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- December 1, 1992
- It is the policy of the Department of Commerce (DOC) to
- comply fully with all federal statutes and directives on
- information technology (IT) security and to provide
- protection commensurate with the sensitivity of the systems
- or data processed.
- Protection requirements for each of the individual IT
- systems within the Department will vary according to the
- unique characteristics of the system, environmental
- concerns, data sensitivity and mission related criticality
- of the system or data. Appropriate levels of security must
- be determined by an evaluation of the threats,
- vulnerabilities and risk factors associated with each
- system. Cost-effective controls that are adequate to
- achieve an acceptable level of risk for the individual
- system must then be implemented.
- The DOC "Information Technology Accreditation Policy" issued
- on July 6, 1992 established the requirement for
- accreditation of all unclassified sensitive and classified
- national security IT systems. Accreditation is the
- authorization and approval, granted to a sensitive or
- classified IT system to process, as an acceptable risk, in
- an operational environment. Accreditation is made on the
- basis of recommendations from a technical certification
- evaluation that the IT system meets all applicable federal
- and DOC policies, regulations, and standards and that all
- installed security safeguards appear to be adequate and
- appropriate for the sensitivity of the system; that they are
- operating correctly; or, that the system must be operated
- under certain specified conditions or constraints.
- The technical certification evaluation results are the basis
- for the system owner's certification statement in the
- accreditation request.
- The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on
- appropriate procedures to follow in performing the technical
- certification evaluations of all sensitive and classified
- national security systems within the Department.
- The DOC issued a "Methodology for Certifying Sensitive
- Computer Applications" in March 1987. The process described
- in that document was required for any new DOC applications
- or any modification of existing applications that handle
- sensitive information. It is especially suited for large
- complicated applications, for applications which are in-
- house developed or involve extensive modifications to
- customize for Commerce use, applications with very high
- sensitivity such as major financial applications which
- process high dollar amounts or are subject to fraud or
- abuse, or for new applications without existing security
- documentation. This original certification methodology
- should be used for systems meeting the above criteria.
- That methodology has proved to be far too complex for many
- of the Department's systems. The methodology described in
- this document is an abbreviated form of this process,
- developed to address existing sensitive systems with
- extensive documentation already available. It is intended
- to handle smaller systems and applications such as those
- associated with personal computers (PCs) or those systems
- with only a few users, and turn-key or commercial systems
- which were procured against a detailed set of security
- specifications. This abbreviated methodology stresses the
- use of existing documentation wherever possible. It can be
- used for completing the technical certification evaluation
- requirements for both application systems and general
- support systems. The term "system" used in this document is
- intended to mean either of the following, as appropriate:
- 1. Application Systems - Systems that perform clearly
- defined functions for which there are readily
- identifiable security considerations and needs. Such a
- system might actually comprise many individual
- application programs and hardware, software, and
- telecommunications components. They can be either a
- major software application or a combination of
- hardware/software where the only purpose of the system
- is to support a specific mission related function. The
- system may process multiple individual applications, if
- all are related to a single mission function.
- 2. General Support Systems - These consist of hardware and
- software that provide general automated data processing
- or network support for a variety of users and
- applications. Individual applications may be less
- easily distinguishable than in the previous category,
- but such applications may contain sensitive
- information, or be critical to the mission
- accomplishment of the organization. Even if none of
- the individual applications are sensitive, the support
- system itself may be considered sensitive if the
- aggregate of applications and support provided are
- critical to the mission of the operating unit.
- Certification is based on a technical evaluation of a
- sensitive system to see how well it meets its security
- requirements, including all applicable federal policies,
- regulations, and standards. The results of tests should
- demonstrate that the installed security safeguards are
- adequate and appropriate for the system. The certification
- process is the final step leading to accreditation of the
- system. Sensitive systems will be recertified and
- reaccredited when substantial changes are made to the
- system, when changes in requirements result in the need to
- process data of a higher sensitivity, after the occurrence
- of a serious security violation which raises questions about
- the validity of an earlier certification, and in all cases
- no less frequently than three years after a previous
- certification.
