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- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk (The Moderator) <krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
- Errors-To: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
- Path: cert.sei.cmu.edu!krvw
- Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V4 #13
- --------
- VIRUS-L Digest Tuesday, 22 Jan 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 13
- Today's Topics:
- Stoned on a Hardcard (PC)
- Re: Need help w/ CMOS problem in PS/2 Model 70 (PC)
- Query - Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)
- Re: Need OTS Virus package (UNIX)
- Re: Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)
- International Virus Infections (PC)
- Stoned variants (PC)
- Apathy and viral spread (general)
- F-PROT 1.14 (PC)
- Processor-specific viruses and other subjects (PC)
- VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
- virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
- Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
- diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
- polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
- contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
- VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
- anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
- periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
- and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 18 Jan 91 14:15:12 -0700
- From: rtravsky@CORRAL.UWyo.Edu (Richard W Travsky)
- Subject: Stoned on a Hardcard (PC)
- We're currently having a few skirmishes here with the stoned virus.
- In one instance we had stoned show up on a hardcard (and removed
- same). Hadn't thot of hardcards being infectable before, but I
- suppose it's no different from the flat round kind of hard disk. Are
- there any differences in viral behavior/ detection/removal when a
- hardcard is involded (as opposed to a hard disk)?
- Richard Travsky Bitnet: RTRAVSKY @ UWYO
- Division of Information Technology Internet: RTRAVSKY @ CORRAL.UWYO.EDU
- University of Wyoming (307) 766 - 3663 / 3668
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Jan 91 22:09:13 +0000
- From: bdh@uchicago.UCAR.EDU (Brian D. Howard)
- Subject: Re: Need help w/ CMOS problem in PS/2 Model 70 (PC)
- wright@cs.uiuc.edu (David Wright) writes:
- >My apologies if this group is not appropriate, but I would like to
- >solicit advice on a problem that may be a malicious attack:
- >I am looking at a friend's PS/2 Model 70 that he reports has had
- >problems including problems reading diskettes that appear to be fine
- >in another machine (a laptop that I am keeping carefully isolated).
- Hold it right there. The PS/2 has a 'feature' in that it will ignore
- how a diskette is formatted and will ignore the diskette hardware. If
- you format a 1.44M 3-1/2" (I assume you mean 3-1/2") to be 720K (i.e.
- use it in your laptop that only has 720K floppy?) and attempt to read
- it in the PS/2 it will think it is formatted HD (1.44M) and give up.
- Tape up the little square hole on the upper left hand side (no, not
- that one under the slide) and try it again.
- - --
- "Hire the young while they still know everything."
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Jan 91 22:32:07 +0000
- From: francis@cis.ohio-state.edu (RD Francis)
- Subject: Query - Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)
- Virex 1.3 is rather old, and probably won't catch any virus except
- those older than WDEF, at least (discovered in late 1989). Virex is
- updateable from the company, for a fee; I believe that 2.0 was
- released in 1989, though my memory may be playing tricks on me there.
- As far as I know, from the standpoint of reliability, both products
- are completely reliable. The only differences visible to the user are
- minor cosmetic differences in implementing the interface, the
- commercial vs. PD issue, and the cost. By commercial vs. PD, I mean
- to mention that some people would prefer to use a commercial product
- that they have to pay to get upgrades for because that prodcut's
- creators are more motivated to keep the program up-to-date, and less
- likely to drop support. Personally, I recommend Disinfectant; John
- Norstad's done a great job, his updates are usually the first I hear
- of the existance of a new Mac virus, and his support for the product
- has been wonderful.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Jan 91 22:38:14 +0000
- From: limes@Eng.Sun.COM (Greg Limes)
- Subject: Re: Need OTS Virus package (UNIX)
- ssdc!jbasara@uunet.UU.NET (jim basara) writes:
- |> I would like to request recommendations for off-the-shelf packages
- |> which will prevent/isolate/monitor/etc. viruses on a Sun workstation
- |> under unix.
- Occasionally, I see people asking about such things on this list and
- elsewhere, and I am underwhelmed by the amount of information that
- therefore appears on the net.
- Has anyone ever actually SEEN a "virus" on a UNIX box? And, don't tell
- me about worms, that's a different matter ... I am specificly looking
- for information about programs that propogate by modifying other
- programs.
- My background as an operating systems programmer at Sun leads me to
- believe that such virii would be more difficult and less rewarding for
- Joe Virus-Writer to create, and easier to protect against using
- mechanisms available in the system, but it might be nice if I could
- have some backing information that I could give when people ask me
- about such things ...
- - -- Greg Limes
- #include <disclaimer>
- #include <cute-quote>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Jan 91 05:31:38 +0000
- From: kddlab!lkbreth.foretune.co.jp!trebor@uunet.UU.NET (Robert Trebor Woodhead)
- Subject: Re: Disinfectant vs. Virex (Mac)
- First of all, you should ALWAYS GET THE CURRENT VERSION of any
- Antiviral utility. Using old versions is a ticket to disaster as it
- lends a false sense of security.
