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- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk (The Moderator) <krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
- Errors-To: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
- Path: cert.sei.cmu.edu!krvw
- Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V4 #5
- --------
- VIRUS-L Digest Monday, 7 Jan 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 5
- Today's Topics:
- Re: University Policy
- Re: Virus Vaccine (PC)
- re: Virus Vaccine (PC)
- Re: Virus Protection (PC)
- nVIR-like resources... (Mac)
- Strange Problem Running Disinfectant 2.4! (Mac)
- Apple //gs "Die!" Virus
- Re: Apple //gs Virus (Followup - READ ME FIRST)
- Grapes virus? (Mac)
- PVALIDAT.ZIP - Portable VALIDATE using McAfee algorithms (PC)
- QEMM Virus? (PC)
- VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
- virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
- Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
- diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
- polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
- contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
- VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
- anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
- periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
- and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 03 Jan 91 19:14:55 +0000
- From: goodwin@casbah.acns.nwu.edu (David C Goodwin)
- Subject: Re: University Policy
- For a while last year we were hit with a lot of IBM viruses, all at
- once. We have Novell networks, that use individual boot disks, and
- that's how it spread from floppy to floppy. Every time a user asked
- for a boot disk, we grabbed any floppies they had and SCAN'ed them.
- The average user didn't carry more than two or three floppies at a
- time.
- Good luck.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 03 Jan 91 18:05:11
- From: microsoft!c-rossgr@uunet.UU.NET
- Subject: Re: Virus Vaccine (PC)
- >From: Evelyn Duncan <R3EJD@AKRONVM.BITNET>
- >
- >A friend of mine has an IBM-compatible computer and wants to dial into
- >the VM system here, but he needs a program that will prevent viruses
- >from infecting his system at home. He would like a program such as
- >Virex. He called Virex's 1-800 number, but it was disconnected.
- >
- >If you know of any program, please contact me.
- You might want to try calling the Virex people at 919-490-1277. I know
- there's a 1-800 number, but for me it's just a FastDial code on my
- phone. Try calling up 1-800 information and ask for either Microcom
- in Durham, N.C., or for HJC Software (former name until Microcom
- bought them out).
- I can probably answer any questions you might have regarding Virex-PC.
- Ross M. Greenberg
- Author, Virex-PC & FLU_SHOT+
- Views expressed herein are not representative of Microsoft.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 03 Jan 91 22:05:34 -0400
- From: pham@px3.stfx.ca (Hai Pham)
- Subject: re: Virus Vaccine (PC)
- In reply to Evelyn Duncan's question for a PC Virex equivalent.
- I could be very wrong (if there's away to do it, someone will find
- away to), but as far as I know, your friend should not need a virus
- shield to protect himself from infection if all he's going to do is
- dial in and use your VM system interactively. This is because for a
- virus to enter a computer through a modem, it must enter via an
- infected program which was downloaded into his computer. If he does
- download programs into his system, then all he would have to do is to
- check it over with a virus scan program, such as McAfee's "scan".
- This is because before a virus can infect the system, the infected
- program would have to be ran first, so if you scan for virus infection
- before you run the program, you will catch them before they can do any
- harm.
- There is no way in which your friend could be infected by something
- like the Internet Worm, if he is only using a terminal emulator. The
- reason the Internet Worm was able to infect all those Internet sites
- was because the computers involved all ran a common operating system
- (UNIX), and it took advantage of a bug in the UNIX mail program to get
- into the remote system.
- If I am wrong on any of the above points, I would appreciate immediate
- feed back (so I can take steps to protect my computer).
- *******************************************
- Hai Pham
- TPI, Physics Dept.
- Box 383, Saint Francis Xavier University
- Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada, B2G 1C0.
- Email: pham@phoenix.stfx.ca (Internet)
- *******************************************
- ------------------------------
- Date: 04 Jan 91 14:53:35 +0000
- From: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
- Subject: Re: Virus Protection (PC)
- sulistio@sutro.SFSU.EDU (Sulistio Muljadi) writes:
- >Michael_Kessler.Hum@mailgate.sfsu.edu wrote in VIRUS-L volume 205:
- >> The one negative comment about F-Prot is that the updates appear to be less
- >> frequent than one might wish.
- Well, yes, I admit I send out updates less frequently than would be desirable,
- but I expect to send out a new version every 4 weeks or so in the future. The
- next version (1.14) should be ready any day now - I am busy adding routines to
- detect and remove all the viruses I received at the conference in Hamburg.
- > One other negative comment about F-Prot is:
- >
- >F-driver.sys does not check drive A for any possible boot sector virus
- >when we warm boot the machine. The V-Shield does check drive A for
- >any possible boot sector virus and will denied the warm boot if there
- >is any boot sector virus in the floppy drive A. Hopefully frisk will
- >implement this for his next version of F-PROT. It is a great program.