- Certification evaluations are conducted by the organization
- that owns the system. The certification team should get
- input from all who have involvement with the system,
- including:
- IT security staff,
- system owner staff,
- computer program development staff, if the application
- was developed in-house, and
- the computer operations staff, if the application is
- run on a computer managed by a separate organization.
- users
- Representatives from as many of these organizations as
- possible should be included on the Certification Review
- Team.
- The certification methodology described in this document
- consists of the following steps, which will be described
- more fully in the rest of this document:
- Step 1. Assemble a team
- Step 2. Collect existing documents
- Step 3. Describe the system and its sensitivity
- Step 4. Identify protection requirements and
- vulnerabilities
- Step 5. Identify security features needed
- Step 6. Test the adequacy of controls
- Step 7. Evaluate test results
- Step 8. Certify the system
- Worksheet forms to document each step in the certification
- process are provided in Appendix A.
- Definitions
- Certification is a technical evaluation of a sensitive
- system to see how well it meets necessary security
- requirements, such as appropriate federal policies,
- regulations, and standards.
- The Certifying Official is a senior manager in the
- organization which owns the system. The system owner is the
- organization which has functional responsibility for the
- system. The Certifying Official should be a manager who was
- responsible for having the system developed or the
- functional area that the system supports, who has a need for
- the results produced by the system, and can allocate
- resources to correct deficiencies in the security controls
- for the system.
- The Certification Review Team will collect the information
- needed for the certification process, identify
- vulnerabilities, develop a list of needed security features,
- develop tests of the adequacy of the features, and evaluate
- the test results.
- Security features are controls that protect against the
- identified vulnerabilities, such as fire and water alarms,
- passwords and other access protection, use of removable
- media for data storage, data validation controls, audit
- trails, uninterruptable power sources to protect against
- electrical outages, personnel screening, IT security
- awareness training of users, etc.
- A sensitive system is one that requires some degree of
- protection for confidentiality, integrity or availability.
- This includes data whose improper use or disclosure could
- adversely affect the ability of an agency to accomplish its
- mission, proprietary data, records about individuals
- requiring protection under the privacy Act, and data not
- releasable under the Freedom of Information Act. If the
- system is required for accomplishment of an agency mission
- it need not contain any sensitive data.
- Test scenarios are descriptions of the tests to be performed
- to check the effectiveness of the security features
- incorporated into the system. They may include validation
- of password constraints such as length and composition of
- the password, entry of erroneous data to check data
- validation controls, review of audit information produced by
- the system, review of contingency plans and risk analyses,
- etc.
- Vulnerabilities are ways in which the system may be attacked
- or may fail. They include susceptibility to physical
- dangers such as fire or water, unauthorized access to
- sensitive data, entry of erroneous data, denial of timely
- service, fraud, etc.
- Methodology Approach
- Step 1 - Assemble a team: The first step in the abbreviated
- process is to assemble a team to gather the information and
- documentation needed to assess and demonstrate the adequacy
- of security measures used. The team should include
- representatives of IT security, application owners, software
- development, computer systems, and users. For very small
- systems the users, software programming staff, and computer
- systems staffs may be the same. The IT security staff
- provides an outside viewpoint to ensure that the best IT
- security practices are used in protecting sensitive systems.
- Where computer system staff, software programmers, and users
- are in separate organizations, it is important that all
- points of view are represented in the process, to ensure
- that user expectations of protection needs are addressed,
- and that software and computer system constraints are
- understood.
- Step 2 - Collect existing documents needed for the
- certification evaluation: These documents include, but are
- not limited to:
- 1. system specifications and documentation
- 2. system security plan
- 3. risk analysis
- 4. contingency and disaster recovery plans
- 5. staff records on personnel and the IT Security
- Officer identification, training and position
- sensitivity levels
- 6. Internal Control Reviews, security reviews, etc.,
- if existing
- Step 3 - Identify and describe the system to be certified
- and describe why it is sensitive: It is necessary to have a
- written description of the purpose of the system, the
- hardware and software environment on which the system is
- operated, and a description of the sensitivity of the
- system, including any special applicable laws and
- regulations. This information is readily available in the
- Sensitive System Security Plan for the system being
- certified. If the certification is for a software
- application system that will be used by others, the hardware
- description should address the hardware needed to operate
- the system, but the certification should focus on the
- software application program. Complete the blank sections
- of Sensitive System Certification Worksheet 1, System
- Description and attach a copy of the approved Sensitive
- System Security Plan for the system being evaluated. The
- Worksheet identifies the section numbers in the security
- plan where detailed information can be obtained for review.
