Great Hits 1994
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210 lines
^hGeneral options 1^n
^m╒══════════════════════╤══════════════════════════════╡^t General options 1 ^m╞╕
│ ^nSwap method ^m│ ^hXMS/EMS/Disk ^m│
│ ^nSwap when shelling ^m│ ^hOn ^m│
│ ^nWarning days ^m│ ^h30 ^m│
│ ^nScrollBack buffer kb ^m│ ^h32 ^m│
│ ^nTime format ^m│ ^h24-hour ^m│
│^r Country code ^m│ ^h45 Danmark ^m│
│ ^nPause time / char ^m│ ^h30 . ^m│
│ ^nMinimum diskspace ^m│ ^h250000 ^m│
│ ^nTag char ^m│ ^h■ ^m│
│ ^nEdit background ^m│ ^h░ ^m│
│ ^nOnline warn minutes ^m│ ^h15 ^m│
│ ^nInformation time ^m│ ^h15 ^m│
│ ^nMax log size kb ^m│ ^h64 ^m│
│ ^nInactivity seconds ^m│ ^h1800 ^m│
│ ^nAudio control ^m│ ^h00:00 ^n- ^h00:00 ^m│
│ ^nAuto password ^m│ ^h8 ^m│
│ ^nSeparators ^m│ ^nThousand ^h. ^nDecimal ^h, ^nDate ^h- ^nTime ^h. ^nLines ^h─ ^m│
│ ^nFilefinder drives ^m│ ^m│
│ ^nScan drives ^m│ ^m│
│ ^nRelease buffer ^m│ ^hYes ^m│
│ ^nMenu background ^m│ ^h▒ ^m│
^hSwap method^n
^m┌─┤^t Select swap method ^m├┐
│^r XMS/EMS/Disk ^m│
│ ^nEMS/XMS/Disk ^m│
│ ^nXMS/Disk ^m│
│ ^nEMS/Disk ^m│
│ ^nDisk ^m│
│ ^nNone ^m│
Select the preferred way of swapping out memory when calling external
utilities or invoking a shell to DOS. Remember that XMS is faster than EMS.
^hSwap when shelling^n
Swap out memory when shelling to DOS. If you don't have much memory left,
you will need to enable this. Disabling this option will swap faster, but
you will not have as much memory left in the DOS shell.
^hWarning days^n
Pressing W in the phonebook with this set means all entries you have not
called in x days flash.
^hScrollBack buffer kb^n
How big the scrollback buffer ^hAlt-B^n should be in bytes. The range that
can be choosen is 16-128k, but don't use too great a value if you also have
a big phonebook. If Terminate needs memory badly this buffer will be
decreased to release resources to other functions.
^hTime format^n
Select 12 or 24 hour time format.
^hCountry code^n
Selects your country code, installs international dial prefix and phone
conversion for the point system. Currently Terminate supports almost
100 different countries, when showing timezones and using international
^hPause time / char^n
The pause option ^hAlt-F3^n will send the defined character every x seconds.
The character to send every x seconds when using the pause function ^hAlt-F3^n
^hMinimum diskspace^n
Terminate will check every 60 seconds if the diskspace where TERMINAT.EXE
is located and exit if below this value. If you never want Terminate to
exit because of low diskspace enter a '0'.
^hTag char^n
Enter here the globally used character for tagging (in menus, etc.)
^hEdit background^n
Which character to use as a background in editing fields.
^hOnline warn minutes^n
After how many minutes would you like to be warned that you have spent too
much time on-line. 0 will disable warnings.
^hInformation time^n
How long (1/10 second) some windows remain on screen. Increase this value
if you think Terminate is too fast.
^hMax log size kb^n
When the logfile exceeds x kb it will be automatically reduced to half of
the current size. This means you will never have to worry about deleting
your logfile if it should get too big. 0 will disable this auto adjust.
^hInactivity seconds^n
How many seconds in Terminal mode without any activity before Terminate
automatically exits to DOS. 0 = disable.
^hAudio control^n
During which time period sound is allowed. 00:00 - 00:00 means that sound
is always allowed.
^hAuto password^n
When you edit any password and the field is blank, a random password is
created with length x. This password will only consist of characters 'a..z'
and '0..9'. If you never want these random passwords you can disable this
feature by entering a zero here.
Separators for numbers, time and date vary according to your country
Denmark USA
^hThousand : ^n . ,
^hDecimal : ^n , .
^hDate : ^n - /
^hTime : ^n . :
Lines are used in many places and are normally the graphics char '─' which
will give you lines like this: ───────── in most places (phonebook report
etc.). But if for some reason you want to change this, you can...
^hFilefinder drives^n / ^hScan drives^n
^m╒╡^t Drives ^m╞╕
│ ^hC: ^n■ ^m│
│ ^hD: ^n■ ^m│
│^r E: ^m│
│ ^nF: ■ ^m│
When using the internal filefinder or the filemanager you can switch off
testing of some drives (eg: CD-ROM drives or mapped network drives.)
^hRelease buffer^n
If you want to free the scrollback buffer when calling any external program
This allows you to swap faster, because less bytes have to be swapped
to memory or disk, the buffer will still be saved if autosave scrollback
is on (toggles), so if you never you the scrollback, turn it autosave off.
^hMenu background^n
The character that will be used to fill out the background of the screen
in the configuration menus and in hostmode.
^hGeneral options 2^n
^m╒══════════════════════╤═════════════════════════╡^t General options 2 ^m╞╕
│ ^nStatus start offline ^m│ ^hAlt-Z for Help ^m│
│^r Status start online ^m│ ^hSystem name ^m│
│ ^nStatus end offline ^m│ ^hTime 11:59:59 ^m│
│ ^nStatus end online ^m│ ^hkr 3,75 ^m│
This menu controls what to show in the statusline and when to show it.
You can manually change it with ^hAlt-F1^n (Start) and ^hAlt-F2^n (End).
Status start offline : When No Carrier, show this at start of statusline
Status start online : When Carrier, show this at start of statusline
Status end offline : When No Carrier, show this at end of statusline
Status end online : When Carrier, show this at end of statusline
^hExternal support^n
^m╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════╡^t External support ^m╞╕
│ ^m│
│ ^nF^b1 ^hHelp @HELP ^m│
│ ^nF^b2 ^hMemo MEM /D |More !W ^m│
│ ^nF^b3 ^hFrmt FORMAT A: ^m│
│ ^nF^b4 ^hVira C:\U\SCAN C: !M !E ^m│
│ ^nF^b5 ^hGSet GSETUP !M ^m│
│ ^nF^b6 ^hEcho ECHO %COMSPEC% %FD% %RA% %DIRCMD% %PATH% !W ^m│
│ ^r F7 ^n ^hVPic VPIC !F !M ^m│
│ ^nF^b8 ^hPack SHEZ !M ^m│
│ ^nF^b9 ^hPrnt DIR >PRN ^m│
│ ^nF1^b0 ^hNCD NCD !M ^m│
│ ^nF11 ^m│
│ ^nF12 ^m│
│ │
│ ^n!P=COM1-8 !C=COM0-7 !0=DownloadPath !E=No COMMAND.COM ^m│
│ ^n!M=Swap memory first !W=Wait for return after !B=Baud ^m│
│ ^n!F=Name in filemana. !CD=Change to path first ^m│
│ │
Setup the utilities that can be called with Ctrl or Shift F1..F12 from
terminal mode or in the filemanager. The first word is what will appear on
the status line when holding down Ctrl or Shift. The parameters will be
replaced with the correct value or turn on the option, !M will first swap
out memory in the way selected, !W will wait for a key press after
running the utility program.