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- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk (The Moderator) <krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
- Errors-To: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
- Path: cert.sei.cmu.edu!krvw
- Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V4 #71
- --------
- VIRUS-L Digest Monday, 29 Apr 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 71
- Today's Topics:
- Info wanted on Plastique (PC)
- Viruses and Database Systems
- Help! Casper/1260 virus (PC)
- IBM Scanner Updates (was: TSR Virus Detector (PC))
- AIRCOP alert (PC)
- Stoned Again (PC)
- Disabling the floppy-drives. (PC)
- Re: PREVENTION of Drive A: boots - Suggestions Please (PC)
- Version 1.15A of F-PROT (PC)
- HyperCard virus --should I wait to script? (Mac)
- F-PROT 1.15A anti-virus package uploaded to SIMTEL20 (PC)
- Yankee Doodle virus (PC)
- Malicious Program Definitions
- Re: Virucide query (PC)
- can we trust diskette write-protection? (PC)
- F-FCHK 1.15 & Casper Virus (PC)
- VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
- virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
- Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
- diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
- polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
- contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
- VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
- anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
- periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
- and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 26 Apr 91 10:20:29 +0000
- From: cctb@hippo.ru.ac.za (Tim Bouwer)
- Subject: Info wanted on Plastique (PC)
- Hi
- We have been infected with the Plastique virus and the Jerusalem virus
- as reported by McAfee's SCAN program (Ver74).
- The virus infected files on our Novell 386 server and was inhibited in
- it's spread by a program we use which prohibits users from running
- files that have been modified in any way.
- We have some people working on disassembling the code, but have become
- concerned that we are in for more trouble from it before this is
- complete.
- Could any kind soul send us some more info on this - an anonymous FTP
- site, or some live info that you may have gathered.
- Thanks
- Tim
- - --
- | Tim Bouwer Computing Centre Tel: 27 [0]461 22023 ext 288 |
- | Rhodes University Grahamstown FAX: 27 [0]461 25049 |
- | 6140 South Africa Internet: cctb@hippo.ru.ac.za|
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Apr 91 16:15:07 +0000
- From: plains!haraty@uunet.UU.NET (Ramzi A. Haraty)
- Subject: Viruses and Database Systems
- Greetings,
- Does anybody know how to handle viruses in a database system?
- In a database environment there would certainly be a lot of updates
- and I was wondering how could one limit the infection of viruses into
- data items. In other words, how do we guarantee that untrusted users
- or processes won't infect our database with viruses?
- P.S. I am talking at the system level here.
- Thanks is advance
- Ramzi Haraty
- email: haraty@plains.nodak.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Apr 91 16:33:31 +0000
- From: wdh2866@zeus.tamu.edu (HAWKINS, WILLIAM DARYL)
- Subject: Help! Casper/1260 virus (PC)
- I have just recently scanned my harddrive with F-PROT115. During
- the scan, it returned the message - possible virus found: casper/1260.
- The file which it says is infected is vaxlink.exe. As the name
- implies, I use it to upload and download files to and from the vax.
- When I tried to disinfect the file, F-FCHK still reported a possible
- infection, but would not... or could not disinfect the file. I have
- also scanned the same file with McAfee's SCANV76C, and it does not
- report an infection. The question: Do I have an infection? (or is
- F-FCHK interpreting a piece of code in the vaxlink program as the
- signature of the casper/1260 virus...) If I do have an infection, why
- won't F-PROT disinfect the file?
- Any help would be greatly appreciated...... Thanks in advance.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Apr 91 13:29:09 -0400
- From: "David.M.Chess" <CHESS@YKTVMV.BITNET>
- Subject: IBM Scanner Updates (was: TSR Virus Detector (PC))
- John Councill <JXA5@MARISTB.BITNET>:
- > it would be a GOOD THING if someone from IBM who reads this, and is
- > affiliated with VIRSCAN, could announce new releases of this program
- > on VIRUS-L.
- Mea probably Culpa. I certainly agree it would be good if we (I) did
- this regularly. We did it informally for the first couple, and only
- after-the-fact for 2.00.01; my only excuse is that I (HICL's official
- Network Junkie) was out of town when it was released, and we don't
- have it down anywhere as an official Thing To Do. We'll correct that!
