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- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk (The Moderator) <krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
- Errors-To: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
- Path: cert.sei.cmu.edu!krvw
- Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V4 #54
- --------
- VIRUS-L Digest Friday, 5 Apr 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 54
- Today's Topics:
- Anti-viral archive sites, introduction
- Anti-viral archive sites, email access
- Summary of file formats
- amiga anti-viral sites
- apple.ii anti-viral sites
- atari.st anti-viral sites
- docs anti-viral sites
- ibmpc anti-viral sites
- mac anti-viral sites
- unix anti-viral sites
- VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
- virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
- Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
- diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
- polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
- contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
- VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
- anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
- periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
- and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 21:02:47 -1000
- From: Jim Wright <jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: Anti-viral archive sites, introduction
- # Introduction to the Anti-viral archives...
- # Listing of 04 April 1991
- This posting is the introduction to the "official" anti-viral archives
- of VIRUS-L/comp.virus. With the generous cooperation of many sites
- throughout the world, we are attempting to make available to all
- the most recent news and programs for dealing with the virus problem.
- Currently we have sites for Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, IBMPC, Macintosh
- and Unix computers, as well as sites carrying research papers and
- reports of general interest.
- NEW:
- Finally, the file format listing is ready. Please send me any
- corrections or additions. Thanks to David Lemson (lemson@uiuc.edu)
- for the more complete document this one is based on.
- If you have general questions regarding the archives, you can send
- them to this list or to me. I'll do my best to help. If you have a
- submission for the archives, you can send it to me or to one of the
- persons in charge of the relevant sites.
- If you have any corrections to the lists, please let me know.
- The files contained on the participating archive sites are provided freely
- on an as-is basis.
- To the best of our knowledge, all files contained in the archives are either
- Public Domain, Freely Redistributable, or Shareware. If you know of one
- that is not, please drop us a line and let us know. Reports of corrupt
- files are also welcome.
- The Managers of these systems, and the Maintainers of the archives, CAN NOT
- and DO NOT guarantee any of these applications for any purpose. All possible
- precautions have been taken to assure you of a safe repository of useful
- tools.
- Jim Wright
- jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu jwright@UHCFHT.BITNET
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 21:03:49 -1000
- From: Jim Wright <jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: Anti-viral archive sites, email access
- # Archive access without using anonymous ftp
- # Last changed 07 January 1991
- To get files from the anti-viral archives, you do not need access
- to anonymous ftp. (However, anonymous ftp is the preferred method.)
- Below is information on accessing the archive sites using only email.
- -=-
- One way to get access to the archives is through the BITFTP server
- at Princeton. Send a message to bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu (BITNET
- address is BITFTP@PUCC) with the body of the message containing the
- single word HELP. This should get you more information, and give
- you access to any archive site on the internet. This service seems
- to be greatly overloaded, so expect response times to be a little
- slow.
- -=-
- You may access the archives at Heriot-Watt using email. Send a
- message to info-server@cs.hw.ac.uk with the message text:
- help
- If you are in the U.K., then the address is info-server@uk.ac.hw.cs.
- -=-
- Both the AppleII and the Atari ST archives have mail servers which
- provide access to their archives. You may receive automatic updates
- of Macintosh anti-viral programs via email. See the individual articles
- on these sites.
- -=-
- You may also retrieve files from the SIMTEL-20 and the INFO-MAC
- archives by using one of the many mail servers which maintain
- a shadow archive of these sites. Send the following message to one
- of the listserv sites.
- help
- See the IBMPC and Macintosh articles for a complete list of servers.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 21:04:49 -1000
- From: Jim Wright <jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: Summary of file formats
- # Moving & Storing Files Among Dissimilar Architectures
- # Listing last changed 03 March 1991
- -- The most recent copy of the complete text may be anonymous ftp'd --
- -- from ux1.cso.uiuc.edu ( in the directory doc/pcnet. --
- -- That file is maintained by David Lemson (lemson@uiuc.edu). --
- -- Please do not strip this note from this list when passing it on. --
- ARC (.arc)
- This format is most popular on PCs. Compresses and stores multiple
- files in a single archive.
