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/* Copyright (C) 1989, California Institute of Technology */
/* U. S. Government Sponsorship under NASA Contract */
/* NAS7-918 is acknowledged. */
/*** IMDISP module LABUTIL.C
LABUTIL contains routines for processing PDS and FITS labels.
/* * * * INCLUDE files * * * */
#include <io.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "imdef.h"
#include "imdisp.h"
#include "dispio.h"
#include "disputil.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "refresh.h"
/* * * * External functions * * * */
/* * * * Function declarations * * * */
int ExtractLabelString (char *, int, char *, int *, char *);
int GetLabelInteger (char *, int, char *, int, int *, int *);
int GetLabelLong (char *, int, char *, long, long *, int *);
int GetLabelReal (char *, int, char *, float, float *, int *);
int GetLabelString (char *, int, char *, char *, char *, int *);
int InterpretLabel (char *, int, unsigned int *, int *, int *, int *,
int *, int *, char *, char *, int);
void DoNoLabel (char *, int, unsigned int *, int *, int *, int *, int *,
int *, char *, int *);
void DoFITSLabel (char *, int, unsigned int *, int *, int *, int *, int *,
int *, int *, int);
void DoVicarLabel(char *, int, unsigned int *, int *, int *, int *,
int *, int *, int *);
int PutLabel (char *, int *, char *);
int PutLabelValue (char *, int *, char *, int);
int MakeLabel (char *, int *, int, int, int, int);
int GetCommand (char *,char *);
int ExtractKeywordString (char *, char *, int *, char *);
int GetKeywordInteger (char *,char *,int ,int *,int *);
int GetKeywordLong (char *, char *, long, long *, int *);
int GetKeywordReal (char *, char *, float, float *, int *);
int GetKeywordString (char *, char *, char *, char *, int *);
int GetKeywordSubcommand (char *, char *, int *);
/* * * * Global Variables * * * */
int PDSused = 0, switched = 1;
long GiantLabel;
int LastSearch;
float maxlat, minlat, maxlon, minlon;
char Object[32];
float xstart, xinterval;
char xunit[30];
int ExtractLabelString (char * LabelBuf, int LabelBufLen, char * Keyword,
int * p_flag, char * value)
/* ExtractLabelString extracts the string "value" following the
keyword in the label buffer.
int i, j, k, l, m;
char *searchptr;
/* Find where the keyword is in the buffer */
LabelBuf[LabelBufLen-1] = 0; /* add a null */
searchptr = strstr (LabelBuf, Keyword);
if (searchptr == NULL)
*p_flag = -1;
j = searchptr - LabelBuf;
if ((j > 0) && (LabelBuf[j-1] > ' '))
/* found something like end_object */
*p_flag = 0;
LastSearch += j+6;
LastSearch += j+6;
*p_flag = 1;
l = LabelBufLen - 1;
do /* scan past the keyword */
while ((LabelBuf[j] != ' ') && (LabelBuf[j] != '=') && (j != l));
if (j == l) *p_flag = 0;
do /* scan to the next non-blank, paren, or non equal char */
while ( ((LabelBuf[j] <= ' ') || (LabelBuf[j] == '=') ||
(LabelBuf[j] == '(')) && (j < l) );
k = j;
if (LabelBuf[j] == '"')
j++; /* if value begins with a quote, read to next quote */
while ( (LabelBuf[k] != '"') && (k <= l) );
if (LabelBuf[m] == ':' || LabelBuf[m] == ',') /* check for file record offset */
while ((LabelBuf[m] != ' ' && LabelBuf[m] !=')') && (m <= l) );
value[m-k+2] = 0; /* add a null */
*p_flag = atoi(value) + 1;
else if (LabelBuf[j] == '\'')
j++; /* if value begins with a single quote, read to next quote */
while ( (LabelBuf[k] != '\'') && (k <= l) );
if (LabelBuf[m] == ':' || LabelBuf[m] == ',')
/* check for file record offset */
while ((LabelBuf[m] != ' ' && LabelBuf[m] !=')') && (m <= l) );
value[m-k+2] = 0; /* add a null */
*p_flag = atoi(value) + 1;
do /* scan past the value to next space */
while ( (LabelBuf[k] > ' ') && (k <= l) );
strncpy (value, LabelBuf+j, k-j);
value[k-j] = 0;
int GetLabelInteger (char * LabelBuf, int LabelBufLen, char * Keyword,
int defaul, int * p_value, int * p_flag)
/*** GetLabelInteger returns the integer value following the keyword in
the label buffer. If the keyword is not there then the default
