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- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk (The Moderator) <krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
- Errors-To: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
- Path: cert.sei.cmu.edu!krvw
- Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V4 #59
- --------
- VIRUS-L Digest Thursday, 11 Apr 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 59
- Today's Topics:
- AF/91 - John Gantz "joke" in Infoworld
- New virus (PC) ? ("evil empire")
- Re: virus infection by inserting a floppy (Mac)
- Re: Am I subject to viruses?
- SNEFRU and other hash algorithm weaknesses
- Unix and viruses (UNIX)
- Need help with Beijing Virus (PC)
- Am I subject to viruses?
- How big is the virus problem ??
- re: Possible hypercard virus (Mac)
- Virus in disk-validator (Amiga)
- virus infection by inserting a floppy (Mac)
- Detection of viruses (PC)
- Boot sector viruses on IDE hard disks (PC)
- Unix viruses (UNIX)
- Re: Possible hypercard virus? (Mac)
- Call for papers--3rd Workshop on Computer Security Incident Handling
- VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
- virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
- Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
- diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
- polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
- contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
- VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
- anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
- periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
- and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 10 Apr 91 18:08:00 +0000
- From: sharp@mizar.usc.edu (Malcolm Sharp)
- Subject: AF/91 - John Gantz "joke" in Infoworld
- In the April 1, 1991 issue of Infoworld, John Gantz in his column
- "Tech Street" warned of a virus called "AF/91" which he said was
- developed by the NSA to be used against Iraqui defense computers.
- After describing the virus and telling that it started spreading
- uncontrolled, he told that windowing technology was "doomed."
- In the same issue, columnist Robert Cringely discussed Windows 3.0
- vulnerability to viruses saying it "has lots of holes for custom
- viruses to slip through."
- In the April 8 issue, Mr. Gantz's column begins with a note from the
- Editors saying AF/91 was all an April Fools joke.
- I'm not laughing.
- I'm searching for the adjectives to describe this irresponsible
- act.
- Anyone else spend time investigating this virus from the 4/1 columns?
- I'm *seriously* considering a class action suit for compensatory
- (small $) and punitive (BIG $$$) damages.
- Interested in hearing from others.
- Malcolm Sharp, U.S.C.
- (Opinions are my own and don't reflect those of my employer...
- though we did just double the size of our Law Center.)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 22:13:13 +0000
- From: martin@cs.UAlberta.CA (Tim Martin; FSO; Soil Sciences)
- Subject: New virus (PC) ? ("evil empire")
- Has anyone else found a DOS boot sector virus that gives an eight line
- message about the USA being the real "evil empire" in the "impending
- war with Iraq"? It is on several of our more public computers at U of
- Alberta, and we are wondering whether it was locally written.
- The virus is a "new stoned" variant, according to the F-DISINF and
- F-SYSCHK programs.
- Please notify myself, and also Peter Johnston. Peter is at
- usergold@mts.ucs.ualberta.ca.
- Thanks,
- Tim Martin
- Soil Science
- U of Alberta
- tmartin@vm.ucs.ualberta.ca
- martin@menaik.cs.ualberta.ca
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Apr 91 01:03:03
- From: Y301E05@AWITUW01.BITNET
- Subject: Re: virus infection by inserting a floppy (Mac)
- I can only provide an answer for Macs.
- It is possible, and in fact there is a virus called "WDEF" which uses this
- method. This virus infects the invisible Desktop file which resides on every
- floppy and hard disk. This file is examined by the Finder when the floppy is
- mounted and the virus resource gets loaded into memory.
- On the other hand there are a lot of anti virus tools (commercial and free)
- which address this problem an wipe out all known viruses that use this
- method. One of them (called SAM Intercept) can be configureds to scan every
- floppy that is inserted into the Mac, and will give you an alert and the
- option to kill the virus.
- Since the invisible Desktop file will not be used in System 7.0, i can+t
- say, if viruses will be able to infect Macs running with System 7.0.
- I hope this helps
- Stephan Bublava
- y301e05@awituw01.bitnet
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Apr 91 23:35:03 +0000
- From: news@umd5.umd.edu (USENET)
- Subject: Re: Am I subject to viruses?
- Pandy Holmberg writes:
- >pcsbbs!fff@uunet.uu.net writes:
- >
- >> I know that this is the kind of question that only a novice would ask.
- >> Well, I am a *rank* novice in Usenet, UUCP, and telecommunications in
- >> general. Please bear with me. The question is:
- >>
- >> If I connect to a site where I always initiate the call, only exchange
- >> email and receive netnews, am I subject to receiving a virus. My
- >> modem is never left on and the port is not enabled for a login.
