Labels:earth | grass | lodestone | reckoner | sky | water OCR: abcdefghijkimnopgrst uwwxyz ABC DE FGHIJKL MNOPQ RSTL MWXYZ 012345 ~6879 1@#%* <CON ":;/? The quick brown fox jamps over the lazy abg. The quick brown fox jumps over Ahe lazy dog. The y2!nB brown fox jumps over the 1azy dog. he y7!nB brown fox jumps over the 1azy bop yarnB brown fox jumps over he 1azy dog quick brown fox jumps over 1azy bop brown fox umps over abodefahijk mnopgrst uvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUMWXYZ 0123456789 aver yirnb