value is returned. The flag indicates whether the keyword is
Parameter Type In/out Description
LabelBuf char ptr in The buffer containing the label
LabelBufLen int in The length in bytes of the label buffer
Keyword char ptr in The keyword string to match
defaul int in The value to return if no keyword or value
p_value int ptr out The returned value
p_flag int ptr out The flag: -1 if no keyword match
0 if illegal value, 1 if keyword and value
char stringvalue[80];
ExtractLabelString (LabelBuf, LabelBufLen, Keyword, p_flag, stringvalue);
if (*p_flag >= 1)
if (sscanf (stringvalue, "%d", p_value) == 0)
*p_flag = 0;
*p_value = defaul;
*p_value = defaul;
int GetLabelLong (char * LabelBuf, int LabelBufLen, char * Keyword,
long defaul, long * p_value, int * p_flag)
/*** GetLabelInteger returns the integer value following the keyword in
the label buffer. If the keyword is not there then the default
value is returned. The flag indicates whether the keyword is
Parameter Type In/out Description
LabelBuf char ptr in The buffer containing the label
LabelBufLen int in The length in bytes of the label buffer
Keyword char ptr in The keyword string to match
defaul long in The value to return if no keyword or value
p_value long ptr out The returned value
p_flag int ptr out The flag: -1 if no keyword match
0 if illegal value, 1 if keyword and value
char stringvalue[80];
ExtractLabelString (LabelBuf, LabelBufLen, Keyword, p_flag, stringvalue);
if (*p_flag == 1)
if (sscanf (stringvalue, "%D", p_value) == 0)
*p_flag = 0;
*p_value = defaul;
*p_value = defaul;
int GetLabelReal (char * LabelBuf, int LabelBufLen, char * Keyword,
float defaul, float * p_value, int * p_flag)
/*** GetLabelReal returns the real value following the keyword in the
label buffer. If the keyword is not there then the default value
is returned. The flag indicates whether the keyword is there.
Parameter Type In/out Description
LabelBuf char ptr in The buffer containing the label
LabelBufLen int in The length in bytes of the label buffer
Keyword char ptr in The keyword string to match
defaul float in The value to return if no keyword or value
p_value float ptr out The returned value
p_flag int ptr out The flag: -1 if no keyword match
0 if illegal value, 1 if keyword and value
char stringvalue[80];
ExtractLabelString (LabelBuf, LabelBufLen, Keyword, p_flag, stringvalue);
if (*p_flag == 1)
if (sscanf (stringvalue, "%f", p_value) == 0)
*p_flag = 0;
*p_value = defaul;
*p_value = defaul;
int GetLabelString (char * LabelBuf, int LabelBufLen, char * Keyword,
char * defaul, char * value, int * p_flag)
/*** GetLabelString returns the string value following the keyword in
the label buffer. If the keyword is not there then the default
value is returned. The flag indicates whether the keyword is
Parameter Type In/out Description
LabelBuf char ptr in The buffer containing the label
LabelBufLen int in The length in bytes of the label buffer
Keyword char ptr in The keyword string to match
defaul char ptr in The value to return if no keyword or value
p_value char ptr out The returned value
p_flag int ptr out The flag: -1 if no keyword match
0 if illegal value, 1 if keyword and value
>1 returns record offset +1
char stringvalue[255];
ExtractLabelString (LabelBuf, LabelBufLen, Keyword, p_flag, stringvalue);
if (*p_flag >= 1)
strcpy (value, stringvalue);
strupr (value);
strcpy (value, defaul);
int InterpretLabel (char * buf, int len, unsigned int * p_labelsize,
int * p_nline, int * p_nsamp, int * p_bitsperpix,
int * p_reclen, int * p_lineheadbytes,
char * DetachedFileName, char * DetachedPaletteName,
int unit)
/*** InterpretLabel interprets the label in the buffer to extract the
image information. First something is identified to determine
whether the image has a PDS, FITS or Vicar2 label or no label.
If the image is labeled then the appropriate keyword values are
extracted, otherwise the user is prompted for the into.
