HAM Radio 3
Text File
746 lines
2-5-89, 4-5-89.
Includes changes from firmware of 12-30-88.
Alphabetic list of PK-232 Commands and Parameters by mode, with
short descriptions and defaults.
Jeb Boswell, W1YO, 24 Edgewood Park, Springfield, Illinois 62704,
217) 546-5269.
Terminal Commands:
ACRDISP n Terminal/screen/printer width, n = characters.
ALFDISP ON--LF sent to terminal after CR. Received LF ignored.
ALFD OFF--LF not sent.
AMTOR Immediate command to switch to AMTOR ARQ mode standby.
ASCII Immediate command to switch to ASCII RTTY mode.
AWLEN n Data bits per word, PK-232 to terminal.
AW n
BAUDOT Immediate command to switch to Baudot RTTY mode.
BKONDEL ON--<backspace><space><backspace> echoed for delete.
BK OFF--<backslash> echoed for delete.
CALIBRATE Modem calibration routine.
CAL K--toggles PTT line. Q--quits routine.
H--toggles between wide (1200 hertz) and narrow (200).
<SPACE>--toggles between mark (low) and space (high) tones.
D--Alternates between mark and space
at radio baud (HB) rate.
COMMAND n 0 to $7F ASCII character code to enter COMMAND mode from
COM n CONVERSE mode. Default is $03, CTRL-C.
CONVERSE Switch from COMMAND mode to CONVERSE mode, immediate
CONV or K command.
CUSTOM nnnn n = 4 digit hex value. Each bit controls a different function.
CU nnnn
bit 0--0 = display all packets regardless of DCD/Threshold.
1 = discard all packets too weak to light the DCD LED.
(1 is default.)
bit 1--0 = MONITOR set to level 4. (Default)
1 = MONITOR set to level 6.
bit 2--0 = Break does not affect PK-232.
1 = Break puts PK-232 in Command mode. (Default)
bit 3--0 = Packet channels numbered 0-9. (Default)
1 = Packet channels laveled A-J or a-j.
bit 4--0 = Baudot only, no figures before numeral after space.
1 = Figures before numeral after space--USOS match.
(1 is default)
bit 5--0 = Power up in command mode. (Default)
1 = Power up in previous mode.
bit 6--0 = Monitoring disabled in transparent mode. (Default)
1 = Monitoring active in the transparent mode.
Bits 7 to 15 are presently unused.
DAYTIME date&time <yymmddhhmm> See CONSTAMP, DAYSTAMP, MHEARD, and
DAYSTAMP ON--the date is included in CONSTAMP and MSTAMP.
DAYS OFF--date is not included. Default is OFF.
DELETE ON--<DELETE> key to delete while typing. Default is OFF.
DISPLAY (class) (A)sync asynchronous port parameters.
DISP (C)haracter special characters.
(F)AX FAX related parameters.
(I)d ID parameters.
(l)ink link parameters.
(M)onitor monitor paremeters.
(R)TTY Baudot/ASCII RTTY, ASMTOR and Morse parameters.
(T)iming timing parameters.
(Z) display the entire command/parameter list.
ECHO ON--characters from terminal to PK-232 ARE echoed.
E OFF--characters are not echoed. Default is ON.
ESCAPE ON--<ESCAPE>, $1B, is output as '$', $24.
ES OFF--<ESCAPE> is output as <ESCAPE>, $1B.
FAX Immediate command to put PK-232 in FAX Mode.
FLOW ON--stops PK-232 output to terminal. Default is ON.
OFF--PK-232 output to terminal continues.
FULLDUP ON--full duplex radio operations.
FU OFF--full duplex disabled. Default is OFF.
HELP Help list.
HOST ON--computer friendly mode. Default is OFF.
HOST OFF--normal TNC mode. <CTRL-A> O H O N <CTRL-W> cancels.
MORSE Immediate commnad to switch to Morse code mode.
NEWMODE ON--automatic Command Mode on disconnect. Default is ON.