- >
- >The answer is NO. As long as you just use your computer as a terminal.
- >As soon as you start downloading files, the danger appears...
- HOLD IT! IF he uses his computer only as a terminal then he
- is safe. However, it is not clear that is what he does.
- He mentions USENET and UUCP. He says that he initiates the
- call to exchange email and netnews. He says that the port is not
- enabled for login. That implies to me that he is running his own Unix
- machine and uses UUCP to send and receive email and netnews. That
- means that he is transferring files. Even worse it means that he
- allows "rmail" and "rnews" to be remotely executed on his machine. I
- don't know what software and version he is running, but it is possible
- that there may be deliberate or accidental trapdoors in that software.
- Just after the Internet worm incident, there was some discussion on
- whether or not something similiar to the sendmail or fingerd attack
- could take place via UUCP. I don't remember the conclusion, but I
- wouldn't want to guarantee that he is safe. If he is concerned,
- taking a few minutes to look at the source code for "rmail" and
- "rnews" would not be unreasonable.
- Bill Bogstad
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 03:35:00 +0000
- From: William Hugh Murray <0003158580@mcimail.com>
- Subject: SNEFRU and other hash algorithm weaknesses
- James Kirkpatrick writes:
- > - SNEFRU was discussed on this list, but I was dismayed to find it
- > had been broken, and that Merkle's response was to increase the
- > number of passes. This worries me because of the experience of
- > knapsack cryptosystems, where a single-iteration system was first
- > broken, followed by the introduction of multiple-iteration systems,
- > which were in turn broken (at least, that is my recollection; I may
- > have some details wrong).
- Well, with the same limitations on "details," and without commenting
- on SNEFRU, the following may be helpful.
- The DEA is an iterative system. There is a demonstration (Adelman?)
- that its strength goes up rapidly with the number of iterations, such
- that at sixteen (the number required by the standard) its strength
- reaches the point where an analytic attack is as expensive as an
- exhaustive attack against the key. (My recollection is that Adelman
- was attempting to demonstrate the power of his analytic attack rather
- than the strength of the algorithm.)
- Hellman set out to demonstrate the general inadequacy of the length of
- the 56 bit DES key; in the process he demonstrated its adequacy for
- many applications. I have always been grateful to him for his
- explication of the work required to break it, which is, conversely, a
- measure of its strength. (It should be noted that while the length of
- the key in the DES is specified to be 56 bits, the effective key
- length in DEA implementations is arbitrarily long. For example, IBM
- uses a 112 bit key in some applications.)
- While recovering a great deal of ENIGMA encoded traffic, ULTRA
- demonstrated that, with reasonable key management, ENIGMA is a
- formidable mechanism.
- Anything hit with a sufficiently large hammer will fall to pieces.
- The cost of the hammer is a measure of the strength of the thing. If
- the cost of the attack exceeds the value of its success, then the
- thing is economically unbreakable. For most purposes, that is good
- enough.
- ____________________________________________________________________
- William Hugh Murray email: 315-8580@MCIMAIL.COM
- Information System Security WHMurray@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL
- Consultant to Deloitte & Touche MCI-Mail: 315-8580
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 03:36:00 +0000
- From: William Hugh Murray <0003158580@mcimail.com>
- Subject: Unix and viruses (UNIX)
- >a. That MS-Dos viruses (is this an all-encompassing term for things
- >that tamper with and destroy the OS and programs?)
- Perhaps, yes, but inappropriately so. True viruses are a special case.
- >have conceptual
- >parallels in the Unix o/s. i.e. the kernel is equivalent to
- >COMMAND.COM, the file system superblock is equivalent to the FAT, etc.
- Not true. There are no successful live viruses in the Unix environment.
- There are four necessary conditions for the success of a virus: 1)
- (very) large population of similar machines; 2) sharing among members
- of that population; 3) the ability of the user to execute an arbitrary
- program of his own choice; 4) storage into which write a modified
- executable. Unix does not appear to meet conditions 1 and/or 2.
- Other Trojan Horse attacks might be aimed at a specific Unix machine;
- these would be several orders of magnitude less serious than a
- successful virus.
- >b. That all "security" to read and write as a superuser has already
- >been breached and that this breach has gone undetected.
- Viruses and all other Trojan Horse attacks rely upon user privileges
- for their success. There is no requirement to bypass security.