Parameter Type In/out Description
buf char ptr in The label buffer
len int in The length in bytes of the label buffer
p_labelsize uns int ptr out The size of the label or header to skip
p_nline int ptr out The number of lines in the image
p_nsamp int ptr out The number of samples in the image
p_bitsperpix int ptr out The pixel format (16,8,4,1)
p_reclen int ptr out The record length in bytes
p_lineheadbytes int ptr out The header bytes at beginning of each line
DetachedFileName char ptr out The name of the file of data
null string if no detached label
DetachedPaletteName char ptr out The name of the detached color palette
null string if no detached palette
unit int in The number to the current file being
char FileType[32], SampleType[32], inpstr[32];
char ObjectName[5][32];
int image_loc[5];
char *object_loc;
int images=0;
int i, j, k, flag, irflag, labelrec, bitspixdef;
int totalrecs, labelrecs, labelreclen;
int headerrecs, headerreclen, nlinedef, linereclen, image_offset=1;
int imagerecs, imagereclen, imrecldef;
int *p_linetrailbytes;
int done, bytecount, read_an_end, finallength;
char *tempbufptr;
char line[81];
FILE *labels;
char tmpch;
char *count, tmpname[32];
char colname[32];
while ((p_linetrailbytes = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)))==NULL)
/* check for variable length file */
GetLabelString (buf,len,"RECORD_TYPE","FIXED_LENGTH",FileType,&flag);
if (strncmp(FileType,"VARIABLE_LENGTH",15) == 0)
TextLine = TextHeight + 5; TextSample = 1;
WriteText ("This is a compressed image.");
WriteText (" ");
WriteText ("Use the PCDCOMP program in the SOFTWARE directory");
WriteText ("to decompress it, then display the uncompressed image.");
*p_reclen = 0; *p_bitsperpix = 8;
strcpy (DetachedFileName, "");
strcpy (DetachedPaletteName,"");
GiantLabel = 0L;
LastSearch = 0;
/* Check for multiple objects */
/*** fix this to not need object + trailing blank */
GetLabelString (buf+LastSearch, len-LastSearch, "OBJECT ",
"", ObjectName[images], &flag);
if (flag > 0) /* if an object = argument has been found */
strcpy(tmpname, ObjectName[images]);
if ( (count = strrchr(tmpname,'_')) == NULL) /* Look for last _ */
/* _ not found */
tmpch= tmpname[0];
/* put last keyword string into tmpname */
tmpch= tmpname[0];
/* Check for objects other than IMAGE */
case 'I':
if (tmpname[1] == 'M') /* IMAGE */
object_loc = strstr(ObjectName[images],"IMAGE");
else if(tmpname[1] == 'N') /* INTENSITY_SPECTRUM */
object_loc = strstr(ObjectName[images],"INTEN");
object_loc = NULL;
case 'S':
object_loc = strstr(ObjectName[images],"SPECT");
case 'P':
object_loc = strstr(ObjectName[images],"POSIT");
case 'T':
if (tmpname[1] == 'A') /* TABLE */
object_loc = strstr(ObjectName[images],"TABLE");
/* Added the next line to ignore tables for now, take out if
you want tables to be included - 06/23/90 Ron Baalke */
object_loc = NULL;
else if(tmpname[1] == 'E') /* TEXT */
object_loc = strstr(ObjectName[images],"TEXT");
object_loc = NULL;
case 'L':
if (tmpname[1] == 'A') /* LABEL */
/* object_loc = strstr(ObjectName[images],"LABEL"); */
object_loc = NULL; /* don't process labels */
else if(tmpname[1] == 'H') /* LHC_POLARIZATION_SPECTRUM */
object_loc = strstr(ObjectName[images],"LHC_P");
object_loc = NULL;
object_loc = strstr(ObjectName[images],"RHC_P");
object_loc = NULL;
if (object_loc != NULL &&
((i=object_loc - ObjectName[images]) ==
(strlen(ObjectName[images])-strlen(tmpname) )) )
image_loc[images] = LastSearch;
} /* end OBJECT found */
} while (flag >= 0);
if (images == 1) strcat(Object,ObjectName[0]);
if (images > 1)
TextLine = TextHeight + 5; TextSample = 1;
WriteText ("More than one image object in file.");
for (i=0;i<images;i++)
sprintf(line," %d. %s",i+1,ObjectName[i]);
WriteText (line);
TypeText ("Select the image to be displayed: ");
AcceptText (inpstr);
flag = sscanf (inpstr, "%d", &i);
} while (!flag);
if (i < 0 || i > images) i = 0;
for (j=0;j<images;j++)
if (j != i) /* blank out labels for this object */
object_loc = strstr(buf+image_loc[j],"END_OBJECT");
if (object_loc != NULL)
for (k=image_loc[j];k<(int)(object_loc-buf);k++) buf[k] = ' ';
/* This part for PDS labels */
GetLabelString (buf, len, "FILE_TYPE", " ", FileType, &flag);
if (flag < 0 && Object[1] != '\0')
strcat(Object," ");
/* tmpch=ObjectName[0][0]; */
/* Multiple object fix (start) */
strcpy(tmpname, ObjectName[0]);
if ( (count = strrchr(tmpname,'_')) == NULL) /* Look for last _ */
