Labels:grass | mountain | road | sky | tree | volcanic crater OCR: REL ICON& EDUCATON Roman e atholici CiSIT1S the offic cial religion of Costa Riea with over. ninety pereent of the counti sathalic anatha temainder belonging to the Protestants The educational standards 40 CostaRiea ae considered the highest in the Central Ameriean Republies The cauntiy hoasts a 190% literacy rate within the population ages 15 and Sinee the armywas abolishedin 1949 the government has been able tospend a larger Lof their revenue to better the edueational. systems throughout the country RELGION ATON Romane atholicismis Rica percent countx cathali Lemainder ostaRica publics caunti Thoasts aboli shedir spenc tevenu bette systerms throughou countr