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NCSA Telnet Digest Tuesday, 10 Nov 1987 Volume 1 : Issue 8
Today's Topics:
Re: Blinking Sessions
Re: Nick Names
Re: Blinking Sessions
NCSA Telnet Source Code Availability
Subject: Re: NCSA Telnet Digest - Vol 1 : Issue 7
From: tom@citi.umich.edu
Date: 5 Nov 1987 08:49 EST
Regarding blinking sessions:
The blinking session is annoying. In vi, where the bell can ding
several times if I hit the wrong key sequence, the blinking makes me
tense. Can you blink the title bar or some other smaller portion of
the window? Blinking only background windows is another good
Regarding nick names:
Our resolver uses a default domain name, providing short names for all
the hosts in your domain and requiring the full name of hosts outside
the domain. If you use this approach our resolvers will work
We keep a list of hosts that the user has connected to before. They
type the name the first time then select it from a scrolling list every
other time. Further, with MacNFS users are most likeley to use hosts
on their local net which will probably be in their local domain.
I don't like schemes that allow each user to create their own nick
names because of the potential of everyone comming up with different
names for the same hosts. I would like to know that the same nick names
are valid on Steve's machine as on mine.
Tom. tom@citi.umich.edu
Subject: Re: NCSA Telnet Digest - Vol 1 : Issue 7
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 87 02:39:16 pst
From: John Matzka <johnm@jacobs.cs.orst.edu>
On the Blinking Session...
Good suggestion. Only blink the session if it is not the current one. Still
though you might also make it an option to blink the current session as well.
Subject: password file format?
Date: 9 Nov 1987 21:25 EST
From: Duane.Williams@ME.RI.CMU.EDU
The NCSA Telnet 2.0 manual describes a password protection feature, but
does not describe the format of the password file. Can someone please
tell me what it is?
Subject: NCSA Telnet source code -- free
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 87 14:55:32 CST
From: timk@zaphod.ncsa.uiuc.edu (Tim Krauskopf)
NCSA Telnet source code is now available.
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications announces our source
code release of NCSA Telnet version 2.1.
This message includes:
Source Code pricing information
Some changes from 2.0 to 2.1 (you may not need to upgrade)
Mailing list for telnet related questions/bugs (telnet@ncsa.uiuc.edu)
User/Developer forum at TCP/IP conference in December
Source Code
There are a variety of disk options if you don't want to spend all night
transferring files (even compressed ones). See the price list at the end
of this note for details. Note that the Anonymous FTP directories are
available on one convenient tape and it contains all of the files from the
other disks.
Compilers: PC - Lattice C 3.1, Microsoft C 4.0 (MSC not debugged).
Mac - Aztec C, there will be an MPW version soon.
All of these files are available via anonymous FTP on NSFnet and ARPANET
from host (ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu).
Enhancements in version 2.1
For the PC, we have added a driver for the MICOM NI5210 (not the NI5010)
board, and a driver for the IBM (Ungermann-Bass) NIC Ethernet board. You
use the same configuration files for each board, but select a different
.EXE file to run.
For the Macintosh, we include support for Apple's new EtherTalk driver
directly for use with the new EtherTalk Ethernet board. We also support the
Kinetics' EtherSC and EtherPort SE products with their EtherTalk driver.
Unless you have these hardware needs, you may not need to upgrade from 2.0
to 2.1. You should upgrade from anything pre-2.0 to version 2.1.
Mailing list and conference meeting
We are sponsoring a mailing list for people interested in keeping up with the
NCSA Telnet distribution and the various groups taking part in future
development. The address is telnet@ncsa.uiuc.edu. Send a message to
telnet-request@ncsa.uiuc.edu to get on the list.
There will be a meeting at Advanced Computing Environment's TCP/IP conference
in December. We will discuss user problems and the status of various
development projects. This will be a good time to ask technical questions.
