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File List  |  1994-08-18  |  17KB  |  297 lines

  1. %
  2. % List of conferences in region 23/Denmark
  3. % Blank and lines starting with a % is ignored (comments).
  4. % You can get this list from your Boss, by sending an AREAFIX request and
  5. % use the keyword %LIST or a simular command. Then you will receive a netmail
  6. % with the below information. Export the message and create this file which
  7. % only should contain areas from your Boss.
  8. % Collected 30. August 1993 by  --=>  Bo Bendtsen.
  9. % Maximum 300 entries in this list
  10. %
  12. % EchoID                       Description
  13. %───────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
  14. Terminate-conferences          Description
  15. ────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
  16. TERMINAT                       International Terminate echo
  17. TERMINATE.SUPPORT.024          German Terminate conference
  18. TERMINAT_R23.PUB               Dansk Terminate konference
  19. %───────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
  21. ────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
  22. Danish-conferences             Description
  23. ────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
  24. 4DOS_R23.PUB                   4DOS konference
  25. AMIGABBS_R23.PNT               AMIGA BBS programmer
  26. AMIGAGRAFIK_R23.PUB            AMIGA grafik konference
  27. AMIGAHARD_R23.PUB              AMIGA hardware konference
  28. AMIGALYD_R23.PUB               AMIGA lyd konference
  29. AMIGAPROG_R23.PUB              AMIGA program konference
  30. AMIGASALG_R23.PUB              AMIGA salg/k¢b/bytte
  31. AMIGASNAK_R23.PUB              AMIGA chit-chat snak
  32. AMIGASOFT_R23.PUB              AMIGA software konference
  33. AMIGASPIL_R23.PUB              AMIGA spil konference
  34. ANMELD_R23.PUB                 Anmeldelse film/b¢ger m.m.
  35. ASM_R23.PUB                    Assembler programmering
  36. ASTROLOGI_R23.PUB              Astrologi m.m.
  37. AUTOFIND_R23.PUB               Auto fil s¢gning
  38. BACKBONE_R23.RES               *C + backbone konference
  39. BOERN_R23.PUB                  For b¢rn og om b¢rn
  40. CADCAM_R23.PUB                 CAD/CAM konference
  41. COMAL_R23.PUB                  Comal programmering
  42. COMICS_R23.PUB                 Tegneserier, tegnefilm m.m.
  43. COMSALG_R23.PRO                Kommerciel salg/prislister
  44. C_R23.PUB                      C - C++ programmering
  45. DANBBS                         Lokal DANBBS konference
  46. DANEINFO                       DaneNet information Net 231
  47. DANENET                        DaneNet sysops Net 231
  48. DANETECH                       DaneTech sysop Net 230
  49. DANPOINT                       Point konference for DAN BBS points
  50. DK-BBS_R23.SYS                 DK-BBS hjælpekonference
  51. DK-FAX_R23.PUB                 Problemmer med FAX, reg.m.m.
  52. DTP_R23.PUB                    Desktop Publishing m.m.
  53. ELEKTRONIK_R23.PUB             Elektronik konference
  54. FILOSOFI_R23.PUB               Almen filosofi konference
  55. FINDFILE_R23.PUB               S¢gning af filer
  56. GAMES.PUB                      Populær spille konference
  57. GOLDED_R23.PNT                 GOLDED support konference
  58. GRAFIK_R23.PUB                 Computer grafik m.m.
  59. HAM_R23.PUB                    Radioamat¢rer konference
  60. HARDSOFT_R23.PUB               Hard- og software hjælp m.m.
  61. HP-HANDHELD_R23.PUB            HP lommeregnere m.m.
  62. JERNBANE_R23.PUB               Jernbane og modeljernbane
  63. JOKE_R23.PUB                   Vittigheder & sjove historie
  64. KONTOR_R23.PUB                 Kontor programmer m.m.
  65. LADYONLY_R23.PUB               Kun for piger
  66. LYD_R23.PUB                    Lydkort m.m. for computere
  67. MAD_R23.PUB                    Madlavning i alle former
  68. MODEM_R23.PUB                  Modem hjælp m.m.
  69. MODERATOR_R23.PNT              Moderator diskution
  70. MOTOR_R23.PUB                  Automobil og motorcykler mm
  71. MTASK_R23.PUB                  Multitasking, Netværk m.m.
  72. MYGGEN                         MNA sysops Net 234
  73. NEWFILES_R23.PRO               Annoncering af nye filer
  74. OPLYSNING_R23.PUB              Kommunal/offentlig oplysning
  75. ORCAD_R23.PUB                  Orcad software konference
  76. OS2_R23.PUB                    OS/2 konference
  77. OS2PROG_R23.PUB                OS/2 programmering
