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- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk (The Moderator) <krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
- Errors-To: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
- Path: cert.sei.cmu.edu!krvw
- Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V4 #63
- --------
- VIRUS-L Digest Wednesday, 17 Apr 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 63
- Today's Topics:
- F-PROT version 1.15 available (PC)
- Stoned and Dark Avenger mutations (PC)
- New programs ob BEACH (PC)
- Joshi virus fixed! (PC)
- Re: AF/91 - John Gantz "joke" in Infoworld
- RE: Norton's Antiviral program (PC)
- Wasting my time
- Malicious Code Responce Policy (ALL)
- Re: UNIX & Viruses (UNIX)
- Re: HyperCard anti-virus script bad (Mac)
- Re: HyperCard anti-virus script bad (Mac)
- Documented Cases of Viruses -- NOT on PCs or MACs
- Re: Stoned 2 query (PC)
- EMPIRE Virus (PC)
- Re: Is virus infection by inserting floppy disk possible? (PC) (Mac)
- Viraphobia (Re: AF/91 and April Foolism in general)
- VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
- virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
- Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
- diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
- polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
- contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
- VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
- anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
- periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
- and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 23:14:02 +0000
- From: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
- Subject: F-PROT version 1.15 available (PC)
- Version 1.15 of the F-PROT anti-virus package is now available. There
- are no major changes from version 1.14 - you have to wait for 2.0 to
- see all the new features. I have uploaded the program to
- beach.gal.utexas.edu, but several other FTP sites will probably have
- the package in a couple of days or so.
- Version 1.15 added the following features:
- Detection, but not disinfection of
- Akuku
- Doom2
- Mardi Bros
- Microbes
- MIX2
- Ontario
- Spyer
- Swedish disaster
- USSR-1594
- X-boot
- Detection and removal of
- 10 past 3
- 1575
- 1600 (Jerusalem variant)
- 403
- 4th Black Friday (Jerusalem variant)
- Aircop
- AntiCAD/Plastique-2576
- AntiCAD/Plastique-3004 (COBOL)
- Azusa
- Burger-382
- Cascade 1701-YAP
- Christmas Violator
- Dark Lord (variant of Terror)
- Deicide
- Dutch-555
- Enigma
- Fichv 2.1
- Flip/Omicron-2153
- The 4th Black Friday (Jerusalem variant)
- Frere-2 (Jerusalem variant)
- G-Virus, version 1.3 (731)
- Gergana
- Grither (Vienna variant)
- Hybryd
- Iraqui Warrior (Vienna variant)
- Jeff (impossible to disinfect)
- June 4th (Stoned variant)
- Klaeren (impossible to disinfect)
- Kylie (Jerusalem variant)
- Leprosy-A
- Leszop (Stoned variant)
- Magnitogorsk
- Michelangelo (Stoned variant)
- Micro-128
- Minimal-45
- Mirror
- MG-4
- Monxla-B
- Paris
- Phantom
- Plague
- Rostov (Stoned variant)
- September 18th-789 (first reported as "805")
- September 18th-801 (first reported as "817")
- Sexual revolution (Stoned variant)
- South African-408
- Spanish Telecom (boot-form)
- Staf
- SVC 3.1
- Taiwan-C (752 byte variant)
- Taiwan-D (677 byte variant)
- Testvirus B
- Vienna VHP-622 from Bulgaria
- Vienna 822 from Hungary
- Wolfman
- Removal of the following viruses, which were detected in 1.14
- 905
- Lovechild
- Terror
- Vienna-644
- The "405" and "382" viruses have now been reclassified as
- Burger-variants.
- The names of some viruses have been changed, in most cases
- because the viruses had only a temporary, numeric name.
- 1600 --> Happy New Year
- 417 --> F-word
- Perfume --> G-Virus
- /NOBOOT switch added to F-DRIVER to disable memory check at boot
- time. Should only be used on computers with Network Boot ROMs,
- where the standard F-DRIVER has caused problems.
- /QUICK switch added to F-FCHK. Using it results in faster
- scanning, but reduces the chances of detecting previously
- unknown variants of "old" viruses.
- /DELETE switch added to F-FCHK. If it is used, infected files
- will be overwritten several times and then deleted.
- The F-INOC and F-DIR programs are not included any more,
- as they were practically useless.