- Sounds like a good idea - I am not sure I will have time to add it in
- version 1.14, but if not then it will certainly appear in the next
- version after that.
- - -frisk
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 04 Jan 91 16:03:12 -0500
- From: Alan Pierce <APP@CORNELLA.BITNET>
- Subject: nVIR-like resources... (Mac)
- I'm somewhat new to the world of Macs, so I hope someone can shed some
- light for me. A user recently reported a virus on their Mac SE.
- Using SAM 2.0, I scanned the volumn and received the following
- messages:
- Examined file 'System' in folder 'System Folder'.
- Warning! This file contains nVIR-like resources(nVIR).
- It was last modified on 9/17/90 at 3:57 PM.
- The most interesting thing is we never purchased the machine until
- November and I installed the system software that came with it.
- Thinking I may have an infected system disk, I scanned all 4 (v6.0.5)
- disks and came up empty. Next, I re-installed the system and scanned
- the volume again--same messages. I hope someone here can help me.
- Either post to this list(as I am an avid reader, or respond directly.
- Thank you.
- Alan Pierce
- Technical Consultant <-- Huh?
- Division of Nutritional Sciences
- Cornell University
- Ithaca, NY
- APP@CORNELLA -- Bitnet
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 04 Jan 91 16:04:00 -0400
- Subject: Strange Problem Running Disinfectant 2.4! (Mac)
- I'm having problems running Disinfectant 2.4. We have one Mac
- lab consisting of 16 SE/30's with 40 mg hard drives that are
- partitioned into two hard disks. During my normal maintenance of
- the lab I do a routine virus check using Disinfectant 2.4. The
- program works great on 15 of the machines. When I run it on the
- last machine, the program calls up fine, but in the upper right
- hand corner where it should normally tell you which drive/partition
- you are currently scaning, the program comes up with a blinking message
- saying insert a disk to be checked. This lab is networked using
- Appleshare and I do the virus check from the network. On the other
- 15 machines the name of the server comes up, I then switch to the
- 2 partitions and scan them. On this last machine, the name of the
- server shows up for a quick second then it changes to the flashing
- message. I've tried running it from diskette and the hard drives and
- still get the same message. I can't get it to work at all.
- Could this be some kind of virus?? I've never seen this before and
- have no clue as to what could be causing this. I have had no problem
- with this particular machine, everything else runs fine on it. Does
- anybody have ideas about what may be causing this. I've run out of
- ideas. Thanks for any assistance.
- Michael Greve
- University of Pa.
- The Wharton School
- greve@wharton.upenn.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 06 Jan 91 17:17:05 -0500
- From: davidbrierley@lynx.northeastern.edu
- Subject: Apple //gs "Die!" Virus
- This appeared on Info-Apple:
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 6 Jan 91 21:06:19 GMT
- From: pasteur!euler.Berkeley.EDU!benji@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Benji Rudiak-Gould
- )
- Organization: University of California, Berkeley
- Subject: Computer virus!
- Message-Id: <10039@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU>
- References: <1991Jan5.014646.26135@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>,
- <1991Jan6.201242.10199@watdragon.waterloo.edu>
- Sender: info-apple-request@apple.com
- To: info-apple@apple.com
- I am posting this for a friend with a IIGS who recently fell victim to a
- virus attack. The symptoms (I think they were in this order):
- 1) A pop-up window appeared in the Finder with the message, "Die!"
- 2) When he tried to open his text viewer DA, it froze and the words "Ha!
- Ha! Ha!" appeared all over it.
- 3) Now, just about everything is bombing.
- He has done a complete reformat of his hard drive and restored from
- backups, but the virus was still there. He has Lode Runner, and
- downloaded the L. R. virus killer (while he still could), but hasn't
- tried it yet.
- These symptoms may be slightly skewed, since they were told to me quickly
- by phone. Can someone identify this virus? Thank you thank you thank you
- for your help.
- - -- \\ I think, therefore I am. |___|___| Disclaimer:
- Benji Rudiak-Gould // I am, therefore I think. |_|___|_| Take with
- benji@euler.berkeley.edu \\ Therefore, I think I am. |___|___| a grain
- /////////////////////////// Therefore I am -- I think... |_|___|_| of :-)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 06 Jan 91 19:15:44 -0500
- From: davidbrierley@lynx.northeastern.edu
- Subject: Re: Apple //gs Virus (Followup - READ ME FIRST)
- This correction to a virus warning posted to Info-Apple:
- - -------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 6 Jan 91 17:05 -0600
- From: "H. Grant Delaney" <delaneyg@wnre.aecl.ca>
- To: info-apple@apple.com, benjl@euler.berkeley.edu
- Message-Id: <53*delaneyg@wnre.aecl.ca>
- Subject: RE Virus Not a virus ( Writeit NDA )
- What was discribed was a window appearinf with DIE in it. Well this sounds
- exactly how Write It ! NDA crashes. This is usually due to insufficient
- memory and is part of the NDA. It is not the first tome this has confused
- people. This may have been removed from the latest version.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 07 Jan 91 16:47:01 +0000
- From: NDG503@csc1.anu.edu.au (Nick Guoth)
- Subject: Grapes virus? (Mac)
- Hi,
- or should I say what is going on?
