GRIPS 2: Government Rast…rocessing Software & Data
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C/C++ Source or Header
563 lines
* *
* part of: *
* TCP/IP kernel for NCSA Telnet *
* by Tim Krauskopf *
* *
* National Center for Supercomputing Applications *
* 152 Computing Applications Building *
* 605 E. Springfield Ave. *
* Champaign, IL 61820 *
* *
* Portions of the driver code that are not specific to a particular protocol
#include "stdio.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "data.h"
/* netsleep
* sleep, while demuxing packets, so we don't miss anything
int n;
int i,nmux,redir;
int32 t,gt,start;
struct port *p;
uint8 *pc;
redir = 0;
start = time(NULL);
if (n)
t = start + n*TICKSPERSEC;
t = start;
do {
nmux = demux(1); /* demux all packets */
* if there were packets in the incoming packet buffer, then more might
* have arrived while we were processing them. This gives absolute priority
* to packets coming in from the network.
if (nmux)
* Check for any ICMP redirect events.
if (IREDIR == netgetevent(ICMPCLASS,&i,&i))
redir = 1;
* Check each port to see if action is necessary.
* This now sends all Ack packets, due to p->lasttime being set to 0L.
* Waiting for nmux == 0 for sending ACKs makes sure that the network
* has a much higher priority and reduces the number of unnecessary ACKs.
gt = time(NULL);
for (i=0; i < NPORTS; i++) {
p = portlist[i];
if ((p != NULL) && (p->state > SLISTEN)) {
if (!p->out.lasttime)
transq(p); /* takes care of all ACKs */
else if ((p->out.contain > 0) || (p->state > SEST)) {
* if a retransmission timeout occurs, exponential back-off.
* This number returns toward the correct value by the RTT measurement
* code in ackcheck.
* fix: 5/12/88, if timer was at MAXRTO, transq didn't get hit - TK
if ((p->out.lasttime + p->rto < gt)) {
if (p->rto < MAXRTO)
p->rto <<= 1; /* double it */
if ((p->out.lasttime + POKEINTERVAL < gt) &&
(p->state == SEST))
* check to see if ICMP redirection occurred and needs servicing.
* If it needs servicing, try to get the new hardware address for the new
* gateway. If getdlayer fails, we assume an ARP was sent, another ICMP
* redirect will occur, this routine will reactivate, and then the hardware
* address will be available in the cache.
* Check all ports to see if they match the redirected address.
if (redir && comparen(p->tcpout.i.ipdest,nnicmpsave,4)) {
pc = getdlayer(nnicmpnew);
if (pc != NULL)
redir = 0; /* reset flag for next demux */
} while ((t > time(NULL)) /* done yet? */
&& (time(NULL) >= start)); /* allow for wraparound of timer */
return(nmux); /* will demux once, even for sleep(0) */
/* enqueue
* add something to a TCP queue. Used by both 'write()' and tcpinterpret
* WINDOWSIZE is the size limitation of the advertised window.
struct window *wind;
char *buffer;
int nbytes;
int i;
i = WINDOWSIZE - wind->contain;
if (i <= 0 || nbytes == 0)
return(0); /* no room at the inn */
if (nbytes > i)
nbytes = i;
i = wind->where - wind->endlim; /* room at end */
if (i < nbytes) {
movebytes(wind->where,(char *)(buffer+i),nbytes-i);
wind->endlim = wind->where + nbytes - i;
else {
movebytes(wind->endlim,buffer,nbytes); /* fits in one chunk */
wind->endlim += nbytes;
wind->contain += nbytes; /* more stuff here */
/* dequeue
* used by read, this copies data out of the queue and then
* deallocates it from the queue.
* cpqueue and rmqueue are very similar and are to be used by tcpsend
* to store unacknowledged data.