- F-FCHK will now indicate if a program has been compressed by
- DIET, LZEXE or PKLITE. The programs will not be scanned - that
- will be added in a later version.
- A small program (F-TEST) has been added to determine if F-DRIVER
- is installed and working properly. See USAGE.TXT for further
- information.
- The following bugs/problems have been fixed:
- F-DISINF /MULTI did not work under all circumstances.
- Conflicts between F-DRIVER and PC-NFS have been
- eliminated.
- Version 1.14 was not able to remove all variants of
- Jerusalem, including some which 1.13 handled successfully.
- This has been fixed.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 22:00:00 -0300
- From: Raul Fernando Weber <WEBER@SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR>
- Subject: Stoned and Dark Avenger mutations (PC)
- Three slightly different versions of the Stoned virus were detected
- during the last months in Porto Alegre (Southern Brazil).
- The first version contains the string "Your PC is now Stoned! <bell>
- <cr> <lf> <lf> <null> LEGALISE MARIJUANA!". In the second version this
- string now reads "Your PC is now Stoned! <bell> <cr> <lf> <lf> <null>
- LEGALISEm disk or d". Curiously, the last part of the modified string
- seems to be derived from the original boot sector, where the string
- "Non-System disk or disk error" can be found at the same offset. I
- wonder if this can happen due to a failure at the propagation routine?
- The third version is quite different, and was first detected in a city
- near Porto Alegre. The string now reads "Collor, um tiro basta! <cr>
- <lf> <lf> Call John MacAFee? <space> <cr> <lf>". The first line is in
- Portuguese and means "Collor, one shoot is enough!", a protest against
- the economic plan of President Collor. There is another modification,
- however, probably to protect this mutation against virus scanners.
- Beginning at the offset 63, four bytes were changed from BE 04 00 57
- to 57 BE 04 00. With this change, SCAN and CLEAN cannot detect the
- virus anymore. The program F-BOOT from the FPROT114 package, however,
- is still able to detect and remove the virus (Good work, Frisk!).
- Another virus that also appeared in the last weeks was Dark Avenger.
- The string "Eddie lives...somewhere in time!" can be detected at the
- beginning of the virus body, but the final string was modified to
- "This virus was created in Singapore (C) Copyright 1990-91 Data
- Maniac". Both SCAN/CLEAN and F-FCHK (from FPROT114) are able to detect
- and eliminate this virus.
- Raul F. Weber
- Institute of Informatic
- Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
- Porto Alegre - RS
- Brazil
- e-mail: weber@sbu.ufrgs.anrs.br
- or weber%sbu.ufrgs.anrs.br@lbl.gov
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 16 Apr 91 08:45:00 -0500
- Subject: New programs ob BEACH (PC)
- The anonymous FTP server at BEACH.GAL.UTEXAS.EDU has added the
- following programs to the [anonymous.pub.virus.pc] directory:
- John Perry KG5RG
- University of Texas Medical Branch
- Galveston, Texas 77550-2772
- You can send mail to me at any of the following addresses:
- Internet : perry@beach.gal.utexas.edu
- Internet : john.perry@f365.n106.z1.fidonet.org
- FIDOnet : 1:106/365.0
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Apr 91 04:36:52 +0000
- From: awl@extro.ucc.su.oz.au (Tony Locke)
- Subject: Joshi virus fixed! (PC)
- Thanks to all those who replied to me with advice for fixing the Joshi
- virus. I never actually got to see a program eliminate it on my
- particlar machine, ever using Clean and Scan, I managed to eliminate
- it using a low level format from the BIOS.
- Thanks for all help
- Tony Locke
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Apr 91 15:03:32 +0000
- From: CAH0@gte.com (Chuck Hoffman)
- Subject: Re: AF/91 - John Gantz "joke" in Infoworld
- sharp@mizar.usc.edu (Malcolm Sharp) writes:
- > I'm not laughing.
- No, I guess you're not. It sounds like you went to a lot of trouble in
- response to it.
- > I'm searching for the adjectives to describe this irresponsible
- > act.
- >
- > Anyone else spend time investigating this virus from the 4/1 columns?
- "Thoughtless," maybe. "Irresponsible?" I don't think so. He's not
- responsible for what you do on the basis of one, uncorroborated report. I
- think I might have checked with this network first before spending a lot
- of time.
- > I'm *seriously* considering a class action suit for compensatory
- > (small $) and punitive (BIG $$$) damages.