- Dave Chess
- High Integrity Computing Lab
- IBM Watson Research
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Apr 91 15:23:33 -0400
- From: padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com (A. Padgett Peterson)
- Subject: AIRCOP alert (PC)
- Recently, one of our users brought a laptop in for screening. The
- AIRCOP boot sector infector was found on two of the 3 1/2 utility
- disks furnished with the machine & we have reason to believe that
- the virus was on the disk prior to the utility files.
- The disks are professionally labeled MS-DOS V4.01 utility/diag printed
- by CAF Computer Corp. under license from MircroSoft Corp.
- The virus appears to conform to published reports and contains the
- "RED STATE" message in encrypted form. The virus also appears to
- expect 360k floppies since the location the original boot sector is
- stored in would be in the middle of any larger capacity disk.
- Since the disk conforms to most Microsoft boot sector specifications,
- automatic routines may not pick it up however SCAN v66 and later will
- detect it as should any routine looking for memory size information
- manipulation.
- The virus when active does not employ any stealth and will take 1k
- bytes from the top of memory. Infected disks may be identified by the
- lack of the normal error messages in the boot sector except for the
- ASCII "NON-SYSTEM" found at the end of the boot sector just prior to
- the MS signature.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Apr 91 15:23:33 -0400
- From: padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com (A. Padgett Peterson)
- Subject: Stoned Again (PC)
- >From: "Chris Wagner" <STCW@NMUMUS.BITNET>
- >Subject: Initial Virus Protection (PC)
- >Right now, cost is a real factor due to a limited budget.
- >I get the impression that the only way to be sure we don't have a
- >virus is to periodically scan our disks with the latest scanning
- >software we can find.
- >From: John Councill <JXA5@MARISTB.BITNET>
- >Subject: TSR Virus Detector (PC)
- >Can anyone reading this recommend a reliable program that will sit in
- >memory and warn against writes to .EXE and .COM files, as well as
- >other suspicious virus-like activity without degrading performance of
- >the machine too much?
- On the PC, a virus must be executed to have any effect & there are
- three ways for this to occur: cold boot from floppy, warm boot from
- floppy, user request. The last two can be controlled by software (e.g.
- McAfee V-Shield), the first only with hardware (but can be detected
- immediately by software). Full system scanning is only necessary if
- an infection is suspected and the extent is to be determined.
- Once malicious software is present on a system, it can hide in many
- ways, the key is to detect such activity before it becomes resident.
- I am constantly surprised that, considering the simplicity of the PC
- architecture, more schools have not developed their own protection
- software rather than relying on outsiders, certainly it is more
- difficult to write a functional operating system, something most CS
- schools require.
- How about an annual intermural anti-virus competition - anyone
- interested ?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Apr 91 15:23:33 -0400
- From: padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com (A. Padgett Peterson)
- Subject: Disabling the floppy-drives. (PC)
- >From: "Pete Lucas" <PJML@ibma.nerc-wallingford.ac.uk>
- >A far easier way is what i have done; you can buy floppy-drive locks
- >that simply fit into the drive slot and prevents anyone putting any
- >diskettes in the slot.
- If you can make the users use the keylock that is - most BSI
- infections occur from "accidental" floppy boots, not intruders. A more
- effective way is to simply unplug the floppy drive. A keylock just
- keeps unauthorized people out but someone must administrate it.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Apr 91 15:23:33 -0400
- From: padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com (A. Padgett Peterson)
- Subject: Re: PREVENTION of Drive A: boots - Suggestions Please (PC)
- >From: davidsen@crdos1.crd.ge.COM (Wm E Davidsen Jr)
- > All you need is a switch the BIOS can read to disable trying the
- >boot on A:.
- First you need a BIOS that will read the switch (hardware again - best
- but most expensive answer). The programming is trivial but production
- is the hard part (ps a ROM extention is easy & uses the stock BIOS,
- for maintenance/resale, just remove it & you have a "normal" PC.