- In fact, a virus that depended for its success on such a condition,
- clearly would not meet condition 1 above.
- On the other hand, if your b. is the case, then viruses and other
- Trojan Horse attacks are the least of your concerns. Viruses are
- Trojan Horses that wish to spread their influence. Trojan Horses are
- attacks against good security. In the absence of good security,
- neither is indicated or necessary.
- >c. That one workstation with a bootable hard disk is accessible to the
- >individual planning to damage the system.
- This condition is easily met in the MS-DOS environment; much less so
- in in the Unix environment. (You should note that viruses depend upon
- the fact that the same program will run in all systems in the target
- environment. While one can conceive of a virus that might spread from
- an MS-DOS workstation to a Unix workstation or multi-user system (if
- that is what you have in mind), it is highly unlikely that such a
- program would meet the conditions for success.)
- While some kinds of Trojan Horse attacks might target such a device,
- viruses are aimed at the population as a whole rather than to any
- specific machine.
- >d. That the individual is sufficiently sophisticated to avoid leaving
- >obvious clues (file sizes, dates, etc.).
- Well, that excludes all viruses. It is possible to conceive of a
- virus that was so subtle that it left no evidence; on the other hand,
- if you never notice that you have been damaged, then you have not been
- damaged.
- No such virus has ever been detected, for obvious reasons. All the
- reported viruses have done something noticeable. Since the intent of
- a virus is to spread, and since if it has no symptoms, the author
- cannot know if it is successful, few people would write such a virus.
- >e. We should consider that the individual may have access to the o/s
- >source code.
- I assume that you mean that an attacker would have special knowledge
- of the operating system, since if he has WRITE access to such code, no
- other attack is necessary.
- While it is likely that some virus authors have such special
- knowledge, few exploit it and, since viruses need only exploit user
- privileges, it is neither necessary nor even particularly useful.
- >I am particularly interested in comments about:
- >
- >a. Known attacks on Unix o/s involving tampering with the o/s kernel
- >and commands.
- Indeed, you may well be. (Of course, attacks against the kernel are
- substantively different from those involving commands.) Given the
- mode of operation of many Unix systems, sophisticated attacks are
- rarely needed. I suggest that you read Ken Thompson's Turing Award
- lecture and Cliff Stoll's "The Cuckoo's Egg." They have already
- recorded far more than I am likely to tell you.
- ____________________________________________________________________
- William Hugh Murray 203-966-4769
- Information System Security 203-326-1833 (CELLULAR)
- Consultant to Deloitte & Touche 203-761-3088
- Wilton, Connecticut email: 315-8580@MCIMAIL.COM
- MCI-Mail: 315-8580
- TELEX: 6503158580
- FAX: 203-966-8612
- Compu-Serve: 75126,1722
- 21 Locust Avenue, Suite 2D DASnet: [DCM1WM]WMURRAY
- New Canaan, Connecticut 06840 PRODIGY: DXBM57A
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 16:53:34 -0700
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: Need help with Beijing Virus (PC)
- > this? I have something that may work, but I need a SIGN.TXT file to
- > run it with. Could I get a copy of this? Any help is greatly
- Your statement indicates that what you have is FPROT. If you have
- been given only the F-FCHK program, you do not have the full package,
- as SIGN.TXT is included in it. The file FPROT114.ZIP should contain
- the entire suite, and is available on many servers and local bulletin
- boards. (frisk has also been promising 1.15 RSN for a while now, and
- it may be available by the time you read this. :-)
- =============
- Vancouver p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca | "Is it plugged in?"
- Institute for Robert_Slade@mtsg.sfu.ca | "I can't see."
- Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | "Why not?"
- User Canada V7K 2G6 | "The power's off
- Security | here."
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 16:41:53 -0700
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: Am I subject to viruses?
- pcsbbs!fff@uunet.uu.net writes:
- > If I connect to a site where I always initiate the call, only exchange
- > email and receive netnews, am I subject to receiving a virus. My
- > modem is never left on and the port is not enabled for a login.
- Actually, your question, even as specific as you have made it (and
- thank you for all the details you *have* given) is not completely
- straightforward.
- First point: what is your local machine? If it is a PC, and you are
- using it just as a terminal, you should be almost completely safe. I
- say "almost", because there are instances of codes imbedded in text
- that can gain "access" to the low levels of your machine, but they
- would be very much subject to the specific terminal program you are
- using, and the configuration both of it and of your PC. As these
- codes have so far been seen only in "trojan" situations, and given the
- configuration specific nature, this is highly unlikely to be of
- concern to you.