NE OFF--no return to Command Mode on disconnect.
NOMODE ON--PK-232 switches modes explicitly--NEWMODE ignored.
NO OFF--PK-232 follows NEWMODE. Default is OFF.
NUCR ON--Null characters are sent to temrinal after <CR>.
NU OFF--Null characters not sent. Default is OFF.
NULF ON--Null characters are sent to terminal after <LF>.
NUL OFF--Null characters are not sent. Default is OFF.
NULLS n Number of nulls to the terminal send when NUCR or
NULL n NULF are on. Default is 0.
OPMODE Shows current mode of operation and status of PK-232.
PACKET Switches the PK-232 to Packet mode, the default mode
PA at initial turnon.
PARITY n To terminal. 0 = no parity. 1 = odd parity. 2 = no parity.
PAR n 3 = even parity. Transparent mode. See AWLEN.
REDISPLA n 0 - $7F ( 0 - 127 decimal). Re-display current input line.
RED n Default is CTRL-R ($12).
RESET Everything back to "square one". All personalized
RESET parameters and monitor lists are lost. USE RESTART!
RESTART Same as turning PK-232 off, then on. Power down reset.
RESTART Not the same as RESET.
START n 0 - $7F ( 0 - 127 decimal ) character to start output to
STA n terminal after STOP character used. Default is CTRL-Q.
STOP n 0 - $7F ( 0 -127 decimal ) character to stop output to
STO n terminal. START charqcter resumes. Defualt is CTRL-S.
TBAUD n PK-232 to terminal baud rate.
TB n
TCLEAR Clears the transmit buffer, cancels further transmission
TC of data. May not clear all packets.
TIME N 0 - $7f ( 0 - 127 decimal ) character imbedded to send time.
TI n Default is CTRL-T (#14). DAYSTAMP ON also sends date.
TRFLOW ON--software flow control activated for terminal in
TRF Transparent Mode. OFF--only hardware flow control.
Software set by STOP and START. Default is OFF.
XFLOW ON--XON/XOFF terminal software flow control is on.
XF OFF--XON/XOFF software flow control off.
Hardware flow control: START, STOP, XON, XOFF = 0.
Default is ON.
XOFF n 0 - $7F ( 0 - 127 decimal) character to stop input
XO n from terminal. Restart with XON. Default is CTRL-S.
XON n 0 - $7F ( 0 - 127 decimal) character to start input
XON n from terminal. Stop with XOFF. Default is CTRL-Q.
AMTOR Commands:
AAB Answer back text to WRU?, maximum of 17 characters.
AA WRU set on. Also ASCII, Baudot.
ACHG Receiving station command for immediate changeover,
AC "breadk-in". Use care.
ACRTTY n 1 to 255 characters before automatic CR.
ACRR n 0 disables. ( 71 for standard 69 column AMTOR.)
ADELAY n Transmitter keyup delay in 10 msec before data sent.
AD n
ALIST Immediate switch to ARQ Listen mode--Mode L.
AL Repeat AL for synchronization.
ARQ aaaa Starts AMTOR Mode A SELective CALl to a distant station.
AR aaaa (See SELCAL.)
ARQTMO n 0 to 255 seconds to send an ARQ SELCAL befroe shutdown.
CWID n Changes the "cwid send" character. Default is $06, CTRL-F.
CW ON sets feature on. OFF sets feature off. Obsolete.
DCDCONN ON--RS-232 pin 8 follows the state of the CON LED.
DC OFF--pin permanently set high (active). Default.
EAS ON--display as transmitted. (Echo As Sent.)
EAS OFF--display characters as sent to the PK-232. Default.
FEC Immediate command for AMTOR FEC (mode B) transmission.
FE For CQ and satellite calls. See SELCAL, ARQ, RCVE, AMTOR.
LOCK Immediate command for measuring Morse code speed and
L setting letters in Morse and AMTOR.
MYALTCAL aaaa Alternate SELective CALling identification, for 'all ships
MYS aaaa and stations' calls.
