Labels:bulletin board | grass | paper | person | reckoner | sky OCR: abcde fghi k|mnopg rstMwxyz ABCDE FGHIJKI MNC PQRSTUV JXYZ 012 23456789 %^ = > :/? The guick brolen fox UMDS oVer the lZy doq The SuiCK brown fox juiMDS over Iqzy dog 24 The Zuick brown fox jumps oVer the lazy dog. The Zuick brown fox JuMpS oVer the lazy dog. 48 The zuick brown fox Jumps oVer the lazy do9 60 he Zuick brown fox JUMDS over the lazy do The quick brown fox JUMDS over the mnopgrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 3456789 IaZy Samhl