; Passing grade (number of required correct answers to pass)
$ 22
; Subelement 2A - Rules and Regulations (9 questions)
! 1 ; 1 from the following
#What is the Amateur Radio Service?
A radio communication service for self-training and technical experimentation
A private radio service used for personal gain and public benefit
A public radio service used for public service communications
A private radio service intended for the furtherance of commercial radio interests
#Who is an amateur radio operator?
Someone who performs communications in the Amateur Radio Service
A person who has not received any training in radio operations
A person who performs private radio communications for hire
A trainee in a commercial radio station
#What is an amateur radio station?
A radio station operated by a person interested in self-training, intercommunications and technical investigation
A licensed radio station engaged in broadcasting to the public in a limited and well defined area
A radio station used to futher commercial radio interests
A private radio service used for personal gain and public service
#What is amateur radiocommunication?
Non-commercial radio communication between Amateur Radio stations with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest
Commercial radio communications between radio stations licensed to non-profit organizations and businesses
Experimental or educational radio transmissions controlled by student operators
Non-commercial radio communications intended for the education and benefit of the general public
#What is the portion of an amateur radio license that conveys operator privileges?
The operator license
The verification section
Form 610
The station license
#What authority is derived from and amateur radio station license?
The authority to have an Amateur Radio station at a particular location
The authority to use specified operating frequencies
The authority to enforce FCC Rules when violations are noted on the part of other operators
The authority to transmit on either amateur or Class D citizen's band frequencies
#What is a control operator?
A licensed operator designated to be responsible for the emissions of a particular station
A person, either licensed or not, who controls the emissions of an Amateur Radio Station
An unlicensed person who is speaking over an Amateur Radio Station's microphone while a licensed person is present
A government official who comes to an Amateur Radio Station to take control for test purposes
#What is the term for the amateur radio operator designated by the station licensee to also be responsible for the emissions from that station?
Control operator
Auxiliary operator
Operations coordinator
Third party
#What is third-party traffic?
A message passed by one Amateur Radio control operator to another Amateur Radio control operator on behalf of another person
Public service communications handled on behalf of a minor political party
Only messages that are formally handled through Amateur Radio channels
A message from one Amateur Radio station to another in which a third Amateur Radio station must relay all or part of the message because of propagation problems
#Who is a third-party in amateur radiocommunications?
Any person passing a message through Amateur Radio communication channels other than the control operators of the two stations handling the message
The Amateur Radio station that breaks into a two-way contact between two other Amateur Radio stations
A shortwave listener monitoring a two-way Amateur Radio communication
The control operator present when an unlicensed person communicates over an Amateur Radio station
! 2 ; 1 question from the following
#What are the Novice control operator frequency privileges in the 80 meter band?
3700 to 3750 kHz
3500 to 4000 kHz
7100 to 7150 kHz
7000 to 7300 kHz
#What are the Novice control operator frequency privileges in the 40 meter band?
7100 to 7150 kHz
3500 to 4000 kHz
3700 to 3750 kHz
7000 to 7300 kHz
#What are the Novice control operator frequency privileges in the 15 meter band?
21.100 to 21.200 MHz
21.000 to 21.450 MHz
28.000 to 29.700 MHz
28.100 to 28.500 MHz
#What are the Novice control operator frequency privileges in the 10 meter band?
28.100 to 28.500 MHz
10.100 to 10.109 MHz
10.115 to 10.150 MHz
28.000 to 29.700 MHz
#What, if any, frequency privileges are authorized to Novice control operators beside those in the 80, 40, 15, and 10 meter bands?
222.1 to 223.91 MHz and 1270 to 1295 MHz
All authorized Amateur Radio frequencies above 50.0 MHz
145 to 147 MHz
#In what frequency bands is a Novice authorized to be the control operator of an amateur station?
3700 to 3750 kHz, 7100 to 7150 kHz, 21,100 to 21,200 kHz, 28.1 to 28.5 MHz, 222.1 to 223.91 MHz, 1270 to 1295 MHz
1800 to 2000 kHz, 3750 to 3775 kHz, 7100 to 7150 kHz, 21,100 to 21,200 kHz, 28,100 to 28,500 kHz
3.5 to 4.0 MHz, 7.0 to 7.3 Mhz, 21.0 to 21.4 MHz, 28.0 to 29.7 MHz, 1240 to 1296 MHz
3.5 to 4.0 MHz, 7.0 to 7.3 MHz, 14.0 to 14.35 MHz, 21.0 to 21.45 MHz, 28.05 to 29.7 MHz, 222.1 to 223.91 MHz
#What does the term frequency band mean?
A group of frequencies in which Amateur Radio transmissions are authorized
A group of frequencies in which two way contacts are likely to occur during any time of the day
One specific frequency
One specific wavelength
#What does the term frequency privilege mean?
Permission to use a particular frequency
The purchase of a frequency for one's use
A requirement to use a particular frequency
Permission to pass routine traffic only on a particular frequency
#In what meter band is the Novice control operator frequency privilege 3725 kHz?
80 meters
40 meters
15 meters
10 meters
#What frequencies may a Novice control operator use in the amateur 10 meter band?
28.1 to 28.5 MHz
30.1 to 30.5 MHz
271. to 27.5 MHz
28.0 to 29.7 MHz
#What frequencies may a Novice control operator use in the amateur 220 MHz band?
222.1 to 223.91 MHz
225.0 to 230.5 MHz
224.1 to 225.1 MHz
221.2 to 223.0 MHz
#What frequencies may a Novice control operator use in the amateur 1270 MHz band?
1270 to 1295 MHz
1260 to 1270 MHz
1240 to 1300 MHz
1240 to 1246 MHz
#What frequencies may a Novice control operator use in the amateur 23 centimeter band?
1270 to 1295 MHz
1260 to 1270 MHz
1240 to 1300 MHz
1240 to 1246 MHz
! 3 ; 1 from the following
#What emission type is authorized to Novice control operators?
Any emission authorized to the Amateur Radio Service on frequencies between 222.1 and 223.91 MHz
Any emission authorized to the Amateur Radio Service in the 80, 40, 15 and 10 meter CW subbands
Any authorized emission used below 29.7 MHz on the Amateur Radio bands
A3J between 145 and 147 MHz
#What does the term A1A emission mean?
CW Morse code without audio modulation of the carrier
Extremely strong, copyable signals.
A very low Atmospheric Noise Count
Amplitude modulated radio telephony with only one sideband
#What is the symbol for transmission of telegraphy by on-off keying?
#What does the term CW mean?
Continous wave
Calling wavelength
Coulombs per watt
Continous wattage
#What, if any, emission previleges are authorized to Novice control operators beside A1A?
Any emission authorized to the Amateur Radio Service on frequencies between 222.1 and 223.91 MHz
Any emission authorized to the Amateur Radio Service in the 80, 40, 15 and 10 meter CW subbands
Any authorized emission used below 29.7 MHz on the Amateur Radio bands
A3J between 145 and 147 MHz
#What telegraphy code may a Novice control operator use?
Any telegraph code authorized for use in the amateur bands
Only the International Telegraph Alphabet Number Three
Baudot, AMTOR and CW
#What does the term emission mean?
RF signals transmitted from a radio station
Signals refracted by the E layer
Filter out the carrier of a received signal
Baud rate
#What is the term, as used in the Amateur Radio Service Rules, for a transmission from a radio station?
Modulation index
Demodulated envelope
! 4 ; 1 from the following
#What does the term emission privilege mean?
Permissible type(s) of transmitted signals
Permissible class of operator license
Permissible frequency of operation
Permissible content of communications
#What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on frequencies from 28.3 to 28.5 MHz?
A1A and J3E
All authorized amateur emission privileges
A1A and F1B
A1A and F3E
#What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on frequencies from 28.1 to 28.3 MHz?
A1A and F1B
All authorized amateur emission privileges
F1B and J3E
A1A and J3E
#What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on the amateur 220 MHz band?