MYSELCAL aaaa nnnn = SELective CALling code.
MYS aaaa
NEWMODE ON--automatic Command Mode on disconnect.
NE OFF--no return to Command Mode on disconnect.
NOMODE ON--PK-232 switches modes explicitly--NEWMODE ignored.
NO OFF--PK-232 follows NEWMODE.
RECEIVE n 0 - $7F (1 - 127 decimal). The control character in a file
R n to switch from transmit to receive. Default is CTRL-D ($04).
RFEC ON--Mode B (FEC) signals are displayed in AMTOR standby.
RF OFF--not displayed. Default is ON.
RXREV ON--Received polarity is reversed--mark/space reversal
RXR OFF--not reversed. Default is OFF.
SELFEC aaaa SELective CALling code for specific distant station.
SEL aaaa See MUSELCAL. End SELFEC xmission with CTRL-C and "R"eceive.
SRXALL ON--receive ALL selective transmissions (SELFEC).
SRX OFF--Receive only SELCAL-assressed SELFEC transmissions.
Default is OFF.
TCLEAR Clears the transmit buffer, cancels further transmission
TC of data. May not clear all packets.
TXREV ON--Transmit data polarity is reversed. Mark-space reversal.
TXR OFF--normal. Default is off.
WORDOUT ON--characters held in transmit buffer until space, or
WO punctuation. OFF--characters sent at once. Default is OFF.
WRU Always on in AMTOR.
ASCII Commands:
AAB <17> Answer back text to WRU?, maximum of 17 characters.
AA <17> WRU set on. Also AMTOR, Baudot.
ABAUD n ASCII Baud rate from PK-232 to radio.
AB n 45, 50, 57, 75, 100, 110, 150, 200, 300 bauds available.
ACRTTY n 1 to 255 characters before automatic CR.
ACRR n 0 disables. ( 71 for standard 69 column AMTOR.)
ALFRTTY ON--LF sent after every CR. Default.
ALFR OFF--LF not sent after every CR.
CWID n Changes the "cwid send" character. Default is $06, CTRL-F.
CW ON sets feature on. OFF sets feature off. Obsolete.
DIDDLE ON--sends LTRS in Baudot, NUL (00) ASCII.
DID OFF--no character sent. Default.
EAS ON--display as transmitted. (Echo As Sent.)
EAS OFF--display characters as sent to the PK-232. Default.
NEWMODE ON--automatic Command Mode on disconnect.
NE OFF--no return to Command Mode on disconnect.
NOMODE ON--PK-232 switches modes explicitly--NEWMODE ignored.
NO OFF--PK-232 follows NEWMODE.
RCVE Immediate command to switch from Transmit to Receive in
R Baudot and ASCII RTTY. CTRL-C for command mode.
RECEIVE n 0 - $7F (1 - 127 decimal). The control character in a file
R n to switch from transmit to receive. Default is CTRL-D ($04).
RXREV ON--Received polarity is reversed--mark/space reversal
RXR OFF--not reversed. Default is OFF.
TCLEAR Clears the transmit buffer, cancels further transmission
TC of data. May not clear all packets.
TXREV ON--Transmit data polarity is reversed. Mark-space reversal.
TXR OFF--normal. Default is off.
WIDESHFT ON--RTTY tones shift is 1000 hertz.
WI OFF--200 hertz. Default is OFF.
WORDOUT ON--characters held in transmit buffer until space, or
WO punctuation. OFF--characters sent at once. Default is OFF.
WRU ON--respond to a WRU?
WR OFF--no response to WRU? Default is OFF.
XMIT Immediate command to transmit in Command Mode (CTRL-C for
X Command Mode.)
Baudot Commands:
AAB <17> Answer back text to WRU?, maximum of 17 characters.
AA <17> WRU set on. Also AMTOR, ASCII.
ACRTTY n 1 to 255 characters before automatic CR.
ACRR n 0 disables. ( 71 for standard 69 column AMTOR.)