- Warmly, Padgett
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Apr 91 19:21:04 +0000
- From: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
- Subject: Version 1.15A of F-PROT (PC)
- I have just finished version 1.15A of F-PROT, where some "bugs" in
- 1.15 are corrected. The bugs were:
- Occasional false alarms reporting "10 past 3", "Kamikaze" and
- "1260/Casper" infections.
- F-DRIVER would (incorrectly) report a "Yankee" infection in
- the anti-virus programs from Central Point.
- F-DISINF was unable to detect and disinfect one common variant
- of "Stoned", and would only report..
- "...this diskette is infected with an unknown virus."
- The name of the new file is FP-115A.ZIP, and it should be available on
- SIMTEL-20 and beach.gal.utexas.edu shortly.
- - -frisk
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Apr 91 14:07:19 -0500
- From: Pat Ralston <IPBR400@INDYCMS.BITNET>
- Subject: HyperCard virus --should I wait to script? (Mac)
- I use HyperCard frequently and am not happy to see that there is a
- HyperCard viurs on the loose.
- Since there have been several comments on the HyperCard anti-virus
- script recently which say in general ..."this won't/may not work", I
- am not confident that I want to enter this script in my Home Stack.
- In fact I have more than one Home Stack because I have customized
- several Home Stacks for the specific uses I make of my stacks.
- I have found John Norstad to be very responsive in the past when new
- Mac viruses developed. John, are you working on this one too? Or
- does anyone else know if the Disinfectant virus checking software is
- being updated to include the HyperCard virus?
- If that is the case I'll wait rather than script something into my
- Home Stack that I may not really want there.
- I do appreciate the work that Mike went to in trying to give us all a
- script to defend against the virus. And I am sure that many Mac users
- are grateful for the work that has been done to give us Disinfectant.
- Pat Ralston
- IUPUI Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 26 Apr 91 19:15:14 +0000
- From: frisk@rhi.hi.is (Fridrik Skulason)
- Subject: F-PROT 1.15A anti-virus package uploaded to SIMTEL20 (PC)
- I uploaded version 1.15A of my F-PROT anti-virus package to SIMTEL20:
- pd1:<msdos.trojan-pro>
- FP-115A.ZIP Virus detection/removal/prevention/information
- - -frisk
- - - -
- Fridrik Skulason
- frisk@rhi.hi.is
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Apr 91 10:59:00 -0600
- From: "William Walker C60223 x4570" <walker@AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL>
- Subject: Yankee Doodle virus (PC)
- Hello, people. Glad to be part of this discussion.
- Jim Schank (JIMS@SERVAX.BITNET) write:
- > Does anyone out there have information on the Yankee Doodle virus?
- A little bit: Yankee Doodle is a variant of a virus called Vacsina,
- both of which, along with Yankee Doodle-B, belong to the "TP" family
- of about 48 viruses (last time I checked). The second to the last
- byte of an infected file is believed to be the "version number" of the
- virus. In the most common Yankee Doodle virus, this number is 2C hex,
- or 44 decimal, therefore the name "TP-44." The viruses from about 25
- (19 hex) earlier are called Vacsina, while the later ones are called
- Yankee Doodle.
- I'm not 100% sure when the infection takes place, but I believe that
- it occurs when a .COM or .EXE file is run. As for playing "Yankee
- Doodle" on the speaker, TP-44 does indeed play it. I know because
- I've just removed that version from a machine here. However, when you
- test it, don't set the clock exactly at 5:00, set it for 4:59, because
- it starts a few seconds early. Also, be sure that the time is 4:59 PM
- (not AM), or 16:59.