- PC - arc 6.00, pk361
- Mac - ArcMac 1.3c
- Unix - arc 5.21
- VM/CMS - arcutil
- Amiga - Arc 0.23, PKAX
- VMS - arcvms
- Apple2 - dearc
- Atari - arc 5.21b, pkunarc
- OS/2 - arc2
- BinHex (.hqx)
- A Macintosh format. Converts a binary Mac file, including data and
- resource forks, into an archive of only printing ASCII characters.
- PC - xbin 2.3
- Mac - BinHex5.0
- Unix - mcvert
- VM/CMS - binhex
- binscii ( )
- A favorite Apple2 archive format.
- Apple2 - binscii
- Compactor (.cpt)
- A new Macintosh format. Compresses and stores multiple files in
- a single archive.
- Mac - Compactor1.21
- compress (.Z)
- A Unix format. Compresses a single file in an archive.
- PC - u16, comprs16, comp430d
- Mac - MacCompress3.2A
- Unix - compress
- VM/CMS - compress
- Amiga - compress
- VMS - lzcomp
- Apple2 - compress
- Atari - compress
- LHarc (.lzh)
- This format originated on PCs, and is now popular on Amigas. Compresses
- and stores multiple files in a single archive.
- PC - lh113c
- Mac - MacLHarc 0.41
- Unix - lharc10
- Amiga - LHarc
- Atari - lharc113
- LHWarp (.lzw)
- This is an Amiga format. Compresses and stores an entire floppy in a
- single archive. Better compression than plain Warp.
- Amiga - Lhwarp
- LU (.lbr)
- This is an old format that originated with CP/M. It is virtually
- non-existent now. Collects multiple files into a single archive
- with no compression.
- PC - lue220
- Mac - ArcMac 1.3c
- Unix - lar
- VM/CMS - arcutil
- VMS - vmssweep
- nupack ( )
- A favorite Apple2 archive format.
- Apple2 - nupack
- PackIt (.pit)
- An old Macintosh format. Compresses and stores multiple files in a
- single archive.
- PC - UnPackIt
- Mac - PackIt3.1.3
- Unix - unpit
- PAK (.pak)
- An old PC format. Compresses and stores multiple files in a
- single archive.
- PC - pak250
- Unix - arc 5.21
- Amiga - PAK 1.0
- shell archive (.shar, .sh)
- A Unix format. Stores multiple files in a single archive without
- compression.
- PC - unshar
- Mac - UnShar2.0
- Unix - sh, unshar
- Amiga - UnShar
- Apple2 - unshar
- Atari - shar
- Squeeze (._Q_)
- An old PC (CP/M?) format. Compresses and stores multiple files in a
- single archive.
- PC - sqpc131
- VM/CMS - arcutil
- Amiga - Sq.Usq
- VMS - vmsusq
- Atari - ezsqueeze
- StuffIt (.sit)
- A Macintosh format. Compresses and stores multiple files in a
- single archive.
- PC - mactopc
- Mac - StuffIt 1.6
- Unix - unsit
- Amiga - unsit
- tape archive (.tar)
- A Unix format. Stores multiple files in a single archive without
- compression.
- PC - tar, tarread, pax, pdtar
- Mac - UnTar2.0
- Unix - tar
- Amiga - TarSplit, pax
- VMS - vmstar
- Atari - sttar
- uuencode (.uu, .uue)
- A Unix format. Converts a binary file into an archive of only
- printing ASCII characters suitable for mailing.
- PC - uuxref20
- Mac - UMCP-Tools1.0
- Unix - uuencode, uudecode
- VM/CMS - arcutil
- Amiga - uuencode, uudecode
- VMS - uudecode2.
