GRIPS 2: Government Rast…rocessing Software & Data
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Text File
103 lines
/* storage of machine information
* structure for a linked list of information about other machines
* that we may want to talk to.
* Defines and structures for use in this file
struct machinfo {
unsigned char
*sname, /* pointer to name of session */
*hname, /* pointer to name of that machine */
*font, /* font name, if we can do it */
hostip[4], /* IP number of this machine */
gateway, /* gateway preference, start with 1 */
nameserv, /* nameserver preference, start with 1 */
bksp, /* backspace value */
halfdup, /* half duplex required */
crmap, /* Strange Berkeley 4.3 CR mode needed */
ckey, /* int,sus,res mappings, traditional ^C,^S,^Q */
vtwrap, /* flag on when need wrap mode */
vtwidth; /* how wide screen should be for this session */
clearsave, /* whether to save cleared lines */
fsize, /* font size in points */
nfcolor[3], /* normal foreground */
nbcolor[3], /* normal background */
bfcolor[3], /* blink */
ufcolor[3], /* underline */
port, /* TCP port number to access, default = 23 (telnet) */
mno, /* machine number for reference */
mstat, /* status of this machine entry */
bkscroll, /* how many lines to save */
nlines, /* number of lines for VT100 screen */
retrans, /* initial retrans timeout */
conto, /* time out in seconds to wait for connect */
window, /* window, will be checked against buffers */
maxseg, /* maximum receivable segment size */
mtu; /* maximum transfer unit MTU (out) */
struct machinfo *next; /* surprise, its a linked list! */
struct machinfo *Sgethost(),*Shostlook(),*Slooknum(),*Slookip(),*Smadd();
* status fields for mstat, what do we know about that machine?
#define NOIP 1 /* we don't have IP number */
#define UDPDOM 3 /* there is a UDP request pending on it */
/* The next 20 numbers are reserved for UDPDOM */
#define HAVEIP 50 /* at least we have the # */
#define HFILE 70 /* we have IP number from host file */
#define DOM 71 /* we have an IP number from DOMAIN */
#define FROMKIP 72 /* have IP# from KIP server */
* Configuration information which
* the calling program may want to obtain from the hosts file.
* The calling program should include hostform.h and call
* Sgetconfig(cp)
* struct config *cp;
* which will copy the information to the user's data structure.
struct config {
unsigned char
netmask[4], /* subnetting mask being used */
havemask, /* do we have a netmask? */
irqnum, /* which hardware interrupt */
myipnum[4], /* what is my IP #? */
me[32], /* my name description (first 30 chars) */
color[3], /* default colors to use */
hw[10], /* hardware type for network */
video[10], /* video graphics hardware available */
bios, /* flag, do we want to use BIOS for screen access */
tek, /* flag, enable tektronix graphics */
ftp, /* flag, enable ftp server */
rcp, /* flag, enable rcp server */
comkeys, /* flag, commandkeys=yes */
*termtype, /* terminal type specification */
*zone, /* AppleTalk zone for KIP NBP */
*defdom, /* default domain */
*capture, /* pointer to where the capture file name is */
*pass, /* pointer to where the password file name is */
*hpfile, /* HP file name */
*psfile, /* PS file name */
*tekfile; /* tek file name */
nstype, /* nameserver = 1-domain 2-IEN116 */
domto, /* time out for UDP domain request */
ndom, /* number of retries for domain requests */
timesl, /* time slice */
textblock, /* text buffering block size */
address, /* segment address */
ioaddr; /* I/O address */