All amateur emission privileges authorized for use on 220 MHz
F1B and J3E
A1A and F1B
A1A and J3E
#What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on frequencies from 1270 to 1295 MHz?
All amateur emission privileges authorized for use on 1270 MHz
F1B and J3E
A1A and F1B
A1A and J3E
#On what frequencies in the 10-meter band are Novice control operators permitted to transmit emission F1B (RTTY)?
28.1 to 28.3 MHz
28.1 to 28.5 MHz
28.0 to 29.7 MHz
28.1 to 28.2 MHz
#On what frequencies in the 10-meter band are Novice control operators permitted to transmit emission J3E (single sideband voice)?
28.3 to 28.5 MHz
28.0 to 29.7 MHz
28.1 to 28.2 MHz
28.1 to 28.5 MHz
#On what frequencies in the 220 MHz band are Novice control operators permitted to transmit emission F3E (FM voice)?
222.1 to 223.91 MHz
220 to 225 MHz
223 to 225 MHz
223.1 to 224.91 MHz
#On what frequencies in the 220 MHz band are Novice control operators permitted to transmit emission A1A (CW)?
222.1 to 223.91 MHz
220 to 225 MHz
223 to 225 MHz
223.1 to 224.91 MHz
#On what frequencies in the 220 MHz band are Novice control operators permitted to operate packet radio?
222.1 to 223.91 MHz
220 to 225 MHz
223 to 225 MHz
223.1 to 224.91 MHz
#On what frequencies in the 1270 MHz band are Novice control operators permitted to transmit emission F3E (FM voice)?
1270 to 1295 MHz
1240 to 1270 MHz
1250 to 1285 MHz
1295 to 1300 MHz
#On what frequencies in the 1270 MHz band are Novice control operators permitted to transmit emission A1A (CW)?
1270 to 1295 MHz
1295 to 1300 MHz
1250 to 1285 MHz
1240 to 1270 MHz
#On what frequencies in the 1270 MHz band are Novice control operators permitted to operate packet radio?
1270 to 1295 MHz
1295 to 1300 MHz
1250 to 1285 MHz
1240 to 1270 MHz
! 5 ; 1 question from the following
#Under what circumstances, if any, may the control operator cause unidentified radiocommunications or signals to be transmitted from an amateur station?
A transmission must be identified under all circumstances
A transmission need not be identified if it is restricted to brief tests not intended for reception by other parties.
A transmission need not be identified when conducted on a clear frequency or "dead band" where interference will not occur
A transmission need not be identified unless two-way communications or third-party traffic handling are involved
#What is the meaning of the term unidentified radiocommunications or signals?
Radiocommunications in which the transmitting station's call sign is not transmitted
Radiocommunications in which the transmitting station's call sign is transmitted in modes other than CW and voice
Radiocommunications approaching a receiving station from an unkown direction
Radiocommunications in which the operator fails to transmit his or her name and QTH
#What is the term for transmissions from an amateur station without the required station identification?
Unidentified transmission
Reluctance modulation
N0N emission
Tactical communication
#Under what circumstances, if any, may the control operator of an amateur station willfully or maliciously interfere with or cause malicious interference to a radiocommunication or signal?
You may never intentionally interfere with another station's transmissions
You may jam another person's transmissions if that person is not operating in a legal manner
You may interfere with another station's signals if that station begins transmitting on a frequency already occupied by your station
You may expect, and cause, deliberate interference because it is unavoidable during crowded band conditions
#What is the meaning of the term malicious interference?
Intentional interference
Accidental interference
Mild interference
Occasional interference
#What is the term for transmissions from an amateur station which are intended by the control operator to disrupt other communications in progress?
Malicious interference
Interrupted CW
Transponded signals
Unidentified transmissions
#Under what circumstances, if any, may the control operator cause false or deceptive signals or communications to be transmitted?
Under no circumstances
When operating a beacon transmittede in a "fox hunt" exercise
When playing a harmless "practical joke" without causing interference to other stations that are involved
When you need to obscure the meaning of transmitted information to ensure secrecy
#What is the term for a transmission from an amateur station of the word mayday when no actual emergency has occurred?
False or deceptive signals
A traditional greeting in May
An Emergency Action System test transmission
"MAYDAY" has no significance in an emergency situation
#Under what circumstances, if any, may an amateur station be used to transmit messages for hire?
Under no circumstances may an Amateur Radio station be hired to transmit messages
Modest payment from a non-profit charitable organization is permissible
No money may change hands, but a radio amateur may be compensated for services rendered with gifts of equipment or services rendered as a returned favor
All payments received in return for transmitting messages by Amateur Radio must be reported to the IRS
#Under what circumstances, if any, may the control operator be paid to transmit messages from an amateur station?
The control operator may be paid if he or she works for an Amateur Radio Station that operates primarily to broadcast telegraphy practice and news bulletins for Radio Amateurs
The control operator may not be paid under any circumstances
The control operator may be paid if he or she works for a public service agency such as the Red Cross
The control operator may be paid if he or she reports all income earned from operating an Amateur Radio Station to the IRS as receipt of tax-deductible contributions
! 6 ; 1 question from the following
#What are the five principles which express the fundamental purpose for which the Amateur Radio Service rules are designed?
Recognition of emergency communications, advancement of the radio art, improvement of communication and technical skills, increase in the number of trained radio operators and electronics experts, and the enhancement of international good will
Recognition of business communications, advancement of the radio art, improvement of communication and business skills, increase in the number of trained radio operators and electronics experts, and the enhancement of international good will
Recognition of emergency communications, preservation of the earliest radio techniques, improvement of communication and technical skills, maintain a pool of people familiar with early tube-type equipment, and the enhancement of international good will
Recognition of emergency communications, advancement of the radio art, improvement of communication and technical skills, increase in the number of trained radio operators and electronics experts, and the enhancement of a sense of patriotism and nationalism
#Call signs of amateur stations licensed to Novices are from which call sign group?
#What are the call sign prefixes for amateur stations licensed by the FCC?
The letters A, K, N or W only
The letters A, B, C or D only
The letters W or K only
The letters A or U only
#What determines the number in an amateur station call sign?
The station location address given on an applicant's FCC Form 610 determines what call sign district number appears on an applicant's first radio amateur license.
Call sign district numbers are assigned in such a way as to have approximately equal numbers of radio amateurs in each district
Call sign district numbers are assigned in numberical order. When all of the "1-calls" are assigned, the FCC begins issuing "2-calls", and so on
Radio amateurs may request specific call sign district numbers for ease in Morse code reception of their calls
#With which amateur stations may an FCC-licensed amateur station communicate?
All amateur stations, unless prohibited by the amateur's government
All amateur stations
All public noncommercial radio stations unless prohibited by the station's government
Only with US amateur stations
#With which non-amateur radio stations may an FCC-licensed amateur station communicate?
Only those authorized by the FCC
No non-amateur stations
All such stations
Only those who use the International Morse code
#Under what circumstances may an FCC-licensed amateur station communicate with another amateur station in a foreign country?
At any time unless prohibited by either the US or foreign government
Only when a third party agreement exists between the US and the foreign country
All the time, except on 28.600 to 29.700 MHz
Only when the foreign country uses English as its primary language
#Under what circumstances (other than RACES operation) may an FCC-licensed amateur station communicate with a non-amateur station?
Only when the FCC grants authorization for such communications
Only on permissible frequencies
Only on 28.600 to 29.700 MHz
#What is the term used in FCC Rules to describe transmitting signals to receiving apparatus while in beacon or radio control operation?
One-way transmissions
Duplex transmissions
Multiplex transmissions
Signal path transmissions
! 7 ; 1 question from the following
#How often must an amateur station be identified?
At least every ten minutes during a contact and at the end of the contact
At least once during each transmission
At the beginning of the contact and at least every ten minutes during a contact
Every 15 minutes during a contact and at the end of the contact
#If you were an amateur operator, how would you correctly identify your amateur station communications?
