Great Hits 1994
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208 lines
^m╒═════════════════════╤═╡^t Cost management ^m╞╕
│ ^nCalculate costs ^m│ ^hOn ^m│
│ ^nCost file 1 ^m│ ^hTERMINAT.CST ^m│
│ ^nCost file 2 ^m│ ^hALTERNA1.CST ^m│
│ ^nCost file 3 ^m│ ^hALTERNA2.CST ^m│
│ ^nShow at connect ^m│ ^hOn ^m│
│ ^nShow costs after ^m│ ^hOn ^m│
│ ^nStart at once ^m│ ^hOff ^m│
│ ^nCurrency string ^m│ ^hkr ^m│
│ ^nDecimalpoint ^m│ ^h2 ^m│
│ ^nPay by period ^m│ ^h0 ^m│
│ ^nMax costs ^m│ ^h 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nMax costs per day ^m│ ^h 0,00 ^m│
│^r Cost editor ^m│ │
│ ^nExternal editor ^m│ │
│ ^n2. currency string ^m│ ^hUSD ^m│
│ ^n2. currency calc. ^m│ ^h148 ^m│
│ ^n2. calculator ^m│ ^m│
^hCalculate costs^n
Allow cost calculation. If you do not need any cost calculation at all,
simply toggle this off. Cost management will be used when calling from the
phonebook, manually, or with the pointsystem.
When calling an entry from the phonebook, the costs for that entry will be
saved in the entry. When you use manual dialing or the pointsystem for
dialling, the costs will be saved inside entry 0 (manual record) in the
phonebook. Press ^hShift+Esc^n to get current information on which cost
amount was selected from the costfile.
^hCost file 1^n ^hCost file 2^n ^hCost file 3^n
Name of the cost file: first the utility directory will be searched, then
the Terminate directory. You can define 3 different costfiles that can
be connected to a device. So in the phonebook you can select a different
device which uses another costfile. This is useful in some cases where
you use ISDN and normal phonelines on the same machine, for example.
^hShow at connect^n
Show information on costs on screen at connect time.
^hShow costs after^n
When the carrier drops, show information on what the phone company made
from your call. If you like to call systems and hate knowing how much
poorer you are afterwards, you should surely turn this off...
^hStart at once^n
There should be some kind of international agreement between phone
companies so that you do not pay anything before the other end has picked
up the phone (no charge for busy calls), but since you never know when the
phone companies change their policy you should always aim for worst case
and just start calculating at once, then when you get the bill you might
not hang yourself anyway.
^hCurrency string^n
The currency string will normally be grabbed from your COUNTRY.SYS, if you
had it installed the first time you ran Terminate (or a $).
It will be shown in all menus where costs are mentioned.
The decimal point is important if you want the correct number printed
on the screen.
0 1000
1 100,0
2 10,00
3 1,000
Most currencies will use 2 here, but some countries do not use a decimal
point. This information is also grabbed from COUNTRY.SYS
^hPay by period^n
Some phone companies use a rate per minute and some want payment for
several minutes in advance.
A zero here will make Terminate choose the units/minute mode.
This means that every minute the rate will be added to cost used.
Any other number will make Terminate act in the period mode.
The number here defines how many units to add for each period.
How long the period is, is then defined for each cost entry.
^hMax costs^n
After a maximum cost has been exceeded, a window will pop up on screen and
ask you if you want to hangup. Enter a 0 if you do not want this option
(for example if your company is paying.)
^hMax costs per day^n
If you define an amount here, Terminate will inform you if your daily
budget has been was exceeded. This should keep you from spending any more
money. Entering a 0 will disable the feature.
^hCost editor^n
^m╒═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡^t Cost editor ^m╞╕
│ ^bPhone # Days:MTWTFSS Hours Costs in units/minute Start units ^m│
│ ^h31 ■ 00:00-24:00 0,24 ^m│
│ ^h31 ■■■■■■ 08:00-19:30 0,47 ^m│
│ ^h31 ■■■■■■ 19:30-08:00 0,24 ^m│
│ ^h33 ■ 00:00-24:00 0,24 ^m│
│ ^h33 ■■■■■■ 08:00-19:30 0,47 ^m│
│ ^h33 ■■■■■■ 19:30-08:00 0,24 ^m│
│ ^h42 ■ 00:00-24:00 0,24 ^m│
│ ^h42 ■■■■■■ 08:00-19:30 0,47 ^m│
│ ^h42 ■■■■■■ 19:30-08:00 0,24 ^m│
│ ^h4362 ■ 00:00-24:00 0,19 ^m│
│ ^h4362 ■■■■■■ 08:00-19:30 0,37 ^m│
│ ^h4362 ■■■■■■ 19:30-08:00 0,19 ^m│
│ ^h43 ■ 00:00-24:00 0,24 ^m│
│ ^h43 ■■■■■■ 08:00-19:30 0,47 ^m│
│ ^h43 ■■■■■■ 19:30-08:00 0,24 ^m│
│ ^hALL ■ 00:00-24:00 0,35 ^m│
│ ^hALL ■■■■■■ 08:00-19:30 0,70 ^m│
│ ^hALL ■■■■■■ 19:30-08:00 0,35 ^m│
│ │
^bEnter=Edit Days:1234567 A Add Ins/Del L Reload S Save^n
^hPhone #^n
The cost file is a sequential file that is read from the start and one
line forward at a time. When it finds a match it stops looking for
more. This means that you must place longer numbers first like this:
1 : 4362
2 : 43
If the number is 4362 it will return entry 1, a 439999 will give entry 2.
1 : 43
2 : 4362
The above setting is wrong, because it will allways return entry 1.
Each cost entry can be defined only to be available on some days in
the week. Here in Denmark the complete Sunday is half price.
Press 1-7 to toggle monday-sunday.
You can also define special hours each day the cost entry will be
available. In Denmark we only pay half price after 19:30 and until
8:00 in the morning.
^hCosts in units/minute / Add Y units every X second^n
Enter cost for entry or how many seconds the period lasts.
^hStart units^n
Some phone companies have some kind of penalty for using the phone
and want you to pay a punishment start fee, but you could also use
this entry for adjusting the seconds when connecting.
^hExternal editor^n
Since the internal editor only allows you to edit 500 entries, you can use
your external editor instead. If you need to copy several lines or other
things it could also be faster to use the external editor.
^h2. currency string^n
Used for displaying the secondary currency.
^h2. currency calc.^n
Use a zero to disable this feature.
For calculating the secondary currency you need to know how many percent
you need to multiply with for getting the value.
For calculating you need the latest rate of exchange on the currency you
want. Lets say you want to use DKK (Danish Crowns) and USD (US-Dollars)
as secondary currency.
You need to find out how much you would have to pay for 1000 USD.
When this document was written the rate of exchange was:
1000 USD = 6730 DKK.
To calculate the value: 1000 USD * 1000 / 6730 DKK = 148 (14,8%)
The number you must enter is 148.
An other example would be if you want the secondary currency in DKK
and the normal currency in USD.
You need to find out how much you would have to pay for 1000 DKK.
At the present time 1000 DKK = 148 USD.
To calculate the value: 1000 DKK * 1000 / 148 USD = 6756 (675,6%)
The number you must enter is 6756.
^h2. calculator^n
Helps you to calculate the above. You just need to know how much you
would pay for a 1000 of the secondary currency.