Ported to Win32 by Filip Konvicka (mailto:filip.konvicka@seznam.cz)
This is a beta (7) version for testing purposes only.
See also http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~brain/0verkill
Check back for updates; send me info about bugs; send me info if you like/dislike it.
Notes to the current Win32 port:
- !!! the server can now run as a nt service. See below for more info.
- client fix: keys pressed before entering chat mode no longer appear on the chat line
- NOW you can change screen (console) resolution during runtime!
- the config file ".0verkill" is set up for a public server. If you want to play locally,
either edit the file (change the address to "localhost" or whatever), or delete it
- to exit the game, press Q
The service can be installed by using:
server -I
(the LOCAL_SYSTEM account), or
server -i account/password
(account_name is for example .\0verkill - note the ".\" prefix! could also be for example servername\accountname)
The service can be started by using:
net start 0verkill_015
and stopped...
net stop 0verkill_015
Note that the service searches for the data subdirs (grx...) in the directory that contains the server.exe file. To specify a different "root" directory, set it as the startup parameter of the service (in the control panel "Services" applet).
Windows may report some errors during service shutdown, but this is ok.