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- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk (The Moderator) <krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
- Errors-To: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
- Path: cert.sei.cmu.edu!krvw
- Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V4 #66
- --------
- VIRUS-L Digest Friday, 19 Apr 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 66
- Today's Topics:
- F-Prot (PC)
- Re: Is virus infection by inserting floppy disk possible? (PC) (Mac)
- Trying find a good anti-viral software (PC)
- 3Com Attack? (PC)
- F-PROT 1.15 - Can't find Stoned (PC)
- Manual CASCADE-removal? (PC)
- Re: Do any viruses affect Novell? (PC)
- Re: HyperCard anti-virus script bad (Mac)
- FORM virus (PC)
- Re: AF/91 and April Foolism in general
- Re: Viraphobia (Re: AF/91 and April Foolism in general)
- Error in F-PROT 1.15 (PC)
- LANs vs. viruses
- VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
- virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
- Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
- diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
- polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
- contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
- VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
- anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
- periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
- and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 11:57:25
- From: <smith_s@gc.bitnet> (Steven W. Smith)
- Subject: F-Prot (PC)
- I just received FPROT115.ZIP and installed it. I found a very minor
- glitch: I ran the f-test program, and it reports "F-DRIVER is not
- installed or not working!". I tested it against Cascade, and it is in
- fact working.
- I am using DR DOS 5.0 on a Rycom "3060" 80386 with 4 meg RAM;
- F-driver is installed with:
- device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /h/s c:\f-prot\f-driver.sys
- _,_/|
- \o.O; Steven W. Smith, Programmer/Analyst
- =(___)= Glendale Community College, Glendale Az. USA
- *poof* My opinions are now your opinions, so you'd better get used to it!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 11:56:18 -0700
- From: ntg!slandrum@apple.com (Stephen Landrum)
- Subject: Re: Is virus infection by inserting floppy disk possible? (PC) (Mac)
- CAH0@gte.com (Chuck Hoffman) writes:
- > [ ... ] WDEF is
- >benign, and is easily deleted, [ ... ]
- The Hitchiker's Guide to Computer Virii entry for the WDEF virus is
- "Benign". Ford Prefect and I would like to change the entry to
- "Mostly Benign". :-)
- We have a lot of Mac IIci's at work, and there is a bug in WDEF (yea,
- a bug in a virus :-) ) that causes it to crash the IIci when a disk
- with WDEF on it is inserted in the floppy drive. Fortunately, this
- flaw means it never gets installed on the IIci, but it can be
- frustrating if you don't have some INIT installed that catches WDEF
- and removes it before it crashes the machine.
- - --
- Stephen H. Landrum VOICE: (415) 813-8909
- UUCP: ...apple!ntg!slandrum
- USNAIL: New Technologies Group Inc. 2468 Embarcardero Way, Palo Alto CA 94303
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 15:45:00 -0500
- From: "Sant." <SSIRCAR@ecs.umass.edu>
- Subject: Trying find a good anti-viral software (PC)
- Can someone please help with the following problem? I would like to
- know which of the following virus protection programs are the most
- reliable:
- Norton's Anti-Viral program
- Virex-PC
- Since I do download quite a bit from ftp sites, I need to protect my
- system from viruses. Currently, I have been using McAfee's VSHIELD &
- SCAN programs. Before I register the programs, I want to know if
- Norton's programs are just as good or better? Registering for the
- three McAfee's programs would be more expensive than buying Norton's
- program. I recently missed a sale pricing Norton at $50. If Norton
- is not as good, then I'd rather pay more for the better protection.
- So, can someone tell me what is the most reliable software to get? I
- should state that I do use Window over half the time.
- Is there something similar to MAC's SAM? I like how the program
- automatically checks any removable disks which has been inserted into
- the drive. Is there a PC version of this software which does the same
- thing?
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- +
- | Santanu Sircar BITNET: ssircar@umaecs.bitnet
- |
- | University of Massachusetts/Amherst INTERNET: ssircar@ecs.umass.edu
- |
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- +
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 15:58:33 -0600
- From: rtravsky@CORRAL.UWyo.Edu (Richard W Travsky)
- Subject: 3Com Attack? (PC)
- The current issue of Network World (April 15th) has a front page item
- on 3Com's campus net being hit by a virus (a 5,000 node network).
- Interesting article, but nowhere can I find what virus was involved.
- Any one have any 'inside' information?
- Richard Travsky
- Division of Information Technology Internet: RTRAVSKY @ CORRAL.UWYO.EDU
- University of Wyoming (307) 766 - 3663 / 3668
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 16:35:00 +0000
- From: Jim Schenk <JIMS@SERVAX.BITNET>
- Subject: F-PROT 1.15 - Can't find Stoned (PC)
- Hello,
- I just downloaded the latest version of F-PROT, version 1.15, from
- beach.gal.utexas.edu. Before upgrading my old 1.14, I decided to test
- the new version. It was able to detect and disinfect
- Israeli/Jerusalem, as well as Yankee (TP-44); however, when I ran
- F-DISINF on a known "Stoned" -infected floppy, I got the message:
- "This boot sector is infected with a new virus."
