Labels:barrier reef | book | bulletin board OCR: Generous Efforts of ienerou S The World's Largest CD- -ROM of for Many Volume the Apple Generous fforts Apple Demonstration Software! versions of: Hyper rStudio Efforts ofM the Roger IIgs Wagner hypermedia Publishing application (10MB from DB of M Many Master, relational database from Stone lany Edge Technologies Talk S Cheap Plus: for the from powerful Carolina System telecommunications Software program Alpha Classic Plot to Beagle Silicon Bros Salad software (3MB) from for the utility ProSel by -16 Glen program Bredon selector and disk Dozens utilities of 15MB games digitized (20MB), sounds programmers and ppl pple music files 10MB) graphics and clip .Volume INTER art accessories (50MB fonts for the I/gs. (12BM) and desk Volume CHANGE Graphic design by Robert Cardwell GEM CEM CEM GEM r C ...