- Apple2 - uu.en.decode
- Warp (.wrp)
- This is an Amiga format. Compresses and stores an entire floppy in a
- single archive.
- Amiga - WarpUtil
- xxencode (.xx, .xxe)
- A Unix format. Converts a binary file into an archive of only
- printing ASCII characters suitable for mailing. Solves many of
- the problems of uuencode.
- PC - uuxref20
- Unix - xxencode, xxdecode
- VM/CMS - xxencode
- ZIP (.zip)
- This format is most popular on PCs. Compresses and stores multiple
- files in a single archive.
- PC - pkz110
- Mac - UnZip1.02c
- Unix - unzip4.01
- Amiga - PKAZip
- Atari - pkz101-2
- ZOO (.zoo)
- This format is popular on many systems. Compresses and stores multiple
- files in a single archive.
- PC - zoo201
- Mac - MacBooz2.1
- Unix - zoo201
- VM/CMS - zoo
- Amiga - amigazoo
- VMS - zoo201
- Atari - booz
- OS/2 - booz
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 21:04:50 -1000
- From: Jim Wright <jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: amiga anti-viral sites
- # Anti-viral archive sites for the Amiga
- # Listing last changed 03 February 1991
- beach.gal.utexas.edu
- John Perry <perry@beach.gal.utexas.edu>
- This site can be reached through anonymous ftp.
- The Amiga anti-viral archives can be found in the
- This system is running VMS, not Unix.
- The IP address is
- cs.hw.ac.uk
- Dave Ferbrache <davidf@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- NIFTP from JANET sites, login as "guest".
- Electronic mail to <info-server@cs.hw.ac.uk>.
- Main access is through mail server.
- The master index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: virus
- topic: index
- The Amiga index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: amiga
- topic: index
- For further details send a message with the text
- help
- The administrative address is <infoadm@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- ms.uky.edu
- Sean Casey <sean@ms.uky.edu>
- Access is through anonymous ftp.
- The Amiga anti-viral archives can be found in /pub/amiga/Antivirus.
- The IP address is
- uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft
- Steve Jenkins <pdsoft@uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft>
- Service for UK only; no access from BITNET/Internet/UUCP
- Terminals : call lancs.pdsoft, login as "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft"
- FTP : call lancs.pdsoft, user "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft".
- Pull the file "help/basics" for starter info, "micros/index" for index.
- Anti-Viral stuff is held as part of larger micro software collection
- and is not collected into a distinct area.
- ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- Mark Zinzow <markz@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu>
- Lionel Hummel <hummel@cs.uiuc.edu>
- The archives are in /amiga/virus.
- There is also a lot of stuff to be found in the Fish collection.
- The IP address is
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 21:05:21 -1000
- From: Jim Wright <jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: apple.ii anti-viral sites
- # Anti-viral archive sites for the Apple II
- # Listing last changed 30 September 1989
- brownvm.bitnet
- Chris Chung <chris@brownvm.bitnet>
- Access is through LISTSERV, using SEND, TELL and MAIL commands.
- Files are stored as
- apple2-l xx-xxxxx
- where the x's are the file number.
- cs.hw.ac.uk
- Dave Ferbrache <davidf@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- NIFTP from JANET sites, login as "guest".
- Electronic mail to <info-server@cs.hw.ac.uk>.
- Main access is through mail server.
- The master index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: virus
- topic: index
- The Apple II index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: apple
- topic: index
- For further details send a message with the text
- help
- The administrative address is <infoadm@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft
- Steve Jenkins <pdsoft@uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft>
- Service for UK only; no access from BITNET/Internet/UUCP
- Terminals : call lancs.pdsoft, login as "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft"
- FTP : call lancs.pdsoft, user "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft".
- Pull the file "help/basics" for starter info, "micros/index" for index.