- I then ran F-DISINF from version 1.14, which gave me the expected
- "This boot sector is infected with the Stoned virus. Disinfect?"
- message. Scratching my head, I took a peek at the sign.txt files for
- both versions. F-PROT 1.14's sign.txt had an entry:
- Stoned yMAoWM85aMkPEkvm8p8WVs7NW5H5hk70JqdKUh4YVYCslmfA
- While version 1.15's sign.txt had the entries:
- Stoned-379 PmAcC5wma5utNjB5R7QqEV2ew8ErtdMmF3wRDKb5o3umMKyY7jVz0mKUakrP
- Stoned-fam PM8oCju535LdT555sd5Km5I40NVsjajLns0Np58WedJu
- I added the 1.14 signature into 1.15's sign.txt file, ran F-DISINF
- again, and sure enough, it was able to find and disinfect Stoned.
- Has anyone had any similar experiences with 1.15?
- By the way, I've been using F-PROT on campus here since version 1.10,
- and it is by far the best anti-virus program I've tested.
- Jim Schenk
- University Computer Services
- Florida International University
- Bitnet: jims@servax
- Internet: jims@servax.fiu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 18:31:03 +0200
- From: SI0_AB90038@DEBET.NHH.NO
- Subject: Manual CASCADE-removal? (PC)
- I had for some time a few programmes that were not backup-ed. During
- this period, my PC was infected by the CASCADE-1701 *COM-virus. I have
- planned just destroying the files; they are not worth as much as the
- price of a disinfector; but hope that someone here can assist me in
- manually removing this virus.
- If this implies a lot of work, I'd rather destroy the files, but if
- anybody can help me, I'd be grateful. If you find out that the
- workload will be to heavy, please mail me anyway so I can start
- deleting...
- TNX in advance from
- Audun Bringsvor
- Norwegian School of Economics
- si0_ab90038@debet.nhh.no
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 17:32:17 -0700
- From: jesse%altos86.Altos.COM@vicom.com (Acer - Jesse Chisholm)
- Subject: Re: Do any viruses affect Novell? (PC)
- |dweissman@amarna.gsfc.nasa.gov (WiseGuy) writes:
- |> What viruses (if any) affect Novell local area networks? Any DOS
- |> virus? Over a broadband/ethernet LAN?
- About 1.5 years ago, our NOVELL network was infected with Jerusalem-B.
- What happened was MicroSoft-Word needs to be writable because it can
- reconfigure itself for some user options. What we think happened is
- the supervisor ran MSW from a workstation that was infected. From MSW
- the whole company was soon infected. Since MSW remained writable to
- itself, it infected itself 70 someodd times. The infection was not
- detected until a TSR that was being developed in the R&D department
- started showing eratic behavior. It worked fine the first time it was
- compiled and run, but never again.
- Because of this, and the three weeks it took to clean house, our MIS
- department purchased a battery of protection programs and scanning
- programs. We have had no network infections since.
- We have been infected by Stoned, Jerusalem-B, Disk-Killer at various
- times since then, but only on a limited number of workstations before
- it was detected and cleaned. We have a problem trying to keep suspect
- floppies out of our system, since the Taiwan office is always sending
- floppies to us and not everyone knows about viral protection.
- Its an uphill battle, but so far we are winning.
- - --
- Jesse Chisholm | "I've UNDERSTOOD IT! Well, that is, ...,
- jesse@Altos86.Altos.COM | I'm not exactly sure WHAT I've understood,
- Tel 1-408-432-6200x4810 | but I have the impression I've understood
- Fax 1-408-434-0273 | SOMETHING." -- Anselm Lanturlu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 00:02:59 +0000
- From: mike@pyrite.SOM.CWRU.Edu (Michael Kerner)
- Subject: Re: HyperCard anti-virus script bad (Mac)
- You know, I've been doubting my own infallibility for the past few
- days since Bruce posted the "sorry, but it won't work", so I tried to
- send set and the params directly to HC, only it isn't happening, guys.
- Now I really would like to put this whole thing to rest, so try it:
- Try to send the set command directly to HC and change the script of a
- stack. I have yet to be able to do it. In other words, the theory
- is, of course correct, but it ain't working in practice, and I'm out
- of ideas, so please, all ye doubters, try it and then send me your
- scripts because all I'm getting are error messages with no results.
- Don't send me your ideas, I want working, syntactically correct
- scripts. If they work for me I'll withdraw my previous comments.
- Until then, please prove me wrong.
- Mikey.