* returns number of bytes copied from the queue
struct window *wind;
char *buffer;
int nbytes; /* maximum number to copy out */
int i;
if (wind->contain == 0)
if (wind->contain < nbytes)
nbytes = wind->contain;
i = wind->endbuf - wind->base;
if (i <= nbytes) {
movebytes((char *)(buffer+i),wind->where,nbytes-i);
wind->base = wind->where + nbytes-i;
else {
movebytes( buffer, wind->base, nbytes);
if (wind->contain == nbytes)
wind->base = wind->endlim = wind->where;
wind->base += nbytes;
wind->contain -= nbytes;
#ifdef notneeded
/* cpqueue
* does the same thing as dequeue, but does not deallocate the data
* used when transmitting TCP data. When the data is ACKed, then
* rmqueue is called to deallocate the correct amount of data.
struct window *wind;
char *buffer;
int nbytes; /* maximum number to copy out */
int i;
if (wind->contain == 0)
if (wind->contain < nbytes)
nbytes = wind->contain;
i = wind->endbuf - wind->base;
if (i < nbytes) {
movebytes((char *)(buffer+i),wind->where,nbytes-i);
movebytes( buffer, wind->base, nbytes);
/* rmqueue
* does the queue deallocation that is left out of cpqueue
* rmqueue of WINDOWSIZE or greater bytes will empty the queue
struct window *wind;
int nbytes; /* number to remove */
int i;
if (wind->contain < nbytes)
nbytes = wind->contain;
i = wind->endbuf - wind->base;
if (i <= nbytes)
wind->base = wind->where+nbytes-i;
else {
if (wind->contain == nbytes)
wind->base = wind->endlim = wind->where;
wind->base += nbytes;
wind->contain -= nbytes;
/* transq
* Needed for TCP, not as general as cpqueue,
* but is required for efficient transmit of the whole window.
* Transmit the entire queue (window) to the other host without expecting
* any sort of acknowledgement.
struct port *prt;
uint bites;
int i,j,n;
struct window *wind;
uint32 saveseq;
uint8 *endb,*whereb,*baseb;
if (prt == NULL) {
nnerror(406); /* NULL port for trans */
wind = &prt->out;
* find out how many bytes the other side will allow us to send (window)
bites = wind->size;
if (wind->contain < bites)
bites = wind->contain;
* set up the tcp packet for this, ACK field is same for all packets
prt->tcpout.t.ack = longswap(prt->in.nxt);
* any more flags should be set?
if (wind->push) /* is push indicator on? */
prt->tcpout.t.flags |= TPUSH;
if ((bites <= 0) || prt->state != SEST) { /* if no data to send . . . */
tcpsend(prt,0); /* just a retransmission or ACK */
* we have data to send, get the correct sequence #'s
* To be really real, we should check wraparound sequence # in the loop.
saveseq = wind->nxt;
whereb = wind->where;
endb = wind->endbuf;
baseb = wind->base;
* in a loop, transmit the entire queue of data
for (i=0 ; i < bites; i += prt->sendsize) {
n = prt->sendsize;
if (i + n > bites)
n = bites - i;
j = endb - baseb;
if (j < n) {
movebytes((char *)(prt->tcpout.x.data+j),whereb,n-j);
baseb = whereb + n-j;
else {
movebytes( prt->tcpout.x.data, baseb, n);
baseb += n;
tcpsend(prt,n); /* send it */
wind->nxt += n;
wind->nxt = saveseq; /* get back first seq # */
/* comparen
* Take n bytes and return identical (true=1) or not identical (false=0)
* Could be written in assembler for improved performance
uint8 *s1,*s2;
register int n;
while (n--)
if (*s1++ != *s2++)
/* netposterr
* place an error into the event q
* Takes the error number and puts it into the error structure
int num;
if (netputevent(ERRCLASS,ERR1,num))
netputuev(ERRCLASS,ERR1,501); /* only if we lost an event */
/* netgetevent
* Retrieves the next event (and clears it) which matches bits in
* the given mask. Returns the event number or -1 on no event present.
* Also returns the exact class and the associated integer in reference
* parameters.
* The way the queue works:
* There is always a dummy record pointed to by nnelast.
* When data is put into the queue, it goes into nnelast, then nnelast
* looks around for another empty one to obtain.
* It looks at nnefree first, then bumps one from nnefirst if necessary.
* When data is retrieved, it is searched from nnefirst to nnelast.
