HAM Radio 3
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FCC General Exam Question Pool. Subelement 3BB.
Operating Procedures. 3 Questions.
3B 1.4 C
What is meant by the term FLATTOPPING in
an emission J3E transmission?
A. Signal distortion caused by insufficient collector current.
B. The transmitter's automatic level control
is properly adjusted.
C. Signal distortion caused by excessive drive.
D. The transmitter's carrier is properly suppressed.
3B 1.5 B
How should the audio gain control be adjusted on
an emission J3E transmitter?
A. For full deflection of the ALC meter on modulation peaks.
B. For slight movement of the ALC meter on modulation peaks.
C. For 100% frequency deviation on modulation peaks.
D. For a dip in plate current.
3B 2.1 B
In what segment of the 20 meter band do most emission F1B
transmissions take place?
A. Between 14.000 and 14.050 MHz.
B. Between 14.075 and 14.100 MHz.
C. Between 14.150 and 14.225 MHz.
D. Between 14.275 and 14.350 MHz.
3B 2.2 A
In what segment of the 80 meter band do most emission F1B
transmissions take place?
A. 3.610 to 3.630 MHz.
B. 3500 to 3525 kHz.
C. 3700 to 3750 kHz.
D. 3.775 to 3.825 MHz.
3B 2.3 C
What is meant by the term BAUDOT?
A. Baudot is a 7 bit code, with start, stop and parity bits.
B. Baudot is a 7 bit code in which each character has
four mark and three space bits.
C. Baudot is a 5 bit code, with additional start and stop bits.
D. Baudot is a 6 bit code, with additional start, stop and
parity bits.
3B 2.4 A
What is meant by the term ASCII?
A. ASCII is a 7 bit code, with additional start, stop and
parity bits.
B. ASCII is a 7 bit code in which each character has
four mark and three space bits.
C. ASCII is a 5 bit code, with additional start and stop bits.
D. ASCII is a 5 bit code in which each character has three
mark and two space bits.
3B 2.6 B
What is the most common frequency shift for emission F1B
transmissions in the Amateur HF bands?
A. 85 Hz.
B. 170 Hz.
C. 425 Hz.
D. 850 Hz.
3B 2.10 C
What are the two subset modes of AMTOR?
A. A Mark of 2125 Hz. and a Space of 2295 Hz.
B. Baudot and ASCII.
C. ARQ and FEC.
D. USB and LSB.
3B 2.11 D
What is the meaning of the term ARQ?
A. Automatic Repeater Queue.
B. Automatic Receiver Quieting.
C. Automatically Resend Quickly.
D. Automatic Repeat Request.
3B 2.12 B
What is the meaning of the term FEC?
A. Frame Error Check.
B. Forward Error Correction.
C. Frequency Envelope Control.
D. Frequency Encoded Connection.
3B 3.8 A
What is meant by a BANDPLAN?
A. An outline adopted by Amateur Radio operators for
operating within a specific portion of radio spectrum.
B. An arrangement for deviating from FCC Rules and Regulations.
C. A schedule for operating devised by the
Federal Communications Commission.
D. A plan devised for a club on how best to use
to use a band during a contest.
3B 3.12 A
What is the usual Input/Output frequency separation for
a 10 meter station in repeater operation?
A. 100 kHz.
B. 600 kHz.
C. 1.6 MHz.
D. 170 Hz.
3B 4.1 A
A. Circuitry that causes the transmitter to turn on
automatically when the operator speaks into the microphone.
B. Circuitry that shifts the frequency of the
transmitter when the operator switches from
radiotelegraphy to radiotelephony.
C. Circuitry that activates the receiver
incremental tuning in a transceiver.
D. Circuitry that isolates the microphone
from the ambient noise level.
3B 4.2 B
What is the common name for the circuit that causes a
transmitter to automatically transmit when a person
speakes into the microphone?
3B 5.1 D
What is meant by the term FULL BREAK-IN TELEGRAPHY?
A. A system of radiotelegraph communication in which the
breaking station sends the Morse Code symbol BK.
B A system of radiotelegraph communication
in which only automatic keyers can be used.
C. A system of radiotelegraph communication in which
the operator must activate the send/receive
switch after completing a transmission.
D. A system of radiotelegraph communication in which
the receiver is sensitive to incoming
signal between transmitted key pulses.
3B 5.2 C
What Q signal is used to indicate
full break-in telegraphy capability?
3B 6.1 B
When selecting an emission A1A transmitting frequency, what
is the minimum frequency separation from a QSO in progress
that should be allowed in order to minimize interference?