ALFRTTY ON--LF sent after every CR. Default.
ALFR OFF--LF not sent after every CR.
BITENV n 0 - $1F ( 0 -31 decimal). Exclusive OR for bit inversion
BI n Baudot transmissions. Default is 0, no bit inversion.
CCITT ON--International Alphabet #2. Default.
CC OFF--American Standard Baudot (Western Union).
CODE n Code 0 with CCITT. Default. Code 1: U.S. teleprinter.
COD n Code 2: Cyrillic. Code 3: Transliterated Cyrillic.
Code 4: Katakana. Code 5: Transliterated Katakana.
CRADD ON--line end sequence is <CR CR LF>. (Old standard.)
CRA OFF--sequence is <CR LF>. Default is OFF.
CWID n Changes the "cwid send" character. Default is $06, CTRL-F.
CW n Also, CWID ON sets feature on, CWID OFF sets feature off.
DIDDLE ON--sends LTRS in Baudot, NUL (00) ASCII.
DID OFF--no character sent. Default.
EAS ON--display as transmitted. (Echo As Sent.)
EAS OFF--display characters as sent to the PK-232. Default.
LOCK Immediate command for measuring Morse code speed and
L setting letters in Morse and AMTOR.
NEWMODE ON--automatic Command Mode on disconnect.
NE OFF--no return to Command Mode on disconnect.
NOMODE ON--PK-232 switches modes explicitly--NEWMODE ignored.
NO OFF--PK-232 follows NEWMODE.
RBAUD n On air Baudot baud rate. Default is 45 bauds.
RB 45, 50, 57, 75, 100, 110, 150, 200, 300 bauds.
60, 66, 75, 100, 132, 145, 198, 264, 396 WPM.
RCVE Immediate command to switch from Transmit to Receive in
R Baudot and ASCII RTTY. CTRL-C for command mode.
RECEIVE n 0 - $7F (1 - 127 decimal). The control character in a file
R n to switch from transmit to receive. Default is CTRL-D ($04).
RXREV ON--Received polarity is reversed--mark/space reversal
RXR OFF--not reversed. Default is OFF.
TCLEAR Clears the transmit buffer, cancels further transmission
TC of data. May not clear all packets.
TXREV ON--Transmit data polarity is reversed. Mark-space reversal.
TXR OFF--normal. Default is off.
USOS ON--unshift on space.
USO OFF--no unshift on space. Default is OPP.
WIDESHFT ON--RTTY tones shift is 1000 hertz.
WI OFF--200 hertz. Default is OFF.
WORDOUT ON--characters held in transmit buffer until space, or
WO punctuation. OFF--characters sent at once. Default is OFF.
WRU ON--respond to a WRU?
WR OFF--no response to WRU? Default is OFF.
XMIT Immediate command to transmit in Command Mode (CTRL-C for
X Command Mode.)
FAX commands:
ASPECT n 1 - 6. Default is 2. IOC. Index Of Cooperation.
ASP n 2: Weather charts.
3: Wirephoto.
4: WEFAX Satellite.
FAXNEG ON--reverses picture, negative to positive.
FAXN OFF--positive picture. Default is OFF.
FSPEED n 0 - 4. horizontal scan rate, as follows:
FS n 1: 1 line/second, 60 lines/minute.
2: 2 lines/second, 120 lines/minute.
3: 3 lines/second, 180 lines/minute.
4: 4 lines/second, 240 lines/minute.
0; 1.5 lines/second, 90 lines per minute.
Default is 2.
GRAPHICS n 0 - 6. Horizontal dot density, as follows:
GR n 0 - 480, 1 - 960 (high quality) (default),
2 - 980 (ribbon save), 3 - 1920 (highhest quality),
4 - 640, 5 - 576, 6 - 720.
JUSTIFY n 0 - 15. Shift image to left 1/2 inch per unit.
JU n
LEFTRITE ON--left to right print of picture. Normal.
LE OFF--right to left print. Default is ON.