* Any freed record is appended to nnefree.
uint8 mask;
int *retclass,*retint;
int i,j;
i = nnefirst;
while (i != nnelast) {
if (mask & nnq[i].eclass) {
if (i == nnefirst)
nnefirst = nnq[nnefirst].next; /* step nnefirst */
nnq[j].next = nnq[i].next; /* bypass record i */
nnq[i].next = nnefree;
nnefree = i; /* install in free list */
*retint = nnq[i].idata;
*retclass = nnq[i].eclass;
j = i;
i = nnq[i].next;
/* netputevent
* add an event to the queue.
* Will probably get the memory for the entry from the free list.
* Returns 0 if there was room, 1 if an event was lost.
int class,what,dat;
int i;
i = nnelast;
nnq[i].eclass = class; /* put data in */
nnq[i].event = what;
nnq[i].idata = dat;
if (nnefree >= 0) { /* there is a spot in free list */
nnq[i].next = nnelast = nnefree;
nnefree = nnq[nnefree].next; /* remove from free list */
else {
nnq[i].next = nnelast = nnefirst;
nnefirst = nnq[nnefirst].next; /* lose oldest event */
/* netputuev
* put a unique event into the queue
* First searches the queue for like events
int class,what,dat;
int i;
i = nnefirst;
while (i != nnelast) {
if (nnq[i].idata == dat && nnq[i].event == what &&
nnq[i].eclass == class)
i = nnq[i].next;
/* neterrstring
* returns the string associated with a particular error number
* error number is formatted %4d at the beginning of the string
static char *errs[] = {" 0 Error unknown",
" 100 Network jammed, probable break in wire",
" 101 Could not initialize hardware level network driver",
" 102 ERROR: The conflicting machine is using the same IP number",
" 103 RARP request failed, an IP number is required",
" 300 Bad IP checksum",
" 301 IP packet not for me",
" 302 IP packet with options received",
" 303 IP: unknown higher layer protocol",
" 304 IP: fragmented packet received, frags not supported",
" 400 TCP: bad checksum",
" 401 ACK invalid for TCP syn sent",
" 403 TCP in unknown state",
" 404 Invalid port for TCPsend",
" 405 TCP connection reset by other host",
" 406 Null port specified for ackandtrans",
" 407 Packet received for invalid port -- reset sent",
" 500 No internal TCP ports available",
" 501 Warning: Event queue filled, probably non-fatal",
" 504 Local host or gateway not responding",
" 505 Memory allocation error, cannot open port",
" 506 Not allowed to connect to broadcast address",
" 507 Reset received: syn sent, host is refusing connection",
" 600 ICMP: Echo reply",
" 603 ICMP: Destination unreachable",
" 604 ICMP: Source Quench",
" 605 ICMP: Redirect, another gateway is more efficient",
" 608 ICMP: Echo requested (ping requested)",
" 611 ICMP: Time Exceeded on Packet",
" 612 ICMP: Parameter problem in IP",
" 613 ICMP: Timestamp request",
" 614 ICMP: Timestamp reply",
" 615 ICMP: Information request",
" 616 ICMP: Information reply",
" 699 ICMP: Checksum error",
" 700 Bad UDP checksum",
" 800 Domain: Name request to server failed",
" 801 Domain: Using default domain",
" 802 Domain: name does not exist",
" 803 Domain: UDP name server did not resolve the name",
" 804 Domain: name server failed, unknown reason",
" 805 Host machine not in configuration file",
" 806 Missing IP number, requires domain lookup",
" 900 Session: Cannot find or open configuration file",
" 901 Session: Cannot allocate memory for processing",
" 902 Session: Invalid keyword in configuration file",
" 903 Session: Element too long (>200), maybe missing quote",
" 904 Session: Probable missing quote marks, a field must be on one line",
" 905 Session: 'name' field required before other machine entries",
" 906 Session: Syntax error, invalid IP number",
" 907 Session: Syntax error, Subnet mask invalid",
" 908 Session: Syntax error, IP address for this PC is invalid",
static char errspace[80]; /* room for user-defined errors */
char *neterrstring(errno)
int errno;
int i;
char s[10];
if (errno < 0)
i = 0;
do {
if (!strncmp(errs[i],s,4))
return(errs[i]+5); /* pointer to error message */
} while (*errs[i] || i > 100); /* until NULL found */
return(errs[0]+5); /* error unknown */