With the call sign of the station licensee in all cases
With the call of the control operator, even when he/she is visiting another radio amateur's station
With the name and location of the control operator
With the name and location of the station licensee, followed by the two-letter designation of the nearest FCC Field Office
#What station identification, if any, is required at the beginning of a QSO?
No identification is required at the beginning of the contact
The operator originating the contact must transmit both call signs
Both operators must transmit their own call signs
Both operators must transmit both call signs
#What station identification, if any, is required at the end of a QSO?
Both operators must transmit their own call sign
No identification is required at the end of the contact
The operator originating the contact must always transmit both call signs
Both operators must transmit their own call sign followed by a two-letter designator for the nearest FCC field office
#What do the FCC Rules for amateur station identification require?
Each Amateur Radio station shall give its call sign at the end of each communication, and every ten minutes or less during a communication
Each Amateur Radio station shall give its call sign at the beginning of each communication, and every ten minutes or less during a communication
Each Amateur Radio station shall give its call sign at the beginning of each communication, and every five minutes or less during a communication
Each Amateur Radio station shall give its call sign at the end of each communication, and every five minutes or less during a communication
#What is the fewest number of times an amateur station must transmit its station identification during a 15 minute QSO?
#What is the fewest number of times an amateur station must transmit its station identification during a 25 minute QSO?
#What is the fewest number of times an amateur station must transmit its station identification during a 35 minute QSO?
#What is the longest period of time during a QSO that an amateur station does not need to transmit its station identification?
10 minutes
20 minutes
5 minutes
15 minutes
#What is the fewest number of times an amateur station must identify itself during a 5 minute QSO?
! 8 ; 1 question from the following
#What amount of transmitting power may an amateur station use?
The minimum legal power necessary to maintain reliable communications
200 watts input
200 watts output
1500 watts PEP output
#What is the maximum transmitting power ever permitted to be used at an amateur station transmitting on frequencies available to Novice control operators?
200 watts PEP output on the 80, 40 and 15-meter bands
100 watts PEP output on the 80, 40 and 15-meter bands
75 watts PEP output on the 80, 40 and 15-meter bands
1500 watts PEP output on the 80, 40 and 15-meter bands
#What is the amount of transmitting power that an amateur station must never exceed when transmitting on 3725 kHz?
200 watts PEP output
100 watts PEP output
75 watts PEP output
1500 watts PEP output
#What is the amount of transmitting power that an amateur station must never exceed when transmitting on 7125 kHz?
200 watts PEP output
100 watts PEP output
75 watts PEP output
1500 watts PEP output
#What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur station with a Novice control operator transmitting on the amateur 10-meter band?
200 watts PEP output
25 watts PEP output
1000 watts PEP output
1500 watts PEP output
#What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur station with a Novice control operator transmitting on the amateur 220 MHz band?
25 watts PEP output
200 watts PEP output
5 watts PEP output
10 watts PEP output
#What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur station with a Novice control operator transmitting on the amateur 1270 MHz band?
5 watts PEP output
1 watt PEP output
5 milliwatts PEP output
500 milliwatts PEP output
#What amount of transmitting power may an amateur station with a Novice control operator use on the amateur 220 MHz band?
The minimum legal power necessary to maintain reliable communications
Not less than 5 watts PEP output
Not more than 50 watts PEP output
Not more than 200 watts PEP output
#If you were an amateur operator and you received an Official Notice of Violation from the FCC, how promptly must you respond?
Within 10 days
Within 90 days
Within 30 days
The next day
#If you were an amateur operator and you received an Official Notice of Violation from the FCC, to whom must you respond?
The FCC office that originated the notice
Any office of the FCC
The Gettysburg, PA office of the FCC
The Washington, DC office of the FCC
#If you were an amateur operator and you received an Official Notice of Violation from the FCC relating to a violation that may be due to the physical or electrical characteristic of your transmitting apparatus, what information must be included in your response?
The steps taken to prevent future violations
The date that the apparatus was returned to the manufacturer
The steps taken to guarantee future violations
The make and model of the apparatus
#Who is held responsible for the proper operation of an amateur station?
Both the control operator and the licensee
The control operator
The licensee
The person who owns the property where the station is located
#When must an amateur station have a control operator?
Whenever the transmitter is operated, except when the station is under automatic control
A control operator is only required for training purposes
Whenever the station receiver is operated
A control operator is not required
#Who may be the control operator of an amateur station?
Any licensed Amateur Radio operator
Any person over 21 years of age
Any licensed Amateur Radio operator with an Advanced class license or higher
Any person over 21 years of age with a General class license or higher
! 9 ; 1 question from the following
#What does the term "digital communications" refer to?
Amateur communications that are designed to be received and printed automatically
Amateur communications sent in binary-coded decimal format
A "hands-on" communications system requiring manual control
A computer-controlled communications system, requiring no operator control
#What term is used to describe amateur communications intended to be received and printed automatically?
Digital communications
Teleport communications
Direct communications
Third-party communications
#What term is used to describe amateur communications for the direct transfer of information between computers?
Digital communications
Teleport communications
Direct communications
Third-party communications
#When must the licensee of an Amateur Radio station in portable or mobile operation notify the FCC of such operation?
FCC notification is not required for portable or mobile operation
1 week in advance, if the operation will last for more than 24 hours
1 week in advance, if the operation will last for more than a week
1 month in advance of any portable or mobile operation
#When may you operate your Amateur Radio station at a location other than the one listed on your station license?
Whenever you want to
Only during times of emergency
Only after giving proper notice to the FCC
During an emergency or an FCC approved emergency preparedness drill
;Subelement 2B-Operating Procedures (2 questions)
! 10 ; 1 question from the following
#What does the S in the RST signal report mean?
The strength of the signal
The scintillation of a signal
The signal quality
The speed of the CW transmission
#What does the R in the RST signal report mean?
The readability of the signal
The resonance of the CW tone
The recovery of the signal
The rate of signal flutter
#What does the T in the RST signal report mean?
The tone of the signal
The closeness of the signal to "telephone" quality
The timing of the signal dot to dash ratio
The tempo of the signal
#At what telegraphy speed should a CQ message be transmitted?
The speed at which you can reliably receive
Only speeds below five wpm
The highest speed your keyer will operate
The highest speed at which you can control the keyer
#What is the meaning of the term zero beat?
Transmission and reception on the same operating frequency
Transmission on a predetermined frequency
Used only for satellite reception
Unimportant for CW operations
#Why should amateur radio stations in communication with each other zero beat?
Conservation of radio spectrum space
Reduction of interference caused by heterodyning carriers
Conservation of radio frequency power output
Facillation of synchronous demodulation of A1A emissions
#How can on-the-air transmitter tune-up be kept as short as possible?
By tuning the transmitter into a dummy load
By using a random wire antenna
By tuning up on 40 meters first, then switching to the desired band
By using twin lead instead of coaxial-cable feed lines
#What is the difference between the telegraphy abbreviations CQ and QRZ?
CQ means "calling any station"; QRZ means "who is calling me?"
CQ means "end of contact"; QRZ means "my time zone is . . ."
CQ means "calling any station"; QRZ means "is this frequency in use?"
CQ means "call on each quarter hour"; QRZ means "my radio zone is . . ."
#What is the difference between the telegraphy abbreviations K and SK?
K means "any station transmit"; SK means "end of contact"
K means "all received correctly"; SK means "received some correctly"
K means "end of message"; SK means "best regards"
K means "specific station transmit"; SK means "wait"
#What are the meanings of telegraphy abbreviations DE, AR, and QRS?
DE means "from", or "this is"; AR means "end of message"; QRS means "send more slowly"
DE means "received all correctly"; AR means "only the called station transmit"; QRS means "interference from static"
DE means "calling any station"; AR means "received all correctly"; QRS means "send RST report"
DE means "directional emissions"; AR means "best regards"; QRS means "radio station location is . . ."
#What is the format of a standard radiotelephone CQ call?
Transmit the phrase "CQ" three times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign three times
Transmit the phrase "CQ" at least ten times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign two times
Transmit the phrase "CQ" at least five times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign once
Transmit the phrase "CQ" at least ten times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign once
#How is the call sign "KA3BGQ" stated in Standard International Phonetics?
Kilo Alfa Three Bravo Golf Quebec
King America Three Baker Golf Queen
Kilowatt Alfa Three Bravo George Queen
Kilo America Three Baker Golf Quebec
#How is the call sign "WB2OSQ" stated in Standard International Phonetics?
Whiskey Bravo Two Oscar Sierra Quebec
Whiskey Baker Two Oscar Sierra Queen
Willie Baker Two Ontario Sugar Quebec
Washington Bravo Two Oscar Sugar Queen
#How is the call sign "ON4UN" stated in Standard International Phonetics?
Oscar November Four Uniform November
Ontario Nancy Four Uncle Nancy
Ocean Norway Four Uniform Norway
Oscar Anancy Four Unicorn Nancy
#How is the call sign "WB1EYI" stated in Standard International Phonetics?
Whiskey Bravo One Echo Yankee India
Whiskey Baker One Echo Yankee Ida
Willie Baker One Echo Yankee India
Washington Baltimore One Easy Yellow Ida
! 11 ; 1 question from the following
#What is the format of a standard RTTY CQ call?
Transmit the phrase "CQ" three to six times, followed by "DE", followed by your call sign three times
Transmit the phrase "CQ" at least ten times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign two times
Transmit the phrase "CQ" at least five times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign once
Transmit the phrase "CQ" at least ten times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign once
#What are three common sending speeds for RTTY signals on the 10-meter band?
#What is the commonly used RTTY sending speed above 50 MHz?
1200 bauds
60 bauds
100 bauds
9600 bauds
#What is one common use for a RTTY mailbox?
Storing messages from one amateur for later retrieval by another amateur
To leave a message with an amateur equipment dealer, ordering a new radio
To establish a QSO with another amateur RTTY station, and then to move off frequency
To leave messages that will be mailed to another person the next day
#What is the term used to describe an automatic RTTY system used to store messages from amateurs for later retrieval by other amateurs?
A RTTY mailbox
A message delivery system
An automatic teleprinting system
A digipeater
#What do the letters "TNC" stand for?
Terminal-Node Controller
Tucson Network Controller
Terminal Network Contact
Tactical-Number Controller
#What does the term "connected" mean in a packet-radio link?
The transmitting station is sending data specifically addressed to the receiving station, and the receiving station is acknowledging that the data has been received correctly
A telephone link has been established between two amateur stations
An Amateur Radio message has reached a station for local delivery
A transmitting and receiving station are using a certain digipeater, so no other contacts can take place until they are finished
#What does the term "monitoring" mean on a frequency used for packet radio?
The receiving station is displaying information that may not be addressed to that station, and is not acknowledging correct receipt of the data
The FCC is copying all messages, to determine their content
A member of the Amateur Auxiliary to the FCC's Field Operations Bureau is copying all messages to determine their content
The receiving station's video monitor is displaying all messages intended for that station
#What is a digipeater?
A packet-radio station used to retransmit data specifically addressed to be retransmitted by that station
An Amateur Radio repeater designed to retransmit all audio signals in a digital form
An Amateur Radio repeater designed using only digital electronics components
A packet-radio station that retransmits any signals it receives
#What is the meaning of the term "network" in packet radio?
A method of interconnecting packet-radio stations so that data can be transferred over long distances
A system of telephone lines interconnecting packet-radio stations to transfer data
The interlaced wiring on a terminal-node controller board
The terminal-node controller function that automatically rejects another caller when the station is connected
#What is the term used to describe a packet-radio station used to retransmit data specifically addressed to be retransmitted by that station?
A digipeater
A RTTY mailbox
A network-node controller
An autopatch
#What is the term used to describe a method of interconnecting packet-radio stations so that data can be transferred over long distances?
#What sending speed is commonly used for packet-radio transmissions on the 220 MHz band?
1200 bauds
45 bauds
12,000 bauds
110 bauds
#What is a good way to establish a contact on a repeater?
Call the desired station and then identify your own station
Give the call sign of the station you want to contact 3 times
Call the other operator by name, then give your call sign 3 times
Say, "Breaker breaker", and then give your call sign
#What is the main purpose of a repeater?
Repeaters extend the operating range of portable and mobile stations
To provide a station that makes local information available 24 hours a day
To provide a means of linking Amateur Radio stations with the telephone system
To retransmit NOAA weather information during severe storm warnings
#Why is there an "input" and an "output" frequency to describe the operating frequency of any repeater?
The repeater receives on one frequency and transmits on another
All repeaters offer a choice of two operating frequencies, in case one is busy
One frequency is used to control repeater functions and the other frequency is the one used to retransmit received signals
Repeaters require an access code to be transmitted on one frequency while your voice is transmitted on the other
#When should simplex operation be used instead of a repeater?
Whenever a contact is possible without using a repeater
Whenever greater communications reliability is needed
Whenever you need someone to make an emergency telephone call
Whenever you are traveling and need some local information
#What is an "autopatch"?
A device that allows repeater users to make telephone calls from their portable or mobile stations
A repeater feature that automatically selects the strongest received signal to be repeated
An automatic system of connecting a mobile station to the next repeater as it moves out of range of the first
A system that automatically locks other stations out of the repeater when there is a QSO in progress
#What is the term used to describe a device that allows repeater users to make telephone calls from their portable or mobile stations?
An autopatch
A amateur phone controller
A terminal node controller
A phone patch
;Subelement 2C
! 12 ; 1 questions from the following
#What type of propagation uses radio signals refracted back to earth by the ionosphere?
Ground wave
#What is the meaning of the term "skip propagation"?
Signals refracted by the ionosphere
Signals reflected from the moon
Signals refracted by water-dense cloud formations
Signals retransmitted by a repeater
#What is the area of weak signals between the ranges of ground waves and the first-hop called?
The skip zone
The hysteresis zone
The monitor zone
The transequatorial zone
#What is the meaning of the term "skip zone"?
An area that is too far for ground-wave propagation, but too close for ground-wave
The area in the atmosphere that causes skip propagation
An area covered by skip propagation
The area where a satellite comes close to the earth, and skips off the ionosphere
#What does the term "skip" mean?
Signals are refracted by the ionosphere
Signals are reflected from the moon
Signals are refracted by water-dense cloud formations
Signals are retransmitted by repeaters
#What type of radio wave propagation makes it possible for amateur stations to communicate long distances?
Skip propagation
Direct-inductive propagation
Knife-edge diffraction
Ground-wave propagation
#What type of propagation involves radio signals that travel along the surface of the Earth?
Ground-wave propagation
Sky-wave propagation
Knife-edge diffraction
E-layer propagation
#What is the meaning of the term "ground wave propagation"?
Signals that travel along the surface of the earth
Signals that travel along seismic fault lines
Signals that are radiated from a ground-plane antenna
Signals that are radiated from a ground station to a satellite
#Daytime communication on 3.725 MHz is probably via what kind of propagation when the "stations" are located a few miles apart but separated by a low hill blocking their line-of-sight path?
Ground wave
Tropospheric ducting
Meteor scatter
Sporadic E
#When compared to skip propagation, what is the usual effective range of ground wave propagation?
Much smaller
Much greater
The same
Dependent of the weather
! 13 ; 1 question from the following
#Why can a VHF or UHF radio signal that is transmitted toward a mountain often be received at some distant point in a different direction?
These radio signals are easily reflected by objects in their path
You can never tell what direction a radio wave is travelling in
These radio signals are easily bent by the ionosphere
These radio signals are sometimes scattered in the ectosphere
#Why can the direction that a VHF or UHF radio signal is travelling be changed if there is a tall building in the way?
These radio signals are easily reflected by objects in their path
You can never tell what direction a radio wave is travelling in
These radio signals are easily bent by the ionosphere
These radio signals are sometimes scattered in the ectosphere
#What type of antenna polarization is normally used for communications on the 40-meter band?