/* _ not found */
tmpch= tmpname[0];
/* put last keyword string into tmpname */
tmpch= tmpname[0];
/* Multiple object fix (end) */
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, Object, 0, &image_offset, &flag);
if (flag < 0)
case 'E':
case 'I':
/* if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'M') */
if(tmpname[1] == 'M')
strcpy(Object,"^IMAGE"); /* if pointer not found try this */
if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'N')
case 'S':
case 'P':
case 'T':
if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'A')
if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'E')
case 'L':
if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'A')
if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'H')
case 'R':
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, Object, 0, &image_offset, &flag);
/* Switch over the various objects */
if (flag >= 0)
case 'E':
case 'I':
/* if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'M') */
if(tmpname[1] == 'M')
if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'N')
case 'S':
case 'P':
case 'T':
if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'A')
if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'E')
case 'L':
if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'A')
if(ObjectName[0][1] == 'H')
case 'R':
if (flag == 0)
GetLabelString (buf, len, Object, "", DetachedFileName, &flag);
if (flag > 1)
image_offset = flag - 1;
if (flag == 1)
image_offset = 1;
if ( strncmp( FileType, "IMAGE", 5) == 0
|| strncmp( FileType, "SPECT", 5) == 0
|| strncmp( FileType, "POSIT", 5) == 0
|| strncmp( FileType, "INTEN", 5) == 0
|| strncmp( FileType, "LHC_P", 5) == 0
|| strncmp( FileType, "RHC_P", 5) == 0
|| strncmp( FileType, "TABLE", 5) == 0
|| strncmp( FileType, "TEXT", 4) == 0
|| strncmp( FileType, "LABEL", 5) == 0 )
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "RECORD_BYTES", 512, p_reclen, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "FILE_RECORDS", 513, &totalrecs, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "LABEL_RECORDS", 1, &labelrecs, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "LABEL_RECORD_BYTES", *p_reclen,
&labelreclen, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "HEADER_RECORDS", 0,
&headerrecs, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "HEADER_RECORD_BYTES", *p_reclen,
&headerreclen, &flag);
GetLabelLong (buf, len, "^IMAGE_HISTOGRAM", 0L,
&Histogram, &flag);
if (Histogram != 0L) Histogram = (Histogram-1)* (long)*p_reclen;
GetLabelLong (buf, len, "^PALETTE", 0L,&Palette, &flag);
if (Palette != 0L) Palette = (Palette-1)* (long)*p_reclen;
if (flag == 0)
/* GetLabelString(buf,len,"^PALETTE","",PaletteFileName,&flag); */
if (Object[1] == '\0')
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "^IMAGE ",0,&image_offset, &flag);
if(flag < 1)
if(flag < 1)
if(flag < 1)
if(flag < 1)
if(flag < 1)
if(flag < 1)
if(flag < 1)
if(flag < 1)
if (image_offset == 0)
GiantLabel = (long)labelrecs*(long)labelreclen
+ (long)headerrecs*(long)headerreclen;
GiantLabel = (long)(image_offset-1) * (long)*p_reclen;
if (GiantLabel < 65535L)
*p_labelsize = (unsigned int)GiantLabel;
*p_labelsize = 0;
/* Find nline */
if (*p_labelsize == 0)
nlinedef = totalrecs;
nlinedef = totalrecs - (((*p_labelsize-1) / *p_reclen) + 1);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "IMAGE_RECORDS", nlinedef, &imagerecs, &irflag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "IMAGE_LINES", imagerecs, p_nline, &flag);
if (flag < 1)
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "LINES", imagerecs,p_nline, &flag);
if (flag < 1)
if (irflag < 1) imagerecs = *p_nline;
/* Find reclen */
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "LINE_SAMPLES", *p_reclen,p_reclen, &flag);
if (flag < 1)
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "RECORD_BYTES", *p_reclen, p_reclen, &flag);
imrecldef = *p_reclen * (*p_nline / imagerecs);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "IMAGE_RECORD_BYTES", imrecldef,
&imagereclen, &flag);
*p_reclen = imagereclen/ (*p_nline /imagerecs);
/* Find nsamp */
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "LINE_SAMPLES", *p_reclen, p_nsamp, &flag);
if (flag < 1)
/* Find bitsperpix */
bitspixdef = (8L* (*p_reclen)) / *p_nsamp;
if (bitspixdef <= 1)
bitspixdef = 1;
if (bitspixdef <= 4)
bitspixdef = 4;
/* removed next line, AEE 4-21-89
bitspixdef = 8;