- Given the easy availability (Disinfectant is everywhere; and
- you can order an upgrade of your current VIREX by calling
- 1-800-877-CURE) there is no excuse not to be current.
- The current versions of VIREX and Disinfectant find and remove
- all currently known Mac Viruses. Both have powerful INITs.
- Starting with V3.0, the VIREX INIT became significantly more
- powerful. The INIT now has repair capabilities (in fact, the
- only reason to use the Application is if wierd things start
- to happen and you want the App's better reporting.)
- All the antivirals do a fine job of the basic function of virus
- detection and repair; where they are differentiated is in
- bells&whistles, nice user interfaces, and support. When you go with a
- commercial product like, oh to pick one at random, VIREX (available at
- finer computer stores, as well as a lot of direputable ones...) you
- are paying for handholding; there's going to be someone on the other
- end of the phone line for you to call when the going gets wierd.
- Disclaimer : I wrote the Virex Application.
- - --
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Robert J. Woodhead, Biar Games / AnimEigo, Incs. trebor@foretune.co.jp |
- | "The Force. It surrounds us; It enfolds us; It gets us dates on Saturday |
- | Nights." -- Obi Wan Kenobi, Famous Jedi Knight and Party Animal. |
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Jan 91 19:23:37 +0100
- From: clear@cavebbs.gen.nz
- Subject: International Virus Infections (PC)
- One of my BBS users (David Clarke) reported an interesting virus attack
- on board the cruise liner Royal Viking, in Wellington on Sat 19 January.
- He was called to the ship to diagnose some problems they had been having
- with the hardware.
- The JOSHI virus was discovered on two PS/2 55's running MS-DOS 4.01.
- The KEYPRESS virus was found lurking on a Toshiba portable running
- MS-DOS 3.3 on a 20MB HD.
- David writes, "Joshi infected three of my diskettes while I was hunting
- for the problem, I've learned my lesson, keep all diskettes write
- protected!"
- As mentioned, the callout was to diagnose hardware problems. What made
- it harder to pin down as viruses was neither of these viruses being seen
- in New Zealand before (as far as I know).
- It is interesting to note he had downloaded SCAN and CLEAN from The Cave,
- as the computer press and newspapers over here are continually lambasting
- bulletin boards as a primary source of infection. Its a good thing some
- people know better...
- - --
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Charlie "The Bear" Lear | clear@cavebbs.gen.nz | Kawasaki Z750GT DoD#0221
- The Cave MegaBBS +64 4 643429 V32 | PO Box 2009, Wellington, New Zealand
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 20 Jan 91 17:52:17 -0800
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: Stoned variants (PC)
- timt@ashtate.A-T.COM (Tim Trimble) writes:
- > the stone virus not being in the states yet can be considered false.
- The original posting referred to the fact that the *Stoned-II* virus
- had not been seen in the United States. There have, in fact, been two
- *major* variants of Stoned, with *minor* variations of each. The
- Hoffman list describes a total of six variants altogether, and as
- those familiar with virus reseaarch will attest, this is probably very
- conservative.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 20 Jan 91 18:07:13 -0800
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: Apathy and viral spread (general)
- Recently, Stratford Software has started a new online information
- service called SUZY. (The service is active in Canada, and is in
- beta testing for users in the United States.) I manage the data
- security/anti-viral topic area (referred to as an "Information
- Network", or "IN") called INtegrity. Any SUZY user can look at
- the information in the INs, but, as they "leave" the area, they
- are asked if they want to "join". This simply puts them on a
- mailing list that can be used to send announcements to the
- "members" of an IN. If they want to "join", they hit ENTER, if
- not, they hit <ESC>.
- Well, as of today, the number of SUZY users who have joined
- INtegrity stands at 170. Some others may have dropped in and
- looked around, but deliberately left themselves off the list when
- they left the IN.
- The number of accounts on SUZY currently stands at about 6000.
- However, research I have done indicates that less than 15%
- actually use the system more than once a month. Interestingly,
- this figure has remained unchanged since SUZY was released. That
- means that less than 900 accounts are "active".
- What does this mean to you, and to data security? It means that
- less than 3% of all, and 20% of *active* SUZY users care enough
- about data security to join the anti-virus IN. This is the
- *real* reason that computer viri are so widespread today: people
- do not realize the danger.
