Great Hits 1994
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608 lines
^t-=> T E R M I N A T E P H O N E B O O K <=-^n
TERMINATE indicates which phone directory file is in use. In this example
TERMINAT.FON has been loaded. The comment ( Private phonebook ) can be
changed in the ^bO^nther menu. The first ░·░░░░ field is a menubar that
indicates where you are in the current phonebook. This will change if you
press ^hCursor Up/Down^n. The second menubar is controlled by ^hcursor Left/right^n
and will allow you to see almost anything about the current entries on
^m ▌ TERMINAT ( Private phonebook ) ▐
▌ # Name ░·░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ·░░░░░░░░ Phone Number Baud Comm. ▐
3 ─Get newest Terminate here─ ──────────────────────── 19200 8-N-1
4 ▄▄▄▄▄
5 ████████▄ Line 1 42643827 19200 8-N-1
6 ███▌ ▀████ Line 2 43628230 19200 8-N-1
7 ███ ███▌ Line 3 43627750 19200 8-N-1
8 ███▌ ▐██▌ Line 4 43625880 19200 8-N-1
9 ▐███ ▄███▌ Line 5 43625230 19200 8-N-1
10 ▐████████▀ AN BBS Line 6 43623990 19200 8-N-1
11 ▀▀▀▀ ISDN 7,8 43661070 64000 8-N-1
12 ─────────────────────────── ──────────────────────── 19200 8-N-1
▌ ··<> Ins/Del Add Edit/View Dial Manual Find Tag: Space, +-* All ▐
▌ Sort Import Phonebook Other Global Save Voicecall Copy Cap Note Warndays ▐
Inserts a new entry at menubar.
Delete entry at menubar or all tagged entries.
^hA^n Add new entry
Add a new entry at the bottom of the phonebook.
^hD^n (^hRETURN^n) Dial number(s)
Dial the system (or tagged systems) and try to connect.
You can use the Quickdial just by typing any number 0..9 to
tag several entries. You can also turn this quick dial bar on in the
toggles menu. Each number should be seperated by a space: 5 6 7 8 9 10
will tag and start dialing entries 5-10. To use a keyword instead
press 0, delete the 0 and type the keyword, systems that match the keyword
will then be dialled.
^m╒══════════════╤════════════════════════════════════════════╡^t AutoDialer ^m╞╕
│ ^nDial start ^m│ ^h2-Jun-1993 16.23.16 ^nEntries tagged ^h1 ^m│
│ ^nAttempt ^m│ ^h2-Jun-1993 16.23.17 ^nTry #^h1 ^nAborting in ^b3^n seconds ^m│
│ ^nSystem ^m│ ^hDANBBS Line 1 ^m│
│ ^nUsername ^m│ ^hBo Bendtsen ^m│
│ ^nPhone ^m│ ^h42643827 ^m│
│ ^nComment 1 ^m│ ^hHere you can always get the newest ^m│
│ ^nComment 2 ^m│ ^hupdates of Terminate ^m│
│ ^nPassword ^m│ ^h........ ^m│
│ │ ^nConnects ^h 6 ^nBaud ^h9600 ^m│
│ │ ^nDownload kb ^h 53 ^nUpload kb ^h 0 ^m│
│ │ ^nTime used ^h0.08.47 ^nCosts kr ^h2,89 ^m│
│ ^nLast attempt ^m│ │
│ ^nNext system ^m│ │
│ ^bA^ndd 15 ^bU^nntag ^bE^ndit ^bR^netry ^bSpace^n=cycle ^bReturn^n=abort ESC=hangup/abort ^m│
│ ^hATDT42643827 ^m│
╘╡^t Alt-J DOS ^m╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╡^t Modem ^m╞╛^n
^hA^ndd 15 seconds
Extend dial time by 15 seconds. Remember to set your modem dial time as
high as possible (S7=255).
^hU^nntag entry
Untag entry and dial next number.
^hE^ndit entry
Edit this phone entry while dialing.
Retry number at once.
Call next tagged number or the same number if no tagged entries.
