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QuickMorse - Morse Code Tutor
QuickMorse Version 1.00
January 4, 1987
Documentation: January 4, 1987
Copyright (C) Wolf Witt 1987
Software and Documentation
Welcome to QuickMorse! QuickMorse is a quite extensive morse
code tutoring program. Learning morse code and becoming familiar
with the morse code characters is best accomplished by repeatedly
listening to and taking down morse code. There are audio tapes
available which contain morse code for listening practice,
however the student usually becomes accustomed to the contents of
the tapes and after continued use begins to recall the text from
memory rather than truly read it. This program, in contrast to
tapes, can among other things send completely random code using
its entire character set or a set of characters selected by the
user, so that there will be no repeating pattern which the
student could get used to.
If you are planning to obtain an FCC license or just learn
morse code for the fun of it, I'm sure that this program will be
of value to you.
Warranties and Distribution:
This program is provided as is, without any implicit or
explicit warranties of any kind, including the warranty of
fitness for a particular purpose. The author of QuickMorse hereby
also relieves himself of any responsibilities for damages that
may result through the use of the program. Through using
QuickMorse the user accepts the previously stated terms.
QuickMorse and its documentation are brought to you through
the channels of public domain software. The program package
consisting of the files listed in the next section, 'QuickMorse
Files,' may be distributed freely as long as it is distributed
free of charge in its original form. The notices of true origin
are not to be removed.
If you find this program useful, registering your copy of
QuickMorse and sending a donation of any amount ($10 suggested)
to the author would be greatly appreciated. Provided you have
registered, you will be informed if and when any new releases of
QuickMorse or other programs become available.
To send your donation or if you have any questions, comments
or suggestions with respect to this program, write to:
Wolf's Software
2622 San Antonio Dr.
Walnut Creek, CA. 94598
If your letter requests a reply, please include a self addressed,
stamped envelope.
*** QuickMorse 1.00 ***
QuickMorse Files:
The following files should have been present in the archive
QM100.ARC or on the QuickMorse distribution disk:
1. QM-INST.COM -QuickMorse installation program
2. QM-INST.DTA -data file used by QM-INST.COM
3. QM-INST.MSG -message file used by QM-INST.COM
4. QMORSE.COM -the main program
5. QM-CODE.DAT -the data file used by the program
6. QMORSE.DOC -the documentation (this file) in DOS
text format
7. QMORSE.WPD -the documentation (this file) in
WordPerfect format
8. READ.ME -a file containing general information
about the printing of the documentation
9. README.BAT -a batch file to display the file
10. TRY-IT.TXT -a sample text file which may be
compiled and send as morse code by
System Requirements:
The following computer hardware should be present in order
to be able to run QuickMorse:
1. IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible running under PC or MS-DOS
2.x or 3.x with a minimum of 128 KBytes of memory.
2. One floppy disk drive
3. One monochrome monitor or 80 column color monitor with
appropriate adapter
4. A working speaker in your PC
QuickMorse Installation:
This installation program is provided in case QuickMorse is
to be used on a terminal that is not completely IBM compatible.
To run the installation program, make sure that QMORSE.COM and
the three QM-INST files are present in the current directory,
type QM-INST at the DOS prompt and press the ENTER key. The
program will then take you through the installation procedure.
Once QuickMorse is installed, the QM-INST files must no longer be
kept together with the QuickMorse program files.
*** QuickMorse 1.00 ***
Starting QuickMorse:
Two files have to be present in order for QuickMorse to be
able to run. The files that are needed are QMORSE.COM and QM-
CODE.DAT. To start QuickMorse set the drive and the directory in
which the previously listed files are residing to be the
defaults. Typing QMORSE at the DOS prompt and pressing the ENTER
key which will cause QuickMorse to be loaded and start executing.
It will take a second for the program to initialize itself and to
read and load the data file QM-CODE.DAT. After that period of
time, you will be presented with QuickMorse's main menu.
QuickMorse Main Menu Options:
Option 1: Generate groups of five using entire character set.
With this option your computer will send groups of five
characters, randomly choosing characters from all of the
available characters.
Option 2: Generate groups of five using selected character set.
Like in option 1, groups of five characters will be send.
However, the characters will be chosen from the user selected
character set. (see 'Defining the User Selected Character Set')
Option 3: Generate random code using entire character set.
If option 3 is selected, your computer will send a
continuous stream of characters which will be chosen randomly
from the entire character set.
Option 4: Generate random code using selected characters.
Similar to option 3, characters will be send continuously
using, however, only those characters that are part of the user
selected set. (see 'Defining the User Selected Character Set')
Option 5: Give previously recorded text.
This option allows you to have the computer send the
contents of a previously created DOS text file. These text files
can be created, for example, with DOS's EDLIN line editor or with
WordStar using the non-document mode. The file must have a name
with an extension of TXT. After you tell QuickMorse the name of
the file it should send, it will check if a compiled version of
the file, a file with the same name but an extension of QMC
instead of TXT, exists. If the QuickMorse code (QMC) file is
present, the file can be send immediately. If not, QuickMorse
will ask whether or not you wish to compile the text file and
create a corresponding QMC file.
*** QuickMorse 1.00 ***
Option 6: Give manually entered text.
With this option text can be entered at the keyboard and the
computer will encode and send it immediately. QuickMorse allows
for a type ahead of 800 characters or about 10 lines of text. If
a character that cannot be encoded is entered, the keystroke will
be echoed as an asterisk (*).
Option 7: Display and encode entire character set.
To display the entire character set and to hear what each
character sounds like, select this option.
Option 8: Print the entire character set with codes.
This option will produce a hard copy of the entire character
set. QuickMorse assumes that your printer is attached to the
first parallel port, LPT1. Depending on what type of a printer
you are using, it may not be possible to print the foreign
letters that are part of the character set.
Option 9: Change morse tone frequency of XXX Hz.
Each time the program is started, the morse tone will be of
a frequency of 800 Hz. If a different frequency is desired, it is
possible to change it using this option.
Option 0: End QuickMorse.
Selection option 0 will end QuickMorse and return you to the
operating system.
Specifying the Code Speed:
For options 1 through 7, you will be asked at what speed the
morse code should be send. Immediately after program start-up the
default is 40 characters per minute and this speed may be
selected by simply pressing return at the prompt. If you change
the code speed, the new value you select will become the default
from thereon.
Specifying the Echo Device:
For options 1 through 6, QuickMorse will also inquire as to
where and how it should echo the characters while sending them.
It is possible to have no echo at all or to echo to the screen or
to the printer (LPT1). Either the actual characters or the
characters' morse code representations may be echoed.
*** QuickMorse 1.00 ***
Defining the User Selected Character Set:
When option 2 or option 4 is selected you will be given a
report of the current status of the user selected character set,
and you will have an opportunity to change it. The user selected
character set may be chosen to contain all of the english
letters, digits, special symbols or foreign letters or any
combination of the above. It also possible to manually enter the
characters that are to be a part of it. However, once characters
have been entered into the set manually, further characters may
only be added through repeated use of this option.
About Learning Morse Code
This manual is designed to give information about the use of
the program and is not a morse code tutorial in itself. If you
don't already have one, you should consider purchasing a book
that discusses the proper ways of sending and taking down morse
code and that gives some sort of an outline for a lesson plan.
Thank you for using QuickMorse.
*** QuickMorse 1.00 ***