- If you are using a workstation, and connecting in a network or
- pseudonetwork configuration (I am extrapolating from your comment
- about the port not being enabled for a login) you may possibly be at
- greater risk
- If you are simply using a terminal, you may still be subject to a
- "denial of access" viral situation, although you would be safe from
- local data loss. Some terminals (and I won't go into details because
- they are available in back issues of VIRUS-L) will accept text as
- commands to "remap" the keybaord, and then to "send" the remapped
- commands. These "new" commands can, of course, be of the nature of
- "forward this message to everyone I know", and thus create a mail
- virus.
- =============
- Vancouver p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca | "Is it plugged in?"
- Institute for Robert_Slade@mtsg.sfu.ca | "I can't see."
- Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | "Why not?"
- User Canada V7K 2G6 | "The power's off
- Security | here."
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 16:48:01 -0700
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: How big is the virus problem ??
- > hit :-), but I would be very interested in hearing peoples estimates of
- > the SCALE of the problem, and reading any material that people may
- The last few issues of Information Week have published scattered
- excerpts of a study by Certus International. Although no details of
- methodology are given, beyond the statement that 150 corporations were
- surveyed, they state that 26% of companies were hit by an infection
- (on one or more PC's) in January of 1991. Over half of the companies
- had been affected at one time.
- Certus is also stating that the problem (in terms of number of
- infections) is growing at the rate of 160% per quarter.
- The figures may be inflated by "self selection" factors, or they may
- be lowered because of privacy concerns.
- =============
- Vancouver p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca | "Is it plugged in?"
- Institute for Robert_Slade@mtsg.sfu.ca | "I can't see."
- Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | "Why not?"
- User Canada V7K 2G6 | "The power's off
- Security | here."
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 08:18:24 -0400
- From: "Christopher T. Anderson" <CANDERSO@uga.cc.uga.edu>
- Subject: re: Possible hypercard virus (Mac)
- A Suggestion for your "possible HyperCard virus." Running 6.0.5 on
- those Macs suggests to me that you may be running into a heap-stack
- collision. If you are running a moderate number of INITs, you may
- wish to get Heap Tool (available at Sumex). This adjusts the size of
- your heap upwards, avoiding such collisions. Write back with any
- questions.
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Name: Christopher T. Anderson (Chris)
- Mail Address: Computer Services Annex Electronic Addresses:
- University of Georgia Bitnet: CAnderso@uga
- Athens, GA 30602 Internet: CAnderso@uga.cc.uga.edu
- Telephone: Work (404) 542-5162 EasyLink: 74730.3306@compuserv.com
- Home (404) 549-8958 America Online: CTAnderson
- C A R P E D I E M ! ! !
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 12:24:53 +0000
- From: leeuw@fwi.uva.nl (Jacco de Leeuw)
- Subject: Virus in disk-validator (Amiga)
- A disk which contained a virus-killer I needed because of the
- 'Noname'-virus, also contained a very nasty virus (!). It was located
- in the 'disk-validator' program in the L directory. This one is a real
- problem, because you don't even have to boot from an infected disk or
- run a program! Just insert it in any drive and it will put itself in
- memory. A friend of mine said that this was because of a bug in
- Kickstart, because when a disk is damaged somehow (by this virus for
- example), the disk-validator on this disk is used, and not the one in
- L:.
- I don't know for sure what this virus does, except writing itself to
- any disk inserted. I DO know how to identify it: VirusX4.0 says that
- "The Australian Parasite virus" was found in memory and the
- ColdCapture pointer was altered. After that, VirusX says it has
- removed it from memory, but actually it's still there. You can easily
- check if your disk-validator has been infected: just 'type opt h
- df1:l/disk-validator' (for example) will do. The normal disk-validator
- contains a lot of text (several errors), whereas the virus only has
- the text 'Checksum error' at the end. You can't see the difference
- from the size of the disk-validator.
- So, is it a new virus? Which virus-killer can recognize this one and
- future versions? And where can I find it?
- Thanks, Jacco (leeuw@fwi.uva.nl)
- - --
- Jacco de Leeuw | Email: leeuw@fwi.uva.nl
- J.C. van Wessemstr. 54 | Department of Computer Science
- 1501 VM Zaandam, Holland | Plantage Muidergracht 24 Room 106a
- Home phone: +31-75-352068 | 1018 TV Amsterdam, Holland
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 08:23:44 -0400
- From: "Christopher T. Anderson" <CANDERSO@uga.cc.uga.edu>
- Subject: virus infection by inserting a floppy (Mac)
- Yes,
- On the macintosh, WDEF spreads quite nicely on insertion of a floppy. Any
- virus which infects the desktop file will likely infect on disk insertion.