- We are using MacFortran on some of our Macintoshs here and just over
- the last few days, we seem to have contracted a strange virus or
- something. Now I'm never confident about viruses affecting us here in
- Australia as the protection software generally arrives before the
- virus. What is happening is that the icons for the Fortran executable
- files have turned into bunches of grapes.
- Now it doesn't seem to harm the programs but it soon will become a
- nuisance. We have SAM with all the latest virus definitions installed
- on each of the Macs.
- Can anyone tell me whether this is a virus or not, and if not what is
- causing the problem.
- Ta,
- nick
- ndg503@csc.anu.edu.au
- "Happiness is a piece of fudge caught on the first bounce" - Snoopy
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 05 Jan 91 17:27:42 -0400
- From: bnrgate!bcars53.bnr.ca!mussar@UUNET.UU.NET (G. Mussar)
- Subject: PVALIDAT.ZIP - Portable VALIDATE using McAfee algorithms (PC)
- I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:
- pd1:<msdos.trojan-pro>
- PVALIDAT.ZIP Portable VALIDATE using McAfee algorithms
- Portable VALIDATE is a file authentication program which can be used
- to check software for signs of tampering. The program calculates two
- check codes over the data in a file by using two different CRC
- algorithms. Portable VALIDATE uses the same CRC algorithms as McAfee
- Associates VALIDATE. The McAfee VALIDATE module only runs on IBM (and
- compatible) machines. Portable VALIDATE is written in C language and
- can be compiled and run on many non-IBM platforms.
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Gary Mussar |Bitnet: mussar@bnr.ca | Phone: (613) 763-4937
- BNR Ltd. | UUCP: ..uunet!bnrgate!bcars53!mussar | FAX: (613) 763-2626
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 07 Jan 91 08:13:28 -0700
- From: rtravsky@CORRAL.UWyo.Edu (Richard W Travsky)
- Subject: QEMM Virus? (PC)
- This appeared in a recent Info-Ibmpc digest. Figured I'd pass it on.
- I have not seen any mention of this in recent virus-l postings so
- hopefully I'm not passing on old news. Then again, I hope I'm not
- also spreading panic!
- Date: Tue, 1 Jan 91 10:58:09 -0500
- From: David Kirschbaum <kirsch@usasoc.soc.mil>
- Subject: Reported QEMM virus
- Received from the Fido Dr. Debug Echo, 1 Jan 91.
- David Kirschbaum
- Toad Hall
- FROM: Richard Crain Area # 23 ( Dr. Debug )
- SUBJECT: Virus
- I have found what appears to be a virus on the factory supplied disk
- from Quarterdeck on the QEMM386 V5.1 diskette in the Optimize.com amd
- install.exe programs. These 2 programs contain a HEX signature of
- EAF0FF00F0 which indicates the possible presence of the 648 virus.
- This virus is supposed to infect overlay programs, which I have had
- MAJOR problems with lately. In the last 18 hours, every program that I
- have used that uses overlays has had its CRC change, or worse yet,
- totaly crash on invocation locking the system.
- Further, it has been only the EXE files that have changed. Also, in
- doing a byte by byte compare of a corrupted file with a good version
- on backup (tape) I find an absolute pattern of corruption in the
- files. These changes are the substitution of a HEX 00 00 at loctaions
- 68B8, 68BC, 78B8, 78BC, 88B8, 88BC, Etc.....
- This problem started yesterday (again) after running the Optimize
- program that comes with Qemm386 V5.1 . This problem occured before
- causing me to panic and wipe out my hard disk, secure erase, reformat,
- and reload without doing serious research as to the cause, I ASSUMED
- that a new program that I had just added was the cause.
- This time, I have found what I believe to be the true cause with some
- advise from Chris Anderson.
- Further, Quarterdeck has been notified and the original disk is being
- returned to them for replacement and analysis. Also, the disk was never
- written onto by me at any time, the diskette was copied and the copy
- underwent the registeration process.
- The HEX string to look for is EAF0FF00F0
- - --- msged 1.99S ZTC
- * Origin: DinoPoint 2 (1:104/114.2)
- ------------------------------
- End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 5]
- ****************************************