  78. PASCAL_R23.PUB                 Pascal programmering
  79. PC_DEMO_R23.PUB                Demo af forskellige arter
  80. POINT_R23.PNT                  Point hjælp, opsætning m.m.
  81. POLSAM_R23.PUB                 Politik / samfunds debat
  82. PRIVAT                         Privat konference
  83. PROG_R23.PUB                   Programmering, teknik/sprog
  84. PVTBOLIG_R23.PUB               Privat salg/lejning af bolig
  85. PVTSALG_R23.PUB                Privat k¢b/salg/bytte
  86. REGION_R23.NRO                 Meddelser fra *C'erne m.m.
  87. ROLEPLAY_R23.PUB               Snak om rollespil/klub akt.
  88. SCIFI_R23.PUB                  Science Fiction, horror m.m.
  89. SEXOLOGI_R23.PUB               Sexologi debat
  90. SKAK_R23.PUB                   Skak orienteret konference
  91. SLAEGT_R23.PUB                 Slægtsforsknings debat
  92. SNAK_R23.PUB                   Alt muligt/se regler
  93. SNAK_T&F_R23.PUB               Tant & fjas snak
  94. SPILAKTIV_R23.PUB              Play by mail
  95. SPIL_R23.PUB                   Hjælp til comp. spil m.m.
  96. STAT_R23.PRO                   Mail statistik
  97. SYSOP_R23.NOD                  Fælles SYSOP konference
  98. TEKSYSOP_R23.SYS               Teknisk for alle SYSOP's
  99. TEX_R23.PUB                    TeX, LaTeX, AMSTeX m.m.
  100. TIPTOPANN_R23.IRO              TIPTOP annoncering
  101. TIPTOP_R23.PNT                 TIPTOP konference
  102. TV-HIFI_R23.PUB                TV, Video, lyd m.m.
  103. VIDENSKAB_R23.PUB              Videnskabelig debat
  104. VIRUS_R23.PUB                  Information/debat om virus
  105. WINDOWS_R23.PUB                Windows konference
  106. WINNT_R23.PUB                  Windows NT 32 bit konference
  107. WINPROG_R23.PUB                Windows programmering
  108. %───────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
  110. ────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
  111. International-conferences      Description
  112. ────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
  113. 4DOS                           4DOS conference
  114. ABLENEWS                       Disability news, resources, referrals
  115. ADAM                           Adam Computer Conference
  116. AIRGUN                         Airgunners' Information Exchange
  117. ALLFIX_HELP                    Allfix support
  118. AMIGA_LC                       Amiga Language C programming & SAS/C Conference
  119. AMIGA_NET_DEV                  Amiga network developement
  120. AMIGA_PDREVIEW                 Amiga Public Domain & Requests
  121. AMIGA_SYSOP                    Sysop conference
  122. ANIMAL_RIGHTS                  Animal Rights Conference
  123. APPLE                          Apple Computers
  124. ASIAN_LINK                     Asian link
  125. ASTRONOMY                      astronomy
  126. ATARI                          Atari 8-bit computers topic
  127. A_CAD                          International AutoCAD/CAD Conference
  128. A_THEIST                       A_Theism Education and Enlightenment Echo
  129. BACKBONE                       General backbone issues
  130. BACKBONE_ADMIN                 General backbone issue
  131. BAHAI                          Baha'i Faith
  132. BATPOWER                       Batch programming
  133. BBS_QUILT                      AIDS Memorial BBS Quilt
  134. BIBLE                          International Bible Conference
  135. BNU                            BNU support
  136. CBM                            Commodore Computer Conference
  137. CBM-128                        CBM C-128 Computer Conference
  138. CHAMELEON                      Chameleon support
  139. CHANNELS                       Channelled Messages From The Spirit Realm
  140. CLARION                        Clarion
  141. COHOUSING                      Cohousing discussion, networking & meetings
  142. COMM                           Communications Echo
  143. COMPLAINT_DEPT                 The Complaint Department
  144. COMPUSALE                      Buy/Sell/Trade Computer ONLY items
  145. COOKING                        National Cooking Echo
  146. C_ECHO                         C programming
  147. C_PLUSPLUS                     C++
  148. DBASE                          DBase conference
  149. DBRIDGE                        D'Bridge Support Echo
  150. DB_NOVICE                      D'Bridge Official Novice User Support Echo
  151. DESQVIEW                       DESQview Tech Conference
  152. DIABETES                       Diabetes discussions and support
