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- INFO-HAMS Digest Sat, 16 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1029
- Today's Topics:
- "Feng Yun"?
- Ground connection for antennas.
- Packet compression
- Re: ARRL and tx/rx mods
- rec.radio.shortwave "invite"
- WEFAX 105 Program
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 17:48:37 GMT
- From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!IDA.ORG!roskos@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Eric Roskos)
- Subject: "Feng Yun"?
- Message-ID: <1989Dec16.174837.27151@IDA.ORG>
- Does anyone have information on a Japanese weather satellite called
- "Feng Yun"? I found it mentioned in some information from Vanguard Labs
- (a manufacturer of WEFAX equipment), but it's just a one-line reference:
- 137.85 MHz - Japan - Feng Yun
- This and a statement "see what 7 US, Russian, and Japanese Satellites
- See" on the cover of their catalog is all I've ever heard of it. I knew
- Japan had a geostationary meteorological satellite, but this one is
- apparently a polar satellite. I'm trying to find out the orbital
- elements for it; it doesn't seem to be in TS Kelso's list of NASA
- orbital elements, at least not under that name.
- --
- Eric Roskos (roskos@CS.IDA.ORG or Roskos@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 17:19:16 GMT
- From: shelby!neon!kaufman@decwrl.dec.com (Marc T. Kaufman)
- Subject: Ground connection for antennas.
- Message-ID: <1989Dec16.171916.26811@Neon.Stanford.EDU>
- In article <15.Dec.89.14:05:07.GMT.#2213@UK.AC.NWL.IA> PJML@IBMA.NERC-WALLINGFORD.AC.UK ("Pete Lucas, NERC-TLC, Swindon U.K.") writes:
- >Grounding - DO NOT use the three-prong mains ground! In my house, there
- >is a coil connected between the three-prong 'ground' and true 'ground' - this
- >is the coil of the ground-leakage trip. It will hence present a high
- >RF impedance to 'true' ground.
- In the US, at least, GFI (Ground Fault Interrupter) circuits are only
- required in areas where there is a significant chance of contact with a
- "real" earth ground. Outdoors and in bathrooms. I can understand using
- your rig outdoors,.... but in the bath?
- >Also, beware that any ground on your radio does not bypass the
- >'ground' (actually a current sensing trip)
- >or the safety protection provided by the ground leakage trip may be
- >bypassed too.
- Good point. In the circuit breakers I have seen lately, though, what is
- sensed is an imbalance between the two power legs, the assumption being
- that the difference goes to ground - through whatever path (not necessarily
- the ground wire). There is no coil in the ground path in US breakers.
- A real problem is that of RF getting into the breaker and tripping it. I try
- to use unprotected (no GFI) circuits when I can.
- Marc Kaufman (kaufman@Neon.stanford.edu)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 17:11:42 GMT
- From: shelby!neon!kaufman@decwrl.dec.com (Marc T. Kaufman)
- Subject: Packet compression
- Message-ID: <1989Dec16.171142.26619@Neon.Stanford.EDU>
- In article <8912151531.AA24134@ti.com> dube@cpdvax.csc.ti.com (DUBE TODD) writes:
- >Marc, are you saying that Hams should cease to be self-policing and just
- >hand the burden to the FCC? I believe that every Ham should be concerned about
- >the use of any methods or techniques that might work against the best interests
- >of the hobby. And I DON'T think we should try to palm off the responsibility
- Did I say I didn't think we should be self policing? I just don't remember
- electing Jim Grubs to be the police officer. In almost every aspect of
- everyday life I can make a "reasonableness" test with respect to the letter
- of the law vs. compliance. I have been known to drive faster than 55. I have
- been known to park longer than 1 hour in a 1 hour zone.
- The ARRL and Mr. Grubs notwithstanding, ONLY THE FCC has the power to enforce
- the regulations - if they wish to. I guess I don't mind Jim "viewing with
- alarm", but he is NOT the authority on the matter, and he is NOT empowered to
- enforce his views on the rest of the Ham community. He should be careful to
- state that "IN HIS OPINION" such-and-such is true, but unless he is an
- administrative law judge with the FCC, he has NO RIGHT at all to declare that
- such-and-such is true.
- Most of the privledges we have lost - the Eye Bank - public service at
- organized events -- have been because someone like Jim Grubs read the rules,
- interpreted them in an overly strict manner, and then went running to the FCC
- and forced them to take a stand on the issue. Its sort of like driving on
- the street. If I go 35 in a 25 zone, carefully, no one will mind (usually).
- If I honk my horn, blink the lights and wave, I will probably get stopped for
- speeding.
- In the case at hand, with respect to compression, anyone working in the field
- knows that standard compression methods are NOT encryption, just as the
- "scrambler" in a synchronous modem is NOT encryption -- they are just tools
- to control the bandwidth and utilization of time-frequency space. That is,
- after all, what amateurs are supposed to do == experiment with ways of
- improving the utilization of the radio spectrum. I do not require that Jim
- understand the technology behind this, nor do I require that he participate.
