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- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk (The Moderator) <krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
- Errors-To: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
- Path: cert.sei.cmu.edu!krvw
- Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V4 #47
- --------
- VIRUS-L Digest Monday, 25 Mar 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 47
- Today's Topics:
- Re: Standardized virus signatures (PC)
- Hardware failures & viruses (PC)
- Update VCS virus warning
- IBM VIRSCAN version (PC)
- Virus naming
- Mutation of Stoned (PC)
- Mac Viruses vs. PC Viruses: Coding Comparison
- STONED Problems (PC)
- Re: Alternatives to floppy-booting
- Bloody (PC)
- PKLITE and hidden virus (PC)
- Source for F-DISINF (Stoned) (PC)
- Re: PKLITE and hidden virus (PC)
- Info on virus products wanted - PD and commercial
- Has anyone heard of Central Point Anti-Virus? (PC)
- VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
- virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
- Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
- diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
- polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
- contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
- VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
- anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
- periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
- and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 21 Mar 91 16:12:02 +0300
- From: eldar@lomi.spb.su (Eldar A. Musaev)
- Subject: Re: Standardized virus signatures (PC)
- The scanners have an unpleasant feature. If someone changes the
- signature of the virus, it (virus) becames unfamiliar to scanner. So
- the publication of signatures leads to the new versions with new
- signatures etc. Though it is a good question what is better, this
- emergency or the self-restrictions in communications ...
- Eldar A. Musaev lomi.spb.su!eldar@fuug.fi
- researcher, Ph.D., Mathem.Inst., Acad. of Sci., Leningrad
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 21 Mar 91 16:12:30 +0300
- From: eldar@lomi.spb.su (Eldar A. Musaev)
- Subject: Hardware failures & viruses (PC)
- Approx. a week ago I was invited to a computer to find a virus.
- Accidental symbols were appearing on the screen every minute or two
- ones. The original reason was NOT connected with any virus and lay in
- the incompatability between time characteristics of video RAM and
- processor plus(?) magnetic anomalies in the athmosphere. I am very
- often disturbed by users who takes hardware failures for a virus. And
- some time a hardware problems managed someone to note the presense of
- a virus. I think the similar situation was in the case noted by Adam
- M. Gaffin last month. What could we do to help users to distinct
- viruses and failures ? Except scanners, of course.
- Eldar A. Musaev lomi.spb.su!eldar@fuug.fi
- researcher, Ph.D., Mathem.Inst., Acad. of Sci., Leningrad
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Mar 91 12:24:00 +0100
- From: Klaus Brunnstein <brunnstein@rz.informatik.uni-hamburg.dbp.de>
- Subject: Update VCS virus warning
- Original-From: jaenichen@rz.informatik.uni-hamburg.dbp.de (Matthias Jaenichen)
- "Virus-Test-Center University of Hamburg"
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update Update Update Update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Virus: "VCS-1.0" (Virus Construction Set Virus 1.0)
- As we resently found out, the virus uses a self encryption-method.
- The string at 50h and the two filenames are encrypted.
- The ***updated search pattern*** is:
- "E8 14 00 8a a4 2f 05 8d bc"
- Plain text can not be found.
- BtW: meanwhile, we received a copy from abroad where it was uploaded
- from tbe BBS; moreover, several people have informed us, at Hannover
- fair, about this incidebnt. We therefore assume that the virus may
- spread further. More information (esp. Virus Catalog entry) will be
- available after completion of reverse engineering; information will be
- passed to Virus-L. Klaus Brunnstein
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update Update Update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Best wishes form Hamburg \\ // /==#==\ /==\
- Matthias Jaenichen \\ // # /
- VTC-Hamburg \\// # #
- e-mail: jaenichen@rz.informatik.uni-hamburg.dbp.de \/ _#_ \==/
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Mar 91 14:17:05 -0500
- From: "David.M.Chess" <CHESS@YKTVMV.BITNET>
- Subject: IBM VIRSCAN version (PC)
- p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade) writes:
- >MICKLE@CSMCMVAX.BITNET (David K. Mickle) writes:
- >
- >> I got my copy through our PC vendor, Microage of Beverly Hills. They
- >> obtained it at my request from their IBM rep who downloaded it from an
- >> IBM internal service. The version number 1.51 is correct.
- >
- >My understanding is that, until March 8th, the correct "public" version
- >of IBM's VIRSCAN product was 1.3, 1.51 being a corresponding "internal"
- >product. However, I believe version 2.00.01 is now available for both
- >internal and public use.