Horizontal polarization
Vertical polarization
Electrical polarization
Left-hand circular polarization
#What type of antenna polarization is normally used for communications on the 80-meter band?
Horizontal polarization
Vertical polarization
Right-hand circular polarization
Magnetic polarization
#What type of antenna polarization is normally used for communications on the 15-meter band?
Horizontal polarization
Electrical polarization
Right-hand circular polarization
Left-hand circular polarization
#What type of antenna polarization is normally used for repeater communications on the 220 MHz band?
Vertical polarization
Horizontal polarization
Magnetic polarization
Left-hand circular polarization
#What type of antenna polarization is normally used for repeater communications on the 1270 MHz band?
Vertical polarization
Enhanced polarization
Right-hand circular polarization
Left-hand circular polarization
;Subelement 2D
! 14 ; 1 question from the following
#How can an amateur station be protected against being operated by unauthorized persons?
Install a key-operated "ON/OFF" switch in the main power line
Install a carrier-operated relay in the main power line
Post a "Danger -- High Voltage" sign in the station
Install ac line fuses in the main power line
#Why should all antenna and rotor cables be grounded when an amateur station is not in use?
To protect the station and building from damage due to a neaby lightning strike
To lock the antenna system in one position
To avoid radio frequency interference
To save electricity
#How can an antenna system be protected from damage due to a nearby lightning strike?
Ground all antennas when they are not in use
Install a balun at the antenna feed point
Install an RF choke in the feed line
Install a line fuse in the antenna wire
#How can amateur station equipment be protected from damage due to lightning striking the electrical wiring in the building?
Disconnect all equipment after use, either by unplugging or by using a main disconnect switch
Use heavy insulation on the wiring
Keep the equipment on constantly
Disconnect the ground system
#For proper protection from lightning strikes, what pieces of equipment should be grounded in an amateur station?
All station equipment
The power supply primary
The feed line center conductors
The ac power mains
#What is a convenient indoor grounding point for an amateur station?
A metallic cold water pipe
PVC plumbing
A window screen
A natural gas pipe
#To protect against electrical shock hazards, to what should the chassis of each piece of equipment in an amateur station be connected?
A good ground connection
Insulated shock mounts
The antenna
A circuit breaker
#When climbing an antenna tower, what type of safety equipment should be worn?
A safety belt
Grounding chain
A reflective vest
Long pants
#For safety purposes, how high should all portions of a horizontal wire antenna be located?
High enough so that a person cannot touch them from the ground
Higher than the chest level
Above knee level
Above electrical lines
#While assisting another person working on an antenna tower, what type of safety equipment should a person on the ground wear?
A hard hat
A reflective vest
A safety belt
A grounding chain
! 15 ; 1 question from the following
#What is a likely indication that radio frequency interference to a receiver is caused by front-end overload?
The interference is independent of frequency
A low pass filter at the transmitter reduces interference sharply
A high pass filter at the receiver reduces interference little or not at all
Grounding the receiver makes the problem worse
#What is likely the problem when radio frequency interference occurs to a receiver regardless of frequency, while an amateur station is transmitting?
Receiver overload
Inadequate transmitter harmonic suppression
Receiver VR tube discharge
Incorrect antenna length
#What type of filter should be installed on a TV receiver tuner as the first step in preventing overload from an amateur station transmission?
High pass
Low pass
Band pass
#What is meant by "receiver overload"?
Interference caused by strong signals from a nearby transmitter
Interference caused by transmitter harmonics
Interference caused by overcrowded band conditions
Interference caused by turning the receiver volume too high
#What is mean by "harmonic radiation"?
Transmission of signals at whole number multiples of the fundamental (desired) frequency
Transmission of signals that include a superimposed 60-Hz hum
Transmission of signals caused by sympathetic vibrations from a nearby transmitter
Transmission of signals to produce a stimulated emission in the air to enhance skip propagation
#Why is harmonic radiation by an amateur station undesirable?
It will cause interference to other stations and may result in out-of-band signal radiation
It uses large amounts of electric power
It will cause sympathetic vibrations in nearby transmitters
It will produce stimulated emission in the air above the transmitter, thus causing aurora
#What type of interference may radiate from a multi-band antenna connected to an improperly tuned transmitter?
Harmonic radiation
Auroral distortion
Parasitic excitation
#What is the purpose of shielding in a transmitter?
It prevents unwanted RF radiation
It gives the low pass filter structural stability
It enhances the microphonic tendencies of radio-telephone transmitters
It helps maintain a sufficiently high operating temperature in circuit components
#What is the likely problem when interference is observed on only one or two channels of a TV receiver while an amateur station is transmitting?
Harmonic radiation
Excessive low-pass filtering
Sporadic E de-ionization
Receiver front-end overload
#What type of filter should be installed on an amateur transmitter as the first step in reducing harmonic radiation?
Low pass filter
Key click filter
High pass filter
CW filter
! 16 ; 1 question from the following
#Why should the impedance of a transmitter final-amplifier circuit match the impedance of the antenna or feed line?
To obtain maximum power transfer to the antenna
To prevent sympathetic vibrations in nearby radio equipment
To help maintain a sufficiently high operating temperature in circuit components
To create a maximum number of standing waves on the feed line
#What is the term for the measurement of the impedance match between a transmitter final-amplifier circuit and the antenna or feed line?
Standing wave ratio
Voltage flyback ratio
Impedance sine ratio
Current over-feed ratio
#What accessory is used to measure RF power being reflected back down the feed line from the antenna to the transmitter?
An SWR meter
RF tuner
Field strength meter
#What accessory is often used to measure voltage standing wave ratio?
SWR bridge
Ohm meter
Current bridge
#Where should a standing wave ratio bridge be connected to indicate the impedance match of a transmitter and an antenna?
Between the transmitter and matchbox
Between the antenna and matchbox
Between the key and transmitter
Between the mike and transmitter
#Coaxial feed lines should be operated with what kind of standing wave ratio?
As low as possible
As high as possible
Standing wave ratio is not important
Standing wave ratios cannot be measured in a coaxial cable
#If the standing wave ratio bridge reading is higher at 3700 kHz than at 3750 kHz, what does this indicate about the antenna?
Too short for optimal operation at 3700 kHz
Too long for optimal operation at 3700 kHz
Good only for 37-meter operation
#If the standing wave ratio bridge reading is lower at 3700 kHz than at 3750 kHz, what does this indicate about the antenna?
Too long for optimal operation at 3750 kHz
Good only for 37-meter operation
Too short for optimal operation at 3750 kHz
#What kind of standing wave ratio bridge reading may indicate poor electrical contact between parts of an antenna system?
An erratic reading
An unusually low reading
No reading at all
A negative reading
#High standing wave ratio bridge readings measured from a half-wave dipole antenna being fed by coaxial cable can be lowered by doing what to the antenna?
Change the electrical length of the antenna
Reduce the diameter of the antenna's radiating element
Connect a short jumper wire across the antenna's center insulator
Use a feed line having less loss per foot
! 17 ; 1 question from the following
#What precautions should you take when working with 1270 MHz waveguide?
Never look into the open end of a waveguide when RF is applied
Make sure that the RF leakage filters are installed at both ends of the waveguide
Minimize the standing-wave ratio before you test the waveguide
Never have both ends of the waveguide open at once when RF is applied
#What precautions should you take when you mount a VHF or UHF antenna in a permanent location?
Make sure that no one can be near the antenna when you are transmitting
Make sure that the RF shield sreens are in place
Make sure that the antenna is near the ground to maximize directional effect
Make sure you connect an RF leakage filter at the antenna feed point
#What precautions should you take before removing the shielding on a VHF or UHF power amplifier?
Make sure the amplifier cannot be accidentally energized
Make sure all RF screens are in place at the antenna
Make sure the feed line is properly grounded
Make sure that the RF leakage filters are connected
#Why should you use only good-quality, well-constructed coaxial cable and connectors for a VHF or UHF antenna system?