- Mac Admin
- mike@pyrite.som.cwru.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 03:10:41 +0000
- From: woodd@spot.Colorado.EDU (WOOD DEREK H)
- Subject: FORM virus (PC)
- A local Community College I work at was just dropped dead by the FORM
- virus (as detected by Norton Anti-virus). Any help you can throw at
- me as soon as possible would be appreciated. We are entering the
- Finals week next week, and students need the units in order to finish
- projects. Either here or e-mail would be greatly appreciated. We
- have identified about 150 machines that are infected, and hope to find
- a fix. We are fairly much novices when it comes to dealing with
- viruses, so any info from the simple to the technical will be
- appreicated.
- THX!
- Derek Wood
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 17 Apr 91 22:29:27 +0000
- From: jkp@cs.HUT.FI (Jyrki Kuoppala)
- Subject: Re: AF/91 and April Foolism in general
- [ someone writes lots of babbling about lawsuits and such for an april
- fools joke ]
- If people lack knowledge about the things they're reading and in
- general take everything they read from newspapers as the Truth without
- checking it first with someone competent enough to know what's it all
- about, in my opinion they deserve all what they get.
- You're in much more trouble than some lost time if you blindly believe
- anything you happen to read in a publication.
- It seems to me that especially in the computer virus field the lack of
- knowledge about computer security in general is often exploited by
- various venturers. Sure, there's nothing inherently wrong with
- wasting your money spending it on various virus detection programs,
- populist books and such.
- Computer viruses in themselves are not a big problem. The big problem
- is persons with no knowledge of the risks involved and no proper
- training and/or usage policies using computer systems with nil (or
- worse, security-by-obscurity ones) operating system and application
- program access controls, with the programs often written by persons
- with equal lack of knowlegde. Add to that the lack of source code and
- then even if the users were competent enough they couldn't find or fix
- the holes and lacks of controls.
- //Jyrki
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 10:08:00 +0000
- From: "A.M.MAIR" <CHGS02@vaxb.strath.ac.uk>
- Subject: Re: Viraphobia (Re: AF/91 and April Foolism in general)
- epan@jarthur.Claremont.edu (Eric C. Pan) writes:
- > I am getting tire of all the people whose hair stand on ends
- > at the mentioning of viruses. I think April Fool's Day is a nice way
- > to relax....
- > I believe some people are too easily paniced by any mentioning
- > of virus. I am beginning to wonder if you will believe me if I claim
- > that the human acquired immune deficiency syndrome, i.e. the HIV virus
- > is spreading to computer. Gosh, I am tired of all the people who ask
- > me to check their disks for viruses everytime they get a system error,
- > or their drive makes a funny sound.
- > Track Record so far? Out of 20 some people I helped, none of
- > them have ANY VIRAL INFECTION. NONE! And yet everyday, someone would
- > scream "Computer Virus" because they crashed their system, sometimes
- > because they pushed their reset button.
- > Is there someway we can stop this PARANOIA? I think sueing
- > anyone who bring up virus as a joke is definitely not a solution.
- Consider yourself lucky not to be dealing with virus. We now *have*
- to scan publically used machines daily at this university.
- Personally, I find "ping" or "stoned" (now being reported as
- "stoned/swedish") being brought in on students' floppies.
- Ann
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 10:13:39 +0000
- From: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
- Subject: Error in F-PROT 1.15 (PC)
- An error was discovered in version 1.15 of F-PROT.
- Symptoms: F-TEST would report that F-DRIVER was not installed or not
- working, when in fact it was.
- Reason: F-TEST was locked by F-XLOCK, but it should not have been.
- Fix: Either just give the command
- or replace the F-TEST.COM with the following program.
- begin 755 f-test.com
- hY70u1U4o0QoVi+-AnG349IFGGJN3IW-dQm-iPrEUOKtnR43gP4JY64xm64tj
- BR0-rPr7fOKtb6Eo87034
- +
- end
- - -frisk
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 09:58:26 -0400
- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk <krvw@cert.sei.cmu.edu>
- Subject: LANs vs. viruses
- There has been some renewed talk recently about viruses infecting
- LANs. I would just like to toss in the following observation.
- LANs (specifically LAN file servers) are, in essence, multi-user
- systems. As with other multi-user systems (e.g., UNIX), there are
- many administrative issues involved with virus protection in addition
- to the basic integrity of the LAN operating system. Most importantly,
- file and directory protections become critical. A single
- world-writable and publicly available file can quickly become a vector
- for a virus without the virus having ANY knowledge that it is indeed
- infecting a LAN; most LAN interfaces are, after all, designed to look
- just like DOS to the average application program and to the user.
- Also, privileged users can bypass file protections. If a privileged
- user executes an infected file, the LAN may become infected - again
- without the virus having any knowledge that it is infecting a LAN.
- These issues are CRITICAL! Before we jump to conclusions about any
- LAN being susceptible to a virus, we must very carefully examine all
- of the possibilities.
- Cheers,
- Ken van Wyk
- ------------------------------
- End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 66]
- *****************************************