^hReturn^n=abort ^hESC^n=hangup/abort
Pressing return will start to abort the dialer, but assume that the
connection will come through in terminal mode. Pressing ESC will first
hangup the call and then abort the auto-dialer. In toggles you can reverse
these two keys so they work the other way around.
^hM^n Manual dial
Jumps to the manual dial menu, here you can call modem or
voice numbers without having them in the phonebook.
^m╒════════════════════╤══════════════════════════════╡^t Manual dialing ^m╞╕
│ ^nDial modem number ^m│ ^h42643827 ^m│
│ ^nDial voice number ^m│ ^h42643827 ^m│
│ ^nSearch nodelist ^m│ ^h111 ^m│
│ ^nNodelist 1 ^m│ ^hUTILS\NODELIST.* ^m│
│ ^nNodelist 2 ^m│ ^hC:\NODELIST\NODELIST.* ^m│
│ ^nNodelist 3 ^m│ ^m│
│ ^nEdit manual record ^m│ ^m│
Record 0 in all phone books will be used to store the last manual dial you
made. So the costs used and other statistics can be kept up to date.
Enter the number at Dial modem number / Dial voice number or search for
the number in the nodelists. You can also edit the manual record if you
want to setup special emulations or keymaps or anything. When you have
entered the number in line 1 or 2, press RETURN again for dialing.
^hF^n Find entry
When you start to type a search string, the picture will
change in the background to entries that match your search string.
You can press Ctrl-Enter to find next match with same search string.
The fields that will be compared are: System name, Number, Password
and comments 1+2.
╒═══════╡ Speed search ╞╕
│^r DAN BBS ^h│
╘══ Ctrl-Enter = Next ══╛
^hSPACE^h Tag/untag
Tag/untag entries for dialling, copying, deletion.
^h+^n Tag all
Tag all entries.
^h-^n Untag all
Untag all entries.
^h*^n Invert all
Invert tags. All untagged will be tagged and all tagged will be untagged.
^hS^n Sort menu
Here you can sort the entire phonebook or a range. A range
indicates which entries to be sorted, start-stop.
^m╒══════════════╡^t Sort menu ^m╞╕
│ ^nSet Range ( ^h1^n-^h14^n ) ^m│
│^r Names ascending ^m│
│ ^nNames descending ^m│
│ ^nNumbers ascending ^m│
│ ^nNumbers descending ^m│
│ ^nMost connects ^m│
│ ^nLast called ^m│
│ ^nComment 1 ^m│
│ ^nComment 2 ^m│
│ ^nPassword ^m│
│ ^nColor ^m│
│ ^nName to use ^m│
│ ^nBaudrate ^m│
^hI^n Import
Import menu. In this menu you can import phonebooks from other terminal
programs and also import BBS-lists, commafiles, nodelists.
This menu can also Export your phonebook to a commafile, textfile or
^m╒════════════════════╡^t Import/Export menu ^m╞╕
│ ^nImport: Telix phonebook 3.1x/3.2x ^m│
│ ^nImport: Qmodem phonebook 4.3x ^m│
│ ^nImport: Qmodem phonebook 5.0x ^m│
│ ^nImport: Qmodem Pro phonebook 1.00 ^m│
│ ^nImport: TeleMate phonebook 3.10/4.00 ^m│
│ ^nImport: FrontDoor user-profiles 2.xx ^m│
│ ^nImport: FrontDoor phonebook 2.xx ^m│
│ ^nImport: Procomm phonebook 2.4.x ^m│
│ ^nImport: PCPLUS phonebook 1.00 ^m│
│ ^nImport: PCPLUS phonebook 2.0x ^m│
│ ^nImport: Procomm+ for Windows 1.00 ^m│
│ ^nImport: Communiqué 2.00 ^m│
│ ^nImport: RenCom Pro 2.00 ^m│
│^r Import: Definable BBSlist ^m│
│ ^nImport: Nodelist segment ^m│
│ ^nImport: Find/import nodes from nodelist ^m│
│ ^nImport: Commafile ^m│
│ ^nExport: Commafile ^m│
│ ^nExport: Phonebook to printer/textfile ^m│
│ ^nExport: Userprofiles to textfile ^m│
If the import of a phonebook goes wrong and there is suddenly a lot of
garbage in the phonebook, just mark all the entries and press DELETE to
remove them again.