- For additional information, the best source (besides this forum) is
- the VIRUSSUM document by Patricia M. Hoffman, which is available on
- many BBSs and FTP servers which have anti-virus software. Oh, by the
- way, some versions of Yankee Doodle hunt down other some other
- viruses, such as Ping and Cascade. Who knows, with this kind of
- in-fighting, maybe they'll wipe each other out completely! ;-)
- Bill Walker
- OAO Corporation
- Arnold Engineering Development Center
- M.S. 100
- Arnold Air Force Base, TN 37389-9998
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Apr 91 18:44:00 -0600
- From: "William Walker C60223 x4570" <walker@AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL>
- Subject: Malicious Program Definitions
- There's enough confusion in the anti-virus community already, without
- the confusion resulting from the differences in terminology. I'm sure
- there's nothing new in that statement. Eldar A. Musaev has a good
- start at eliminating the confusion in the terminology, and he's going
- about it in a good way: defining differences in function and
- classifying by function. However, his using "Christmas Tree" (I
- assume the BITNET CHRISTMAS EXEC) as an example of a Network Worm
- doesn't seem quite right to me. Even if he didn't mean the CHRISTMAS
- EXEC, it still doesn't fit neatly into his classifications (see
- Virus-L V4 I60).
- The CHRISTMAS EXEC on BITNET would, in my opinion, be a Trojan Horse
- rather than a Worm. The definitions of a Trojan Horse that I have
- seen state that a Trojan Horse is a [standalone] program which
- purports to do one thing (and may in fact do it), but covertly does
- another, malicious thing. CHRISTMAS fits this description; however,
- CHRISTMAS also replicates. So, where's the distinction?
- Perhaps the function of replication could be divided into independent
- and dependent. Independent replication would be that, once started,
- the replication process would continue without outside assistance.
- Dependent replication would be that the replication process would
- occur only while the parent/host/whatever program is running. In this
- way, CHRISTMAS EXEC could be separated from, say, the Internet worm:
- CHRISTMAS is a dependent replicator, while the Internet worm is an
- independent replicator.
- However, with this addition, a new problem arises. How does one
- classify NON-resident malicious programs such as Amstrad, Vienna, or
- 405? They're dependent replicators as well. Would they be separated
- from resident malicious programs such as Stoned, Jerusalem, or Yankee
- Doodle?
- Another distinction which should be made is the difference between a
- standalone program, an overwriting program, and a parasitic program.
- Eldar Musaev separates parasitic by saying it attaches itself to
- another file, but he lumps the other two under "non-parasitic." I
- believe that they should be kept separate. A standalone program is
- just that, and requires no other program to help it run and/or spread.
- An overwriting program, though it doesn't attach itself to a file and
- is itself a complete program, requires that a host/"victim" file be
- present for it to replace. Similarly, a "spawning" program requires
- that a host/victim file be present for it to spawn to. A boot-sector
- virus could be classified similarly, depending on how it treats the
- original boot sector.
- Using these further separations, the functional criteria could now become:
- I. Replication
- 1. Non-replicator
- 2. Dependent Replicator
- 3. Independent Replicator
- II. Host Basis
- 1. Standalone (non-host-based)
- 2. Host-based
- a. Spawning
- b. Overwriting
- c. Parasitic
- If the term "bacterium" (plural "bacteria") is used for host-based
- dependent replicators, and "virus" ("virii") is used for host-based
- independent replicators ( for lack of better terms to separate the two
- ), the resulting classifications could now become:
- I. Standalone Non-replicators
- Trojan Horses Example: ARC 5.13
- II. Spawning Non-replicators
- Spawning Trojans
- III. Overwriting Non-replicators
- Overwriting Trojans Example: Twelve Tricks
- IV. Parasitic Non-Replicators
- Parasitic Trojans
- V. Standalone Dependent Replicators
- Replicating Trojans Example: CHRISTMAS EXEC
- VI. Standalone Independent Replicators
- Worms Example: Internet Worm
- VII. Spawning Dependent Replicators
- Spawning Bacteria Example: Aids II
- VIII.Overwriting Dependent Replicators
- Overwriting Bacteria Example: 382 Recovery
- IX. Parasitic Dependent Replicators
- Bacteria Example: Vienna
- X. Spawning Independent Replicators
- Spawning Virii
- XI. Overwriting Independent Replicators
- Overwriting Virii
- XII. Parasitic Independent Replicators
- Virii Example: Jerusalem
- Some of the resulting combinations don't have examples at this time,
- and some of those (such as a parasitic non-replicator) are not likely.
