Labels:text | human face | poster | person | screenshot | book | flyer OCR: NEW MEDIA GUIDE Setup NewMedia.Guide Volume 2 for MS-DOSc: HOME AND ENTERTAIMENT EDITION To start the New Media.Guide MS-DOS- Menu: Type NMGMENU from the root directory of your CD-ROM and push the enter key. If your videodriver is not VESA compatible start the New®Media®Guide MS-DOS. Menu with: NMGMENU /V and push the enter key If you encounter installation problems try to run setup in Microsofto Windows ... Program Manager. Direct install of the NewMedia Guide for Microsoft Windows .: Vingun Go to the ?: \NMG Directory on your CD-ROM and run setup. Follow the instructions. INTERACTIVE entertainment Direct install of the Microsoft Home Sampler Volume 3: If setup failed via the New Media.Guide MS-DOS. Menu, try to run setup directly in Microsoft® Windows ... Program Manager: go MICROSOFT. to the ROOT directory of your CD-Rom and run setup. Follow the WINDOWS setup instructions. Microsoft Home