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "SAMPLE_BITS", bitspixdef,
p_bitsperpix, &flag);
if (flag < 1)
GetLabelString(buf,len,"COLUMN_NAME"," ",colname,&flag);
if (strncmp(colname,"(WAVELENGTH",11)==0
|| strncmp(colname,"(POSITION",9)==0)
switched= 0;
ByteSwap= TRUE;
switched= 1;
ByteSwap= FALSE;
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "LINE_PREFIX_BYTES", 0,
p_lineheadbytes, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "LINE_SUFFIX_BYTES", 0,
p_linetrailbytes, &flag);
if (p_lineheadbytes != 0 || p_linetrailbytes != 0)
*p_reclen = (((long)*p_nsamp*(long)*p_bitsperpix - 1)/8 + 1)
+(long)*p_lineheadbytes + (long)*p_linetrailbytes;
/* Check for non-byte swapped sample value */
GetLabelString (buf, len, "SAMPLE_TYPE", "LSB_INTEGER",
SampleType, &flag);
if (flag < 1)
if (flag > 0)
if (strncmp(SampleType,"MSB_INTEGER",11) == 0) ByteSwap = TRUE;
if (strncmp(SampleType,"UNSIGNED_INTEGER",11) == 0) ByteSwap = TRUE;
if (strncmp(SampleType,"VAX_INTEGER",11) == 0) ByteSwap = FALSE;
if (strncmp(SampleType,"LSB_INTEGER",11) == 0) ByteSwap = FALSE;
/* Get plot information for X-axis */
GetLabelReal( buf, len, "START_WAVELENGTH", 0.0, &xstart, &flag);
GetLabelReal( buf, len, "WAVELENGTH_INTERVAL", 1.0, &xinterval, &flag);
GetLabelString( buf, len, "WAVELENGTH_UNIT", "PIXEL", xunit, &flag);
if(flag >= 1)
strtok(xlabel," ");
/* Find maxlat and lon */
GetLabelReal(buf, len, "MAXIMUM_LATITUDE", 0.0, &maxlat, &flag);
GetLabelReal(buf, len, "MINIMUM_LATITUDE", 0.0, &minlat, &flag);
GetLabelReal(buf, len, "MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE", 0.0, &maxlon, &flag);
GetLabelReal(buf, len, "MINIMUM_LONGITUDE", 0.0, &minlon, &flag);
flag = 0;
if (strlen(DetachedFileName) == 0)
GetLabelString (buf, len, "IMAGE_POINTER", "",
DetachedFileName, &flag);
if (flag > 0)
GiantLabel = (long)headerrecs*(long)headerreclen;
if (GiantLabel < 65535L)
*p_labelsize = (unsigned int)GiantLabel;
*p_labelsize = 0;
if (strlen(DetachedPaletteName) == 0)
GetLabelString(buf, len, "PALETTE_POINTER", "",
DetachedPaletteName, &flag);
PDSused= 1;
/* This part for VICAR2 labels */
GetLabelString (buf, len, "TYPE", " ", FileType, &flag);
if ( stricmp (FileType, "IMAGE") == 0 )
DoVicarLabel( buf, len, p_labelsize, p_nline, p_nsamp, p_bitsperpix,
p_reclen, p_lineheadbytes, p_linetrailbytes);
/* This part for FITS labels */
GetLabelString (buf, len, "SIMPLE", " ", FileType, &flag);
if ( (stricmp (FileType, "T") == 0) ||
(stricmp (FileType, "F") == 0) ) /* this is a FITS file */
DoFITSLabel( buf, len, p_labelsize, p_nline, p_nsamp, p_bitsperpix,
p_reclen, p_lineheadbytes, p_linetrailbytes, unit);
PDSused= 0;
/* Do this if no recognized label */
DoNoLabel( buf, len, p_labelsize, p_nline, p_nsamp, p_bitsperpix,
p_reclen, p_lineheadbytes, FileType, p_linetrailbytes);
void DoVicarLabel (char * buf, int len, unsigned int * p_labelsize,
int * p_nline, int * p_nsamp, int * p_bitsperpix,
int * p_reclen, int * p_lineheadbytes, int * p_linetrailbytes)
/*** DoVicarLabel interprets the Vicar label in the buffer to extract the
image information.
Parameter Type In/out Description
buf char ptr in The label buffer
len int in The length in bytes of the label buffer
p_labelsize uns int ptr out The size of the label or header to skip
p_nline int ptr out The number of lines in the image
p_nsamp int ptr out The number of samples in the image
p_bitsperpix int ptr out The pixel format (16,8,4,1)
p_reclen int ptr out The record length in bytes
p_lineheadbytes int ptr out The header bytes at beginning of each line
p_linetrailbytes int ptr in The number of bytes at the end of each line
char format[16];
int flag;
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "LBLSIZE", 0, p_labelsize, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "NL", 1, p_nline, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "NS", 1, p_nsamp, &flag);
GetLabelString (buf, len, "FORMAT", "BYTE", format, &flag);
if (format[0] == 'H')
*p_bitsperpix = 16;
*p_bitsperpix = 8;
*p_reclen = ( (long)*p_nsamp*(long)*p_bitsperpix - 1)/8 + 1;
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "RECSIZE", *p_reclen, p_reclen, &flag);
*p_lineheadbytes = 0;
void DoFITSLabel (char * buf, int len, unsigned int * p_labelsize, int * p_nline,
int * p_nsamp, int * p_bitsperpix, int * p_reclen,
int * p_lineheadbytes, int * p_linetrailbytes, int unit)
/*** DoFITSLabel interprets the FITS label in the buffer to extract the
image information.