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Name: Christopher T. Anderson (Chris)
- Mail Address: Computer Services Annex Electronic Addresses:
- University of Georgia Bitnet: CAnderso@uga
- Athens, GA 30602 Internet: CAnderso@uga.cc.uga.edu
- Telephone: Work (404) 542-5162 EasyLink: 74730.3306@compuserv.com
- Home (404) 549-8958 America Online: CTAnderson
- C A R P E D I E M ! ! !
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 16:59:37 -0400
- From: padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com (A. Padgett Peterson)
- Subject: Detection of viruses (PC)
- >From: "Mark Aitchison, U of Canty; Physics" <PHYS169@csc.canterbury.ac.nz>
- >(1) It would be best to check a few key interrupt vectors (via their
- >low memory locations, not via DOS), as well as the memory size...
- Agree & should do this before DOS loads while interrupt vectors are still
- predictable.
- >(3) Does any virus take interrupts by not changing the vector but by
- >changing the first few bytes of the present routine to be a far jump
- >to the virus?
- Boot sector infectors that grab Int 13 do this backwards: The virus takes
- 13 from the BIOS but when DOS loads, the vector is repointed to DOS and
- after its check, a far call is made to the previous vector (virus).
- Joshi & Stoned look like this after DOS loads.
- >However, IMHO, non-boot sector viruses will probably
- >eventually win over the best efforts of anti-virus software...
- I am not sure about this. A good integrity management system will be able to
- block anything that tries to take power after DOS but an BSI has the
- opportunity to go resident on any accidental boot. Unless a BIOS level checker
- is in place (like my experiment), this can be very difficult to detect given
- some techniques we (thankfully) have not seen, yet.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 16:59:37 -0400
- From: padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com (A. Padgett Peterson)
- Subject: Boot sector viruses on IDE hard disks (PC)
- >From: LYNNE@vax.oxford.ac.uk
- >
- >In the way of preventative measures we think that a solution would be
- >to advise our users who are purchasing IDE drives to take several
- >backup copies of the boot sector...
- I think you are talking about the Master Boot Record (aka Partition Table),
- DOS Boot Records are relatively easy to restore & FORMAT works if nothing else.
- >Does anyone know of a simple (and optimally free) utility that
- >provides a fool-proof mechanism for copying and writing the boot sector?
- I use DEBUG to do this all the time - the necessary code fragment is:
- MOV AX,201
- MOV BX,200
- MOV CX,1
- MOV DX,80
- INT 13
- INT 20
- After execution, the MBR will reside in locations 200h-3ffh for you to
- store in a .DAT file. Restoration just requires changing one byte.
- If you want the DOS Boot Record, "L 200 2 0 1" will put that in the same
- location.
- >As far as curative measures are concerned (where a copy has not
- >been taken of the BS) we are stymied! Has anyone any suggestions?
- If you have a number of similar machines, all partitioned the same way,
- you should find that the MBR and BR are the same between machines (no
- guarentees though). A good tech should be able to rebuild a lost MBR in
- about 15 minutes if the drive is known & familiar.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 16:59:37 -0400
- From: padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com (A. Padgett Peterson)
- Subject: Unix viruses (UNIX)
- >From: spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
- >
- >First of all, Unix viruses are definitely possible, and they aren't
- >all that difficult to write.
- Entirely true, though it is more difficult to get one to spread in a
- properly implimented (managerial problem NOT technical) unix
- environment than in DOS.
- Given access, unix will take care of the structure of a file header,
- etc. provided the unix virus uses properly implimented high level
- calls. The low level stuff (under the OS) found in many DOS viruses is
- rather difficult to impliment. The unix access controls are adequate
- against this type of attack are adequate (viruses are possible but
- worms or spoofs are easier).
- Essence of next comment also From: ethan@thinc.COM (Ethan.Lish@THINC.COM)
- >So, the answer to the question of, is it possible to write a Unix
- >virus, is a definite "yes." It can easily be done as a shell script,
- >which makes it portable to any form of Unix...
- This is a possibility but the infection process would have to be a bit
- convoluted - a spoof would be simpler. You would have to invoke a "cut
- and paste" operation to infect other scripts and write or root access
- would be required. The main difficulty would be that script files are
- readable, kind of like patching AUTOEXEC.BAT in DOS & easy to detect
- (if anyone looks). Would also be limited to legal commands (annoying
- but not likely to be permanently destructive).