- Step 4 - Identify protection requirements and
- vulnerabilities: Review the description of the protection
- requirements for the system under the headings
- confidentiality, integrity, and availability in Section
- II.B. of the Sensitive System
- Security Plan. Enter the levels of protection required
- (high, medium, low) in the blanks provided on Worksheet 1.
- Identify vulnerabilities for the system related to these
- protection requirements. Most vulnerabilities will be
- addressed in the existing documents collected in Step 2.
- All sensitive systems should have a completed risk analysis.
- The risk analysis will identify vulnerabilities and their
- consequences, such as unauthorized disclosure of
- information, loss of data or other resources, denial of
- service, decisions based on erroneous information, etc.
- System documentation is another source of information about
- the vulnerabilities. The security plan for the system being
- evaluated contains information about specific
- vulnerabilities and control measures addressed. The team
- should also review any existing Internal Control, Inspector
- General (IG) or security review reports on the system, for
- additional information on system vulnerabilities. In
- addition to the documentation, the team may need to
- interview managers in the user organization to ascertain
- their concerns about the sensitivity of the system and the
- level of protection required.
- Complete the Sensitive System Certification Worksheet 2:
- Identified Vulnerabilities by listing the identified
- vulnerabilities.
- Step 5 - Identify security features needed: The team next
- needs to review existing documents to identify the controls
- in place to address the vulnerabilities identified above.
- The risk analysis, security plans, and system documentation
- reviewed for vulnerabilities also contain information on
- controls used to reduce those vulnerabilities. System
- specifications, if they still exist, will also provide
- information on the controls designed into the system. The
- team will also need to review the contingency and disaster
- recovery plans for the system. The team should interview
- the IT System Security Officer to review installation IT
- security procedures. Staff training records will show the
- level of IT security training given to application and
- computer installation staff. Staff records should also show
- the sensitivity designation of staff positions and any
- personnel investigations, required and conducted, for staff
- in the affected positions. Complete the Sensitive System
- Certification Worksheet 3: Security Features.
- Step 6 - Test adequacy of controls: Once vulnerabilities
- and controls have been identified, the team should
- selectively check the adequacy of the controls. Some live
- tests may be needed to ensure that documented controls
- actually work. Other controls may be reviewed through other
- means. Previous system reviews and system acceptance tests
- may contain records of tests previously performed. It is
- not necessary to repeat these tests, if the system has not
- changed since they were done. The review of vulnerabilities
- and controls should identify any areas not adequately
- addressed. Sensitive System Certification Worksheet 4:
- Security Tests is used to list the tests to be performed.
- Use Sensitive System Certification Worksheet 5: Security
- Test Results to record the results of the tests.
- Step 7 - Evaluate the test results: Once all tests are
- completed, a summary of the evaluation of the tests should
- be prepared. The team should then prepare recommendations
- about certification. Sensitive System Certification
- Worksheet 6: Evaluation and Recommendations is used to
- record the evaluation of test results and the team's
- recommendation. The recommendation section should be signed
- by all members of the team and dated.
- If the tests results indicate that all protection
- requirements have been met, the team can recommend
- certification with no further action required.
- The Certification Review Team may determine from the
- test results that the protection requirements were not
- met for the system. In that case, the evaluation
- discussion of test results should explain the
- inadequacy of the controls in place.
- The team may alternatively certify that the basic
- protection requirements have been met, but recommend
- additional features be required. This latter form of
- certification is appropriate for certifying a software
- application system which must have certain operating
- system or hardware features in place for approved
- operation. This may also be used in recommending
- interim accreditation pending installation of some
- additional control not currently available.
- Step 8 - Certification: The official Certification document
- is signed by a senior management official in the system
- owning organization. A sample certification document is
- attached as Appendix B.
- There may be situations when the need for a system is such
- that it must be put into operation before a full
- certification is possible. In this case, the Certifying
- Official can provisionally certify the system for operation,
- possibly with some restrictions, pending specific actions to
- be completed in a predefined time frame. This interim
- certification cannot exceed one year. These actions should
- also be included as milestones in the security plan for the
- system. The certification process must be flexible enough
- that it accommodates the need for operational efficiency as
- well as adequate protection of the system.
- This Appendix contains a set of six worksheets to assist with
- documenting the certification evaluation of the system. Each
- worksheet is preceded by a set of instructions and definitions
- which will provide guidance for completing the evaluation and the
- worksheet.
- Much of the information requested on Worksheet 1 is contained in
- the Security Plan for the system. To avoid having to rewrite
- this information and have a ready reference to the needed
- information, attach a copy of the Security Plan behind Worksheet
- 1. Each worksheet contains blank lines, where information must
- be entered. This step is important to avoid confusion with other
- system certification evaluation documentation.
- System Name/Title is the name of the system used in the Security
- Plan for a sensitive system (Section I.B of the Security Plan).
- To avoid confusion with other certification evaluation
- documentation this should be written on all worksheets.
- System ID is the unique six digit system identification number
- assigned for each sensitive system in the Department. Again, to
- avoid confusion with other certification evaluation documentation
- this should be written on all worksheets.
- System Owner is the name of the contact person in the owning
- organization who is knowledgeable about the system and protection
- requirements. It may be the person listed as Information Contact
- (Section I.G) in the Security Plan. Provide full address and
- phone number, including area code, for the owner.
- Developer is the name of the person who is responsible for
- developing the software. If this is a commercial application,
- put the name of the organization in this space. If there is no
- developer or the developer's name is unknown, put "none" in this
- space.
- General Description/Purpose is a description of the function and
- purpose of the system. This information is contained in Section
- I.E of the Security Plan.
- System Environment and Special Considerations is a description of
- the computer and software environment of the system. This
- information is contained in Section I.F of the Security Plan.
- Sensitivity of Information Handled describes why the system is
- sensitive.
- Applicable Laws and Regulations lists any laws and
- regulations that specifically apply to this system, such as
- the Privacy Act. This information is contained in Section
- II.A of the Security Plan.
- General Description of Information Sensitivity is a
- description of why the system is sensitive and the nature of
- that sensitivity. This information is contained in the
- introduction to Section II.B of the Security Plan.
- Description of Protection Requirements describes what makes the
- system sensitive. The descriptions of protection needs for
- confidentiality, integrity, and availability are contained in
- Section II.B of the Security Plan. Write in the designated level
- (high, medium, low) in the blanks provided.
- SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONSystem Name/TitleSystem ID:
- System Owner
- Address: ______________________________________________________
- _________
- ______________________________________________________
- _________
- Phone: ______________________________________________________
- _________Programmer/Developer:
- Address: ______________________________________________________
- _________
- ______________________________________________________
- _________
- Phone: ______________________________________________________
- _________General Description/Purpose
- (See Section I.E. of attached security plan.)
- System Environment and Special Consideration
- (See Section I.F. of attached security plan).
- Sensitivity of Information Handled:
- Applicable Laws and Regulations Affecting the System
- (See Section II.A. of attached security plan.)
- General Description of Information Sensitivity
- (See Section II.B. of attached security plan.)
- Description of Protection Requirements
- See Section II.B. of attached security plan and fill in the
- designated level (high, medium, low) in the blanks.
- Confidentiality ______
- Integrity ______
- Availability ______
- System Name/Title and System ID are the same as on Worksheet 1.
- Description of Identified Vulnerabilities should include the
- vulnerabilities that the system may have prior to putting
- controls in place. These should have been identified in the risk
- analysis. They might include physical vulnerabilities such as
- fire or disk crashes, entry of erroneous data, denial of service,
- and unauthorized access to information.
- Description of Identified Vulnerabilities
- (From Risk Analysis, Security Plan, system documentation,
- interviews and other review reports - Risks that exist prior
- to putting any controls in place)
- System Name/Title and System ID are the same as on Worksheet 1.