- Quite right. David's vendor's IBM rep apparently downloaded the
- internal version (at that time numbered 1.51) instead of the product
- version (at that time numbered, on a different track, 1.3). The
- now-converged numbering should have (finally!) fixed this sort of
- thing! So we should soon be able to stop taking up space on VIRUS-L
- with it... *8)
- DC
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Mar 91 14:21:38 -0500
- From: "David.M.Chess" <CHESS@YKTVMV.BITNET>
- Subject: Virus naming
- The trouble with hash codes, or dates, or anything else semi-automatic
- is that, when there get to be enough of them, the names start to
- become useless. At IBM, we tried to use number-names whenever
- possible early on, but the disadvantages became apparent after not too
- long. If there's a 453 and a 435 virus, for instance, it's Real Hard
- to remember which is which! The same would apply to a #AR657XXL and
- #AR567LXL, or a PC Smith 910004 and PC Smith 910014.
- Our current rather tentative approach is to use a
- generally-non-numeric stem for each virus family, and then tack on a
- number or similar object to pin down exactly which object we're
- discussing. So we talk about the "Flip-2343" and the "Flip-2153" (if
- I've remembered the numbers right). The first part helps the human
- remember which virus in general this is, and the second part pins it
- down. If it is desirable to have a distinct number of some kind for
- each virus (and it might well be at some point), I'd suggest having a
- technically- redundant-but-in-fact-very-very-helpful-to-us-
- finite-humans human name for each one (or at least each strain) as
- well.
- DC
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Mar 91 15:01:52 -0500
- From: "David.M.Chess" <CHESS@YKTVMV.BITNET>
- Subject: Mutation of Stoned (PC)
- Pat Ralston <IPBR400@INDYCMS.BITNET> writes:
- >We have found a mutation of the Stoned or Stoned II virus. McAfee's
- >VIRUSCAN version 74B reports Stoned, but ONLY on FLOPPY disks.
- >Version 74B cannot find Stoned on the hard disk. However, when using
- >Norton Disk Editor we find the following message in the Partition
- >Table" "Your PC is now Stoned! LEGALISE". Please note that Legalise
- >is NOT spelled with a Z as in other versions and is in all uppercase
- >letters.
- Now I'm taking an unusual (for me) risk here, as I'm at home with the
- tail end of a nasty cold, and can't verify it, but I'm Pretty Sure
- that the standard normal everyday Stoned virus spells the word with an
- "S" ("LEGALISE"). There are also many cases in which the word
- "MARIJUANA" has been overwritten (probably, I am told, by hard disk
- controllers that keep some data in an "unused" part of the master boot
- record, and overwrite that word in the process). So my guess would be
- that you have the normal vanilla Stoned virus, and 74B just isn't
- seeing it on the hard disk for some reason (have you tried 75 yet?).
- DC
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Mar 91 15:08:10 -0500
- From: "David.M.Chess" <CHESS@YKTVMV.BITNET>
- Subject: Mac Viruses vs. PC Viruses: Coding Comparison
- A few nits on Jonathan E. Oberg (ph461a04@vax1.umkc.edu)'s basically
- sound posting:
- > PC viruses primarily attack the partition tables and boot sectors of a
- > disk.
- I'm not sure what this "primarily" means. There are in fact more
- file-infectors than there are boot-infectors for PC-DOS.
- >PC viruses trap interupts, perform their task and then (hopefully)
- >call the original interrupt. Thus pc viruses can only activiate on
- >BIOS calls.
- No. The typical file-infecting virus traps INT 21 calls, which are
- DOS, not BIOS, calls. Boot-infectors do typically trap BIOS calls.
- But of course a virus doesn't *have* to trap any calls at all; the
- Vienna-648 virus, which was reasonably widespread at one time, was a
- non-resident virus that didn't trap anything.
- >4. A PC virus is typically only a few dozen bytes long.
- The typical file infector is 1000 or so bytes long; a typical short
- one is a few hundred bytes, a typical long one is a few thousand.
- Boot infector lengths are similar. I know of only one virus that's
- really "a few dozen bytes" (45, I think it is), but it's very unusual.
- DC
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 21 Mar 91 16:44:18 -0500
- From: Padgett Peterson <padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com>
- Subject: STONED Problems (PC)
- Recently a number of people have mentioned STONED infections
- trashing hard disks & think that the following is why.
- Today, nearly every partitioning software aligns the partitions on
- even track boundarys for simplicity. Since the Partition Table resides
- on track (cyl) 0 head 0 sector 1, the balance of this track is usually
- left alone and the first partion starts on the next track. However,
- this is just convension and not a requirement. In fact FDISK 1.00
- which came with DOS 2.x began the first partition on track 0 head 0
- sector 2 and has no "hidden" sectors.