- Anti-Viral stuff is held as part of larger micro software collection
- and is not collected into a distinct area.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 21:05:52 -1000
- From: Jim Wright <jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: atari.st anti-viral sites
- # Anti-viral archive sites for the Atari ST
- # Listing last changed 30 September 1989
- cs.hw.ac.uk
- Dave Ferbrache <davidf@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- NIFTP from JANET sites, login as "guest".
- Electronic mail to <info-server@cs.hw.ac.uk>.
- Main access is through mail server.
- The master index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: virus
- topic: index
- The Atari ST index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: atari
- topic: index
- For further details send a message with the text
- help
- The administrative address is <infoadm@cs.hw.ac.uk>.
- panarthea.ebay
- Steve Grimm <koreth%panarthea.ebay@sun.com>
- Access to the archives is through mail server.
- For instructions on the archiver server, send
- help
- to <archive-server%panarthea.ebay@sun.com>.
- uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft
- Steve Jenkins <pdsoft@uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft>
- Service for UK only; no access from BITNET/Internet/UUCP
- Terminals : call lancs.pdsoft, login as "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft"
- FTP : call lancs.pdsoft, user "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft".
- Pull the file "help/basics" for starter info, "micros/index" for index.
- Anti-Viral stuff is held as part of larger micro software collection
- and is not collected into a distinct area.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 21:06:24 -1000
- From: Jim Wright <jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: docs anti-viral sites
- # Anti-viral archive sites for documentation
- # Listing last changed 04 April 1990
- cert.sei.cmu.edu
- Kenneth R. van Wyk <krvw@sei.cmu.edu>
- Access is available via anonymous ftp, IP number
- This site maintains archives of all VIRUS-L digests, all
- CERT advisories, as well as a number of informational documents.
- VIRUS-L/comp.virus information is in:
- pub/virus-l/archives
- pub/virus-l/archives/predig
- pub/virus-l/archives/1988
- pub/virus-l/archives/1989
- pub/virus-l/archives/1990
- pub/virus-l/docs
- CERT information is in:
- pub/cert_advisories
- pub/cert-tools_archive
- csrc.ncsl.nist.gov
- John Wack <wack@ecf.ncsl.nist.gov>
- This site is available via anonymous ftp, IP number
- The archives contain all security bulletins issued thus far from
- organizations such as NIST, CERT, NASA-SPAN, DDN, and LLNL-CIAC.
- Also, other related security publications (from NIST and others)
- and a partial archive of VIRUS_L's and RISK forums.
- cs.hw.ac.uk
- Dave Ferbrache <davidf@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- NIFTP from JANET sites, login as "guest".
- Electronic mail to <info-server@cs.hw.ac.uk>.
- Main access is through mail server.
- The master index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: virus
- topic: index
- The index for the **GENERAL** virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: general
- topic: index
- The index for the **MISC.** virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: misc
- topic: index
- **VIRUS-L** entries are stored in monthly and weekly digest form from
- May 1988 to December 1988. These are accessed as log.8804 where
- the topic substring is comprised of the year, month and a week
- letter. The topics are:
- 8804, 8805, 8806 - monthly digests up to June 1988
- 8806a, 8806b, 8806c, 8806d, 8807a .. 8812d - weekly digests
- The following daily digest format started on Wed 9 Nov 1988. Digests
- are stored by volume number, e.g.
- request: virus
- topic: v1.2
- would retrieve issue 2 of volume 1, in addition v1.index, v2.index and
- v1.contents, v2.contents will retrieve an index of available digests
- and a extracted list of the the contents of each volume respectively.
- **COMP.RISKS** archives from v7.96 are available on line as:
- request: comp.risks
- topic: v7.96
- where topic is the issue number, as above v7.index, v8.index and
- v7.contents and v8.contents will retrieve indexes and contents lists.
- For further details send a message with the text
- help
- The administrative address is <infoadm@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- lehiibm1.bitnet
- Ken van Wyk <LUKEN@LEHIIBM1.BITNET> new: <krvw@sei.cmu.edu>
- This site has archives of VIRUS-L, and many papers of
- general interest.