- In the VAX world, use of version numbers in file calls (does anyone
- else ?) would make such script spoofs more difficult.
- Key here is that "good" multi-user systems (e.g. unix) already have
- good defense mechanisms built in but rarely used.
- Warmly,
- Padgett
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 17:35:33 -0400
- Subject: Re: Possible hypercard virus? (Mac)
- >I'm hoping someone out there can help me. I have a user (I'm a
- >consultant) who thinks he may have a virus. When he is using
- >HyperCard 1.2.5 with a stack that is 300-400 K in size (it is just one
- >specific stack) he is getting a lot of bombs. When he tries to script
- >a new card for the stack he gets a bomb at various times as follows:
- > As soon as he starts scripting
- > When he tries to end the scripting
- THis sounds more like a corrupted stack than a virus. Your user may
- want to (okay, *need* to) copy the old cards into a new stack. There's
- a stack called "Cheesy Recovery" on sumex (I think) that should do the
- job.
- >Is it possible for a virus, trojan, worm, etc. to infect a hard disk
- >or RAM simply by inserting an infected floppy into a drive without
- >execution??
- Yes. There are several Mac viruses which take advantage of a feature
- in the operating systenm which allows you to substitute your own code
- for system code. The substitute code spreads via a resource file which
- the Finder always opens when a disk is inserted.
- --- Joe M.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 15:12:40 -0700
- From: gschultz@cheetah.llnl.gov (Gene Schultz)
- Subject: Call for papers--3rd Workshop on Computer Security Incident Handling
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- Call for Papers
- Third Workshop on Computer Security Incident Handling
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- Location and Dates:
- Hyatt Dulles August 6-8, 1991
- At Dulles International Airport
- Herndon, Virginia
- Description:
- The Third Workshop on Computer Security Incident Handling will consist
- of tutorials, invited addresses, paper sessions, and workshop/
- discussion sessions on topics relevant to responding to computer
- security incidents. The presentations will provide a forum to discuss
- advances in theory and practice that improve the state of this field.
- Theoretical, applied, tutorial, or descriptive papers selected for
- presentation will appear in the conference proceedings to be published
- after the Workshop. The Third Workshop on Computer Security Incident
- Handling is sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University's Software
- Engineering Institute. Submissions are solicited for the following
- sessions:
- Tutorials (half-day):
- Tutorials should cover topics such as network security and
- methodologies/strategies for incident handling. The purpose of each
- tutorial should be to allow someone who has little or no knowledge
- about incident handling to learn the basic issues/concepts in this
- arena.
- Paper Sessions:
- Proposals for paper sessions (approximately 30 minutes in length)
- should address one of the following areas:
- o Network intrusions (including case studies, etiologies, and
- intrusion detection efforts)
- o Vendor activities
- o Procedures and policies for responding to incidents
- o Threats (including threat and attack models, descriptions of
- coordinated efforts to intrude into networks, and cracking tools)
- o Legal issues
- o Tools
- o Vulnerabilities and malicious code
- o Ethical issues
- Workshops (half-day):
- Proposals to lead workshop sessions covering topics such as network
- security, relationships between incident response teams, and lessons
- learned from responding to incidents are also solicited.
- Submissions:
- Proposals should be 300 - 500 words in length. Please do not send
- submissions that are significantly shorter or longer. Papers must not
- have been previously presented or published, nor currently submitted
- for journal publication. Each manuscript will be submitted to a
- rigorous refereeing process. Proposals should have a title page that
- includes the title of the paper, full name of its author(s),
- affiliation(s), complete physical and electronic address(es), telephone
- number(s), and a 300-500 word description of the purpose and major
- ideas to be presented.
- Deadlines:
- May 17, 1991
- Deadline for receipt of proposal
- June 7, 1991
- Notification of accepted proposals
- July 15, 1991
- Camera-ready manuscripts must be received
- Address for Submissions:
- Send all submissions and questions to one of the Workshop Co-Chairs:
- Richard Pethia
- Software Engineering Institute
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
- E-mail: rdp@cert.sei.cmu.edu
- Phone: (412) 268-7739
- or
- Eugene Schultz
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- P.O. Box 808, L-303
- Livermore, CA 94550
- E-mail: gschultz@cheetah.llnl.gov
- Phone: (415) 422-7781
- ------------------------------
- End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 59]
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