LOCK Forces synchronization and start of printing.
PRCON ON--Parallel printer connected.
PRC OFF--Parallel printer not connected. Default is OFF.
PRFAX ON--FAX to parallel printer port. Default is ON.
PRF OFF--FAX to RS-232 (terminal) port of PK-232.
PROUT ON--All data, text, keyboard sent to parallel printer
PRO if PRCON is also on. OFF--all to RS-232 (terminal).
Default is OFF.
RCVE Immediate command for receive. Use instead:
R CTRL-D sends FAX stop signal. CTRL-F sends FAX
stop signal plus CW ID.
XMIT Immediate command to transmit FAX.
Morse commands:
EAS ON--display as transmitted. (Echo As Sent.)
EAS OFF--display characters as sent to the PK-232. Default.
LOCK Immediate command for measuring Morse code speed and
L setting letters in Morse and AMTOR.
MSPEED Sets transmit speed, 5 to 99.
MWEIGHT n n = 5 to 15. 10 is default, 1:1 dot/space ratio.
MW n 5 = 0.5:1 ratio. 15 = 1.5:1 ratio.
NEWMODE ON--automatic Command Mode on disconnect.
NE OFF--no return to Command Mode on disconnect.
NOMODE ON--PK-232 switches modes explicitly--NEWMODE ignored.
NO OFF--PK-232 follows NEWMODE.
RECEIVE n 0 - $7F (1 - 127 decimal). The control character in a file
R n to switch from transmit to receive. Default is CTRL-D ($04).
TCLEAR Clears the transmit buffer, cancels further transmission
TC of data. May not clear all packets.
WORDOUT ON--characters held in transmit buffer until space, or
WO punctuation. OFF--characters sent at once. Default is OFF.
XMIT Immediate command to transmit in Command Mode (CTRL-C for
X Command Mode.)
Packet Commands:
8BITCONV ON--does NOT strip high order bit in CONVERSE mode.
8B OFF--Strips high order bit. Default is OFF.
ACRPACK ON--CR, the send packet character, is added to all packets.
ACRP OFF--not added. (Converse mode.) Default is ON.
ALFPACK ON--LF added to each packet after CR.
ALFP OFF--no LF added. Default.
AUDELAY n n = 0 - 120 of 10 msec delay between PTT line clsoed and
AUD n start of audio. Default is 0.
AX25L2V2 ON--Version 2 protocol. Default is ON.
A OFF--Version 1 protocol.
AXDELAY n key-up delay for voice repeaters, 10 msec. 0 - 190.
AXD Default is 0.
AXHANG N 'hang time', 100 msecs. 0 - 20. Default is 0.
BEACON EVERY|AFTER n EVERY--Beacon at regular intervals.
B AFTER--After no activity.
n--10 second intervals, 1 - 250.
BTEXT <120> BEACON text message. Clear with %, &, N, NO, NONE, or OFF.
BT <120> (See PASS.)
CANLINE n n = 0 to $7F ASCII code. CANCEL-LINE input editing
CAN command character. Default is CTRL-X, $18.
CANPAC n n = 0 to $7F ASCII code. CANCEL-PACKET input editing
CANP n command character. Default is CTRL-Y, $19.
CASEDISP n Characters to display. 0 = as is (no change). Default.
CAS n 1 = lower, lower case only. 2 = UPPER, upper case only.
CBELL ON--Three bell characters sent to terminal with "connected
CB to" message. OFF--no bell sent.
CFROM all, none, yes, no--accept or reject requests for connect.
CF Default is ALL. Clear with %, &, or OFF.
CHCALL ON--callsign of distant station displayed in multiple
CHC connection operation. OFF--not displayed. Default is ON.
CHDOUBLE ON--received CHSWITCH characters doubled. See CHSWITCH.
CHD OFF--received CHSWITCH characters not doubled. Default.
CHECK n 1 to 255 is check time in 10 second intervals. Default = 30.
CH 0 disables. Connect timeout. AX25L2V2 dependent.