Thanks for your interest, some details follow the signature,
Tim Krauskopf
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
University of Illinois
timk@ncsa.uiuc.edu (ARPA)
timk%newton@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (alternate)
14013@ncsavmsa (BITNET)
Fact Sheet
National Center for Supercomputing Applications presents:
NCSA Telnet for the PC, version 2.1
NCSA Telnet for the Macintosh, version 2.1
These programs are copyrighted, but distributed with no license fee.
Source code is available.
Features included in version 2.1 of NCSA Telnet:
DARPA standard telnet
Built-in standard FTP server for file transfer
VT102 emulation in multiple, simultaneous sessions
Class A,B and C addressing with standard subnetting
Tektronix 4014 graphics emulation
Scrollback for each session
Each session in a different window (Macintosh)
Supports Croft gateway - KIP (Macintosh)
Support for EtherTalk (Macintosh)
Capture text to a file (PC)
Full color support (PC)
Support for 3COM, MICOM and IBM (Ungermann-Bass) boards (PC)
How to obtain:
1) From a friend
The disk, documentation and files may be copied freely and distributed in
binary form, unmodified, with copyright notices intact. This distribution
is free and no copies may be sold for profit.
2) Anonymous FTP from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu (
You may want to ftp the README file to determine which files to transfer
to your home machine.
For the PC version, you have your choice of tar files which are individual
for each type of Ethernet board. For each tar file, there is also a
compressed tar file with the same contents. The documentation file goes
with any type of Ethernet. After the files are extracted from the tar
file, some transfer method (e.g. kermit, NCSA Telnet) should be used to
download the files to the PC. The documentation is in line printer
format. Remember to download .EXE files in binary mode.
The Macintosh version consists of several files encoded with BinHex 4.0,
Pack-It or Stuff-It. You may want to consult the README file to determine
which files to transfer. Download them with a binary transfer method
(kermit, NCSA Telnet) and extract the individual files. The documentation
is in Microsoft Word 3.0 format.
3) Diskette
On-disk copies, with a printed manual are available for a small fee, which
covers materials, handling and postage. Orders can only be accepted if
accompanied by a check made out to the University of Illinois. Send to:
NCSA Telnet orders (specify PC or Macintosh and product)
152 Computing Applications Building
605 E. Springfield Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820
Here is the price list:
NCSA Telnet for the PC (2.1,2.1M,2.1IBM) $20.00
(three 360K disks, PC user/installation guide)
NCSA Telnet for the Macintosh (2.1,2.1E) $20.00
(two 400K disks, Macintosh user/installation guide)
NCSA Telnet for the PC source $20.00
(two 1.2M disks, Developer's guide)
NCSA Telnet for the Macintosh source $20.00
(one 800K disk, Developer's guide)
Anonymous FTP source reel tape $30.00
(recent contents of our anonymous ftp directory,
1600BPI 9track Sun-BSD tar format, Developer's guide)
Anonymous FTP source cartridge tape $50.00
(recent contents of our anonymous ftp directory,
1/4 inch cartridge tape Sun tar format, Developer's guide)
Hardware required:
PC: IBM PC,XT, AT or compatible.
3COM 3C501 Etherlink board.
or IBM RT PC Baseband adapter.
or Ungermann-Bass PC-NIC board.
or MICOM NI5210 Ethernet board.
Mac: Macintosh Plus, SE or Macintosh II.
FastPath from Kinetics Inc. Walnut Creek, CA (415) 947-0998 and
Kinetics gateway software or Stanford KIP (Croft) gateway software.
EtherSC or EtherportSE and EtherTalk software from Kinetics.
Apple EtherTalk board and software for the Macintosh II.
Mailing List:
Mail to telnet-request@ncsa.uiuc.edu to be added to the list of recipients.
To post messages to the list, mail to telnet@ncsa.uiuc.edu.
If your mailer cannot resolve ncsa.uiuc.edu (, route mail
through uxc.cso.uiuc.edu, also known as uiucuxc.arpa.
Other questions:
mail to telbug@ncsa.uiuc.edu (alternate: telbug%ncsa@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu)