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- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk (The Moderator) <krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
- Errors-To: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
- Path: cert.sei.cmu.edu!krvw
- Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V4 #1
- --------
- VIRUS-L Digest Wednesday, 2 Jan 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 1
- Today's Topics:
- EXE file compression with LZEXE and PKLITE (PC)
- Macvirus index? (Mac)
- Disk Utilities (PC)
- Re: Virus Protection (PC)
- more about the conference in Hamburg
- ZeroHunt Virus (PC)
- Re: Viruses for the holidays & admin note
- please stop the requests
- Re: (1) GAO Report on Computer Security
- Zmodem infected with Violator (PC)
- UK Computer Crime Unit
- MIBSRV downtime
- WP viri and bugs (PC)
- Unix and Mainframe Viruses
- New virus (PC)
- VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
- virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
- Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
- diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
- polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
- contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
- VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
- anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
- periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
- and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 20 Dec 90 14:22:50 +0000
- From: Mark Scase <coa44@seq1.keele.ac.uk>
- Subject: EXE file compression with LZEXE and PKLITE (PC)
- There has been recent discussion about the use of the EXE compression
- program LZEXE and the possibility that viruses could hide within EXE
- files that are subsequently LZEXEed. Now some virus scanners can look
- within these compressed files to see if something nasty is hiding.
- I have recently discovered the shareware program PKLITE by PKWARE that
- appears to do much the same thing functionally as LZEXE. Does this
- mean now that virus scanners should include a feature to look inside
- PKLITEed files?
- - --
- Mark Scase, | JANET: coa44@uk.ac.keele
- Dept of Communication, | BITNET: coa44%keele.ac.uk@ukacrl
- University of Keele, Keele, | Internet: coa44%keele.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
- Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, UK. | Other: coa44@keele.ac.uk
- (Phone: +44 782 621111) | UUCP: ..!ukc!keele!coa44
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Dec 90 11:58:36 -0800
- From: rrk@planets.risc.com (Richard Killion)
- Subject: Macvirus index? (Mac)
- Does anyone know where I could down load the macvirus index.
- I have heard it is in the form of a self extracting archive and
- that it might be in an ftp site with ".fi" somewhere in its name.
- Thank you.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Dec 90 15:14:00 -0400
- Subject: Disk Utilities (PC)
- Can anybody recommend a PD/Shareware Disk Utility package
- (read "not too expensive 'cuase I gotta buy it myself") that will
- allow me to read/modify the boot sectors, FATs, et all on floppies and
- hard disks? I will need it to work on all types of disks. Please reply
- direct to me at the address below (note: Please try to use the Bitnet
- address, our mailer doesn't always let me get Internet mail :) ) and
- I'll sumerize to the list if I get any answers.
- Thank you all for your time and effort.
- Bill
- *******************************************************************************
- Bill Thater
- Centro Parking Inc.
- Voice: (315) 464-4539
- *******************************************************************************
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Dec 90 22:06:33 -0800
- From: sulistio@sutro.SFSU.EDU (Sulistio Muljadi)
- Subject: Re: Virus Protection (PC)
- Michael_Kessler.Hum@mailgate.sfsu.edu wrote in VIRUS-L volume 205:
- > Subject: Virus protection (PC)
- >
- > [stuff deleted]...
- > The one
- > negative comment about F-Prot is that the updates appear to be less
- > frequent than one might wish.
- One other negative comment about F-Prot is:
- F-driver.sys does not check drive A for any possible boot sector virus
- when we warm boot the machine. The V-Shield does check drive A for
- any possible boot sector virus and will denied the warm boot if there
- is any boot sector virus in the floppy drive A. Hopefully frisk will
- implement this for his next version of F-PROT. It is a great program.
- - --
- /\ Merry Christmas
- /* \
- / * \ and
- / * \
- / * \ Happy New Year
- / * * \
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^ sulistio@futon.sfsu.edu
- ||| sulistio@sutro.sfsu.edu
- ||| sulistio@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu
- ||| UUCP mail : mul@wet.UUCP
- ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Dec 90 11:00:10 +0000
- From: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
- Subject: more about the conference in Hamburg
- I was asked who organized the Hamburg conference, and the answer is
- perComp-Verlag Gmbh percomp@infohh.rmi.de
- Viren-Service Hamburg
- I am posting the reply here, both because the address
- ozonebbs!aryehg@apple.com (Aryeh Goretsky)
- does not work and beacuse more people might be interested...
- - -frisk
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Dec 90 13:29:09 +0000
- From: patel@mwunix.mitre.org (Anup C. Patel)
- Subject: ZeroHunt Virus (PC)
- After recently downloading McAfee's VIRUSCAN files, I noticed a
- reference to the ZeroHunt virus. Accoring to the DOC file, this virus
- was reported by someone in the Washington, D.C. area.
- Can anyone tell me exactly where it was reported, and by whom? Also,
- are there other ZeroHunt infections around the country?
- Thanks for any information you can provide me.
- Anup Patel
- The MITRE Corporation
- patel@mwunix.mitre.org
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Dec 90 06:58:26 -0800
- From: malloy@nprdc.navy.mil (Sean Malloy)
- Subject: Re: Viruses for the holidays & admin note
- <krvw@cert.sei.cmu.edu> writes:
- >While shopping for holiday gifts for my nephews and niece, I found a
- >toy called Virus Warriors (I could be wrong on the exact name, but
- >that's the gist of it). I'm not making this up! The box said
- >something to the extent of, "A top secret government lab has
- >accidentally released evil computer viruses. Their goal is to take
- >over all the world's computers...even YOURS!" The toy was this
- >sinister looking doll with "computer circuitry" on its back. Again,
- I saw them last weekend when I was out Christmas shopping. My first
- response was "Some people will sink to _any_ depth to make a buck"; my
- second response was "Why didn't _I_ think of that?"
- Sean Malloy | I don't blame Congress. If I
- Navy Personnel Research & Development Center | had $600 billion at my
- San Diego, CA 92152-6800 | disposal, I'd be irresponsible,
- malloy@nprdc.navy.mil | too.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Dec 90 10:53:34 -0500
- From: OU75000 <OU75@PACE.BITNET>
- Subject: please stop the requests
- hello all:
- when i sent that message to you guys asking for help i happened
- to mention that i collect strains of different virii for research. i
- was not making an advertisement.
- please stop sending me requests to give out samples. i have no
- intention of doing this because (no offense) i do not want to be a
- part of someone spreading any more mischief! i have no way of knowing
- who any of you are - not that i am pointing fingers - and its unfair
- to be asking me for such sensitive things as virus code.
- thank you and i hope i haven't offended you...
- - -chris
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Dec 90 16:11:37 +0000
- From: dittrich@milton.u.washington.edu (Dave Dittrich)
- Subject: Re: (1) GAO Report on Computer Security
- Kenneth R. van Wyk <krvw@cert.sei.cmu.edu> recently informed me that the GAO
- report to which I referred in <0008.9012141904.AA27940@ubu.cert.sei.cmu.edu>
- already exists on one of CERT's computers. The machine is cert.sei.cmu.edu
- ( and the file name is pub/virus-l/docs/gao_rpt. Anyone
- interested in an electronic copy may get it from there by anonymous ftp.
- The part about confirmation of receipt of the report is explained in the
- following excerpt from above file:
- **************************************************************
- * This is the first GAO report to be made available over *
- * the Internet. GAO wants to know how many people *
- * acquire the report this way. If you are reading this, *
- * please send mail to me <swolff@nsf.gov> and I'll keep *
- * count for them. Your name will not be saved or used. *
- **************************************************************
- Would those of you who received the report from me via email (or who
- got a copy from someone who did) please email to swolff@nsf.gov. I
- want to encourage the government to do more of this kind of thing.
- P.S. Thanks again Ken :-)
- - --
- Dave Dittrich
- Dept. of Chemistry BG-10, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
- dittrich@u.washington.edu ...!uw-beaver!u.washington.edu!dittrich
- "Teachers are the only profession that teach our children." Dan Quayle
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 22 Dec 90 00:25:51 -0800
- From: ozonebbs!aryehg@apple.com (Aryeh Goretsky)
- Subject: Zmodem infected with Violator (PC)
- 1. Christmas Violator Virus (PC)
- 2. New BBS line
- - ----------
- There has been a hacked version of Omen Technology's DSZ ZMODEM External
- File Protocol Module called DSZ1203.ZIP. The DSZ file inside is infected
- with a new variant of the Violator virus known as the Christmas Violator
- or Violator-B4 virus. The virus contains a an ASCII message from a group
- called RABID and contains a Christmas Greeting. It is not known what else
- the virus does.
- The following search string can be used by VIRUSCAN with the /EXT switch
- to check for the virus:
- "51 ba ? ? fc 8b f2 81 c6 9b 11 bf 00 01 b9 03 00" Christmas Violator
- If you find this virus on your system, run VIRUSCAN with the /D option to
- delete the infected files.
- - ----------
- A new bbs line has been added to Homebase BBS at (408) 988-5190. This line
- has a US Robotics Courier 9600 Dual Standard providing a 9600bps connection
- using v.32 and MNP-5. Hopefully, this will make getting the software easier
- for International Long Distance callers.