To minimize RF leakage
To reduce parasitic oscillations
To maximize the directional characteristics of your antenna
To maximize the standing-wave ratio of the antenna system
#Why should you be careful to position the antenna of your 220 MHz hand-held transceiver away from your head when you are transmitting?
To minimize RF exposure
To take advantage of the directional effect
To use your body to reflect the signal, improving the directional characteristics of the antenna
To minimize static discharges
#How can you minimize RF exposure when you are operating your 220 MHz hand-held transceiver?
Position the antenna away from your head
Position the antenna near the ground
Use a shielded RF screen around your antenna
Use a special short "stubby duck" antenna
#Why should you be careful to position the antenna of your 1270 MHz hand-held transceiver away from your head when you are transmitting?
To minimize RF exposure
To take advantage of the directional effect
To use your body to reflect the signal, improving the directional characteristics of the antenna
To minimize static discharges
#How can you minimize RF exposure when you are operating your 1270 MHz hand-held transceiver?
Position the antenna away from your head
Position the antenna near the ground
Use a shielded RF screen around your antenna
Use a special short "stubby duck" antenna
#How can you minimize RF leakage from your VHF or UHF antenna system?
Use only good-quality, well-constructed coaxial cable and connectors
Use open-wire line for antenna feed line
Use special shielded ac line cords with all your equipment
Use an RF leakage filter on the antenna feed line
#Why should you make sure your VHF or UHF amplifier cannot be energized before you open the amplifier enclosure?
To minimize RF exposure and prevent electric shock
To minimize static discharge when you open the enclosure
To minimize the effects of hand capacitance
To prevent exposure to Cerenkov radiation from the amplifier
#Why should you never look into a VHF or UHF waveguide when RF is applied?
Because exposure to VHF or UHF RF energy can be harmful to your eyes
Because the fluorescent coating inside the waveguide gets very bright
Because the waveguide might not be properly grounded
Because the Cerenkov Effect may scatter RF energy
#Why should you be sure that your transmitter cannot be energized before you work on your VHF or UHF antennas?
Because exposure to VHF or UHF RF energy can be harmful
Because operating the transmitter when the antennas are disconnected might harm the transmitter
Because if the transmitter is operated while you are touching the antenna, the radiated energy might be out of an amateur band
Because accidental operation might blow a fuse
;Subelement 2E
! 18 ; 1 question from the following
#Electrons will flow in a copper wire when its two ends are connected to the poles of what kind of source?
Electromotive or voltage
#The pressure in a water pipe is comparable to what force in an electrical circuit?
#What are the two polarities of a voltage?
Positive and negative
Right-hand and left-hand
Forward and reverse
Clockwise and counter clockwise
;Check this one!
#What type of current changes direction over and over again in a cyclical manner?
Alternative current
Direct current
Negative current
Positive current
#What is a type of electrical current called that does not periodically reverse direction?
Direct current
Alternating current
Periodic current
Positive current
#List at least four good electrical insulating materials.
Glass, air, plastic, porcelain
Glass, wood, copper, porcelain
Paper, glass, air, aluminum
Plastic, rubber, wood, carbon
#List at least three good electrical conductors.
Gold, silver, aluminum
Copper, gold, mica
Gold, silver, wood
Copper, aluminum, paper
#What is the term for the lowest voltage that will cause a current in an insulator?
Breakdown voltage
Avalanche voltage
Plate voltage
Zener voltage
! 19 ; 1 question from the following
#What is the term for a failure in an electrical circuit that causes excessively high current?
Short circuit
Open circuit
Dead circuit
Closed circuit
#What is the term for an electrical circuit in which there can be no current flow?
An open circuit
A closed circuit
A short circuit
A hyper circuit
#What is consumed when a voltage is applied to a circuit causing an electrical current to flow?
#What is the approximate length, in meters, of a radio wave having a frequency of 3.725 MHz?
80 meters
160 meters
40 meters
30 meters
#What is the relationship between frequency and wavelength?
As frequency increases, wavelength decreases
As frequency increases, wavelength increases
Frequency and wavelength are not related
As frequency decreases, wavelength decreases
#What is the approximate length, in meters, of a radio wave having a frequency of 21.120 MHz?
15 meters
80 meters
40 meters
10 meters
! 20 ; 1 question from the following
#What is the difference between radio frequencies and audio frequencies?
Audio frequencies are those below 20,000 Hz and radio frequencies are those above 20,000 Hz
Audio frequencies are those below 50,000 Hz and radio frequencies are those above 50,000 Hz
Audio frequencies are those below 10,000 Hz and radio frequencies are those above 10,000 Hz
Audio frequencies are those above 20,000 Hz and radio frequencies are those below 20,000 Hz
#What type of frequency is 3,500,000 Hertz?
A radio frequency
An audio frequency
A microwave frequency
An intermediate frequency
#Radio frequencies are those above what frequency?
20,000 Hz
20 Hz
2000 Hz
2,000,000 Hz
#What type of frequency is 350 Hertz?
An audio frequency
A microwave frequency
An intermediate frequency
A radio frequency
#Audio frequencies are those below what frequency?
20,000 Hz
10 Hz
20 Hz
10,000 Hz
#What type of frequency is 3,500 Hertz?
Audio frequency
Radio frequency
Super-high frequency
#What is the unit of electromotive force?
#What is the unit of electrical current?
#What is the unit of electrical power?
! 21 ; 1 question from the following
#What is a "Hertz"?
A unit of measure of frequency
A unit of measure of current
A unit of measure of capacitance
A unit of measure of power
#What is another popular term for "Hertz"?
Cycles per second
Frequency per wavelength
Wavelength per cycle
Meters per frequency
#A frequency of 40,000 Hertz is equal to how many kilohertz?
#A current of 20 millionths of an ampere is equal to how many microamperes?
#A current of 2000 milliamperes is equivalent to how many amperes?
2 A
0.002 A
0.2 A
2000 A
#What do the prefixes "mega" and "centi" mean?
1,000,000 and 0.01
0.001 and 0.01
1,000,000 and 100
0.001 and 100
#What do the prefixes "micro" and "pico" mean?
0.000,001 and 0.000,000,000,001
1,000,000 and 1,000
1,000,000 and 1,000,000,000
0.000,001 and 0.001
#Your receiver dial is calibrated in megahertz and shows a signal at 1200 MHz. At what frequency would a dial calibrated in gigahertz show the signal?
1.2 GHz
12 GHz
120 GHz
1200 GHz
#Your receiver dial is calibrated in gigahertz and shows a signal at 1.27 GHz. At what frequency would a dial calibrated in megahertz show the signal?
1270 MHz
1.27 MHz
12.7 MHz
127 MHz
#Your receiver dial is calibrated in megahertz and shows a signal at 223.9 MHz. At what frequency would a dial calibrated in kilohertz show the signal?
223,900 kHz
0.223 kHz
2239 kHz
22,390 kHz
;Subelement 2F
! 22 ; 1 question from the following
#What is the general relationship between the thickness of a quartz crystal and its fundamental operating frequency?
Thinner crystals oscillate at higher frequencies
The thickness of a crystal does not affect operating frequency
Thinner crystals oscillate at lower frequencies
Thicker crystals oscillate at higher frequencies
#What is the schematic symbol for a quartz crystal?
note: prefer resistor above was a NPN transistor
#What chief advantage does a crystal controlled transmitter have over one controlled by a variable frequency oscillator?
The crystal-controlled transmitter has better frequency stability
The crystal-controlled transmitter will not produce key clicks
The crystal-controlled transmitter does not need to be tuned
The crystal-controlled transmitter can operate at higher power output
#What two internal components of a D'Arsonval meter interact to cause the indicating needle to move when current flows through the meter?
A coil of wire and a permanent magnet
A diode and a capacitor
A transformer and a resistor
A dipole and a balun
#What does a voltmeter measure?