- >
- > Interested in hearing from others.
- Maybe you should hear from John Gantz (privately). You didn't mention
- whether or not you called him to discuss this before you put a lot of
- effort in. I've called authors of professional articles and textbooks
- several times, and they all have seemed pleased to get the call.
- They've all had more to say than was actually in print. A call might
- have helped, here. Or even a non-public exchange of e-mail, before
- launching a difficult virus hunt.
- I'm sorry that you went to such trouble. Maybe a little beforehand
- communication with the net or the author will be helpful next time
- something like this comes up, and it might save you a lot of effort.
- - - Chuck Hoffman, GTE Laboratories, Inc. | I'm not sure why we're here,
- cah0@bunny.gte.com | but I am sure that while we're
- Telephone (U.S.A.) 617-466-2131 | here, we're supposed to help
- GTE VoiceNet: 679-2131 | each other.
- GTE Telemail: C.HOFFMAN |
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Apr 91 14:40:58 -0400
- From: "John D. Hopkins" <JHOPKINS@cbacc.cba.uga.edu>
- Subject: RE: Norton's Antiviral program (PC)
- > I have heard there was an article in a mag. comparing Norton's
- > antiviral to McAfee's scan and that the Norton's program failed to
- > identify the Stoned virus. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
- I can absolutely guarantee you that this is false!! The Norton
- Anivirus program found the bloody Stoned virus on one of our machines
- and sucessfully removed it with no bother. I had trouble getting the
- thing cleaned off a floppy, but McAfee didn't do any better.
- So far we have no complaints with Norton.
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | John D. Hopkins, Operational Support |Through the darkness of future |
- | <jhopkins@cbacc.cba.uga.edu> |past, The magician longs to see|
- | Col. of Business Admin. Computer Center |One chants out between two |
- | University of Georgia ph. 2-3829 |worlds, Fire... walk with me. |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 16 Apr 91 15:51:00 -0500
- Subject: Wasting my time
- I am amusingly considering a classless action against
- Malcolm Sharp et al for wasting my time on their hurt
- pride.
- "I'll have my computer get in touch with your computer"
- - ----------------------------------------
- Richard Howland-Bolton
- Manager Publications Computing
- Cornell University
- Compuserve: 71041,2133
- AppleLink: CUGURU
- Voice: (607) 255-9455
- FAX: (607) 255-5684
- Post: Publications, East Hill Plaza
- Ithaca, NY 14850
- Etc, etc.
- - ----------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 16 Apr 91 14:02:52 -0600
- From: Peter_Johnston@mts.ucs.ualberta.ca
- Subject: Malicious Code Responce Policy (ALL)
- The University of Alberta has recently been hit by a new PC virus
- ("Evil Empire"). As often happens in such cases, we were caught less
- than fully prepared and have been scrambling (with much help from
- various anti-viral experts on the net) to react to this threat. We are
- now making progress and hope to soon announce a full recovery.
- We have also over the past two years started seeing other examples of
- malicious code on Macintosh and PC machines, both in our public labs
- and on individual student and staff machines.
- As a result, management here is now more sensitized to the problem and
- we are in the process of developing a more formalized campus-wide
- "Malicious Code Response Policy" that can be used as a starting point
- for future responses. It will address all facets of the problem when
- it is done: emergency response, prevention, escalation policies, who
- to contact, how to do certain things, etc. I have been asked to
- develop it, and have several ideas of my own with with which to start.
- However, I am sure that other organizations have faced the same
- situation and may have such policies already in place.
- I would appreciated receiving advice, suggestions, or text of already
- developed anti-viral policies from members of the net. In return, I
- would be pleased to share our policy when developed with members of
- the net.
- If you can help, please forward materials to me either electronically
- or by physical mail (machine readable if possible) to one of the
- addresses below. The QuickMail address is not (yet!) quite as reliable
- as the others.
- If there are any special conditions that you wish attached to material
- submitted (such as confidentiality), please so state and we will abide
- by them. Thanks...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Peter Johnston | Voice : 403/492-2462
- University Comput Systems | FAX : 403/492-1729
- 352 GenSvcBldg, | BitNET : usergold@ualtamts
- The University of Alberta | Internet : usergold@mts.ucs.ualberta.ca
- Edmonton, Alberta | QuickMail: Peter_Johnston@
- Canada T6G 2H1 | : quest.ucs.ualberta.ca
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 16 Apr 91 21:00:20 +0100
- From: Paul <pg9065@computing.bradford.ac.uk>
- Subject: Re: UNIX & Viruses (UNIX)
- ethan@thinc.COM (Ethan.Lish@THINC.COM) writes:
- > The simplest form of a *NIX virus is :
- > cp $0 .