- Since DOS version 3.0 came out in 1984, the later convension has
- been followed and Norton's DI usually reports 17 "hidden" sectors (all
- of track 0 head 0).
- STONED does not bother to check and just copies the original
- partition table code to track 0 head 0 sector 7. No problem if this is
- a "hidden" sector but disastrous (to DOS) if not. THIS IS REPAIRABLE.
- DOS keep two copies of the FAT (which STONED just overwrote) and
- several utilities exist (Norton Disk Doctor is one) that will copy #2
- onto #1 if some utility (like CHKDSK/F) hasn't corrupted the second
- copy. It can also be fixed manually by someone with a bit of
- experience.
- Consequently, I suspect that those experiencing FAT-type problems
- had the misfortune to have a drive that was partitioned using "old"
- software and then became infected with STONED.
- Padgett
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 91 16:28:00 +0700
- From: "Jeroen W. Pluimers" <FTHSMULD%rulgl.LeidenUniv.nl@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
- Subject: Re: Alternatives to floppy-booting
- In VIRUS-L volume 4, issue 46, Rob Mason says:
- > Our MINIX-OS class is presently using floppies to boot the system
- > (v1.2) on AT-clones. We would like to eliminate all booting from
- > floppies by recabling the drives. This is needed to prevent the spread
- > of the stoned virus on the C: partition (Minix is on the D:
- > partition).
- >
- > I see at least two solution strategies: either start up MINIX as a
- > process under DOS (as NYU Ultra does), or have MINIX booting directly
- > off the D: partition. The second method requires us to put MINIX boot
- > sectors on the D: partition and provide some "user transparent"
- > switch-active-partition software that is accessible from either
- > partition. Perhaps a .logoff file on the MINIX side could access the
- > switch program directly, since we run DOS most of the time.
- You could get the <MSDOS.SYSUTIL>ANYBOOT.ZIP file from SIMTEL20. It
- modyfies the master-boot record on your PC so that it can boot from
- multiple paritions. I did not yet try the program, but from the
- sources and the documentation, it seems it would work OK.
- On boot, it allows you to choose (by means of functions keys) to
- choose which parition will boot.
- Another way would be to remove the cabling from the floppies or tell
- the CMOS RAM (if you have an AT or higher, but I suppose thats
- required for minix) that no floppie drives exist.
- <MSDOS.DSKUTL>FDFRM16A.ZIP contains a program that allows un-bootable
- diskettes to boot directly from the hard-disk. Maybe that also works
- for you.
- Hope this helps,
- Jeroen W. Pluimers - Gorlaeus Laboratories, Leiden University
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 91 17:20:18 +0700
- From: swimmer@rzsun3.informatik.uni-hamburg.de (Morton Swimmer)
- Subject: Bloody (PC)
- The "Bloody" virus has just hit Germany. (The virus was described
- before.) It was reported to us at our information stand at the CeBit
- 1991 by a firm from Darmstadt.
- It is fairly stupid, or so it seems, as it doesn't even
- maintain a minimal boot record. It therefore creates all sorts of
- wierd mistakes and causes floppy disks to become unusable.
- Cheers, Morton
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 91 11:46:24 -0600
- From: Mark Parr <JPARR1@UA1VM.ua.edu>
- Subject: FPROT vs SCAN (PC)
- >I am looking for some info regarding FPROT114 vs. SCANV75. What are
- >the advantages disadvantages of each. I would also like some info on
- >FPROT114 vs. NETSCAN75. Please respond directly to me. Thanks in
- >advance.
- >Jeff
- >usgjej@gsuvm1
- >usgjej@gsuvm1.gsu.edu
- I've just started using FPROT in order to determine what I want to
- use as virus-protection: Scan/McAfee products or FPROT.
- I've not used FPROT enough to give you an "experienced" comparison,
- but there is one major plus in FPROT's favor: F-DRIVER.SYS
- I like the "security" that both VSHIELD and F-DRIVER provide against
- know viruses. However, VSHIELD slows the system down (at least mine --
- an XT clone) a considerable amount. I'm tempted to CTRL-BREAK out of
- it before gets loaded. Since F-DRIVER is loaded in CONFIG.SYS, I can't
- do that now. :) Furthermore, programs seem to load faster using
- F-DRIVER. (The problem with VSHIELD's speed probably was related to
- me using the /SWAP switch.)
- Still, both are quality products.....
- - ----------
- "Women: Can't live with 'em. Can't shoot 'em."
- Steven Wright
- - ----------
- Mark Parr --|-- University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa
- |-- (Understanding computers begins with Time-Life books.)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 91 17:22:06 -0800
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: PKLITE and hidden virus (PC)
- JPINSON@uga.cc.uga.edu (Jim Pinson) writes:
- > Lately I have been using PKLITE to compress executables, and wonder if
- > any Virus scanners are capable of looking within the compressed files.