- However, he seems to be convinced that he has sufficient knowledge and
- authority to make definitive statements on the legality and appropriateness
- of any and all actions taken by others. B******T.
- He (and you) can hold any views you want. You can even air them in this
- forum. Please, just don't arrogate to yourselves the authority to control
- the actions of others.
- Marc Kaufman, WB6ECE (kaufman@Neon.stanford.edu)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 19:51:19 GMT
- From: tank!cps3xx!usenet@handies.ucar.edu (Usenet file owner)
- Subject: Re: ARRL and tx/rx mods
- Message-ID: <5814@cps3xx.UUCP>
- In article <7880096@hpfcdc.HP.COM> perry@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Perry Scott) writes:
- >Apparently the ARRL isn't smart enough to understand that some of us
- >also have licenses for other nearby services. Buying a tranciever for
- >Marine VHF and 2-meter ARS is both expensive and cumbersome. I like
- >a radio that gives me one-stop shopping. Get a clue, ARRL !
- >Perry Scott KF0CA
- Nobody else responded (possibly because this dead horse has been beaten
- into submission), so I feel compelled to. Consider it constructive
- criticism or a flame, depending upon your attitude.
- You can not LEGALLY operate a non-type accepted radio (like radios built
- for the amateur service) in a service that requires type acceptance.
- You must buy a type accepted radio and then also use it in the amateur
- bands. It is illegal to modify your non-type accepted radio AND THEN
- TRANSMIT on non amateur frequencies. Don't do it. About a year ago,
- the FCC issued a stern warning that amateur radio operators were not to
- do this.
- In the rare case that original ideas Kenneth J. Hendrickson N8DGN
- are found here, I am responsible. Owen W328, E. Lansing, MI 48825
- Internet: kjh@usc.edu UUCP: ...!uunet!usc!pollux!kjh
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 17:31:21 GMT
- From: usenet.ins.cwru.edu!hal!ncoast!allbery@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Brandon S. Allbery)
- Subject: rec.radio.shortwave "invite"
- Message-ID: <1989Dec16.173121.1943@NCoast.ORG>
- As quoted from <8460@ttidca.TTI.COM> by sorgatz@ttidca.TTI.COM ( Avatar):
- +---------------
- | So fellow Hams, beware! Some of the inhabitants of rec.radio.shortwave
- | are not only way-ignorant of radio history/laws/etc...they are quite ANTI-HAM!
- +---------------
- That's not an attribute of readers of rec.radio.shortwave; it's an attribute
- of all too many readers of Usenet. And the solution *isn't* to crawl back
- into your hidey-hole.
- Consider this a re-invitation to rec.radio.shortwave. Sure, there are flaming
- dweebs out there... so what's new? I've seen some flaming dweebs working
- *this* newsgroup too. And every other unmoderated newsgroup I've read as well.
- Ignore them; they're not the only ones out there.
- ++Brandon
- --
- Brandon S. Allbery allbery@NCoast.ORG, BALLBERY (MCI Mail), ALLBERY (Delphi)
- uunet!hal.cwru.edu!ncoast!allbery ncoast!allbery@hal.cwru.edu bsa@telotech.uucp
- *(comp.sources.misc mail to comp-sources-misc[-request]@backbone.site, please)*
- *Third party vote-collection service: send mail to allbery@uunet.uu.net (ONLY)*
- expnet.all: Experiments in *net management and organization. Mail me for info.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Dec 89 17:08:28 GMT
- From: usenet.ins.cwru.edu!hal!ncoast!allbery@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Brandon S. Allbery)
- Subject: WEFAX 105 Program
- Message-ID: <1989Dec16.170828.1806@NCoast.ORG>
- As quoted from <1125@unsvax.NEVADA.EDU> by storkus@arrakis.nevada.edu (Mike Storke N7MSD):
- +---------------
- | code. Simply remove all information not part of the program and save it to
- | your disk as an ASCII Basic Program. Yes, I KNOW you're not supposed to do
- | this because it wastes net bandwidth, but I am compelled to due to the amount
- +---------------
- ??? If nothing else, it would be welcome in alt.sources or (dare I say)
- comp.sources.misc. Useful programs are *always* welcome on the Usenet;
- they're *far* more useful and interesting than the latest go-round in
- rec.arts.sf-lovers on what George Lucas is going to do with the Star Wars
- series....
- ++Brandon
- --
- Brandon S. Allbery allbery@NCoast.ORG, BALLBERY (MCI Mail), ALLBERY (Delphi)
- uunet!hal.cwru.edu!ncoast!allbery ncoast!allbery@hal.cwru.edu bsa@telotech.uucp
- *(comp.sources.misc mail to comp-sources-misc[-request]@backbone.site, please)*
- *Third party vote-collection service: send mail to allbery@uunet.uu.net (ONLY)*
- expnet.all: Experiments in *net management and organization. Mail me for info.
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1029
- ***************************************