^m╒═════════════════════╤════════════════╡^t Import from definable BBSlist ^m╞╕
│^r Start converting ^m│ │
│ ^nFilename ^m│ ^hDK-BBS.TXT ^m│
│ ^nName start/stop ^m│ ^h 1 24 ^m│
│ ^nNumber start/stop ^m│ ^h 26 33 ^m│
│ ^nBaud start/stop ^m│ ^h 35 39 ^m│
│ ^nComment1 start/stop ^m│ ^h 49 79 ^m│
│ ^nComment2 start/stop ^m│ ^h 81 108 ^m│
│ ^nPassword start/stop ^m│ ^h 0 0 ^m│
│ ^nIf start or stop is 0 field will be skipped ^m│
│ ^nA line starts at 1 and ends at 255, both positions will be included ^m│
This allows you to import any textfile with any format you might like to
specify. The start/stop values is the positions on the lines where the
import function will grab the value or string. The baudrate will be
grabbed into a string then Terminate will test the 2 first places and
assume the following.
^b12->1200 , 24->2400 , 48->4800 , 96->9600 , 14->14400 , 16->16800^n
So if the baudrate is grabbed from '14400 HST/V32' then 14400 is used.
This was made because some BBS-lists only give you the first 2 numbers
of the baudrate, so that more information can be put on the same line.
Look in the DK-BBS.TXT file for some examples.
^hImport from nodelists^n
A complete segment can be imported. This could be used to import your
fidonet's list of all the nodes in your net. It must be a raw, uncompiled
standard fidonet nodelist.
^hImport/Export comma separated files^n
Some database program will be able to import comma delimited files so just
export and look in the file. The first line in an exported file will
always show the format used in Terminate.
^hExport: Phonebook to printer/textfile^n
Here you can print out all or part of the phonebook. You can also select
if you only want tagged entries to be exported. You can limit the export
to 80 chars, then only the most important information is exported.
Remember if you export to another printer you should choose textfile
and enter LPT2 or LPT3.
^hP^n Change phonebook
If you have several phonebooks. It is advisable to use as
small a phonebook as possible to save memory. You could import a BBS list
or a nodelist segment. And then only copy single entries to your daily
phonebook with the copy function. You could also have a phonebook for your
private needs and one for your work. Try to divide it up in smaller books
to make it easier for you to find the numbers again. You could also
separate the groups by giving the entries a different color for each group.
^hO^n Other functions
Here you can change the comment for the phonebook, see the
totals for the phonebook and a complete cost calculation for one year back.
Terminate has one of the most advanced cost calculation features found in
any terminal program. Thanks to many users in different countries, it
should come very close to your real bill.
You can print out (or save in file) a LARGE report, telling you all the
information on this page and cost information statistics for every phone
entry in the phonebook. You could use this to give to your company to prove
you really have used the phone so much if they are paying.
