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<name>display popup</name>
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<script>on mouseUpglobal currentDBLine,namesDBset the itemDelimiter to tabif the icon of me is 15555 then--zoom inset the scale of window (item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) to 1set the icon of me to "zoom out"set the name of menuItem "Zoom In" of menu "View" to "Zoom Out"elseset the scale of window (item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) to 0set the icon of me to "zoom in"set the name of menuItem "Zoom Out" of menu "View" to "Zoom In"end ifset the itemDelimiter to commaend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUpglobal pauseask "Type amount of seconds to pause between pictures during play mode:" with pauseIf the result is "Cancel" then exit mouseUpput it into theAnswerif theAnswer is not a number or theAnswer <0 thenbeepsend mouseUp to meexit mouseUpelseput theAnswer div 1 into pauseend ifend mouseUp</script>
<script>on openCardglobal namesDB,currentDBLine,isPlaying,pause,wasPortraitsend "mouseUp" to cd button "stop" -- in case it quit when playingSend colorMe to this cardput 0 into pauseput 1 into currentDBLineset the itemDelimiter to tabput item 1 of line 1 of namesDB into picNameput false into wasPortrait -- this won't work if first pic is portrait. Fix it!displayPic picNameput false into isPlayingend openCardon moveWindowglobal currentDBLine,namesDBset the itemDelimiter to tabput (item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) into picNameif the pictureWidth of window picName > pictureHeight of window picName thenset the rect of window picName to "22,62,330,277"elseset the rect of window picName to "63,7,292,327"end ifset the itemDelimiter to commaend moveWindowon displayPic picNameglobal currentDBLine,namesDB,howManyPics,secondsPaused,lastPicName,wasPortraitput 0 into secondsPausedpicture picName,resource,rect,falseif the pictureWidth of window picName > pictureHeight of window picName thenset the rect of window picName to "22,62,330,277"if wasPortrait then hide window lastPicName -- so you don't see both picturesput false into wasPortraitelseset the rect of window picName to "63,7,292,327"if not wasPortrait then hide window lastPicName -- so you don't see both picturesput true into wasPortraitend ifset the dithering of window picName to trueshow window picNameput picName into lastPicName -- remember this picture nameselect line currentDBLine of cd button "display popup"put currentDBLine && "of" && howManyPics into cd field "picture number"set the itemDelimiter to tabput (item 2 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) into cd field "info"if the icon of cd button "zoom" is 17802 thenset the icon of cd button "zoom" to "zoom in"set the name of menuItem 8 of menu "View" to "Zoom In"end ifset the itemDelimiter to commaend displayPicon mouseDownInPictureglobal currentDBLine,namesDB,isPlayingif not isPlaying thenwait 20 ticks -- simulate doubleClickif mouseClick() then openOriginalelse-- scroll the picture if mouseStillDownset the cursor to plusset the itemDelimiter to tabput (item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) into thePicset the itemDelimiter to commaput the scroll of window thePic into theScrollrepeat while the mouse is downput item 1 of theScroll - mouseH() + clickH() into xput item 2 of theScroll - mouseV() + clickV() into yset the scroll of window thePic to "x,y"end repeatend ifend ifend mouseDownInPictureon openOriginalglobal namesDB,currentDBLine,hiResPath,lowResPathanswer file "Choose an application to open original picture:" of type "APPL"If it is not empty thenput it into theAppanswer "This disk contains high and low resolution pictures. Which one do you want to open?"¬with "Cancel","Low Res","High Res"If it is "Cancel" then exit openOriginalset the itemDelimiter to tabif it is "Low Res" then put lowResPath&(item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) into theFileelse put hiResPath&(item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) into theFileset the itemDelimiter to commaopen theFile with theAppend ifend openOriginalon doMenu theItemif theItem is "About HyperCard..." then showCreditselse if theItem is "Next" then send mouseUp to button "next pic"else if theItem is "Previous" then send mouseUp to button "prev pic"else if theItem is "Play Forward" then send mouseUp to button "play fwd"else if theItem is "Play Backward " then send mouseUp to button "play bck"else if theItem is "Pause…" then send mouseUp to button "Pause…"else if theItem is "Stop" then send mouseUp to button "stop"else if theItem is "Zoom In" then send mouseUp to button "zoom"else if theItem is "Zoom Out" then send mouseUp to button "zoom"else if theItem is "Find First…" then findFirstelse if theItem is "Find Next" then findAgainelse if theItem is "Quit" then doMenu("Quit HyperCard")else pass doMenuend doMenuon findFirstglobal namesDB,currentDBLine,theStringask "Find first occurrence of:"&return&return &"(If found, use ⌘G to Find Next)"&return with theStringIf the result is "Cancel" then exit findFirstput it into theStringput findString(theString,1) into theFoundLineif theFoundLine is empty thenbeepelseif theFoundLine <> currentDBLine thenset the itemDelimiter to tabput (item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) into toBeClosedput theFoundLine into currentDBLinedisplayPic (item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB)close window toBeClosedend iffind string theString in cd field "info"if the foundChunk is empty then-- it was found in the file name only, so flash it for feedbackrepeat 2 timeshide cd button "display popup"wait 10 ticksshow cd button "display popup"wait 10 ticksend repeatend ifend ifend findFirstfunction findString theString,fromWhatLineglobal namesDB,howManyPicsput (line fromWhatLine to howManyPics of namesDB) into cd field "infoDB field"find string theString in cd field "infoDB field"return word 2 of the foundLineend findStringon findAgainglobal howManyPics,namesDB,currentDBLine,theStringif (currentDBLine = howManyPics) thenbeepelseput findString(theString,currentDBLine+1) into theFoundLineif theFoundLine is empty thenbeepelseset the itemDelimiter to tabput (item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) into toBeClosedput (theFoundLine+currentDBLine) into currentDBLinedisplayPic (item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB)close window toBeClosedfind string theString in cd field "info"if the foundChunk is empty then-- it was found in the file name only, so flash it for feedbackrepeat 2 timeshide cd button "display popup"wait 10 ticksshow cd button "display popup"wait 10 ticksend repeatend ifend ifend ifend findAgainon idleglobal isPlaying,playMode,pause,secondsPausedwait until not the suspendedif isPlaying thenif secondsPaused >= pause then -- end of pause, show next pictureif playMode = "fwd" then send mouseUp to cd button "next pic"else send mouseUp to cd button "prev pic"elsewaitASecondadd 1 to secondsPausedend ifend ifend idleon arrowKey whatKeyif whatKey is "left" then send mouseUp to cd button "prev pic"else if whatKey is "right" then send mouseUp to cd button "next pic"end arrowKeyon waitASecond -- pauses one second with animated pause iconshow cd button "Pause…"wait 30 tickshide cd button "Pause…"wait 30 ticksend waitASecondon sortByNameglobal currentDBLine,namesDB,howManyPicsif the checkmark of menuItem "by File Name" of menu "Sort" then exit sortByNameset the checkmark of menuItem "by File Name" of menu "Sort" to trueset the checkmark of menuItem "by Annotation" of menu "Sort" to falseset the itemDelimiter to tabput (item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) into toBeClosedsort lines of namesDB by item 1 of eachlock screenrepeat with x = 1 to howManyPicsset the cursor to busyput (item 1 of line x of namesDB) into line x of cd button "display popup"end repeatselect line 1 of cd button "display popup"put 1 into currentDBLineput (item 1 of line 1 of namesDB) into thePicif thePic <> toBeClosed thendisplayPic thePicclose window toBeClosedend ifset the itemDelimiter to commaunlock screenend sortByNameon sortByAnnotationglobal currentDBLine,namesDB,howManyPicsif the checkmark of menuItem "by Annotation" of menu "Sort" then exit sortByAnnotationset the checkmark of menuItem "by File Name" of menu "Sort" to falseset the checkmark of menuItem "by Annotation" of menu "Sort" to trueset the itemDelimiter to tabput (item 1 of line currentDBLine of namesDB) into toBeClosedsort lines of namesDB by item 2 of eachlock screenrepeat with x = 1 to howManyPicsset the cursor to busyput (item 1 of line x of namesDB) into line x of cd button "display popup"end repeatselect line 1 of cd button "display popup"put 1 into currentDBLineput (item 1 of line 1 of namesDB) into thePicif thePic <> toBeClosed thendisplayPic thePicclose window toBeClosedend ifset the itemDelimiter to commaunlock screenend sortByAnnotation</script>