- Description of Security Features is a list of the security
- features used to protect this system. They can be taken from
- Sections III.C of the Security Plan and include Management
- Controls, Development/Implementation Controls for application
- systems, Acquisition/Development/Installation Controls for
- general support systems, Operational Controls, Security Awareness
- and Training, Technical Controls and Complementary Controls
- Provided by General Support Systems for application systems or
- Controls Over the Security of Applications for general support
- systems.
- Although, it is not necessary to include the level of detail
- contained in the Security Plan, the controls should be listed to
- provide a foundation for selecting tests to be performed to
- verify if the controls are adequate and appropriate and are
- operating as expected.
- SECURITY FEATURESSystem Name/TitleSystem ID:
- Description of Security Features:
- System Name/Title and System ID are the same as on Worksheet 1.
- Test Scenarios should contain a numbered list of the tests to be
- preformed to verify the controls listed on Worksheet 3. For more
- detail about the controls, see Section III.C. of the security
- plan.
- If this is an existing system that has been in
- operation for some time, the tests may selectively test
- the most critical controls.
- If the system is under, or just completed development,
- or is a turn-key system, all security controls should
- be tested.
- If testing has been done for a another recent review,
- or during recent acceptance testing of the system, it
- may not be necessary to repeat the tests. It will be
- necessary to review records of the prior tests, and
- determine if the documentation of the tests and results
- are adequate. If it is determined that it is not
- justified to repeat the tests, a statement should be
- included on Worksheet 4 explaining the reason. Also,
- include enough information about all supporting
- documentation reviewed, to allow it to be located for
- future reference. At a minimum, include a list of
- tests from the documentation, that were performed.
- This list need not contain as much detail for each
- individual test as the referenced documentation.
- SECURITY TESTSSystem Name/TitleSystem ID:
- Test Scenario:
- System Name/Title and System ID are the same as on Worksheet 1.
- Test Results reports the results of each of the tests described
- on Worksheet 4. The numbers on Worksheet 5 for each test result
- should agree with the numbers on Worksheet 4 for the test
- description. Indicate whether the was "Passed" or "Failed".
- SECURITY TEST RESULTSSystem Name/TitleSystem ID:
- Test Results:
- System Name/Title and System ID are the same as on Worksheet 1.
- Evaluation of Test Results should discuss the results of the
- tests and their relationship to assuring the adequacy of
- controls.
- Under Recommendations check one of the three responses.
- Check Tests indicate that protection requirements were
- met if all tests resulted in correct results.
- Check Tests indicate that protection requirements were
- not met if some tests failed and corrections have not
- been, or cannot be implemented.
- Check Tests indicate that protection requirements were
- met; recommend certification with the following
- additional security features required: if there are
- additional security controls needed to meet the
- protection requirements. This category should be used
- when certifying software applications that require
- hardware or operating system features to assure
- adequate protection. It should also be used if an
- interim certification is being recommended, pending
- completion of specific actions.
- Certifying Team Signatures should included printed names of the
- certifying team members, a signature, and a date for each team
- member.
- ID:
- Evaluation of Test Results:
- Recommendations:
- _____ Tests indicate that protection requirements were
- met.
- _____ Tests indicate that protection requirements were
- _____ Tests indicate that protection requirements were
- met; recommend certification with the following
- additional security features required:
- Certifying Team Signatures
- Name Signature
- Date
- _______________________________________________________________
- ____________
- _______________________________________________________________
- ____________
- _______________________________________________________________
- ____________
- Appendix B
- Sample Certification Statement
- I have carefully examined the certification worksheets for DOC
- Information Technology System Number _________, "Insert system
- name/title", dated ___________________ . Based on the
- information contained in this package and the results of tests
- conducted on the system, it is my judgment that satisfactory
- information technology controls are in place to adequately
- protect the system and that it is operating at an acceptable
- level of risk.
- I hereby certify DOC IT System Number ________, "Insert system
- name/title", for a period not to exceed three years. Should
- substantial changes or security incidents occur during that three
- year period, which bring the adequacy of the protection measures
- for this system into question, a reevaluation and recertification
- must be completed earlier.
- Certification Official Name/Title:
- ______________________________________________
- ______________________________________________
- Signature: _____________________________________________ Date:
- ____________