! 23 ; 1 question from the following
#Draw the schematic diagram of a triode vacuum tube and label the elements.
Choose this answer if you can draw the triode and label the parts
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
#Draw the schematic symbol for a tetrode vacuum tube and label the elements.
Choose this answer if you can draw the tetrode and label the parts
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
#Draw the schematic symbol for a pentode vacuum tube and label the elements.
Choose this answer if you can draw the pentode and label the parts
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
#What device should be included in electronic equipment to protect it from damage resulting from a short circuit?
#What happens to a fuse when an excessive amount of current flows through it?
The metal conductor inside the fuse melts, the circuit opens, the current stops
The fuse explodes, the circuit is destroyed, the current increases
The fuse glows red or orange, the circuit shorts, the current increases
The fuse melts, the circuit shorts, the current increases
;Subelement 2G
! 24 ; 1 question from the following
#Draw a block diagram representing the stages in a simple crystal-controlled telegraphy transmitter.
Choose this answer if you can draw the block diagram
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
~ \│/
~ ╔═══════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔══════════╗ │ Antenna
~ ║ Xtal ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │
~ ║ ║───────>║ Driver ║───>║ PA ║──>──┘
~ ║ Osc ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
~ ╚═══════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚══════════╝
~ │ ╔═════╗ │
~ └─────║ Key ║────┘
~ ╚═════╝
#What type of transmitter does this block diagram represent?~1
A simple crystal-controlled transmitter
A simple crystal-controlled receiver
A simple sideband transmitter
A VFO controlled transmitter
#Draw a block diagram representing the stages in a simple telegraphy transmitter having a variable frequency oscillator.
Choose this answer if you can draw the block diagram
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
~ \│/
~ ╔═══════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔══════════╗ │ Antenna
~ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ │
~ ║ VFO ║───────>║ Driver ║───>║ PA ║──>──┘
~ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
~ ╚═══════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚══════════╝
~ │ ╔═════╗ │
~ └─────║ Key ║────┘
~ ╚═════╝
#What type of transmitter does this block diagram represent?~2
A simple transmitter having a variable frequency oscillator
A single conversion receiver
A variable frequency oscillator
A crystal-controlled transmitter
#Draw a block diagram representing the stages in a simple superheterodyne receiver capable of receiving A1A telegraphy signals.
Choose this answer if you can draw the block diagram
#What is the unlabeled (?) block in this diagram?~4
Antenna switch
Pi network
Key click filter
#Draw a block diagram representing an amateur station including transmitter, receiver, telegraph key, TR switch, standing wave ratio bridge, antenna tuner and antenna.
Choose this answer if you can draw the block diagram
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
~ \│/ Antenna
~ │
~ ╔═════════════╗
~ ║Antenna tuner║
~ ╚═════════════╝
~ │
~ ╔══════════╗
~ ║SWR Bridge║
~ ╚══════════╝
~ │
~ ╔════════════╗ ╔══════════╗ ╔══════════╗
~ ║ Transmitter║───>║ ? ║──────>║ Receiver ║
~ ╚════════════╝ ╚══════════╝ ╚══════════╝
~ │
~ ╔══════╗
~ ║ KEY ║
~ ╚══════╝
#What is the unlabeled (?) block in this diagram?~5
TR switch
Variable frequency oscillator
Linear amplifier
! 25 ; 1 question from the following:
#In an Amateur Radio station designed for radio-telephone operation, what station accessory will you need to go with your transmitter?
#What is the unlabeled block (?) in this block diagram of a radiotelephone station ?~6
A microphone
A splatter filter
A terminal voice controller
A receiver audio filter
#In an Amateur Radio station designed for radioteletype operation, what station accessories will you need to go with your transmitter?
A modem and a teleprinter or computer system
A computer, a printer and a RTTY refresh unit
A terminal-node controller
A modem, a monitor and a DTMF key pad
#Draw a block diagram showing how the parts of a radioteletype station connect. Include at least a modem, transceiver, computer system or teleprinter, feed line and antenna.
Choose this answer if you can draw the block diagram
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
#In a packet-radio station, what device connects between the radio transceiver and the computer terminal?
A terminal-node controller
An RS-232 interface
A terminal refresh unit
A tactical network control system
~ \│/ Antenna
~ │
~ ╔═════════╗ ╔═══════════╗ ╔═══════════╗ │ Feed line
~ ║ Computer║───>║ ? ║───>║Transceiver║───┘
~ ║ System ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
~ ╚═════════╝ ╚═══════════╝ ╚═══════════╝
#What is the unlabeled block (?) in this diagram of a packet-radio station ?~7
A terminal-node controller
An RS-232 interface
A terminal refresh unit
A tactical network control system
#Where does a terminal-node controller connect in an amateur packet-radio station?
Between the computer or terminal and the radio
Between the antenna and the radio
Between the computer and the monitor
Between the keyboard and the computer
;Subelement 2H
! 26 ; 1 question from the following
#Which type of emission is an "interrupted carrier wave"?
#What does the term "backwave" mean?
A small amount of RF that a CW transmitter produces even when the key is not closed
A radio wave reflected from the ionosphere back to the sending station
Radio waves reflected back down the feed line from a mismatched antenna
The reflected power in a feed line
#What is a possible cause of "backwave"?
Poor neutralization
Low voltage
Excessive RF drive
Mismatched antenna
#What does the term "key click" mean?
An excessively square CW keyed waveform
The mechanical noise caused by a straight key
An excessively fast CW signal
The sound of a CW signal being copied on an AM receiver
#How can key clicks be eliminated?
By using a key-click filter
By carefully adjusting your antenna matching network
By increasing power to the maximum allowable level
By using a power supply with better regulation
#What does the term "chirp" mean?
A slight shift in oscillator frequency each time a CW transmitter is keyed
A distortion in the receiver audio circuits
A high-pitched audio tone transmitted with a CW signal
A slow change in transmitter frequency as the circuit warms up
#What can be done to a telegraph transmitter power supply to avoid chirp?
Regulate the power supply output voltages
Resonate the power supply filters
Use a buffer amplifier between the transmitter output and the feed line
Cause the power-supply output current to vary with the load
#What is a common cause of superimposed hum?
A defective filter capacitor in the power supply
Using a nonresonant random-wire antenna
Sympathetic vibrations from a nearby transmitter
Improper neutralization of the transmitter output stage
#28.160 MHz is the 4th harmonic of what fundamental frequncy?
7.040 MHz
112.64 MHz
7.160 MHz
1.760 MHz
#What problem in a transmitter power amplifier stage may cause spurious emissions?
Improper neutralization
Excessively fast keying speed
Tank circuit current dip at resonance
#What emission designator describes the use of frequency shift keying to transmit radioteletype messages?
#What keying method is used to transmit F1B radioteletype messages?
#What may happen to body tissues that are exposed to large amounts of RF energy?
The tissue may be damaged because of the heat produced
The tissue may suddenly be frozen
The tissue may be immediately destroyed because of the Maxwell effect
The tissue may become less resistant to cosmic radiation
#What precaution should you take before working near a high-gain UHF or microwave antenna (such as a parabolic, or dish antenna)?
Be certain the transmitter cannot be operated
Be certain the antenna is FCC type approved
Be certain the antenna and transmitter are properly grounded
Be certain the antenna safety interlocks are in place
#How should the antenna on a hand-held transceiver be positioned while you are transmitting?
Away from your head and away from others standing nearby, to minimize RF exposure
As close to your body as possible, to take advantage of the directional effect
Close to the ground, since a hand-held transceiver has no ground connection
As close to a vertical position as possible, to minimize corona effect
#Why should you always locate your antennas so that no one can come in contact with them while you are transmitting?
To prevent RF burns and excessive exposure to RF energy
To prevent damage to the antennas
To comply with FCC regulations concerning antenna height
To prevent unexpected changes in your standing-wave ratio
#What is a good way to prevent RF burns and excessive exposure to RF from your antenna?