- > Now *every* *NIX platform I know of will run this "virus"
- Ooops, just ran it!
- It said "No file for $0.".
- Thats on Sun OS 4.1 running csh.
- Just how is cp $0 . supposed to be a virus? Even if $0 was defined to
- something valid all it would do is copy a file into your current directory.
- Paul Sutton
- Department of Computing, University of Bradford, Bradford, BD7 1DP, UK
- p.c.sutton@bradford.ac.uk
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 16 Apr 91 15:47:34 +0800
- From: bcarter@claven.idbsu.edu
- Subject: Re: HyperCard anti-virus script bad (Mac)
- >Unfortunately, Bruce, if the script is going to spread, it has to get
- >past the scripts in the HOME card of HC. Passing the message directly
- >to HC does not bypass the HOME scripts.
- >
- >Mike
- >Mac Admin
- >mike@pyrite.som.cwru.edu
- Of course sending to HyperCard bypasses the Home stack scripts, which
- you could have easily verified if you had bothered to check. Here is
- a simple example. There is a handler called "xy" in the stack script
- of the Home stacks of both version 1 and 2 of HyperCard. Execute the
- following handler from a button, or execute the statements
- individually from the message box.
- on mouseUp
- xy
- send "xy" to HyperCard
- end mouseUp
- The first xy executes the xy handler in the Home stack (which gives
- you an updating mouseLoc in the message box). Click to exit the xy
- handler. The send executes and you get a "Can't understand xy"
- message because HyperCard doesn't know what to do with the "xy"
- message. The handler is in the Home stack and has been bypassed by
- the send. Or here is a more directly related example. Put the
- following in your Home stack.
- on set
- answer "Tried to use set"
- end set
- This should prevent any set from being executed. It is easily
- bypassed by using the send format.
- Bruce Carter, Courseware Development Coordinator Lab: (208) 385-1859
- Faculty Development Lab - Room 213 Office: (208) 385-1250
- Simplot/Micron Technology Center CompuServe ID: 76666,511
- Boise State University CREN (BITNET): duscarte@idbsu
- 1910 University Drive Internet: duscarte@idbsu.idbsu.edu
- Boise, ID 83725 --> Preferred: bcarter@claven.idbsu.edu
- ===============================================================================
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 16 Apr 91 14:36:19 -0900
- From: "Jo Knox - UAF Academic Computing" <FXJWK@ALASKA>
- Subject: Re: HyperCard anti-virus script bad (Mac)
- > mike@pyrite.SOM.CWRU.Edu (Michael Kerner)
- writes:
- > Unfortunately, Bruce, if the script is going to spread, it has to get
- > past the scripts in the HOME card of HC. Passing the message directly
- > to HC does not bypass the HOME scripts.
- Untrue---sending the command to HyperCard DOES bypass the normal HyperCard
- message inheritance path! (Course, I know nothing about 2.0...)
- jo
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Apr 91 22:38:13 +0000
- From: braunste@sal-sun12.usc.edu (Gil Braunstein)
- Subject: Documented Cases of Viruses -- NOT on PCs or MACs
- I was wondering whether there are documented cases of viruses
- infecting mainframes or minis (basically not PCs). So far all books
- about viruses that I read do not document cases of viruses they simply
- describe how it can be done. I'm a CS graduate student at USC and I'm
- taking a course in information security (unfortunately not given by
- the CS department), my instructor claims that there have not been any
- documented cases of viruses infecting mainframes that he knows of. On
- the other hand, another instructor claims to know about some cases but
- one of the few sources that he pointed out was Fred Cohen's paper.
- The Fred Cohen paper seems to be missing from the school's library so
- I was wondering if any of you have access to that paper and can send
- me a copy and also about any other documented cases of viruses
- infecting non-Pcs.