^m╒═══════════════════╤═════════════════════════════════╡^t Other information ^m╞╕
│ ^nPhonebook comment ^m│ ^hPrivate phonebook Size: 120kb ^m│
│ ^nTotal connects ^m│ ^h0 ^m│
│ ^nTotal time used ^m│ ^h 0.00.00 ^m│
│ ^nTotal transfered ^m│ ^nUpload kb: ^h0 ^nDownload kb: ^h0 ^m│
│ ^nGenerate report ^m│ ^nC O S T S T A T I S T I C S ^m│
│ │ │
│ ^nMay 1992 ^m│ ┌────────────────────┐ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nJune 1992 ^m│ │ ^nLast 2 months ^m│ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nJuly 1992 ^m│ │ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nAugust 1992 ^m│ │ ^nLast 3 months ^m│ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nSeptember 1992 ^m│ │ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nOctober 1992 ^m│ │ ^nLast 6 months ^m│ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nNovember 1992 ^m│ │ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nDecember 1992 ^m│ │ ^nLast 9 months ^m│ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nJanuary 1993 ^m│ │ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nFebruary 1993 ^m│ └────────────────────┘ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nMarch 1993 ^m│ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nApril 1993 ^m│ ^nPhonebook ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ ^nApril 1993 ^m│ ^nManual+Pointsystem ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
│ │ ^b────────────────── ^m│
│ ^nTotal ^m│ ^h$ 0,00 ^m│
^hG^n Global changes
The global menu. The functions in this menu can change more than 1 entry at
a time. Almost every important function can be changed globally or in a
specified range of entries. For example, you could change the baudrate for
entries 5 - 10, by changing first the range and then choose change baud.
^m╒═══════════════════╡^t Global edit ^m╞╕
│ ^nSet Range ( ^h1^n-^h14^n ) ^m│
│ ^nOnly tagged ^hNo ^m│
│^r Find/Replace baud ^m│
│ ^nChange baud rates ^m│
│ ^nChange device ^m│
│ ^nAuto login ^m│
│ ^nDownload path ^m│
│ ^nUsername ^m│
│ ^nColors ^m│
│ ^nTerminal ^m│
│ ^nProtocol ^m│
│ ^nDial prefix ^m│
│ ^nTag entries in range ^m│
│ ^nStrip/Insert '-' in number 3 ^m│
│ ^nFind/Tag ^m│
│ ^nTag bad phonenumbers ^m│
│ ^nTag all with password ^m│
│ ^nCopy password to range ^m│
│ ^nClear last call ^m│
│ ^nClear costs ^m│
│ ^nClear time used ^m│
│ ^nEcho=Off, Strip=Off, BS=On ^m│
│ ^nClear connects ^m│
^hV^n Save phonebook
Save the phonebook at once. The phonebook is always saved if any changes
have been made or any numbers have been dialled. The phonebook is saved
whenever you change to a new phonebook or exit Terminate.
When saving a phonebook and the backup system is enabled (default), the
current .FON will be renamed to .PBK and the new phonebook will be saved as
.FON. If the .FON file is missing Terminate will try to load the .PBK file.
This function is normally used where you have made a lot of changes and
want to be sure nothing can go wrong, eg: in a DOS-shell or anywhere else
that could cause the machine to hang.
^hL^n Voicecall
Allows you to call human beings. The screen has information on
current time, how much time has elapsed and the cost of the call. When the
modem has dialled, pick up the real 'phone and press the spacebar.
^m╒═══════════╤═══════════════════════╡^t Voice call ^m╞╕
│ ^nHuman ^m│ ^hBo Bendtsen ^m│
│ ^nNumber ^m│ ^h4264???? (Ohh now I forgot) ^m│
│ ^nTime ^m│ ^h16:05:12 ^m│
│ ^nTime used ^m│ ^h00:05:23 ^m│
│ ^n$ ^m│ ^h 1,25 ^m│
│ │
│ ^nPick up phone then press space. Esc to abort ^m│
│ ^nDelaying in 60 ^m│
│ │
^hC^n Copy menu
Copy entries to other places in the phonebook or to another phonebook.
^hT^n (^hAlt-L^n) Edit capture file
Capture file. Edit the capture file for the entry under the menubar, if it
is specified in the entry.
^hN^n (^hAlt-N^n) Edit note file
Notes. Each phonebook entry can have a comment file attached. It will be
placed in the same directory as the phonebooks. You can enter any kind of
information you like here.
^hW^n Warn days
Will flash all entries which have not been dialled for a set
number of days (default 30 days). Useful if you do not want to be deleted
by a system. Normally, users records on public BBS's are deleted if they
have not called for 1-3 months. Now you can know quickly which entries
you need to call to avoid deletion.
