Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky OCR: abcde- st Fuvwx:g8 ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 012 3456789 ~!C#$%^f*()- +=>y<.[]E}1\ :/? The quicK brow xoy jumps VeY the tagt bop The guick brown foxjumps OVer the Laz'y dog. 24 The guiCK brown Xof jumps over the Laz' bop 3 The SuicK brown fox iUmPS over the La3^0 dog 48 The QuicK brown fox jUmps over the la3g dog The QuicK brown Xof 1UmpS over the La30 doc The QuicK brown fox iumps over the fghijKlm ABCDEFGHI Lagy 2a30 sdun La36 Jjumps