- Thanks in advance,
- Gil.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 16 Apr 91 23:17:18 +0000
- From: sharp@mizar.usc.edu (Malcolm Sharp)
- Subject: Re: Stoned 2 query (PC)
- According to my sources, Stoned 2 is a "shadow" of Stoned... if you
- use the McAfee CLEAN [Stoned], Stoned 2 will go away.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 17 Apr 91 12:30:00 +1200
- From: "Nick FitzGerald" <CCTR132@csc.canterbury.ac.nz>
- Subject: EMPIRE Virus (PC)
- In VIRUS-L Digest V4 #62 padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com
- (A. Padgett Peterson) wrote:
- > In my previous alert on the EMPIRE virus, I had not yet seen the
- >second sector with the transposed text. Since then I have received
- >this
- >[deletions]
- >Text of encrypted message follows:
- >
- >I'm becoming a little confused as to where the "evil empire" is these
- >days.
- >[rest of virus message deleted]
- If it's not too late, I would respectfully suggest that "Evil Empire"
- is a better name for this virus as it is more easily identified when
- the beasty does trigger and display its message, _AND_ it is a "more
- unique" name.
- Tim also sent me a copy of this virus, and it has an interesting
- feature when it infects a HD with a controller that writes to the MBR.
- A week or so ago, it was mentioned that some XT HD controllers write
- up to 17 bytes (yep, 17!) of guff to the MBR immediately before the 64
- bytes reserved for the partition table. Well, my XT at home has just
- such a controller and when that machine is infected with the Empire
- virus (I'll use this name for now to avoid/prevent confusion) the HD
- is rendered unbootable. This is because the HD controller seems to
- always slip its mystery bytes into a write to 0,0,1, including the
- viral infection write. As the Empire virus code requires all of the
- MBR sector apart from the last 66 bytes, its code is corrupted by
- these 17 mystery bytes, and it doesn't execute correctly, hanging the
- machine at boot-up.
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Nick FitzGerald, PC Applications Consultant, CSC, Uni of Canterbury, N.Z.
- Internet: n.fitzgerald@csc.canterbury.ac.nz Phone: (64)(3) 642-337
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 16 Apr 91 22:24:00 -0500
- Subject: Re: Is virus infection by inserting floppy disk possible? (PC) (Mac)
- mike@pyrite.SOM.CWRU.Edu (Michael Kerner) writes:
- > That's what WDEF viruses do on the Macintosh - they transfer from the
- > "desktop" file of the infected floppy to the host. However, they are
- > also extremely easy to kill, and don't do any real damage, so they are
- > not (yet) seen as a big threat.
- It may be easy to kill (rebuild your desktop!) but it also spreads
- like wildfire. And it certainly does do "real damage" -- where I
- work, people have lost papers because WDEF crashed their system and
- corrupted their files. It causes printing problems, it crashes a Mac
- II almost immediately, and God help you if you get it on a server!
- In reply to the original question, CDEF (Mac) also works like this:
- infecting the desktop file, usually on disk insertion. And since it
- was written at Ithaca High School, it is _all_over_ Cornell. (Lucky
- us.)
- _____________________________________________
- | / \ / \ |
- | / You can't fight | | Mark Pilgrim \ |
- | | in here -- this |\_______/| | |
- \_____| is the WAR ROOM! |// \\| f8dy@cornella. |_____/
- | (from Doctor /// \\\ cit.cornell.edu |
- | Strangelove) /// \\\ |
- \_______________/// \\\_______________/
- My thoughts may not be my own, but they're certainly not my employer's.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Apr 91 02:27:05 +0000
- From: "Eric C. Pan" <epan@jarthur.Claremont.edu>
- Subject: Viraphobia (Re: AF/91 and April Foolism in general)
- I am getting tire of all the people whose hair stand on ends
- at the mentioning of viruses. I think April Fool's Day is a nice way
- to relax....
- I believe some people are too easily paniced by any mentioning
- of virus. I am beginning to wonder if you will believe me if I claim
- that the human acquired immune deficiency syndrome, i.e. the HIV virus
- is spreading to computer. Gosh, I am tired of all the people who ask
- me to check their disks for viruses everytime they get a system error,
- or their drive makes a funny sound.
- Track Record so far? Out of 20 some people I helped, none of
- them have ANY VIRAL INFECTION. NONE! And yet everyday, someone would
- scream "Computer Virus" because they crashed their system, sometimes
- because they pushed their reset button.
- Is there someway we can stop this PARANOIA? I think sueing
- anyone who bring up virus as a joke is definitely not a solution.
- ------------------------------
- End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 63]
- *****************************************