  153. DISASTERS                      Disaster Info/Relief/Recovery
  154. ECHOLIST                       EchoList Access Conference
  155. ENET.SOFT                      New software in Europe
  156. ENET.SYSOP                     Sysop conference
  157. EVOLUTION                      Evolutionary Mechanism Theory Discussion
  158. FDECHO                         FrontDoor/TosScan Support Conference
  159. FLAME                          National Flame! Echo
  160. FLA_COOKS                      Florida Cooking and Eating Echo
  161. FMAIL_HELP                     FMail Tosser/Scanner Support Echo
  163. FOXPRO                         Foxpro support
  164. FOZZLE                         Fozzle support
  165. FS                             Flight Simulators
  166. GAMING                         International Person Computer Gaming
  167. GECHO_HELP                     Public GEcho help conference
  168. GENEALOGY.EUR                  Genealogy conference
  169. GENSOFT                        Genealogy software
  170. GENSYSOP                       Genealogy - sysops
  171. GOLDED                         GoldED Help & Information Conference
  172. GREEN.029                      Greenpeace conference (R/O)
  173. HAM4SALE                       Amateur (Ham) Radio Swap 'n' Shop
  174. HAM_TECH                       HAM (Amateur) Radio TECHnology Conference
  175. HERBS-N-SUCH                   Herbal Conference, The
  176. HOCKEY                         North American Hockey Echo
  177. HOLYSMOKE                      Religion Debate Echo
  178. HOLY_BIBLE                     Bible, Wholly_Bible Related Discussions.
  179. HOME-N-GRDN                    The Home and Garden Echo
  180. HOMESCHL                       homeschooling support
  181. HOME_REPAIR                    The Home Repair Echo
  182. HST                            US Robotics high speed modem technical discussion
  183. INTERCOOK                      Cooking conference
  184. INTERUSER                      Small-talk conference
  185. INTRUDER                       Radio ham band intruder monitoring and tracking
  186. KIDS                           International Kids Conference
  187. LAN                            LAN conference
  188. LANTASTI                       Lantastic
  189. LASERPUB                       Laser Publishing
  190. LIMBAUGH                       Rush Limbaugh Fans/Topics Echo
  191. LOTUS                          Lotus support
  192. MACHDEV                        MacIntosh programmeing
  193. MDMGAMES                       Modemable Games
  194. MEADOW                         Opus conference
  195. MECCA                          Mecca support
  196. MELEE                          MELEE
  197. MENSANS_ONLY                   Mensans Only Echo for Members Only
  198. MIDI-PROGRAMMING               Midi programming
  199. MS_EXCEL                       Microsoft Excel
  200. MS_WORD                        Microsoft Word
  201. MUFFIN                         Maximus conference
  202. MUSIC                          Musik conference
  203. MYSTERY                        Mystery fiction
  204. NET-POL                        FidoNet & Net Problem Discussion Area
  205. NET_DEV                        Net development
  206. NEWOPUS                        New Opus Sysop Echo
  207. NEWSCHAT                       FidoNet News Chat Conference
  208. NORML                          Electronic Media Venture for Marijuana Information
  209. NOVELL                         Novell Netware support
  210. OLDCARS                        Old Cars and related topics
  211. OS2                            OS/2 conference
  212. OS2BBS                         OS/2 BBS conference
  213. OS2BBS                         OS/2 BBS'ing
  214. OS2BEGIN                       OS/2 rookies
  215. OS2CDROM                       OS/2 CD-rom support
  216. OS2COMM                        OS/2 Communications
  217. OS2DB                          OS/2 database
  218. OS2DOS                         Dos under OS/2
  219. OS2DOSBBS                      BBS Software Running in OS/2 DOS Boxes
  220. OS2GAMES                       OS/2 games
  221. OS2HW                          OS/2 og hardware
  222. OS2LAN                         OS/2 Local area network
  223. OS2PROG                        OS/2 Programmers conference
  224. OS2REXX                        Rexx support
  225. OS2VIDEO                       OS/2 & Video
  226. OS2WPS                         Workplace shell
  227. PASCAL                         Pascal conference