Parameter Type In/out Description
buf char ptr in The label buffer
len int in The length in bytes of the label buffer
p_labelsize uns int ptr out The size of the label or header to skip
p_nline int ptr out The number of lines in the image
p_nsamp int ptr out The number of samples in the image
p_bitsperpix int ptr out The pixel format (16,8,4,1)
p_reclen int ptr out The record length in bytes
p_lineheadbytes int ptr out The header bytes at beginning of each line
p_linetrailbytes int ptr in The number of bytes at the end of each line
unit int in The number to the current file being
int flag, naxis, bytecount, i;
char line[81];
ByteSwap = TRUE;
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "NAXIS",0, &naxis, &flag);
if (naxis == 1)
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "NAXIS1", 1, p_nsamp, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "BITPIX", 16,p_bitsperpix, &flag);
*p_nline = 1;
else if (naxis == 2)
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "NAXIS1", 1, p_nsamp, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "NAXIS2", 1, p_nline, &flag);
GetLabelInteger (buf, len, "BITPIX", 16,p_bitsperpix, &flag);
else /* naxis 0 or greater than 2, can't display */
*p_nline = 0;
*p_nsamp = 0;
*p_bitsperpix = 16;
StatusLine(0,"No lines in image, or too many axes.");
*p_reclen = ((long)*p_nsamp*(long)*p_bitsperpix - 1)/8 + 1;
*p_lineheadbytes = 0;
/** added by DIN /revised - mdm/ to read END in FITS header **/
bytecount = 0;
i = 0; /* changed from i= 1 to i= 0 to handle END when it is in the
last line of label. AEE, 4-4-89 */
/* labels = fdopen(FCB[unit].handle,"r"); */
} while (strnicmp(line,"END",3) != 0);
bytecount = i*80;
i = bytecount/2880;
if (bytecount % 2880 != 0) i++;
*p_labelsize = i*2880;
void DoNoLabel(char * buf, int len, unsigned int * p_labelsize,
int * p_nline, int * p_nsamp, int * p_bitsperpix,
int * p_reclen, int * p_lineheadbytes, char * FileType,
int * p_linetrailbytes)
/*** DoNoLabel prompts the user to enter the image parameters.
PDS-format compressed images are handled (skipped) here, too.
Parameter Type In/out Description
buf char ptr in The label buffer
len int in The length in bytes of the label buffer
p_labelsize uns int ptr out The size of the label or header to skip
p_nline int ptr out The number of lines in the image
p_nsamp int ptr out The number of samples in the image
p_bitsperpix int ptr out The pixel format (16,8,4,1)
p_reclen int ptr out The record length in bytes
p_lineheadbytes int ptr out The header bytes at beginning of each line
FileType char ptr in The type of the file of data (from FILE_TYPE)
p_linetrailbytes int ptr in The number of bytes at the end of each line
int flag;
char inpstr[32];
*p_bitsperpix = 8;
*p_labelsize = 0;
if (OneScreen)
TextLine = TextHeight + 5; TextSample = 1;
TypeText ("Image file does not have a proper label.");
TextLine += TextHeight + 5; TextSample = 1;
TypeText ("Input number of lines : ");
AcceptText (inpstr);
sscanf (inpstr, "%d", p_nline);
TextLine += TextHeight + 5; TextSample = 1;
TypeText ("Input number of samples : ");
AcceptText (inpstr);
sscanf (inpstr, "%d", p_nsamp);
TextLine += TextHeight + 5; TextSample = 1;
TypeText ("Input bits per pixel : ");
AcceptText (inpstr);
sscanf (inpstr, "%d", p_bitsperpix);
TextLine += TextHeight + 5; TextSample = 1;
TypeText ("Input number of header bytes : ");
AcceptText (inpstr);
sscanf (inpstr, "%d", p_labelsize);
printf ("%s", "Image file does not have a proper label.\n");
printf ("%s", "Input number of lines : ");
gets (inpstr);
sscanf (inpstr, "%d", p_nline);
printf ("%s", "Input number of samples : ");
gets (inpstr);
sscanf (inpstr, "%d", p_nsamp);
printf ("%s", "Input bits per pixel : ");
gets (inpstr);
sscanf (inpstr, "%d", p_bitsperpix);
printf ("%s", "Input number of header bytes : ");
gets (inpstr);
sscanf (inpstr, "%d", p_labelsize);
*p_reclen = ( (long)*p_nsamp*(long)*p_bitsperpix - 1 )/8 + 1;
*p_lineheadbytes = 0;
int PutLabel (char * LabelBuf, int * p_pos, char * LabelString)
int i;
for (i = 0; LabelString[i] > 0; i++)
LabelBuf[(*p_pos)++] = LabelString[i];
LabelBuf[(*p_pos)++] = 13;
LabelBuf[(*p_pos)++] = 10;
int PutLabelValue (char * LabelBuf, int * p_pos, char * LabelString, int value)
char temp1[128], temp2[32];
strcpy (temp1, LabelString);
sprintf (temp2, "%d", value);
strcat (temp1, temp2);
PutLabel (LabelBuf, p_pos, temp1);
int MakeLabel (char * Buf, int * p_labelsize, int nline, int nsamp,
int bitsperpix, int reclen)
/*** MakeLabel creates a PDS label in the buffer, having the
appropriate image parameters.