Always locate your antennas so that no one can come in contact with them while you are transmitting
Shield your antenna with a grounded RF screen
Make sure you use plenty of radial wires in your antenna installation
Use burn-proof wire for your antenna feed line
#What type of interference will you cause if you operate your SSB transmitter with the microphone gain adjusted too high?
You may cause splatter interference to other stations on nearby frequencies
You may cause digital interference to computer equipment in your neighborhood
You may cause atmospheric interference in the air around your antenna
You may cause processor interference to the microprocessor in your rig
#What may happen if you adjust the microphone gain or deviation control on your FM transmitter too high?
You may cause interference to other stations on nearby frequencies
You may cause digital interference to computer equipment in your neighborhood
You may cause atmospheric interference in the air around your antenna
You may cause processor interference to the microprocessor in your rig
#If you are using an excessive amount of speech processing with your SSB transmitter, what type of interference are you likely to cause?
You may cause splatter interference to other stations on nearby frequencies
You may cause digital interference to computer equipment in your neighborhood
You may cause atmospheric interference in the air around your antenna
You may cause processor interference to the microprocessor in your rig
#If you are operating SSB voice and another operator tells you that you are causing "splatter", what might be the cause of the interference?
You may have your transmitter microphone gain control set too high
Your rig may be switching from transmit to receive too quickly
Your rig may have a defective modulator transistor
You may have your transmitter splatter control set incorrectly
#If you are operating FM voice and another operator tells you that your signal is "too wide" and that you are causing interference to other stations on nearby frequencies, what might be the cause of the interference?
You may have your transmitter deviation control or microphone gain control set too high
The spectral width control on your transmitter may be set incorrectly
Your microphone may be defective
You may need to use an amplified "power microphone"
;Subelement 2I
! 28 ; 1 question from the following
#What is the approximate length of a half-wave dipole antenna for 3725 kHz?
126 ft
81 ft
63 ft
40 ft
#What is the approximate length of a half-wave dipole antenna for 7125 kHz?
66 ft
84 ft
42 ft
33 ft
#What is the approximate length of a half-wave dipole antenna for 21,125 kHz?
22 ft
44 ft
28 ft
14 ft
#What is the approximate length of a half-wave dipole antenna for 28,150 kHz?
17 ft
22 ft
11 ft
34 ft
#How is the approximate length of a half-wave dipole antenna calculated?
By substituting the desired operating frequency for f in the formula: 468 / f (MHz)
By substituting the desired operating frequency for f in the formula: 150 / f (MHz)
By substituting the desired operating frequency for f in the formula: 234 / f (MHz)
By substituting the desired operating frequency for f in the formula: 300 / f (MHz)
#What is the approximate length of a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to resonate at 3725 kHz?
63 ft
20 ft
32 ft
40 ft
#What is the approximate length of a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to resonate at 7125 kHz?
33 ft
11 ft
16 ft
21 ft
#What is the approximate length in feet of a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to resonate at 21,125 kHz?
11 ft
7 ft
14 ft
22 ft
#What is the approximate length of a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to resonate at 28,150 kHz?
8 ft
5 ft
11 ft
16 ft
#When a vertical antenna is lengthened, what happens to its resonant frequency?
It decreases
It increases
It stays the same
It doubles
! 29 ; 1 question from the following
#What is the approximate length (in inches) of a 5/8-wavelength vertical antenna for the 220 MHz band?
28-1/2 inches
19-1/2 inches
22 inches
36 inches
#Why do many amateurs use a 5/8-wavelength vertical antenna rather than a 1/4-wavelength vertical antenna for their VHF or UHF mobile stations?
A 5/8-wavelength antenna has more gain than a 1/4-wavelength antenna
A 5/8-wavelength antenna can handle more power than a 1/4-wavelength antenna
A 5/8-wavelength antenna exhibits less corona loss than an 1/4-wavelength antenna
A 5/8-wavelength antenna looks more like a CB antenna, so it does not attract as much attention as a 1/4-wavelength antenna
#What is a "coaxial cable"?
A center conductor encased in insulating material which is covered by a conducting sleeve or shield, and encased in a weatherproof jacket
Two parallel conductors encased along the edges of a flat plastic ribbon
Two parallel conductors held at a fixed distance from each other by insulating rods
Two conductors twisted around each other in a double spiral
#What kind of antenna feed line is constructed of a center conductor encased in insulation which is then covered by an outer conducting shield and weatherproof jacket?
Coaxial cable
Twin lead
Open-wire feed line
#What are some advantages in using coaxial cable as an antenna feed line?
It is weatherproof, and it has a characteristic impedance in the range of most common amateur antennas
It is easy to make at home, and it has a characteristic impedance in the range of most common amateur antennas
It can be operated at a higher SWR than twin lead, and it is weatherproof
It is unaffected by nearby metallic objects, and has a characteristic impedance that is higher than twin lead
#What commonly-available antenna feed line can be buried directly in the ground for some distance without adverse effects?
Coaxial cable
Twin lead
Parallel conductor
Twisted pair
#When an antenna feed line must be located near grounded metal objects, which commonly-available feed line should be used?
Coaxial cable
Twisted pair
Twin lead
! 30 ; 1 question from the following
#What is parallel conductor feed line?
Two parallel conductors held a uniform distance apart by insulating material
Two conductors twisted around each other in a double spiral
A conductor encased in insulating material which is then covered by a conducting shield and a weatherproof jacket
A metallic pipe whose diameter is equal to or slightly greater than the wavelength of the signal being carried
#How can "TV-type twin lead" be used as a feed line?
By installing an impedance-matching network between the transmitter and feed line
By carefully running the feed line parallel to a metal post to ensure self resonance
TV-type twin lead cannot be used in an Amateur Radio station
By using a high-power amplifier and installing a power attenuator between the transmitter and feed line
#What are some advantages in using a parallel conductor feed line?
It will operate at higher SWR than coaxial cable and it has less loss than coaxial cable
It has a lower characteristic impedance than coaxial cable, and will operate at a higher SWR than coaxial cable
It will operate at a higher SWR than coaxial cable, and it is unaffected by nearby metal objects
It has a lower characteristic impedance than coaxial cable, and has less loss than coaxial cable
#What are some disadvantages in using a parallel conductor feed line?
It is affected by nearby metallic objects, and it has a characteristic impedance that is too high for direct connection to most amateur transmitters
It is more difficult to make at home than coaxial cable and it cannot be operated at a high SWR
It is affected by nearby metallic objects, and it cannot handle the power output of a typical amateur transmitter
It has a characteristic impedance that is too high for direct connection to most amateur transmitters, and it will operate at a high SWR
#What kind of antenna feed line is constructed of two conductors maintained a uniform distance apart by insulated spreaders?
Ladder-line open-conductor line
Coaxial cable
Twin lead in a plastic ribbon
Twisted pair
#What type of radiation pattern is produced by a 5/8-wavelength vertical antenna?
A pattern with the transmitted signal spread out equally in all directions
A pattern with more of the transmitted signal concentrated in one direction than in other directions
A pattern with most of the transmitted signal concentrated in two opposite directions
A pattern with most of the transmitted signal concentrated at high radiation angles
#What type of radiation pattern is produced by a Yagi anetnna?
A pattern with more of the transmitted signal concentrated in one direction than in other directions
A pattern with the transmitted signal spread out equally in all directions
A pattern with most of the transmitted signal concentrated in two opposite directions
A pattern with most of the transmitted signal concentrated at high radiation angles
~ Figure 2I-6 │A
~ │B │
~ │C │ │
~ │ │ │
~ ├────┼──────│
~ │ │\ │
~ │ │ \ │
~ │ | │
~ | │
~ |
~ Feed line
#On the Yagi antenna shown in Figure 2I-6, what is the name of section B?~8
Driven element
#On the Yagi antenna shown in Figure 2I-6, what is the name of section C?~8
Driven element
#On the Yagi antenna shown in Figure 2I-6, what is the name of section A?~8
Driven element
#Approximately how long (in wavelengths) is the driven element of the Yagi antenna?