CHSWITCH n n is an ASCII character, 0 to $29, $40 to $FF, for new.
CHS n connection channel. Default is $00.
CMDTIME n 0 to 255 in 100 msec intervals for timeout in transparent
CM n mode and return to CONVERSE mode. Default is 1 sec.
CMSG ON--CTEXT message sent on connect request.
CMS OFF--CTEXT message not sent. Default is OFF.
CONMODE CONVERS--automatic CONVERSE mode on connect. Default.
CONM TRANS--automatic TRANSPARENT mode on connect.
CONNECT call1 [VIA call2 <,call3,...call9>] call1 is distant station.
C call1... call2 to call9, are digipeaters in path. See RETRY.
CONPERM ON--Disconnected state not allowed on current connection.
CONP OFF--disconnection allowed. Default.
CONSTAMP ON--connect staus messages are time stamped.
CONS OFF--connect status messages are not timestamped. Default.
CPACTIME ON--Packet transmit timer is used in CONVERSE mode.
CP OFF--timer not used. See PACTIME, SENDPAC, ACRPACK.
Default is off.
CSTATUS Immediate command to display the status of all channels.
CTEXT <120> If CMSG is ON, then CTEXT message is sent on connection
CT <120> by another station. 120 characters maximum.
DCDCONN ON--RS-232 pin 8 follows the state of the CON LED.
DC OFF--pin permanently set high (active). Default.
DFROM all, none, yes/no call1 [, call2, ... call9] Digipeater request
DF control. Default is ALL.
DISCONNE Immediate command to disconnect from another station.
DWAIT n Delay to Packet transmitter keydown sequence in
DW n 10 millisecond intervals. Default is 16 (160 msecs).
FRACK n 1 to 15, FRame ACKnowledgement timeout, 1 second intervals.
FR Default is 3.
HBAUD n PK-232 to radio baud rate. 45, 50, 57, 75, 100, 110, 150,
HB n 200, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600. Default is 1200.
HEADERLN ON--header and monitored packet on same line. Default is ON.
HEAD OFF--header and packet text on the same line.
HID ON--PK-232 sends HDLC identification as a digipeater.
HI OFF--does not send HDLC identification. Default is OFF.
ID Sends special identification packet on closing a digipeater
I station down. HID must be ON.
ILFPACK ON--PK-232 ignores all LF's from terminal.
IL OFF--transmits LF's from terminal. Default is OFF.
KI OFF--AX.25 Level 2 TNC. Default is OFF.
MAXFRAME n 1 to 7 limit on unacknowledged packets on a link at
MAX one time. Default is 4. 1 is best for HF.
MBX call1[,call2][-'n'] Monitor station. Call1 and call2 must be
MB in contact for MBX to work.
MCON n Monitor Packet at various levels when connected.
MC n Default is 0.
MDIGI ON--I and UI frames displayed if MYCALL or MYALIAS is
MD next digipeater. OFF--Normal monitoring. Default is OFF.
MFILTER n1[,n2, ... ,n4] Characters to be excluded from monitored packets,
MFI ,,, e.g., CTRL-L, CTRL-Z, etc. Default is $07, $13.
MFROM ALL/NONE or YES/NO call1 ... ,call8. Display ALL/NONE packets, or
MF YES/NO with call list. See MTO. Default is ALL.
MHEARD Immediate command to list stations heard, to a maximum
MH of 18. Disabled by PASSALL ON. Clear with %, & N, No...
MID n n = 0 - 250 is Morse ID timing in 10 second intervals.
MI n 0 disables function.
MONITOR n Monitor level setter, 0 to 6. Page 6-73. Default is 4.
M n
MRPT ON--Digipeaters in header. Default is ON.
MR OFF--Packets from originating and sestination stations only.
MSTAMP ON--monitored frames are time stamped. See DAYSTAMP, HEADERLN.
MS DAYTIME. OFF--frames are not time stamped. Default is OFF.