- Also, some people may say that the Lehigh virus is an overwriting
- virus. I would call it parasitic, since it is not a complete program
- by itself, but attaches itself to COMMAND.COM, even though it
- overwrites the stack space.
- Well, that's my two cents worth. I hope it can be of some help. The
- names given for the different combinations are just suggestions; they
- don't have to be used ( For that matter, NONE of this HAS to be used
- :-) ). In fact, I'm sure that someone could come up with better names
- for some of these.
- Bill Walker |
- OAO Corporation |
- Arnold Engineering Development Center | "I'd like to solve the puzzle, Pat"
- M.S. 120 |
- Arnold Air Force Base, TN 37389-9998 |
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 28 Apr 91 06:48:54 +0000
- From: sunset@leland.stanford.edu (Igor Grebert)
- Subject: Re: Virucide query (PC)
- AL380382@VMTECCHI.BITNET (Ramon Bartschat) writes:
- >Hi there....
- >
- > I have the following question:
- >
- > A friend of mine was using the VIRUCIDE program, so I copied it
- >to try it out, but when I got home and scanned it with SCAN V67 the
- >program told me that VIRUCIDE was compressed with LZEXE and that it
- >was infected internally with the Kennedy Virus and with the 12 Tricks
- >Troyan Horse. I could never find out any unusual behaviour in
- >VIRUCIDE. So what's wrong with VIRUCIDE ???? Right now I got a
- >secured copy of VIRUCIDE, in case it's really infected with Kennedy &
- >12 Tricks.
- This problem only appears on the very first version of VIRUCIDE, when
- checked with SCAN. It was a false alarm generated by SCAN. The problem
- has been solved, and the version you have works perfectly, even though
- it is a little outdated: Parson's Technology upgrades VIRUCIDE quite
- often, every two to three month, I believe. The current version number
- is 2.10, and a next release is due soon.
- Igor Grebert.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 28 Apr 91 19:20:07 +0000
- From: jim@cavebear.berkeley.edu (Jim Bradley)
- Subject: can we trust diskette write-protection? (PC)
- I am completely baffled by the following experience.
- Someone sent me eight (green) 360K 5.25-inch floppy diskettes containing
- pkzip archive files.
- I write-protected each with a silver sticker from another box of diskettes.
- I subsequently discovered that I could *freely* write or erase files from
- any of these "write-protected" diskettes in the 1.2M half-height floppy drive
- of an AT-clone or in the retro-fit 360K half-height floppy drive of an IBM XT.
- Both machines are located in a computer lab I manage.
- (I have not tested other machines, since I am so spooked by this experience.)
- When I performed the same test with the same silver stickers with the same
- floppy drives, but this time using diskettes from my own collection,
- the write-protection worked correctly.
- Two issues:
- 1) My experience (whatever the cause) suggests that write-protecting cannot
- be assumed to provide protection against virus infection if you stick
- Brand-Y diskette into Brand-X machine.
- 2) What is going on here? How is it possible for a diskette drive
- to write on one brand of protected diskette, and not on another brand.
- The mind boggles.
- Jim Bradley, CNR Computer Facility, UC Berkeley
- jim@cavebear.berkeley.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Apr 91 05:16:22 +0000
- From: gbj@melb.bull.oz.au (Graham Jose)
- Subject: F-FCHK 1.15 & Casper Virus (PC)
- I have just started using the latest version (1.15) of F-FCHK and it
- has started reporting the possibility of infection by the Casper/1260
- virus in a number of data files on my system, and others around the
- company, most notably the keyboard.sys file. The previous version of
- F-FCHK I have been using (1.13) did not report this warning. Could
- someone (FRISK?) please explain whether I actually have an infection
- or whether the checking introduced with 1.15 is simply more sensitive.
- Thanks,
- Graham Jose
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Graham Jose, Snr Software Engineer (EFTPOS,Comms) | Phone: 61 3 4200450 |
- | Melbourne Development Centre | Fax: 61 3 4200445 |
- | Bull HN Information Systems Australia Pty Ltd |-----------------------|
- | ACSnet : gbj@bull.oz | Who wants my opinion |
- | Internet: gbj@melb.bull.oz.au | anyway? |
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 71]
- *****************************************