^hAlt-J^n DOS-shell
Invokes DOS-shell
^hAlt-X^n Exit
Exit Terminate
^t-=> E D I T P H O N E E N T R Y <=-^n
^hE^n Edit entry
^m╒═══════════════════╤═════════════════════════════╡^t View/Edit phone entry ^m╞╕
│^r System name ^m│ ^hDAN BBS Line 1 ^m│ │
│ ^bP^nhone number ^m│ ^h42643827 ^m│ ^b1 ^nLocal Echo ^hOff ^m│
│ ^bD^nevice ^m│ ^hCOM1 19200 8N1 ^m│ ^b2 ^nStripHigh ^hOff ^m│
│ ^bU^nser profile ^m│ ^hBo Bendtsen ^m│ ^b3 ^nRcvd BS dest ^hOn ^m│
│ ^nPass^bw^nord ^m│ ^m│ ^b4 ^nColor ■ ^m│
│ ^bO^npening hours ^m│ ^h00:00 - 24:00 ^m│ │
│ ^bT^nerminal ^m│ ^hAvatar/Ansi ^m└────────────────────────┤
│ ^nDial prefi^bx ^m│ ^hATDT ^m│
│ ^nDial su^bf^nfix ^m│ ^h^M ^m│
│ ^bC^nomm. information ^m│ ^h14400,8N1 ^m│
│ ^bA^nutologin ^m│ ^hEscapes, Name, Password ^m│
│ ^nComment 1 ^m│ ^hHst, v32, only above 9600 ^m│
│ ^nComment 2 ^m│ ^h├──────────────────────────────────────┤ ^m│
│ ^nDown^bl^noad path ^m│ ^hI:\ ^m│
│ ^nKeyboard mapping ^m│ ^n.KBD ^m│
│ ^nTranslation table ^m│ ^n.XLT ^m│
│ ^nCapture file ^m│ ^n.CAP ^m│
│ ^bN^note file ^m│ ^n.NOT ^m│
│ ^nClear last call ^m│ ^m│
│ ^nTime used/Connect ^m│ ^nTime used: ^h0.00.00 ^nConnects : ^h0 ^m│
│ ^nTransfer guess ^m│ ^nUpload kb: ^h0 ^nDownload kb: ^h0 ^m│
│ ^nCosts used ^m│ ^nTotal : ^h0,00 ^nThis month : ^h0,00 ^m│
^nName of the system to call
^hSystem name^n
Name of the system or person this entry describes
^hPhone number^n
Number to dial to reach the system or person
For every system you can specify a device. The devices can be set up in
the configuration. This is mostly used if you have several modems
connected to your system. You can select between all available devices or
choose to use the default or current device. If you choose the current
device, the Com Port will not be changed at all when dialling. If the
default device is chosen, then the startup device will be used.
If the device is changed before dialing, then init string for this device
will be sent before sending the dial command.
For more information, see how to setup a device.
^hUser profile^n
Which name and default password should be used for the autologin
procedure. If the autologin fails, you can press ^hAlt-N^n to send the
username manually and ^hAlt-S^n to send the password.
Used at autologin procedure, if you do not define a separate password for
each entry, the default password for the active user profile is used.
^hOpening hours^n
Some systems are only open for a limited time during the day or night.
You can specify the opening and closing time and then Terminate will warn
you and ask if you are sure you want to call anyway.
Choose which kind of emulations the remote end supports. Look at the Help
for Terminal Emulation to get more information. Press ^hAlt-T^n in terminal
mode to change.
^hDial prefix^n ^hDial suffix^n
In Terminate you can choose between 6 dial prefixes. 1-5 are normal
prefixes and 6 should be used for international calls, but you can also
use them for any purpose you find right. Normally 'ATDT' is used for Hayes
compatible modems. That starts the modem tone dialling a number. AT is the
Hayes `ATtention' that prefixes most commands. If Pulse dialling is needed
you would choose ATDP.
The suffix is what to send after the number has been sent to the modem.
Terminate dials like this:
Prefix + Number + Suffix
The ^M means Return (ASCII #13), it will be replaced with a #13.