A. 5 to 50 Hz.
B. 150 to 500 Hz.
C. Approximately 3 kHz.
D. Approximately 6 kHz.
3B 6.2 B
When selecting an emission J3E transmitting frequency,
what is the minimum frequency separation from a QSO in
progress that should be allowed in order to minimize
A. 150 to 500 Hz between suppressed carriers.
B. Approximately 3 kHz between suppressed carriers.
C. Approximately 6 kHz between suppressed carriers.
D. Approximately 10 kHz between suppressed carriers.
3B 6.3 B
When selecting an F1B RTTY transmitting frequency, what is
the minimum frequency separation from a QSO in progress
that should be allowed in order to minimize interference?
A. Approximately 45 Hz center to center.
B. Approximately 250 to 500 Hz center to center.
C. Approximately 3 kHz center to center.
D. Approximately 6 kHz center to center.
3B 7.1 B
What is an AZIMUTHAL map?
A. A map projection that is always centered on the North Pole.
B. A map projection, centered on a particular location,
that determines the shortest path between
two points on the surface of the earth.
C. A map that shows the angle at which an Amateur satellite
crosses the equator.
D. A map that shows the number of degrees longitude
that an Amateur satellite appears to move westward
at the equator with each orbit.
3B 7.2 A
How can an Azimuthal map be helpful in conducting
international HF radiocommunications?
A. It is used to determine the proper beam heading for the
shortest path to a DX station.
B. It is used to determine the most efficient transmitting
antenna height to conduct the desired communication.
C. It is used to determine the angle at which an Amateur
satellite cross the equator.
D. It is used to determine the Maximum Usable Frequency (muf).
3B 7.3 A
What is the most useful type of map when orienting a
directional antenna toward a station 5,000 miles distant?
A. Azimuthal.
B. Mercator.
C. Polar projection.
D. Topographical.
3B 7.4 C
A directional antenna pointed in the long-path direction
to another station is generally oriented how many degrees
from the short-path heading?
A. 45 degrees.
B. 90 degrees.
C. 180 degrees.
D. 270 degrees.
3B 7.5 C
What is the short-path heading to Antarctica?
A. Approximately 0 degrees.
B. Approximately 90 degrees.
C. Approximately 180 degrees.
D. Approximately 270 degrees.
3B 8.1 C
When permitted, transmissions to Amateur Stations in another
country must be limited to only what type of messages?
A. Messages of any type are permitted.
B. Messages that compete with public
telecommunications services.
C. Messages of a technical nature or remarks of a personal
character of relative unimportance.
D. Such transmissions are never permitted.
3B 8.2 B
In which International Telecommunication Union Region is
the continental United States?
A. Region 1.
B. Region 2.
C. Region 3.
D. Region 4.
3B 8.3 B
In which International Telecommunication Union Region is Alaska?
A. Region 1.
B. Region 2.
C. Region 3.
D. Region 4.
3B 8.4 C
In which International Telecommunication Union Region
is American Samoa?
A. Region 1.
B. Region 2.
C. Region 3.
D. Region 4.
3B 8.5 C
For uniformity in international radiocommunication, what time
measurement standard should Amateur Operators worldwide use?
A. Eastern Standard Time.
B. Uniform Calibrated Time.
C. Universal Coordinated Time.
D. Universal Time Control.
3B 8.6 B
In which International Telecommunication Union Region is Hawii?
A. Region 1.
B. Region 2.
C. Region 3.
D. region 4.
3B 8.7 C
In which International Telecommunication Union Region
is the Commonwealth of Northern Mariannas Islands?
A. Region 1.
B. Region 2.
C. Region 3.
D. Region 4.
3B 8.8 C
In which International Telecommunication Union Region is Guam?
A. Region 1.
B. Region 2.
C. Region 3.
D. Region 4.
3B 8.9 C
In which International Telecommunication Union Region
is Wake Island?
A. Region 1.
B. Region 2.
C. Region 3.
D. region 4.
3B 10.1 A
What is the AMATEUR AUXILLARY to the
FCC's Field Operations Bureau?
A. Amateur Volunteers formally enlisted to monitor
the airwaves for rules violations.
B. Amateur Volunteers who conduct Amateur Radio
licensing examinations.
C. Amateur who conduct frequency coordination for
Amateur VHF repeaters.
D. Amateur who determine height above average terrain
measurements for repeater installations.
3B 10.2 B
What are the objectives of the AMATEUR AUXILLARY
to the FCC's Field Operations Bureau?
A. To enforce Amateur self-regulation
and compliance with the rules.
B. To foster Amateur self-regulation
and compliance with the rules.
C. To promote efficient and orderly
spectrum usage in the repeater subbands.
D. To provide emergency and public safety communications.
End of Subelement 3BB.