
to fix slamming during reeling back or in block stun, so take it easy on
the ticking!
**2. The bug that caused the game to crash in an Andy vs. Andy or Terry vs.
Terry match has been fixed. Thanks to Stan Warman for this fix.
1. Balrog is here!!!!
2. Edited FACEW: Winning faces, selection cursor, vs sign, countdown sign
3. Edited FACEX: Losing faces
4. Edited 4KING: Boss winning/losing faces, small/greyed faces
5. Edited SFACE: Small faces, greyed faces, plane, x mark.
**6. Terry and Andy now have electricity/yoga fire/torpedo hit frame, thanks
to Stan Warman.
**7. Got rid of that annoying "blip" in Zangief's standing pose. Thanks to
Stan Warman for this fix.
8. Captured fireball dissipation for all projectile characters.
9. Added/modified sound effects:
-Tiger Uppercut
-Sagat's slam
-Terry/Andy's attacks
-You win/lose
-Round x, Fight
1. Captured Knee Attack (Close Standing Forward)
1. Captured crouching fierce.
2. Captured first frame of Sonic Boom, new Sonic Boom frames.
3. Captured Hopping Knee.
1. Captured Fireball.
2. Captured Flip Kick frame.
3. Captured Flipping Back Kick frame.
1. Captured crouching fierce.
1. Captured Tiger Fireballs.
2. Captured Tiger Knee.
3. Captured standing Jab.
4. Captured standing forward
1. Captured slide kick delay.
1. When characters are "overlapping", (which doesn't happen in the arcade
anyways, just in SF2IBM) the hit ranges were edited so the following will
now hit:
-Ken/Ryu's crouching fierce
-E. Honda's crouching fierce
-Zangief's crouching kicks, standing punches
-M. Bison's standing kicks
-Guile's standing strong, fierce
-Sagat's standing kicks
This should take care of all the annoying times you've tried to hit an
opponent but missed.
1. Crouching fierce is now better for air defense, and knocking other
Ken/Ryu's out of their Cyclone Kick.
2. Crouching short/FB is now a combo.
3. Delay time after standing (far) short increased so that it is no longer
4. Ken's cyclone kick now hits Ken/Ryu's fireball pose.
5. Standing close and far jabs now hits Ken/Ryu's fireball pose.
6. Standing (far) strong will miss crouched, while standing (close) strong
will hit crouched.
1. Now rebounds further after Sumo Head Butt. (This was actually implemented
in SFLIU11, but we forgot to mention it in the 1.1 docs)
2. Sumo Head Butt will now miss a Low Tiger.
3. Crouching jab/strong/short/forward will now hit Chun Li's SBK.
4. Hundred Hand Slap moves faster.
5. Fierce Hundred Hand Slap now slightly easier to do.
6. Only jab torpedo can hit twice now.
7. Easier to go through fireballs with jab torpedo and Sumo Butt Crush.
8. Sumo Butt Crush ascends faster.
*1. Vertical range of electricity increased for better air defense.
2. Horizontal roll will now get hit by a Low Tiger.
3. Jump straight + fierce now lasts longer and comes out quicker for easier
4. Now slightly easier to hit jumping opponents with standing roundhouse for
better air defense.
5. Standing fierce comes out quicker for better air defense.
6. Standing (close) jab comes out faster, making combos easier.
7. Standing (close) strong comes out faster, making combos easier.
8. Standing fierce no longer hits crouched opponents.
9. Horizontal roll no longer hits a crouched Blanka.
1. Blade Kick delay has been decreased slightly, making it somewhat easier to
jump in and combo.
2. The second fierce of Fierce/Fierce/Sonic Boom combo now connects more
easily. Before, it would miss too often.
3. Upside down kick (slam with roundhouse) now hits fireball pose, misses
crouched opponents, and starts up faster.
4. Standing (far) forward now hits fireball pose, misses crouched opponents.
5. Standing (close) forward now hits fireball pose, misses crouched
6. Standing (close) fierce no longer hits a crouched E. Honda.
7. Jumping punches no longer misses Ken/Ryu's fireball pose.
8. Standing (far) roundhouse no longer misses Ken/Ryu's fireball pose.
1. Standing (far) fierce no longer hits a crouched E. Honda.
2. Crouching roundhouse hit range extended.
3. Spinning Bird Kick can now be hit by Zangief and M. Bison's crouching
punches, and E. Honda crouching jab/strong/short/forward.
4. Spinning Bird Kick now starts slightly faster.
5. Jump straight and roundhouse now hits easier.
6. Standing (far) roundhouse hits crouched, while standing (far) forward will
1. Delay after Super Lariat increased since it is a totally invulnerable
attack. The delay will no longer cause the opponent to block.
2. Lariat/Super Lariat has been changed to only Strong + Fierce, or Forward +
Roundhouse. This makes it much easier to do. Also, the key change
results in the computer doing less lariats and more computer combos.
3. Standing (far) roundhouse hit duration decreased. Before, it would be
able to hit for far too long.
4. Decreased priority of Lariat and Super Lariat.
1. More teleports! See SF2MOVES.TXT for more information.
2. Short slide/Yoga fire is now a combo. Note short slide/Yoga flame is not
a combo.
3. Vertical hit range of slide increased.
4. Standing kicks will now missed crouched opponents yet hit Ken/Ryu's
fireball pose.
1. Defined hit ranges for attacks. Before, the whole image would be an
attack area.
2. Burning Knuckle rewritten. It is now blockable, the height and speed has
been reduced, the recovery frame no longer hits, and it will no longer hit
crouched opponents.
3. Super Power Wave upgraded in damage.
4. Added longer delay after Power Wave since delay was almost non-existent
before, making it too easy to "fireball" trap.