- Access is through ftp, IP address
- The directories of interest are VIRUS-L and VIRUS-P.
- uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft
- Steve Jenkins <pdsoft@uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft>
- Service for UK only; no access from BITNET/Internet/UUCP
- Terminals : call lancs.pdsoft, login as "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft"
- FTP : call lancs.pdsoft, user "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft".
- Pull the file "help/basics" for starter info, "micros/index" for index.
- Anti-Viral stuff is held as part of larger micro software collection
- and is not collected into a distinct area.
- unma.unm.edu
- Dave Grisham <dave@unma.unm.edu>
- This site has a collection of ethics documents.
- Included are legislation from several states and policies
- from many institutions.
- Access is through ftp, IP address
- Look in the directory /ethics.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 21:06:54 -1000
- From: Jim Wright <jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: ibmpc anti-viral sites
- # Anti-viral archive for the IBMPC
- # Listing last changed 03 February 1991
- beach.gal.utexas.edu
- John Perry <perry@beach.gal.utexas.edu>
- This site can be reached through anonymous ftp.
- The IBMPC anti-viral archives can be found in the
- This system is running VMS, not Unix.
- The IP address is
- cs.hw.ac.uk
- Dave Ferbrache <davidf@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- NIFTP from JANET sites, login as "guest".
- Electronic mail to <info-server@cs.hw.ac.uk>.
- Main access is through mail server.
- The master index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: virus
- topic: index
- The IBMPC index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: ibmpc
- topic: index
- For further details send a message with the text
- help
- The administrative address is <infoadm@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- f.ms.uky.edu
- Daniel Chaney <chaney@ms.uky.edu>
- This site can be reached through anonymous ftp.
- The IBMPC anti-viral archives can be found in /pub/msdos/AntiVirus.
- The IP address is
- mibsrv.mib.eng.ua.edu
- This site can be reached through anonymous ftp.
- The IBM-PC anti-virals can be found in pub/ibm-antivirus.
- Uploads to pub/ibm-antivirus/00uploads. Uploads are screened.
- Requests to JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET for UUENCODED files will be filled
- on a limited basis as time permits.
- The IP address is
- uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft
- Steve Jenkins <pdsoft@uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft>
- Service for UK only; no access from BITNET/Internet/UUCP
- Terminals : call lancs.pdsoft, login as "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft"
- FTP : call lancs.pdsoft, user "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft".
- Pull the file "help/basics" for starter info, "micros/index" for index.
- Anti-Viral stuff is held as part of larger micro software collection
- and is not collected into a distinct area.
- ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- Mark Zinzow <markz@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu>
- This site can be reached through anonymous ftp.
- The IBMPC anti-viral archives are in /pc/virus.
- The IP address is
- vega.hut.fi
- Timo Kiravuo <kiravuo@hut.fi>
- This site (in Finland) can be reached through anonymous ftp.
- The IBMPC anti-viral archives are in /pub/pc/virus.
- The IP address is
- wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- Keith Peterson <w8sdz@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil>
- Direct access is through anonymous ftp, IP
- The anti-viral archives are in PD1:<MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO>.
- Simtel is a TOPS-20 machine, and as such you should use
- "tenex" mode and not "binary" mode to retrieve archives.
- Please get the file 00-INDEX.TXT using "ascii" mode and
- review it offline.
- There are also a number of servers which provide access
- to the archives at simtel.
- WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil can be accessed using LISTSERV commands
- from EARN TRICKLE servers. Send commands to TRICKLE@<host-name>
- (for example: TRICKLE@AWIWUW11). The following TRICKLE servers
- are presently available: AWIWUW11 (Austria), BANUFS11 (Belgium),
- DKTC11 (Denmark), DB0FUB11 (Germany), IMIPOLI (Italy),
- EB0UB011 (Spain) and TREARN (Turkey).