- Those of you who have studied viral charactersitics, and
- virus protection and functions, will realize how easy
- it is to protect yourselves against most viri. But if the
- majority of users think they are safe, and do not take *any*
- precautions, then viri have a fertile breeding ground to grow and
- spread in. As my wife says, it show not only how few people
- understand technology, but how few even understand the concepts
- of public health.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 21 Jan 91 09:47:48 +0000
- From: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
- Subject: F-PROT 1.14 (PC)
- Changes to F-PROT
- Version 1.14 added the following features:
- Detection, but not removal of
- Anthrax
- Crazy Eddie
- V2P6
- The reason V2P6 is not removed is because of the complexity of
- the various encryption methods - If you ever get infected by the
- virus, I suggest you contact its author:
- Mark Washburn
- 4656 Polk Street NE
- Coloumbia Heights, MN 55421
- Detection and removal of the following viruses:
- 217
- 417
- 440
- 492
- 516
- 600
- 696
- 699 (erronously called "711" elsewhere)
- 707
- 948
- 1049
- 1067
- 1075
- 1226
- 1600
- 2144
- 2480
- Agiplan
- Alabama-B
- Amstrad-852
- AntiPascal
- AntiPascal 2
- Attention
- Bebe
- Best Wishes
- Black Monday
- Burger-537
- Carioca
- Christmas in Japan
- Cookie
- Datalock
- Destructor
- Doteater
- Evil
- Father Christmas (Choinka)
- Groen Links
- Guppy
- Hymn
- Internal
- Invader
- Jerusalem-G
- Joker
- Joker-01
- Kemerovo
- Leprosy-B
- Liberty II
- Lozinsky
- MG
- MG-3
- Monxla/Time
- Musicbug
- Nina
- Nomenklatura
- Parity
- Phoenix
- Piter
- Plastique (4 new variants)
- Polimer
- Proud
- Saddam
- Scott's Valley
- Stone `90 (T@V) - a variant of Vienna
- Superhack (Scottish Murphy)
- Sverdlov
- Tiny-family (11 different variants)
- Turbo-448
- Turbo Kukac
- Turku (Twins)
- V2P2
- VFSI (Happy)
- Vienna (several new variants)
- Violator
- Virdem-792
- Voronezh
- Westwood
- Wisconsin
- Zero Hunt (Minnow)
- F-FCHK now does a much better job of identifying minor variants of
- viruses, in particular those cases where the differences are
- insignificant and do not matter with regard to disinfection. As
- an example, it will now identify the minor Jerusalem-variants
- (Payday, Mendoza, A-204, Puerto, Sunday, Anarkia, Westwood, B, C, G
- GrLkDos etc.) correctly, instead of just labeling them "Jerusalem".
- The /LIST switch added to F-FCHK, to produce a report with a list
- of files scanned, and results.
- The /MULTI switch added to F-FCHK and F-DISING to scan multiple
- diskettes.
- The switches may be combined with other switches - for example
- you can use
- if you have a large pile of infected diskettes or
- F-FCHK C: /AUTO /LIST > report.lis
- to scan and disinfect drive C: and produce a report.
- The following bugs/problems have been fixed:
- The identification string for "Zero Bug" has been changed
- as it produced a false positive in LB.COM from Lahey and
- several other programs.
- F-FCHK now reports the correct number of files disinfected,
- when files are infected with multiple viruses.
- Occasional (but very rare) crashes of F-XLOCK and F-FCHK
- if F-LOCK was not installed.
- Problems when removing "Stoned" from a hard disk formatted
- under some DOS versions earlier than 3.0
- Occasional incorrect removal of Alabama.
- The following problem-fixes and changes are expected in version 1.15
- Detection of Whale is not fully reliable, as I do not yet have
- samples of all the different mutations of the virus. This is not
- a serious problem, as the virus is not known to exist "in the wild",
- but I am working on this.
- F-DRIVER.SYS seems to be disabled on some machines running PC-NFS.
- This was only discovered yesterday, and I am searching for a way to
- solve this.
- Automatic scanning of boot sectors will be added in 1.15.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 21 Jan 91 10:11:46 +0000
- From: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
- Subject: Processor-specific viruses and other subjects (PC)
- Processor-specific viruses
- When the first viruses appeared, some of them were discovered to work
- only on 8088/8086 but not on '286 or '386 computers. The best example
- of this are two early boot-sector viruses:
- Ping-Pong (Italian, Bouncing Ball) - the standard version uses
- the MOV CS,AX instruction which only exists on 8088 and 8086.
- Alameda (Yale) - The first version used the POP CS instruction,
- for the same purpose - which also generates an "invalid instruction"
- interrupt on later processors.
- The reason for this was assumed to be that the authors of the viruses
- only had access to an 8088/8086 computer.
- Now we have a different, but equally interesting situation. One of
- the recent viruses from Eastern Europe fails to execute on the 8088
- and 8086 processors, but works perfectly on a '386. The reaon is its
- use of the PUSH IMMEDIATE instruction (hex opcode 68), which did not
- exixt on the 8088/86. The author of this otherwise non-remarkable 492
- byte virus can therefore safely be assumed to have access to a more
- powerful computer than the virus writers two years ago... :-)
- Translations wanted....
- From the Bebe virus comes this text - what does it mean - and what
- language is this ?
- VIRUS! Skagi "bebe" Fig Tebe !
- The MLTI virus contains this text - clearly a reference to the "Eddie"
- virus, but what does "RED DIAVOLYATA" mean ? (I want to emphasize
- that "Dark Avenger" is the name of the author of the "Eddie" virus -
- not the name of the virus itself.)
- Eddie die somewhere in time!
- This programm was written in the city of Prostokwashino
- Hello! MLTI!
- From the POLIMER comes this text - is this Polish ? And what does it
- mean ?
- A le'jobb kazetta a POLIMER kazetta ! Vegye ezt !
- ------------------------------
- End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 13]
- *****************************************