- None of the products I have received so far will "scan" into files
- compressed with other than LZEXE. I have seen some "front end" utilities
- which will "use" SCAN and PKUNZIP (if you have them in your "path") to
- scan .ZIP files.
- =============
- Vancouver p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca | You realize, of
- Institute for Robert_Slade@mtsg.sfu.ca | course, that these
- Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | new facts do not
- User Canada V7K 2G6 | coincide with my
- Security | preconceived ideas
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 91 18:04:29 -0800
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: Source for F-DISINF (Stoned) (PC)
- ESIEWICK@pbs.org writes:
- > Does anyone know of a source for "F-DISINF" or other antiviral program
- > for use against the STONED virus? The virus has apparently gotten
- > into my Partition Table.
- F-DISINF is part of the FPROT package. The author, Fridrik Skulason, is
- available at "frisk@rhi.hi.is". The file FPROT114.ZIP is available on
- SIMTEL, cert and other servers, and should be getting better distribution
- now on local BBSes.
- =============
- Vancouver p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca | You realize, of
- Institute for Robert_Slade@mtsg.sfu.ca | course, that these
- Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | new facts do not
- User Canada V7K 2G6 | coincide with my
- Security | preconceived ideas
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 91 17:56:35 -0800
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: Re: PKLITE and hidden virus (PC)
- mrs@netcom.COM (Morgan Schweers) writes:
- > As a general policy, do you think that it would be better to warn
- > users that a file is PKLITE'ed and unscanable or to simply ignore it?
- > Another problem is that PKWare is planning on coming out with a
- > 'professional' version of the program which includes an encryption
- > portion that can not be -X'ed.
- In INtegrity, I have been asked many times to make all files
- "self-extracting". I have consistently refused on the grounds that
- self-extracting files are an undesirable and unnecessary security risk.
- =============
- Vancouver p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca | You realize, of
- Institute for Robert_Slade@mtsg.sfu.ca | course, that these
- Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | new facts do not
- User Canada V7K 2G6 | coincide with my
- Security | preconceived ideas
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 91 17:33:08 -0800
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: Info on virus products wanted - PD and commercial
- wcs@erebus.att.com (William Clare Stewart) writes:
- > ( The commercial products I've seen require licensing, which I doubt
- > the school would spring for, and I'd rather not see them ripping off
- > code which is presumably what got them in this trouble. Do any of the
- > commercial products allow schools to use them free?)
- I have received one "freeware" (copyright, but no charge for use) package
- from Holland, Thunderbyte Scan. It has three components, a scanner
- (TBSCAN), a TSR scanner (TBSCANX) and a disk boot recovery utility
- (TBRESC). Thus, although it does not have a "disinfect" function, it
- will indentify files infected with viri so that they can be replaced with
- originals, and it will allow floppy boot sectors to be replaced.
- I have also seen a program distributed as VC3-2.ZIP, which contains
- version 3.2 of a program called "Victor Charlie", of which version 4.0
- will apparently be commercial. This appears to be "change detection"
- software.
- Aside from that, I recommend FPROT as the cheapest and best "value for
- cost" of all the antiviral products yet reviewed. frisks "licenses" for
- educational use are $1 per computer per year as of version 1.14.
- =============
- Vancouver p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca | You realize, of
- Institute for Robert_Slade@mtsg.sfu.ca | course, that these
- Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | new facts do not
- User Canada V7K 2G6 | coincide with my
- Security | preconceived ideas
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 91 17:17:18 -0800
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: Has anyone heard of Central Point Anti-Virus? (PC)
- > Has anyone ever heard of a PC product called ANTI-VIRUS put out by
- > Central Point Software of Beaverton, Oregon? I just got a glossy ad
- >
- > I checked thru some past Virus-L digests, and found two reviews of
- > products called Antivirus: one in digest V4-23 for a product by
- > Techmar Computer Products and one in digest V4-42 for a product by
- "Antivirus" is an understandably common name for antiviral products.
- (Another is "Vaccine".) Neither of the reviews that you have mentioned
- is of the Central Point product, nor is the review of Norton Antivirus
- which is somewhere in the pipeline.
- The Central Point program is very new, and I have not yet received a
- copy, although I have written to the company.
- Ken should have eight reviews (of mine, anyway) on file at cert by now.
- =============
- Vancouver p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca | You realize, of
- Institute for Robert_Slade@mtsg.sfu.ca | course, that these
- Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | new facts do not
- User Canada V7K 2G6 | coincide with my
- Security | preconceived ideas
- ------------------------------
- End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 47]
- *****************************************