Parameter Type In/out Description
Buf char ptr out The label buffer
p_labelsize int ptr out The size of the label
nline int out The number of lines in the image
nsamp int out The number of samples in the image
bitsperpix int out The pixel format (16,8,4,1)
reclen int out The record length in bytes
int j, labelrecs, totalrecs;
long int filesize;
char labstr[128];
labelrecs = (2047/reclen) + 1;
*p_labelsize = reclen*labelrecs;
totalrecs = nline + labelrecs;
filesize = (long)reclen*(long)totalrecs - 20;
j = 0;
sprintf (labstr, "NJPL1I00PDS1%08ld = SFDU_LABEL",
PutLabel (Buf, &j, labstr);
PutLabel (Buf, &j, "RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH");
PutLabelValue (Buf, &j, "RECORD_BYTES = ", reclen);
PutLabelValue (Buf, &j, "FILE_RECORDS = ", totalrecs);
PutLabelValue (Buf, &j, "LABEL_RECORDS = ", labelrecs);
PutLabelValue (Buf, &j, "^IMAGE = ", labelrecs+1);
PutLabel (Buf, &j, "OBJECT = IMAGE");
PutLabelValue (Buf, &j, " LINES = ", nline);
PutLabelValue (Buf, &j, " LINE_SAMPLES = ", nsamp);
PutLabelValue (Buf, &j, " SAMPLE_BITS = ", bitsperpix);
PutLabel (Buf, &j, "END_OBJECT");
PutLabel (Buf, &j, "END");
while (j < *p_labelsize)
Buf[j++] = ' ';
int GetCommand (char * CommandString, char * CommandList)
/*** GetCommand is an integer function that returns the number of the
command that is in the beginning of the CommandString parameter.
The command is assigned a number according to the list of commands
in the CommandList string parameter. The list of commands should
be in uppercase and have spaces between the commmand.
int i, j, k, l, n;
char List[NCOMMANDS][32], Word[32], temp[32]; /* Max # of commands */
/* Parse the command list string up into a list of strings */
n = 0;
l = strlen(CommandList) - 1;
k = 0;
j = k;
while ( (CommandList[j] == ' ') && (j < l) )
if (j == l) break;
k = j;
while ( (CommandList[k] != ' ') && (k<=l) );
strncpy (List[n], &CommandList[j], k-j);
List[n][k-j] = 0;
} while (k <= l);
/* Get the first word from the command string */
l = strlen(CommandString);
j = 0;
while ( (CommandString[j] == ' ') && (j < l) )
k = j;
while ( (CommandString[k] != ' ') && (k<=l) );
strncpy (Word, &CommandString[j], k-j);
Word[k-j] = 0;
/* Search through the list of commands to find a match */
i = n-1;
strcpy (temp, Word);
temp[strlen(List[i])] = 0;
} while ( (stricmp(temp, List[i]) != 0) && (--i >= 0) );
return (i+1);
int ExtractKeywordString (char * CommandString, char * Keyword, int * p_flag,
char * value)
/* ExtractKeywordString extracts the string following the keyword from
the CommandString.
flag=-1 if there is no keyword match.
flag= 0 if keyword with no value.
flag= 1 if keyword and value string.