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 21:07:26 -1000
- From: Jim Wright <jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: mac anti-viral sites
- # Anti-viral archive sites for the Macintosh
- # Listing last changed 03 February 1991
- beach.gal.utexas.edu
- John Perry <perry@beach.gal.utexas.edu>
- This site can be reached through anonymous ftp.
- The Macintosh anti-viral archives can be found in the
- This system is running VMS, not Unix.
- The IP address is
- cs.hw.ac.uk
- Dave Ferbrache <davidf@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- NIFTP from JANET sites, login as "guest".
- Electronic mail to <info-server@cs.hw.ac.uk>.
- Main access is through mail server.
- The master index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: virus
- topic: index
- The Mac index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: mac
- topic: index
- For further details send a message with the text
- help
- The administrative address is <infoadm@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- ifi.ethz.ch
- Danny Schwendener <macman@ethz.uucp>
- Interactive access through DECnet (SPAN/HEPnet):
- Username: MAC
- Interactive access through X.25 (022847911065) or Modem 2400 bps
- (+41-1-251-6271):
- # CALL B050 <cr><cr>
- Username: MAC
- Files may also be copied via DECnet (SPAN/HEPnet) from
- rascal.ics.utexas.edu
- Werner Uhrig <werner@rascal.ics.utexas.edu>
- Access is through anonymous ftp, IP number is
- Archives can be found in the directory mac/virus-tools.
- Please retrieve the file 00.INDEX and review it offline.
- Due to the size of the archive, online browsing is discouraged.
- scfvm.bitnet
- Joe McMahon <xrjdm@scfvm.bitnet>
- Access is via LISTSERV.
- SCFVM offers an "automatic update" service. Send the message
- and you will receive updates as the archive is updated.
- You can also subscribe to automatic file update information with
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Bill Lipa <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Access is through anonymous ftp, IP number is
- Archives can be found in /info-mac/virus.
- Administrative queries to <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>.
- Submissions to <info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>.
- There are a number of sites which maintain shadow archives of
- the info-mac archives at sumex:
- * MACSERV@PUCC services the Bitnet community
- * LISTSERV@RICE for e-mail users
- * FILESERV@IRLEARN for folks in Europe
- uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft
- Steve Jenkins <pdsoft@uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft>
- Service for UK only; no access from BITNET/Internet/UUCP
- Terminals : call lancs.pdsoft, login as "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft"
- FTP : call lancs.pdsoft, user "pdsoft", pwd "pdsoft".
- Pull the file "help/basics" for starter info, "micros/index" for index.
- Anti-Viral stuff is held as part of larger micro software collection
- and is not collected into a distinct area.
- wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- Robert Thum <rthum@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil>
- Access is through anonymous ftp, IP number
- Archives can be found in PD3:<MACINTOSH.VIRUS>.
- Please get the file 00README.TXT and review it offline.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 21:07:58 -1000
- From: Jim Wright <jwright@cfht.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: unix anti-viral sites
- # Anti-viral and security archive sites for Unix
- # Listing last changed 05 June 1990
- cs.hw.ac.uk
- Dave Ferbrache <davidf@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- NIFTP from JANET sites, login as "guest".
- Electronic mail to <info-server@cs.hw.ac.uk>.
- Main access is through mail server.
- The master index for the virus archives can be retrieved as
- request: virus
- topic: index
- For further details send a message with the text
- help
- The administrative address is <infoadm@cs.hw.ac.uk>
- funic.funet.fi
- Jyrki Kuoppala <jkp@cs.hut.fi>
- Accessible through anonymous ftp, IP number
- Directory pub/unix/security contains programs to help in
- security, pub/doc/security contains various documents about
- security in general and unix security (like the worm
- documents)
- wuarchive.wustl.edu
- Chris Myers <chris@wugate.wustl.edu>
- Accessible through anonymous ftp, IP number
- A number of directories can be found in ~ftp/usenet/comp.virus/*.
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- End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 54]
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