  228. PCBNET                         PCBoard Sysops Conference
  229. PENPAL                         Penpals conference
  230. PERFECT                        WordPerfect Corporation Products Basic Echo
  231. PERFECT_MACRO                  WordPerfect Corporation Products Advanced Echo
  232. PKEY_DROP                      Public-Key Distribution Echo
  233. POLISH                         Poland and Polish related topics
  234. PORTAL                         Portal of Power support
  235. PUBLIC_KEYS                    Public-Key Encryption and Distribution Echo
  236. QEDIT                          Qedit support
  237. QUANTUMLEAP                    Quantum Leap Echo
  238. QUICKBBS                       QuickBBS Support
  239. QUICKPRO                       QuickBBS Professional Sysop's Forum
  240. R18ELECT                       Region 18 Election Discussion & Candidate Statement Echo
  241. RA_SUPPORT                     Support conference for RemoteAccess
  242. RA_UTIL                        3rd party developers of RemoteAccess
  243. RAILFANS                       Railfans, Train Watching, Prototype Railroads
  244. REAL                           A general discussion area for anything having
  245. REC13                          Region 13 Echomail Conference
  246. RECOVERY                       Recovery oriented around the 12 step programs
  247. S.O.S.                         Save Our Sealife Committee Echo for FLorida
  248. SCANRADIO                      Scanner & Frequency Discussions-General/Technical
  249. SCIENCE                        Science
  250. SCIENCE                        National Science Echo
  251. SCUBA                          SCUBA DIVING
  252. SEARCHLIGHT                    Searchlight BBS Support Echo
  253. SF                             Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature
  254. SFCON                          SF Convention Running
  255. SFFAN                          Science Fiction conference
  256. SF_SYSOP                       SPITFIRE SYSOP SUPPORT ECHO
  257. SHAREWRE                       Shareware Products Discussion Forum
  258. SHORTWAVE                      Shortwave
  259. SIP_NA                         Narcotics Anonymous Echo
  260. SKEPTIC                        Skeptical Inquiry Echo
  261. SPACE                          Space
  262. SPEEDMODEM                     High-speed modem conference
  263. SPITFIRE                       InterNational Spitfire BBS Support Echo
  264. STDSN                          Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  265. STTNG                          Star Trek:The Next Generation
  266. ST_PROG                        ST Programming Echo
  267. SUPERBBS                       SuperBBS
  268. SWEDENBORG                     Swedenborgian Ideas
  269. SYSOP                          International  Sysop  Conference (the original one)
  270. SYSTEM7                        Macintosh System 7 Support
  271. TAGLINES                       Taglines
  272. TEEN                           International Teenagers' Echo
  273. TPWTECH                        Turbo Pascal for Windows
  274. TRAPDOOR                       TrapDoor Amiga support
  275. TREK                           Star Trek
  276. TRINITY_CULT                   Study the false christian trinity cults
  277. TUB                            Squish conference
  278. UFGATE                         UFGate support
  279. VBBS                           The VBBS Support Forum
  280. VENTURA                        Ventura support
  281. VFIDO                          The VFIDO Support Forum
  282. VIRUS                          Virus conference
  283. VIRUS_INFO                     Virus information conference
  284. WARNINGS                       Warnings of Public Interest
  285. WELFARE                        Welfare Conference
  286. WELMAT                         Welmat support
  287. WHIRLYBIRDS                    Whirlybirds - Helicopter related discussions
  288. WHOLLY_BIBLE                   Biblical discussions and related topics
  289. WILDCAT                        WILDCAT! BBS Sysops Conference
  290. WIN32                          Windows NT conference
  291. WINDOWS                        Microsoft Windows conference
  292. WINDOWS.PROG                   Programming Windows
  293. WORLDTLK                       World Talk Conference & United Nations News
  294. WP-TOOLS                       Wordperfect tools
  295. ZMODEM                         Z-Modem conference
  296. ZYXEL                          ZyXEL modems