int i, j, k, l;
char *searchptr;
/* Find where the keyword is in the buffer */
searchptr = strstr (CommandString, Keyword);
j = searchptr - CommandString;
if ( (searchptr == NULL) || ((j > 0) && (CommandString[j-1] > ' ')) )
*p_flag = -1;
*p_flag = 1;
l = strlen(CommandString) - 1;
do /* scan past the keyword */
while ( (CommandString[j] != ' ') &&
(CommandString[j] != '=') && (j != l) );
if (j == l) *p_flag = 0;
do /* scan to the next non blank and non equal char */
while ( ( (CommandString[j] <= ' ') ||
(CommandString[j] == '=') ) && (j < l) );
k = j;
if (CommandString[j] == '"')
j++; /* if value begins with a quote, read to next quote */
while ( (CommandString[k] != '"') && (k <= l) );
do /* scan past the value to next space */
while ( (CommandString[k] > ' ') && (k <= l) );
strncpy (value, CommandString+j, k-j);
value[k-j] = 0;
int GetKeywordInteger (char * CommandString, char * Keyword, int defaul,
int * p_value, int * p_flag)
/*** GetKeywordInteger scans the CommandString for the Keyword and
returns the value of the following integer.
Parameter Type In/out Description
CommandString char ptr in The command string to scan thru
Keyword char ptr in The keyword string to match
defaul int in The default value to return if
no keyword or illegal value
p_value int ptr out The returned value
p_flag int ptr out The flag: -1 for no keyword match
0 for keyword with no/bad value
1 for keyword and good value
char stringvalue[80];
ExtractKeywordString (CommandString, Keyword, p_flag, stringvalue);
if (*p_flag == 1)
if (sscanf (stringvalue, "%d", p_value) == 0)
*p_flag = 0;
*p_value = defaul;
*p_value = defaul;
int GetKeywordLong (char * CommandString, char * Keyword, long defaul,
long * p_value, int * p_flag)
/*** GetKeywordInteger scans the CommandString for the Keyword and
returns the value of the following integer.
Parameter Type In/out Description
CommandString char ptr in The command string to scan thru
Keyword char ptr in The keyword string to match
defaul long in The default value to return if
no keyword or illegal value
p_value long ptr out The returned value
p_flag int ptr out The flag: -1 for no keyword match
0 for keyword with no/bad value
1 for keyword and good value
char stringvalue[80];
ExtractKeywordString (CommandString, Keyword, p_flag, stringvalue);
if (*p_flag == 1)
if (sscanf (stringvalue, "%ld", p_value) == 0)
*p_flag = 0;
*p_value = defaul;
*p_value = defaul;
int GetKeywordReal (char * CommandString, char * Keyword, float defaul,
float * p_value, int * p_flag)
/*** GetKeywordReal scans the CommandString for the Keyword and returns
the value of the following real.
Parameter Type In/out Description
CommandString char ptr in The command string to scan thru
Keyword char ptr in The keyword string to match
defaul float in The default value to return if
no keyword or illegal value
p_value float ptr out The returned value
p_flag int ptr out The flag: -1 for no keyword match
0 for keyword with no/bad value
1 for keyword and good value
char stringvalue[80];
ExtractKeywordString (CommandString, Keyword, p_flag, stringvalue);
if (*p_flag == 1)
if (sscanf (stringvalue, "%f", p_value) == 0)
*p_flag = 0;
*p_value = defaul;
*p_value = defaul;
int GetKeywordString (char * CommandString, char * Keyword, char * defaul,
char * value, int * p_flag)
/*** GetKeywordString scans the CommandString for the Keyword
and returns the value of the following string.
Parameter Type In/out Description
CommandString char ptr in The command string to scan thru
Keyword char ptr in The keyword string to match
defaul char ptr in The default value to return if
no keyword or illegal value
value char ptr out The returned value
p_flag int ptr out The flag: -1 for no keyword match
0 for keyword with no/bad value
1 for keyword and good value
char stringvalue[255];
ExtractKeywordString (CommandString, Keyword, p_flag, stringvalue);
if (*p_flag == 1)
strcpy (value, stringvalue);
strcpy (value, defaul);
int GetKeywordSubcommand (char * CommandString, char * Keyword, int * p_flag)
/*** GetKeywordSubcommand scans the CommandString for the Keyword
and returns the value of the following string.
Parameter Type In/out Description
CommandString char ptr in The command string to scan thru
Keyword char ptr in The keyword string to match
p_flag int ptr out The flag: -1 for no keyword match
1 for keyword found
int j;
char *searchptr;
/* Find where the keyword is in the buffer */
searchptr = strstr (CommandString, Keyword);
j = searchptr - CommandString;
if ( (searchptr == NULL) || ((j > 0) && (CommandString[j-1] > ' ')) )
*p_flag = -1;
*p_flag = 1;