MTO ALL/NONE or YES/NO call1[,call2 ...,call8] Stop display of packets
MT addressed to all stations = ALL. See MFROM. Default: NONE.
MYALIAS call[-n] Alternate idenity of the PK-232.
MYA ..
MYCALL call[-n] call = station call sign. -n = substation ID (SSID).
MY Must be used for PK-232 to work packet. Defautl is PK-232.
NEWMODE ON--automatic Command Mode on disconnect.
NE OFF--no return to Command Mode on disconnect.
NOMODE ON--PK-232 switches modes explicitly--NEWMODE ignored.
NO OFF--PK-232 follows NEWMODE.
PACLEN n 0 to 255 (zero = 255) for length of the data portion
PACL n of a packet. Default is 128.
PACTIME EVERY|AFTER n 0 - 250 100 millisecond intervals.
PACT EVERY|AFTER n Packetizes input from keyboard EVERY n 100 msec
interval or AFTER n 100 msecs of no keyboard input.
Default is 10 (1000 msecs). Always used in transparent mode,
and with CPACTIME ON in Converse Mode.
PASS n 0 - $07F (0 - 127 decimal) The character used to "pass" the
PAS n next character in Converse mode. See BTEXT and CTEXT.
Devault is $16, CTRL-V.
PASSALL ON--PK-232 aceepts packets with bad CRC"s.
PASSA OFF--PK-232 accepts packets with valid CRC's only. Default.
PERSIST n 1 - 254 threshold value for a random number attempt to
PE n transmit. 0 is 1/256th chance every SLOTTIME, 255 is
transmit right away. Default is 127.
PPERSIST ON--The pk-232 uses PERSIST and SLOTTIME parameters in
PP executing p-persistant CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Accesss).
OFF--PK-232 uses DWAIT for TAPR-type 1-persistent CSMA.
Default is OFF.
RELINK ON--automastically tries to relink after time-out on retries.
REL OFF--No relink after failed attempt. Default is OFF.
RESPTIME N 0 - 250 delay of 100 milliseconds before sending
RES n acknowledgemenat packets. Default 10. Prevents collisions.
RETRY n 0 - 15 = Number of frame transmission retries before
RE n disconnect. Default is 10.
SENDPAC n 0 -$7F ( 0 -127 decimal), the caharacter used to force
SE n a packet to be sent in converse mode. Default is CTRL-M ($0D)
SLOTTIME n 0 - 250 10 millisecond intervals between random number
SL n transmit attempts. Default is 1.
SQUELCH ON--positive squelch. Stops doubling with voice on Packet
SQ channel. OFF--megative sqyelch.
TCLEAR Clears the transmit buffer, cancels further transmission
TC of data. May not clear all packets.
TRACE ON--trace function on--headers displayed.
TRAC OFF--trace off. Default is OFF.
TRANS Immediate command to switch to Transparent Mode.
T Transparent mode for binary file transfer.
TRIES n 0 - 15 number of retries on given input channel.
TRI n See RETRY. Also PACLEN and MAXFRAME. Default is 0.
TXDELAY n 0 - 120 10 milliseconds interval after keying PTT line.
TXD n Default is 30 (300 milliseconds).
TXFLOW ON--terminal software flow control activated in Transparent
TXF mode. OFF--no software terminal control. Default is OFF.
UNPROTO call1[ VIA call2[, call3,,, call9]] Call1 goes to "TO" field.
U ... If no call then "CQ".
USERS n 0 - 10 simultaneous incoming connections.
US n Default is 1.
VHF ON--Packet tones are shifted 1000 hz for VHF.
V OFF--200 hz shift. HBAUD at 300. Default is ON.
WHYNOT ON--reason why packet not displayed.
WHY OFF--no reason displayed.
XMITOK ON--PTT line active.
XMITO OFF-transmit (PTT) disabled. Default is ON.
SIAM (Signal Identification and Acquistion Mode) commands.
OK analysis values.
SIGNAL Starts analysis.
End of file.