- Regards,
- Aryeh Goretsky
- _____
- +----------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Aryeh Goretsky, Tech Support vox (408) 988-3832 |
- | McAfee Associates fax (408) 970-9727 |
- | 4423 Cheeney Street bbs (408) 988-4004 |
- | Santa Clara, California 95054-0253 // |
- | Internet: aryehg_ozonebbs.uucp!apple.com // |
- | UUCP: apple!netcom!nusjecs!ozonebbs!aryehg \X/ |
- | "Opinions expressed are my own and do not neccessarily reflect |
- | those of my employer."--universal disclaimer applied herein. |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------+
- Aryeh Goretsky
- _____
- +----------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Aryeh Goretsky, Tech Support vox (408) 988-3832 |
- | McAfee Associates fax (408) 970-9727 |
- | 4423 Cheeney Street bbs (408) 988-4004 |
- | Santa Clara, California 95054-0253 // |
- | Internet: aryehg@ozonebbs.uucp // |
- | UUCP: apple!netcom!nusjecs!ozonebbs!aryehg \X/ |
- | "Opinions expressed are my own and do not neccessarily reflect |
- | those of my employer."--universal disclaimer applied herein. |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------+
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 09:57:24 +0000
- From: Anthony Appleyard <XPUM04@prime-a.central-services.umist.ac.uk>
- Subject: UK Computer Crime Unit
- I received this message from 'pandy <pandy@fi.hut.superman>':-
- "The UK Computer Crime Unit hasn't got an email-address, nor do they
- read these UUCP-news. Pandy
- ******************
- pandy@spiff.hut.fi"
- If they aren't in contact with the computing world, how can they operate
- effectively? If they can't email, and have to rely on GPO mail and the
- phone and personal visits, and can't get email circulars, they are going to
- be way behind developments. Can't they afford a microcomputer and a modem?
- from {A.Appleyard} (email: APPLEYARD@UK.AC.UMIST), Wed, 19 Dec 90 09:46:20 GMT
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 22 Dec 90 00:11:19 -0600
- From: James Ford <JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET>
- Subject: MIBSRV downtime
- MIBSRV ( has had a hard disk crash. Lucky for me, it was
- just the disk with the operating system and user home directories. :-(
- I will post another message when the server gets restored.......(sigh)
- - ----------
- Each day the world turns over on someone who was just sitting on top of it.
- - ----------
- THE University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama USA)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 22 Dec 90 12:55:39 -0800
- From: p1@rlyeh.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: WP viri and bugs (PC)
- GOODWIN@SMCVAX.BITNET (Dave Goodwin) writes:
- > I have seen several mentions of possible virii on WordPerfect. Let me
- > add my two cents...
- Oh, how true.
- I remember a submission some time back that asked about files which,
- regardless of document length, only stored a few bytes of garbage. I
- recently had that happen, and I'm sure it's just a bug.
- The problem I encountered was that Word Perfect version 5.0, when
- saving to 4.2 format (one of the options under <ctrl>F5) will save an
- eight byte file *and erase the previous version, not just rename the
- file* if the "backup" options are turned on.
- Let me say that, while Word Perfect is *still* currently my editor
- (and disk manager:) of choice, the discovery of this bug lost me four
- daus work on the reviews of FPROT and Anti-Virus Plus. :(
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Dec 90 11:03:55 -0500
- From: "Robert McClenon" <76476.337@CompuServe.COM>
- Subject: Unix and Mainframe Viruses
- A point seems to be being overlooked in the recent discussion
- of the vulnerability of Unix to viruses. It was overlooked in the
- past discussions of the vulnerability of mainframes to viruses.
- It isn't necessary for a virus to infect or subvert the
- operating system to cause damage. A Unix virus only needs to
- infect applications to which the user has the Write privilege. A
- VM virus only needs to infect applications on the user's read-write
- minidisks.
- It is true that most MS-DOS and Macintosh viruses subvert the
- operating system or operating system software somehow: the System
- file, the boot sector, the Desktop, COMMAND.COM. But that is not an
- essential characteristic of viruses or the virus threat. The general
- threat is still present even if the threat to the operating system is
- absent. And if there are vulnerabilities in various versions of Unix
- to a gradual escalation of the privileges of the virus code, as one
- correspondent said, the threat is greater.
- Robert McClenon
- (Neither my employer nor anyone else paid me to write this.)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Dec 90 22:33:35 +0200
- From: public@alva.tut.fi (Public Domain PC-software)
- Subject: New virus (PC)
- I've found a new virus on PC at the beginning of December, but it has
- been around here at least from the end of June. I've named that virus
- as 2480 virus, because its size is that.
- 2480 Virus spreads only (I think) if the year is set to 1988 or earlier.
- If it is later than 1988, infected files will occasionally display
- the logo of European Crackin' Crew (Does anyone know anything about that
- group??) when user executes an infected program.
- 2480 Virus adds 2480 bytes to the end of every .COM file it decides to
- infect. It doesn't infect files very quickly and it seems that infection
- happens only at the certain time. It will also change the last modification
- time to the time when infection happened but the files' dates remain
- unchanged. 2480 Virus is not memory resident and it can easily be noticed
- because the European Crackin' Crew's logo is at the end of every
- infected .COM file.
- This virus is not detected by the ViruScan V72, but I've sent a copy
- of it to Mr. John McAfee and Fridrik Skulason, so hopely the ViruScan V73
- and F-Prot 1.14 will find this virus :-)
- Tapio Keihanen
- Mesiheinankatu 2 B 6
- 33340 Tampere
- Finland
- PS. I'm sorry for my POOR English...
- ------------------------------
- End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 1]
- ****************************************