^hComm. information^n
These fields are only used for information about the remote system - they
will not affect communication parameters in any way. So you can specify
here if the system is using a bps rate your modem supports even though you
perhaps always use 19200 or 38400 in the device. Terminate will insert the
connect bps rate at the phone entry every time you call a system
(including 7200, 12000, 14400, 16800, 24000, 28800, 64000, 76800,128000)
to inform you which bps rate the system last accepted when you called.
This feature can be turned off in configuration. Note that there is a big
difference in connect bps and the bps (DTE speed) between your modem and
DTE-speed DCE-speed DTE-speed
Computer ─────────── Modem ────phoneline──── Modem ─────────── Computer
(DTE=Data Terminal equipment, DCE=Data communications equipment)
Between your computer and the modem, the baudrate depends on which
baudrate you specify in the device setup. Depending on which modem you
use the modems could transfer data with different baudrates than the
serial port. DTE-speed = device baudrate, DCE-speed = phonebook
baudrate. Terminate will also recognize baudrate 64000/128000 used with
ISDN lines.
Which Autologin script to try after you have connected. You can define
your own small login scripts if you call systems that need scripts other
than the default scripts.
^hComment 1^n ^hComment 2^n
Place anything on these lines -used when importing from BBS and nodelists.
^hDownload path^n
Which default download path should be used for the phonebook entry.
Terminate lets you pre-define 3 different paths, so if you have a download
directory for GIF files, you could tell Terminate to download directly
into that directory. To change this in terminal mode, press ^hAlt-R^n
^hKeyboard mapping^n
Load a keyboard file when calling this system. This will allow you to load
a keyboard file, where you have defined function keys and other special
keys. You can load a keyboard file in terminal mode by pressing ^hAlt-=^n,
(the key to the left of the backspace on international keyboards).
^hTranslation table^n
You can also load a translation file when calling a system. It will change
incoming and outgoing characters. This is often used with systems only
running 7-bit, Unix installation and other host systems.
Press ^hAlt-W^n in terminal mode to create/load/save/reset translation
^hCapture file^n
Terminate has a capture file system. If a filename is specified in the
entry a capture file will be opened when you connect to that system.
You can either remove the filename again by pressing ^hDEL^n or turn off
the Autocapture system in the configuration or press ^hAlt-0^n in terminal
mode. Pressing ^hAlt-L^n in that menu will call the external editor and
allow you to directly edit/view the capture file.
^hNote file^n
For each entry you can define a note file where you can keep any kind of
information. You could save a filelist or a little summary of what the
system needs or whatever you like. To edit this note file, you press
^bAlt-N^n in this menu. This file will be used as the SmartPad if you
press ^bAlt-A^n from terminal mode.
^hClear last call^n
Every time you call a system, the date and time of the call is saved in
the phone entry. Pressing return on this entry removes this date/time -
so it then looks as if you have not called that system.
^hTime used/Connects^n
Allows you to edit the number of seconds used online and how many
connects you have made to this system.
^hTransfer guess^n
Edit how many kilobytes down/up-loaded to that system. When you use
external protocols, Terminate has to guess how much. Terminate first
checks how many files and how big the download directory is. It then
performs the external transfer, checks again and calculates the
difference. This can only be a guess, since maybe you are working on a
network and delete some files in the meantime in that directory, but that
is also why you can manually edit the value if anything goes wrong and you
like keeping track of how much you have transferred.
^hCosts used^n
The 1st entry is the total cost of all calls to this system and will be
updated after each call if you use the Cost management option. The 2nd
entry will also be updated each time you call but, when a new month
starts, this amount is placed in the `Last Month Used Account' and the
2nd entry zeroed.
^hLocal Echo^n
Echo all characters sent to the modem on screen. Always turned off
Strip all characters above ASCII 127 on incoming traffic. Should not
be used normally.
^hErase backspace^n
If this option is On, pressing backspace (ASCII 8) will move the cursor 1
back and erase the character; Off will only move the cursor 1 back.
Default is On.
Select the color you want for this phonebook entry.