1. Defined hit ranges for attacks. Before, the whole image would be an
attack area.
2. Super Kuhadan been upgraded in damage.
3. Added longer delay after Hishoken since delay was almost non-existent
before, making it too easy to "fireball" trap.
4. Zaneiken delay will no longer hit an opponent.
1. Adjusted walking and jumping speed, hit ranges, TU, TK, slam, slam sounds,
winning pose to match arcade HF. (Some suggestions from Chan Chee Ming)
2. High Tigers will no longer hit crouched, also Blanka can walk under High
3. Standing punches will no longer hit crouched opponents.
4. Tiger Knee horizontal movement and hit range decreased.
5. Swapped the damage that the two hits of standing roundhouse will cause.
6. Standing roundhouse now hits Ken/Ryu's fireball pose.
1. Adjusted jump path, jump speed, hit ranges, torpedo, scissor kick,
head stomp to match arcade HF.
2. Head stomp and subsequent aerial punch now requires a high block.
3. Torpedo will now miss/get hit by the appropriate projectiles.
4. Torpedo now hits on right frames, and now will hit Dhalsim's crouching
5. Scissor Kick can no longer go through Ken/Ryu's fireballs.
6. Scissor kick now hits crouched opponents.
7. Standing jab will no longer hit crouched opponents.
8. Standing kicks can no longer hit a crouched Blanka.
1. Standing (close) strong was too hard to interrupt. Fixed.
2. Ken's jumping forward uses wrong frame when landing. Fixed.
3. Standing (close) roundhouse now hits a standing Chun Li twice.
4. Jumping straight + strong hits twice. Fixed.
5. Ryu's Cyclone Kick was not invincible on the way down. Fixed.
6. Cyclone Kick now spins the correct number of times in the air.
7. Ryu's jump straight + short hits twice. Fixed.
1. Double knee (slam + forward) was unblockable. Fixed.
2. Double knee (slam + forward) sometimes wouldn't hit twice.
3. Crouching jab and crouching strong would do the same damage.
1. Didn't flip backwards properly after bite. Fixed.
2. An electricity frame would appear whenever Ken/Ryu kick-slammed Blanka.
This was a bug left over from the 1.x days. Fixed.
1. Crouching fierce was accidentally made interruptable at the start and at
the end. Fixed.
1. Lariat now spins the proper amount of times.
2. Jumping jab/strong wasn't hitting properly. Fixed.
3. Crouching jab not causing enough damage. Fixed.
1. Forward teleport now works. (Oops...stupid mistake in 2.0α)
2. Slide hit range was too short. Fixed.
3. Crouching fierce is stil
1. Repeated crouching jabs would result in Terry standing up. Fixed.
2. Terry now slams with Fierce, not Roundhouse, as stated in the docs.
1. Air attacks were not lasting long enough. Fixed.
1. Jab torpedo does too much damage. Fixed.
2. Jumping jab hits twice. Fixed.
3. SPD reaction would usually result in him disappearing or static appearing
on the screen. Fixed.
1. Adjusted all ground and air attacks not to "shift", especially for Terry
and Andy.
2. Rewrote jump animations for Guile, Ryu, Ken.
3. Made E. Honda's and Zangief's shadows bigger (actually implemented in
SFLIU 1.1)
4. Some character breathing animations smoother.
5. Adjusted fall down reactions of E. Honda, Terry, Sagat, and Blanka.
Looks a tad better when they get hit by DP.
6. Guile's and Ryu/Ken's slam animations have been redone.
*1. Standing punch recovery frames now look more like the arcade.
2. Cyclone Kick and jump straight + roundhouse now has smoother animation.
3. Standing (far) roundhouse no longer "shifts".
4. Now consistent with standing (far) kick attacks.
5. Recovery after standing (close) fierce now looks slightly better.
6. Recovery after crouching (close) fierce now looks slightly better.
7. Fireball now flickers more naturally.
1. Jump straight + short now lasts slightly longer.
2. Recovery after standing (close) roundhouse attack now looks slightly
3. Recovery after crouching (close) fierce now looks slightly better.
4. Recovery after standing (far) strong now looks slightly better.
5. Midair flip of Sumo Butt Crush looks slightly better.
6. Standing (far) kicks shift more naturally, while still having different
hit ranges.
*1. Winning backflip only jumps once before flipping.
2. Winning pose adjusted so screen doesn't bounce up and down.
3. Adjusted walking backwards so he no longer moonwalks :)
*1. Range and movement of standing (far) strong adjusted, made interruptable.
*2. Now lands properly after air slam.
*3. Losing pose now uses the proper frame.
*4. Sonic Boom now spins correctly when launched.
5. All slams readjusted to match more closely with arcade.
6. Losing pose is now continuous.
7. Crouching forward no longer levitates off the ground.
8. Recovery after standing (close) fierce now looks slightly better.
*1. Now lands properly after air slam.
2. Walking and standing still sequences adjusted to look more like the arcade.
3. Losing pose is now continuous.
4. Crouching fierce now has a proper delay frame.
5. Jump straight and roundhouse looks slightly better.
1. Jump diagonal + short now lasts slightly longer.
2. Fallen frame is now at the proper height.
3. No longer "wobbles" when hit by crouching fierce.
4. Recovery after crouching (close) fierce now looks slightly better.
5. Super Lariat now starts with the same frame as the normal lariat.
1. No longer makes a sound when he slams.
2. Crouching fierce is now at the right height, since it will no longer
miss a Sonic Boom.
1. No longer "wobbles" when getting hit by Ken's Cyclone Kick.
1. Standing strong changed to standing fierce-type graphic.